Unwavering Destiny (Hiatus)

By LykuroKurato

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After having enough with everyone who wanted him to stop. Join Ash as he journey around a new world with his... More

Profile: Ash (Kanto & Johto)
Profile: Ash (Hoenn & Sinnoh)
Profile: Ash (Unova & Kalos)
Profile: Ash (Alola & Galar)
Profile: Ash (Special)
Profile: Others
Prologue: When fate comes knocking
Chapter 1: An Opportunity
Chapter 2: Welcome to Pasio
Chapter 3: Preparations
Chapter 4: Not Alone
Chapter 5: Rules
Chapter 6: The battle for the first badge
Chapter 7: An Ambush... Really?
Chapter 8: Meeting Together
Chapter 10: Meanwhile
Chapter 11: Soaring high, a battle in the sky!
Chapter 12: The Battle Villa
Chapter 13: A Past Trauma
Chapter 14: Past and Realisation
Chapter 15: Bonds and Trusts
Event 1: Strongest Figthers! Part 1
Event 1: Strongest Fighters! Part 2
Event 2: All Aboard The Victory Train
Event 3: Fright Night
Short Story 1: Brute Vs Blade
Short Story 2: Pasio Fashion Passion
Event 4: Good Cold times
Short Story 4

Chapter 9: Egg-xiting Adventure

913 16 7
By LykuroKurato

On the next day in the Pokémon Center, Ash was alone getting ready for his second badge until a woman with black and grey hair walks up to Ash and gets his attention.

"Hola there mi amigo."

"Huh, uh... Alola?"

"(Chuckles) No no no, I said Hola, not Alola."

"Uh okay and nice to meet you umm..."

"Je m'appelle Professor Bellis, at your service."

"Nice to meet you Professor Bellis, I'm A-"

"Ash Ketchum, yes? Your quite popular around here are you not? "

"Gee thanks, well what can I do for you?"

"I would like to ask you something if you don't mind?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well..." She says as she took out two egg hatching chamber out of the egg she was carrying behind. The eggs were identical in green on the top with white wave lines on the bottom.

"Oof, dui bu qi. They were heavier than I thought."

"Cool, those are Pokémon eggs!"

"Yes you are right, I was wondering if you're up to task in taking care of these two. Por favor."

"Sure but why two?"

"Ah, you see. These two don't really belong to me. One day they were at my lab without a clue on who put them there. Whenever I place them far apart, they always somehow appeared next to each other in a few minutes. So I think it would be best to hand them to someone compatible with them. However no one wanted to take care two eggs at a time, and since the same thing happens when I gave them to different trainers. I however have heard how you care for your Pokémon, so what do you say?"

"Well it's their loss, I'll take good care of them. I promise." Ash gave a respond smiling. Though he had never taken care of multiple eggs at once, he was determined to raise both the best he could do.

"Magnifico, they're in your care now. I'm sure you got everything here. I'll see you around, Zai jian bah." She said before leaving him alone.

"Well that was something, right buddy?" He asked his starter who agrees.

Ash went back to his room to see Lusamine, Mohn and Burnet along with Lei sitting on the sofa relaxing.

Lusamine: Oh back so soon?

"Yeah, I got something to do first." He says as he carry both eggs into the room.

Mohn: Hmm? What with the eggs my boy?

Ash: Well I met the professor here and she asked if I was willing to raise these two.

Lusamine: I understand but why two?

Ash: Something about not being able to separate them completely.

Ash took one of the eggs to the farthest side of the room only to see the egg glowed blue before disappearing and reappearing beside the other egg on the table.

Prof. Burnet: Oh my, that's quite surprising!

Mohn: It's probably a Psychic-Type if it knows Teleport, but to use it while in the egg.

Ash: Well-

Ash heard a little girl's voice in his head.

???: Don't leave...

Ash: Huh?

Ash looked around but didn't found the source of the voice.

Prof. Burnet: Something worng?

Ash: ( Shakes head ) Yeah I'm fine, I thought I heard something.

Lusamine: If I'm not mistaken, maybe one of them is close to hatching.

