His(Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

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Jungkook had been working as a home nurse for a wealthy business man who has given him nothing but trouble fr... More



2.2K 132 8
By LettyTK

After having a love making session for two hours the lovebirds somehow found their way to the room.They were so spent that they forgot to close the blinds.Jungkook was just glad that they didn't have to go to work the following day so he could sleep however he want.

They woke up in the afternoon and showered.Taehyung then went to make breakfast for the two of them.Once they had eaten they sat down for some TV time.Today they wanted to be indoors and just be all over each other.Nothing else mattered.

For lunch they ordered pizza,chicken and noodles.Of course Jungkook orderd his favorite milkshake and smoothies.By evening Jungkook's body was feeling better so he got up to make dinner for them.

After dinner they watched more TV and eventually went to bed.In the evening they didn't do much because Jungkook was still sore from last night.They cuddled and went to bed..

On Monday they woke up together took a shower together and left for work together like they used to.Taehyung walked Jungkook into the hospital and kissed him good bye.

"So you are telling me you haven't had your heat in three months?"Jimin asked Jungkook over lunch in the cafeteria.

"Yeah"Jungkook said while sipping on his smoothie.

"And you are not even concerned about it?"

"I don't see why I should"

"You could be pregnant"

"I'm infertile"he reminded his friend.

"What if the treatment worked"

"Hyung I'm not going to get my hopes up so I can get disappointed.I'm not going to take the test.It's not like I'm missing my heats for the first time.It has already happened before"

"I'm not going to force you.When you finally decided that you want to know whether you are pregnant or not don't use the pregnacy test kit.Get a blood test.If I'm right you are probably three months pregnant and the test will come out negative even though you are pregnant"

"Rodger that"

"In any case it's good to see you happy.I hope it stays that way"

"I hope so too"

"But I think that you are pregnant Jungkook"

"Why do you say so.I don't have any morning sickness"

"But you have been craving for sweet things for a month or so right"

"I crave for sweets when I'm depressed hyung.I was just depressed because of my relationship"

"But you are gaining weight"

"That's because I was stress eating.Nothing else"

"What can I say.You might refuse to get tested but in a matter of a month it will become obvious whether you are pregnant or not".

"Can you stop with all the pregnant talk.You are ruining the taste of my milkshake"


Taehyung glanced at his wrist watch.It was after eight.Jungkook should have been home by now.Was he just going to let his efforts go to waste.He had left work around five so he could make dinner for the omega.It has been a while since they last had a candle lit dinner.

Taehyung finally decided to call the omega up.



"Are you drunk?"

"No I'm not"

"Then why are you being cute"

"I'm I only cute when I'm drunk"


"Why did you call?"

"When are you coming back home"

"Did I say I would be coming home tonight.I'm on night duty"

"You are kidding right.Weren't you on night duty again for the whole of last month.What's this?If you don't get home in the next half an hour I'm coming to get you"

"Taehyung please chill.I was only messing with you.I'm not on night duty.I was observing this patient'

"What's do special about that patient anyways?'

"Its a tiny baby Taehyung.She was brought in with burns.I don't understand how someone can be reckless.Do they know that there are some people who ate struggling to have children out there"

"I know baby.I'm sure there are other people who can watch her.Just come home.I need you"

"You aren't calling me home for sex are you?"

"Oh come on."

"Okay.I'm on my way"

"Hurry up"

Jungkook was touched when he got home to see the arrangements his husband had made just for him.

"It's beautiful Tae"

"I know.Sit down will you"

"If I had known I would have come home earlier"

"Then what would be the fun in it.It wouldn't be a surprise anymore"

"Thank you for being so thoughtful my love .You don't know how much I missed this"

"Sorry hyungie"

Jungkook removed his jacket and stretched.Taehyung noticed something that looked like a needle prick on the omega's arm.

"What happened to your arm"

"Jimin hyung happened.He forced me to took a blood test.He thinks I'm pregnant or something.I don't know why he is so adamant about it"

"He could be right.You didn't have your heat in three months right.There could be a possibility that you are indeed pregnant"

"Honestly I didn't think you would notice that I didn't have my heats for that long"

"But I did"

"Which means you are always thinking about me .Right?"

"Of course.Who else would I be thinking about"

"You didn't sleep with anyone else right?"

"Why would I do that ?"

"Because you were upset with me"

"Just because I wasn't having sex with you doesn't mean I was having it with someone else"

"I believe you"

"Have your food.You are talking too much"

"Am I your fucking kid?"

