By victoria201609

635K 15.2K 9.4K

Scarlett Valentine was a victim, and yet the world found her guilty. After finally being found innocent for... More



12.1K 307 193
By victoria201609



I don't think I've ever seen a smile so wide, genuine and beautiful in my whole entire life. She threw her head back, her eyes shut tightly as she laughed, the gorgeous sound echoing throughout the dining hall. Her long dark hair was tucked behind her ears, the glasses she only occasionally wore sitting on her nose. My heart raced in my chest, my breathing heavy as I continued to stare at her from across the hall. She made me flustered without even looking at me, her existence enough to send a hot wave of desire to flow throughout my body. 

She was gorgeous, ridiculously attractive, her black framed glasses only adding to it. She kept to her small friendly group, not chatting with any of the other girls in the school which was fair enough as they all always had a nasty attitude about themselves. And even though she didn't physically have any guys surrounding her 24/7, she was so oblivious to the impact her beauty has on us all because as I turned my head, glancing at other tables of guys, plenty of them also happen to be looking over at her. 

They all wanted her, not in the way I wanted her though. They wanted her body. They wanted her face. They wanted to be able to say that they'd fucked her, innocent Scarlett Valentine, the perfect school girl. I didn't just want her; I craved her. Ever since we were kid too. Have I ever talked to her? No, no I haven't. Why not? Because she purposely avoids conversations with anyone outside of her friend group, plus I'm too fucking nervous to fuck up and say something stupid that'll make me invisible to her again. 

I want Scarlett Valentine more than I need air. I want her eyes always on mine. Her smile always for me. I want her heart mine but more than anything I want her to realise she's holding my heart in her hands and hasn't even realised it for the last 4 or so fucking years. 

I'm so fucking in love with a girl that I've never even talked to. 

The bell that indicated lunch was over went off, the chatter in the hall loud as some people continued to sit at the tables, others getting up and heading out of the dining hall to get to their lockers. 

"You've got a staring problem" Schmidt nudged me, it taking a couple seconds longer for me to tear my eyes away from Scarlett and to look at him. 

"Hmm?" I asked not having heard him properly. Schmidt's mouth turned up into a smile, his eyes glancing in Scarlett's direction before back to me. 

"Never mind" He replied through a smile, shaking his head. I nodded, turning back to look at Scarlett. Her and her friends were getting up from the table they were sat at, Scarlett grabbing all the rubbish her friends had left at the table and taking it over to the bin, chucking it in. I stood up from the table, Eros who sat on the other side of the table cross from me, raising his eyebrows. 

"Where are you going?" He asked, Dean and Schmidt both looking up at me now too. 

"To my locker to get my shit. I've got Math and Mr Brennan's notorious for handing out detentions for tardiness" I grabbed the plastic water bottle I'd gotten from the canteen, downing the cold water before scrunching it up. 

"Not like your parents wouldn't get you out of it anyways" Eros replied, watching me as I backed up and away from the table. 

"Yeah, but I'd rather not have them do that. It's embarrassing" I threw the bottle in the bin, saluting the guys before heading towards the exit. 

"Wait up, Kincaide" Dean shouted, jumping up and jogging up to me, walking by my side as we went for the exit. So many people were trying to make their way out of the dining hall at the same time that we were practically stuck in traffic. Looking to the side I went stiff, my heart thudding against my rib cage. She was standing right beside me. Right. Beside. Me. 

"Please Scar. I don't want to go alone" A girl on her left begged, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. I kept my head turned forward cause staring at her right now would be obvious as I'm right beside her. 

"Then just don't go. I'm sorry but I can't come tonight, Mariah" Her voice was heaven to my god damn ears. 

"Why not?" Her friend, Mariah, whined. 

"My family and I always go and see my grandpa Friday nights. He lives alone and has trouble walking without his cane so we help out around the house and keep him company" I struggled slowing down my heart beat. Of course she's considerate. 

"Well aren't you and your family just saints" Mariah mumbled sarcastically. Scarlett let out an airy laugh from beside me, my insides melting at the sound. 

"Thank you. I'll make sure to relay that information back to them tonight" I fought to fight the smile from my face. Dean beside me gave me a nudge, a nudge making me then accidentally nudge Scarlett. Her bare skin against mine sent a cold flush over my body, my lunges closing up. I instantly looking down at her just as she looked up at me. 

Those eyes are looking at me. 

I can't breathe. 

"Sorry" I choked out, proud when I didn't sound like I was pained. Scarlett just gave me a closed mouth smile in return. It wasn't big and toothy, but it was still genuine and gorgeous. 

"Party at Henry's Saturday. Kim Lacey is gonna be there" Dean wiggled his eyebrows. I internally scolded him, annoyed he was implying something I didn't want Scarlett to overhear and understand.  