Ash: Huh, usually it takes a few days, I mean, Noivern hatched when we found him while warming him up with Fletchinder's ability.

Mohn: Why don't you leave them here for a while, we'll look after them for a bit.

Ash: Yeah, thanks Mr. Aether. Wouldn't want anything to have happened to them while I'm in a battle.

Mohn: You're welcome my boy.

Ash left his room but the two eggs soon glowed and disappeared.

Prof. Burnet: Oh my! Where did they go!

Back with Ash, he made his way to the main hall going to ask Trista before he felt a shift in weight in his bag.

Ash: Hmm? Pikachu, did you go in my bag?

Pikachu: (Shakes head)

Ash: That's strange, it feels a bit heavier. Ah well, I'll sort it out later.

He dash off to the counter to ask one of the triplets.


Making his his way to his usual training spot, Ash sent out his Pokémon to tell them their routine.

Ash: Alright everyone. Our next battle seems to be Skyla from this world!

Some from Unova were suprised hearing that name while others have no idea who she was.

Ash: So today I'm planning to train some of you tohandle ariel battles better, the rest can rest or practice. Is that okay?

All of his Pokémon let out their voices in agreement.

Ash: Right, Pidgeot, Noctowl, Swellow, Staraptor, Unfezant, Talonflame, Rowl-

He stop as he saw Rowlet taking a nap.

Ash: I guess he can take a break today, where was I... Oh right, Dragonite. You'll be helping Bayleaf, Sceptile, Torterra, Snivy, Scraggy, Hawlucha and Sirfetch'd with both offense and defense. The rest off you are free to whatever you want.

And just like that, all of his Pokémon went to train or have some relaxation. Unfortunately, thier day will soon be interupted by earlier foe.

(TB)Collector: Seems he has come here to train again.

(TB)Punk Girl: Uhh... Why are we here again? You know what happened last time right?

(TB)Ace: Now our chance to get back at him!

(TB)Collector: Grr, Be quiet you! You realise it was thanks to your rashness for yesterday humiliation!

(TB)Ace: Eek!

(TB)Punk Girl: So what are the three of us doing here?

"Glad you ask, you see what I'm seeing." He said while pointing at the tree nearby that was far from Ash and his Pokémon. The girl took a closer look and saw that it was Ash's bag.

(TB)Punk Girl: Isn't that his bag?

(TB)Collector: Right you are, notice how it seems bigger than yesterday. I suspect he's keeping something in there.

(TB)Ace: Oh, you mean his Pokéballs!

(TB)Punk Girl: Huh, didn't our so-called tough guy said he saw him keep them in his little watch.

(TB)Collector: Nonsense, he was probably hallucinating. Let's go while he's still distracted.

Back to Ash, he was watching over all of his Pokémon, the one who were training took turns launching attacks back and forth while also avoiding some attacks.

The rest who decided to relax moved near the pond as it was hotter than usual. Some were having fun in the water while others enjoy the shading provided by the trees.

He was so focusing on his Pokémon that he didn't notice his bag was taken into a bush out of his sight.

Meanwhile, the members of Team Break took the bag a bit further into the forest to hide from them so they can steal Ash's belongings in peace.

"Oof, what does he keep in there? It weighs like rocks!" The masked girl asked as she places the bag down to take a look what kind of goods they have taken.

Opening the zip, it was revealed that there were two incubators with an egg in them each.

" ... Eggs? We stole nothing but eggs!" The Ace said as he moved the eggs out of the bag and turn the bag over and started to shake it. The only things that came out of it were a few empty Pokéballs, a battle guide, an encyclopedia about Pokémon, lots of containers with Pokémon food in them for different type and some dust fell out of his bag.

"Argh, this was a waste of time!" The Ace said.

(TB)Collector: On the contrary, we can take these eggs instead and raise it for our own.