"What's with the temper"

"Really?Am I the one who throws temper tantrums now and again"

"I have been observing you and I discovered that you have been snappy most of the time"

"Maybe I'm just that way with you"

"Because you hate me with a passion"


After their dinner they showered together and went to bed.Jungkook seemed to be in a bad mood because he wouldn't allow his husband to touch him.

Jungkook had his back facing his husband.

"Crazy hormones"

"Excuse me?What did you just say?"

"Nothing Jungkook"

"I didn't know its a crime for not feeling like having sex.Can't I not be in the mood?"

"I have never said that.I didn't intend to have sex with you either.I just wanted to cuddle but you made it seem like the only thing I think about is sex when I try to make physical contact with you"

"I didnt mean to push you away.I'm just tired Taehyung"

"I get that"

"Please don't be upset"

"Believe me I'm not"

"But your voice says otherwise"

"It's not easy dealing with your hormones you know"

"Should I stop the hormonal treatment?"

"I didn't say that"

"What's the point.I'm never going to get pregnant anyways."

"I'm sure you won't lose anything if you just keep trying"

"I'm getting tired"

"Don't say that.It's too early to call it quits baby.Do you know some couples can go up to a decade without a baby yet they never give up"

"I just want to forget about it .Just for a while"

"I understand baby"

The following day Jungkook had to avoid Jimin because he didn't want to know about his test results.What he didn't know was the older omega had been looking for him urgently.

Just when they were about to go for lunch Jimin cornered Jungkook in their station room.

"Avoiding me?"

"No why would I avoid you.I was just busy that's all"

"I have something to show you"


"Your test results came back.And..?"

"Hyung I don't want to know.Go and tell Taehyung.He is the one interested in them"

"What did I yell you.Jungkook you are pregnant"

"Hyung its not funny"

"If you don't believe me then why not have a sonogram"

"Hyung are you serious?*

"Dead serious.This calls for a celebration"

"I have to tell Taehyung.Oh my God.He is gonna be so thrilled.Although it's late he is going to become a father"

"Why don't you surprise him over lunch with the news"

"Hyung please tell me I'm not dreaming"

"You are not dreaming.Just calm down.Here are your test results"

"I'm going to see him hyung.Wish me luck"

"You don't need it"

At that moment it felt having his husband's child was the only thing he lived for.It was impossible for him to contain his joy.He drove to his husband's hotel feeling like he was on top of the world.

He hadn't been to the hotel after the scene he created that day so the employees were looking at him in a odd manner.He just shrugged.Well maybe he deserves those stares.He got into the elevator and went to his husband's office.

He was too excited to notice that there was someone else in the room.

"How can you be pregnant for me when I have never slept with you"

Jungkook's heart slammed against his chest.What in the world was he hearing.The hotel manager was claiming to be pregnant with his husband's child.Well this was one hell of a nightmare.

The two only noticed the omega's presence when it was too late.

"Jungkook please listen to me"

"What did you say Ms Min."

"I'm ashamed to say this but I'm carrying your husband's child"

"Jungkook please don't listen to her this is a set up"

"Taehyung I'm not talking to you.Let me hear what she has to say"

"Baby please don't believe her"

"When did this happen"

"A month ago.It was Mr Jung's birthday and we had a lot to drink.Then one thing led to another.I also have a video of us going into his room if you don't believe me"


"A month ago.Taehyung I can't even defend you because a month ago we weren't on talking terms.I was on night duty so I didn't know what was going on in your life and I didn't attend Hoseok's birthday party because I was working."

"So are you saying you believe her over me"

"What's your defense.What can prove that you didn't spend the night with her"

"Baby i really don't remember anything.I only remember the part I woke up in my room half naked."

"You might have done what she says you did.You were drunk so I take it as a mistake"

"I'm telling you I didn't sleep with her.If I did I would have known.You are making a mistake by not trusting me"

"Tell me why she would set you up"

"Honestly I don't know.She wants to trap me and break us apart.She wants me for herself"

"It does sound convincing to me.Taehyung I won't make the same mistake of not trusting you so I want you guys to have a paternity test"

"A paternity test sounds great to me.What do you say Ms Min?'

"Yes....let's do it"she said hesitantly.Taehyung had seen through her and he hoped Jungkook had too.

The omega was feeling emotional and scared.He ran out of the room without giving his husband a chance to talk to him.

Jungkook went to the kitchen to look for his cousin.And when he did found him he asked him to take him to his house to talk.Seokjin couldn't refuse his cousin when he was in that state.Everything else could wait.

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