"Can't go. Gotta be up early Sunday" Dean let out an annoyed groan, throwing his head back. 

"Church boy can't miss one service?" I noticed Scarlett glance at me, having heard Dean. I was gonna choke him if he didn't shut up. 

"He doesn't want to miss a service" I corrected. I don't go to church because I want to go, I go because of Nolan. His Mum is the Mum I never had and they're very much so a church family. So every Sunday I attend with them. It makes me feel like I actually have a family, even if it is just for one morning a week. 

"But Kim Lac-"

"Why would I care if Kim  was there? Eros was the one that hooked up with her" I asked, genuinely confused as to why Kim would mean anything to me. Dean frowned. 

"That was Eros? I thought it was you" I shook my head, no. I have a reputation for hook-ups which makes no sense. Everyone assumes I'm the big man whore in school. If they knew the silver on my finger was a purity ring they'd say otherwise. 

"So you're really not gonna come?" I shook my head, smiling at Dean before looking back ahead, us finally making our way out of the dining hall. My heart instantly fell to my feet as I noticed Scarlett and her friend turning in the opposite direction from Dean and I. I sighed, looking away from her and back to Dean as he began blabbering about god knows what. I hadn't heard a single word he'd said, the noise from the hallways muffled as I lost myself in my own thoughts. 

"Man-" Dean shoved me, my hand slamming against a locker to stop me from crashing face first into it. 

"Are you even listening?" He asked as I pushed myself back off of the locker, the both of us almost at our own ones. 

"No" I replied, Dean letting out a laugh and shaking his head. 

"At least you're honest. If you're thinking about that girl again Holden, don't. She's a good girl. You're not" Dean stated, earning a snort in return from me as I stopped at my locker, him slowly as he kept walking, but turned back to face me. 

"I know. I'm a good boy" I replied, grinning widely as Dean rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips as he saluted me before turning back around and heading to his locker. I smiled turning back to my locker as I began twisting in the combo before pulling it down and unlocking it. I opened my locker only to have it instantly slammed shut in my face. I sighed, closing my eyes to fight the annoyance building up inside. I opened my eyes again before looking down at my right. 

My eyes met big blue ones, small pink lips smiling up at me as she twisted her dyed blonde hair around on her index finger. She was chewing a piece of gum all too loudly, the sound causing me to clench my jaw so I wouldn't say anything about it. 

"Hey Holden" She grinned up at me, her tongue running along her bottom lips slowly and seductively. Who on earth has this worked on? 

"Hi Ruby" I plastered my best fake smile on my face, trying not to be rude even if the last thing I wanted to do was talk to a girl whose soul purpose in life was to get into my pants. She was an pretty girl, but had a rotten personality.  

"Big game tonight against Swanston, looking forward to it?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she pushed her breasts up, trying to make them half fall out of her top in hopes of me looking. I kept my gaze on either her or my locker as I reopened it, Ruby moving herself to lean back against the open door. 

"Always. You cheering tonight?" She smiled, tilting her head back to look up at me. 

"Always" She replied, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. I nodded, pulling my Math books out of my locker before turning to her. 

"That's good. Duncan will be excited to see you" Her smiled slightly fell, a frown taking over her face as I mentioned one of my team mates who was crushing hard on her. I smiled, this time it being genuine as I closed my locker. 

"Goodbye Ruby" I turned around, not looking back to see if she'd moved from her spot. I headed down the now almost empty hallway, the closer I got to the end the louder the sound of people arguing became. When I turned I corner I stopped in my tracks. 

"Don't want to give him an inferiority complex" Mitchell Banner, one of the guys on the basketball team was standing right in front of Scarlett, cornering her against her locker. She scoffed looking around him as three of his friends stood behind, all grinning. 

"Yeah, or an ego boost" Scarlett replied sarcastically, holding her index finger and thumb apart about an inch, her chest rising and falling rapidly as Mitchell gave her no space to breathe. 

"You can be the judge of that, Valentine. All we need is a spare classroom and 30 minutes of your time. It could be a lot of fun" Mitchell took a step closer, his chest almost against hers. She instantly put her hand out, pressing it against his chest trying to keep him away from her as her other hand held her books close to her chest. Her arm was shaking. My jaw clenched the second Mitchell slapped her hand, her books falling to the floor, papers spilling out everywhere as his dickhead friends laughed from behind him. 

"Leave me alone, Mitchell" Scarlett tried to hold her ground, her face instantly falling more the second Mitchell's chest met hers. I made my way down the hall, my heart thudding in my chest, my gaze hard and set on Mitchell. 

"Not until you show us something we like. Tits? Pussy? Our-" 

"Mitch" One of his friends had spotted me and tapped his shoulder, trying to warn him. Mitchell didn't listen. 