(TB)Punk Girl: Nice, Dibs on this-

As she was about to grab one of the containers. An Aura Sphere shot out of the bushes and landed near them causing an explosion. They looked up where it came from only to see an angry Lucario running towards them. Behind him was his trainer, a Pikachu and some Flying-types following behind them. Lucario who was sparing with Pikachu noticed that his trainer's bag was missing so he search it with aura and alerted Ash.

"Give me back those eggs!" Ash demanded. He had promised to take care of them. And he was determined to get them back.

"Every trainer for themselves!" The Ace said before running away.

The punk girl then grabbed the nearest egg and started to run away with it leaving behind Ash's belongings and the other egg.

"Pikachu, you and Dragonite help me put my things back in my bag then catch up by riding on Dragonite!" He said which his starter and the dragon nod and begin putting everything they found on the ground while the others left to catch up to the thieves.

Unbeknownst to them, Dragonite had picked up two round stones on the ground and place them in the bag without knowing what they were before placing the bag on her arm while letting Pikachu hold on to her antennae while she begins to continuously use Dragon Dance to boost her speed to catch up.

Up ahead, Ash was running as fast as he could while keeping up with Lucario, his Flying-types above are not only keeping an eye on the female who took the egg but her accomplices as well. Noctowl looked down below before chirping to Staraptor about something, who flew higher than ever before diving back down faster and dove right through the trees, s few seconds later a scream could be heard as Staraptor flew back up now holding the ace trainer on both shoulder. He was currently panicking while trying to find a way out of this without falling to his demise, he then thought of an idea and sent out his Fearow.

The moment the Beak Pokémon appeared he went to attack Staraptor. Luckily for him, the Fearow was interrupted by the Big Bird Pokémon, Pidgeot. Fearow began to use a barrage of Fury Attack to hit Pidgeot, however Pidgeot has a large amount of experience with Fearow and predicted it's every move. With it's violent nature, it became frustrated and use Drill Peck at her. Waiting for the right moment, Pidgeot used Acrobatic to dodge Fearow before appearing behind it and striking it down.

But to their suprise, it was actually a substitute and the real Fearow covered in many wounds snatch it's trainer back and flew away, the others were about to give chase until Noctowl suggested that they focused on the other thieves below.

Running between trees is the punk girl holding on to the incubator as she tries to get away as far as she could.

"Come on, come on, how persistent is that kid is!?" She yelled out loud. As what happened next answered her question.

"Lucario! Extreme Speed!"

The Aura Pokémon burst forth in high speed catching up to her, jumping from tree to tree to close in on distance.

She looked back only to get tackled to the ground while the egg incubator in her hands got out of her grasp and was lifting in the air.

All of Ash's Flying-types tried to grab on to it but it was too big for them to grab with their feet, until his Owl Pokémon used Extrasensory to slow it's fall as Ash made his way below it.

He waited a while as the incubator slowly felled into his hand and Noctowl stopped using his move.

He smiled and thanked his Pokémon for their help before turning towards the Team Break member being pinned down by Lucario.

Ash: So are you and your friends going to keep bothering me and my Pokémon?

(TB)Punk Girl: Argh, let me go!

Ash: Only if you won't do it again along with your accomplices.

(TB)Punk Girl: Fine!

Ash looked at Lucario and gave him a nod, Lucario got off of her while keeping a close eye for anything else nearby.

The punk girl stood back up and glared at Ash, who narrowed his eyes back at her, along with his Pokémon that appeared behind him who kept their eyes on her, making her flinch and run away.

Ash let out a sigh of relief, he then noticed something flashing in his arm and he looked down and saw the egg was glowing.

As he opened the lid and held the egg with his warmth, Dragonite and Pikachu had arrived with his bag. Dragonite handed over his belongings as he thanked her for it only to that it was glowing as well.

Soon, both eggs were brought back to their training spot where all of his Pokémon surrounded Ash, keeping guard of the eggs. Both eggs soon began to glow one after the other. The first one soon hatched into a small bipedal Pokémon with white parts that seems like it was it's cloths. A red horn emerges from its forhead with green hair.

Ash was familiar with the newborn Pokémon, it was Ralts, the feeling Pokémon. The excitement didn't die down soon as the other egg revealed the same Pokémon.