"Dicks in your mouth-" 

"Mitch" His other two friends had now also spotted me. I clearly looked about ready to murder the bastard cause his three friends behind him looked pale and nervous as they all slowly backed away. Scarlett nor Mitchell had noticed me. 

"Don't look so shocked as if you're not the biggest whore in the-" My hands connected with his shoulder as I shoved him back hard, his hand letting go of Scarlett's wrist, him no longer pressed up against her as he stumbled to the side, almost tripping over his feet. 

"Holden" Mitchell said with a smile, regaining his balance. 

"Just in time. We were just about to have some fun with little Miss Whore over there. You are more than welcome to-"

"You lay another fucking hand on her and I'll cut them off myself, and shove them down your throat" Mitchell let out an unamused laugh, his eyebrows creasing as he straightened himself. 

"What the fuck man? Thought you'd want to join in" Mitchell said, laughing airily as he looked at me confused. 

"On raping someone? No. Not something I want to join in on. Also not something I want happening" I snapped, my hands clenched into fists at my side. Mitchell rolled his eyes. 

"Rape? We were just going to show Scarlett n-" 

"Non consensual good time? I gathered from what I heard. Now, you should back the fuck up and head to class before my temper takes over" I was deadly fucking serious. With them here and Mitchell looking back at Scarlett I felt the cool façade I'd tried to present cracking. Mitchell glanced between me and Scarlett before looking at his mates, nodding back at them as they all turned making their way back down the hall. I waited, standing still as I watched them walk down and disappear around a corner. 

 When I turned back around Scarlett was kneeling on the ground, trying to gather up her books and fallen pages from when Mitchell slapped them out of her hands. I instantly dropped down to the ground, helping her gather her loose pages. I looked at Scarlett, a sad expression upon her face. She glanced up at me through her long eyelashes, her eyes on me sending a shock of electricity up my spine. 

"I'm sorry" I instantly frowned, frozen as I stared down at her, watching her quickly look back down and grab her books. 

"You're sorry? For what?" I asked, confused and shocked that she was even saying sorry to me right now. She did absolutely fucking nothing to me. 

"For putting you out of your way. You shouldn't of had to-" I cut her off, hating that she was blaming herself for what had just happened. 

"Scarlett, never apologise to anyone for something like that. I'm sorry it happened" She frowned, now looking back up at me. She tilted her head to the side slightly. 

"You know who I am?" I scoffed. How could I not?

"Of course I do, Miss Valentine" I replied with a small smile on my face, it widening as her lips curved up into a smile she tried to mask. She looked back down, a smile on her face as she continued to pick up her books and pages. I went back to helping her. 

"Thank you... for being the only person to stop it" When I looked back at her she was already looking at me. I gave her a small nod before I stood back up, her head tilting back as she continued to look up at me from the floor. I held my hand out to her. 

"My pleasure" I replied, waiting. The second her hand met mine I never wanted to let go. I wrapped my fingers around her small soft hand before helping her back up. Her hand remained in mine for a second longer before she finally pulled away, a small pink tint to her cheeks that made me grin. I held her loose pages out to her, watching her open her book, taking them from my hands and then stuffing them inside the cover. 

"Thank you...Holden" She said looking up at me, smiling as I smiled back. God, she was beautiful. I nodded before tapping her book in her hand with my own book. 

"Mr Brennan?" I asked, looking at 'Math' written in bold letter across the top of her workbook. She nodded, watching me as I took a step back and then one to the side until I was standing right beside her, me looking down, her looking up. 

"We might want to hurry then. Hopefully he'll give us the benefit of a doubt for being..." I looked at my watch, sucking in a sharp breath before looking back to Scarlett. 

"15 minutes late" Scarlett's hazel eyes bulged out of her head. 

"15 minutes? I've never been that late in my life" She stated, running a hand through her hair before her arms tightened around her books. 

"If anyone questions you about it, Mr Brennan, or your parents just tell them you were in sick bay. Nobody will question it" I told her with a shrug. She squinted her eyes in suspicion, a small smirk falling upon her face as she studied my face. I never wanted her to look away. 

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience" She stated as I leant toward her, nudging her ever so lightly. 

"Sometimes I'd rather spend my day in the library rather than listening to Brennan talk about geometric distribution" I replied, Scarlett's smile turning toothy and wide. My heart beat for this fucking girl and she didn't even know it. 

"I might have to join you from time to time. It's the only thing I don't understand" Good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't understand Maths. I'm good at everything else, science, english, sport, art, history, hands on learning, but math will always be my enemy. 

"I'd be happy to share my secret reading nook with you" 

Hope ya'll liked the chapter. If not, boo fucking hoo. 

Cute little chapter on how Holden and Scarlett became friends. 


Nigh Nights lovie dovies x <3

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