"RAAaalltss..." The first one opened its eyes and yawned and began to take in it's surroundings. Upon seeing Ash, it hugged him tightly.

Ash: Nice to meet you, My name is Ash and these are all of my friends.

He greeted it, the second one soon cried. Ash took a moment before realising that it was probably hungry, along with the other one.

Ash: Oh right, hold on. Let me get the-

As he open the mouth of the bag, he notice something sparkling inside, he reach his hand in and pulled out two marbles. His eyes were wide open when he figured out what they were.

"Wait, these are Mega Stones? How did they get here?" He asked before remembering that one of his Pokémon had Mega Evolved without him noticing.

Ash: Wait, Glalie. How did you Mega Evolve back then?

The Face Pokémon just gave a smile before it shook it's body and a stone came out of one of the holes.

Ash picked it up and examined it. " It's a Glalitite! " He was suprised that one of his Pokémon had found a Mega Stone before a sudden realisation had occurred to him. " Guys! Have anyone of you found something that looks like this as well? " He asked his Pokémon before Charizard, Heracross and Sceptile step forward and took out their respective Mega Stone.

Ash gave a smile before saying " I guess we have something new to try out. But first let's feed them." He gestured to the twins reaching their arms in the air which meant that they were hungry.


Soon the sun had set, and Ash made his way back to the Pokémon Center where meets up with the rest.

"Hey everyone, meet the newest additions to our family!" He said as one of the Ralts was riding on his shoulder while he was carrying another between his arms.

Lillie: Did you hatched them?

Ash: Yeah, Professor Bellis gave them to me this morning.

Gladion: Are you just going to call them Ralts, it'll be pretty confusing unless they evolve into a Gallade and Gardevoir.

Ash: Well I thought of giving them a nickname but I can't really think of anything good for these two.

Lillie: What did you have in mind?

Ash: I don't know, Jack and Jill? Romeo and Juliet?

Serena: (Sigh) He's really not good at naming isn't he.

Lillie: Wait so you already know their gender?

Ash: I brought them to Trista to get them registered. Apparently they also identified their gender along with their roles here.

Gladion: And what were they?

" I think it's better to show them to you instead." He said as he takes out his Poryphone and selected both Ralts


Ralts, Tech ♂️

Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition.

Type Group: Psychic Type
(Vigilance, Stoic 9)


Zen Headbutt, Growl

Items: X Sp. Def All

Trainer Move:

Brave On! ( Converts the user's Defence and Sp. Def into Attack and Sp. Attack, raises the critical-hit rate by 2 )

Ralts, Special Strike ♀️

Ralts has the ability to sense the emotions of people. If its Trainer is in a cheerful mood, this Pokémon grows cheerful and joyous in the same way.

Type Group: Fairy Type
( Mind Games 9, Lullaby 4)

Lullaby 4: Has 50% chance to put the target to sleep when the user move is successful.


Confusion, Growl

Items: Potion

Trainer Move:

Shining Star! ( Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 4, raises the user's Defence and Sp. Def by 2 )


Serena: Wow, they're both good!

Ash: I know, now all we have to do is name them.

Ash thought for a moment before asking for their opinions.

Ash: How about Arthur and Jubel?

Lillie: Arthur? As in from the stories?

Ash: Yeah!

Gladion: What about Jubel? Where did you get the idea from

Ash: Well I was thinking of calling her Bella but I thought of adding the month into it, so add July and Bella together and you get Jubel.

Serena: Arthur and Jubel, they sound nice.

Both Ralts who were listening also like their names given.

Gladion: I guess they're fine with their new names.

Ash: It's good for you to be here with us, Arthur, Jubel.

The two Ralts gave out their happy cries as they were glad to have a good owner.


And that is it, I hope you all enjoy it.

And pop quiz, who did I choose in the Anime Collaboration Select Scout.

A. Lance
B. Cynthia
C. N
D. Gloria
E. Steven
F. Alder
G. Sygna Suit Cynthia

That's it for now. See you all soon.

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