Love For A Lifetime

By SanjJeon

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Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook went to korea's most famous university name 'HOME', ruled by Narayan Shankar. '... More

The First Meeting (1)
Founded to Loose (2)
Suffocation and Savior (3)
Is It Love? (4)
Broken Heart's (5)
Birthday & A Promising Challange (7)
Moon & Accepting the Challange (8)
Progress & Feelings (9)
Realisation & Restrictions (10)
It is Love...... (11)
Valentine and Confessions (12)
End Of The War & Future (13)
Epilogue (14)
New Books...

Truth and A Friendship (6)

454 44 10
By SanjJeon

It's the night time at the same Sunday when jungkook's heart brakes and Namjoon had a disastrous date.

Yoongi is sitting at the station with the station master.

Today Jimin didn't came.

The station master also have some free time.

His duty is already over and he and yoongi is talking randomly and he asked him about Jimin.

"I had seen jimin for the first time on that same platform. That time he had just got married and come here. He is from busan and an orphan. And it was also the last time I saw him happy", the station master starts speaking.

Yoongi is listening calmly.

He always know something is off and his friends also told him the same.

So he is here to know the truth.

"Because his husband had to leave that night due to some reason at the border. He was an Air force pilot at Army. Since then he often comes here. Hoping to see his husband get down from any train", the station master speaks.

"Then what happened?", Yoongi asked.

The station master sighed and starts speaking again,

"But everyone knows that it's not going to happen because two years ago we got the news that two planes got missing at the border. And even he knows that his husband is no more", hearing that yoongi gasped.

But didn't speak.

The station master continues,

"But he still comes here for one man, it's his father-in-law, Major General Byun. A retired army officer and one of the richest men in this city who believes, till he doesn't see the dead body of his son, he is not dead. He insists jimin dutifully fulfills all the traditions of a married boy. Jimin is doing this for him only", station master speaks.

Yoongi looks at the place where jimin supposed to stood.

He miss him.

"Jimin's sister-in-law Nancy, is his only friend. She is the wife of Major Byun's elder son who is a computer engineer at the military and away most of the time. Nancy loves Jimin like a brother and wants to see him happy. She has son name An-sum. He is the only bright light in Jimin's dark life. They laugh together, cry together, play and fight together. Jimin forget all his pain and sorrows and become a child with him. He is after all just 21. This is Jimin, who had come here to laugh and love. Hope he gets his all happiness", the station master finished and Yoongi get attached with jimin.

"He is so strong", Yoongi mumbles and looks at the empty platform.

"Indeed he is", the station master replied.

The station master left, it's late and he also has to go home.

The station master gives yoongi jimin's adress.

He thanked him and went towards the adress.

"I promise you sir he will definitely get his share of happiness", Yoongi promise himself while he is standing and looking at Jimin's way,who is playing with An-sum.

He is laughing and spinning the 7 year's and really forgot his every sorrow and pain.


It's almost 9.30 and Yoongi is came back from jimin's house.

He just watched him from the distance.

Jungkook and Namjoon already came back to the hostel and they're waiting for him.

He is about to enter at the hostel, he notice Hoseok is playing a beautiful tune with his violin at their classroom.

He is lost again.

But yoongi's footsteps didn't unaware from him.

Yoongi went towards him for a talk.

But he got lost by hearing the beautiful and mesmerizing tune from the violin.

"It's really a lovely tune sir", Yoongi speaks after hoseok stop playing and he looks at him and hummed.

"And for whom i created is also very lovely", Hoseok smiles at himself and replied.

(Remember Hoseok never treat Moon as dead)

"Must be a very special girl?", Yoongi ask again.

"Moon. Her name is moon. She only loves four things in this world. This tune on my violin, snow, sunflowers and me", hearing that yoongi chuckles.

He caught a very childish enthusiasm at Hoseok's voice.

He never talked like this.

Whenever their sir talk about his lover his voice and attitude changes, like he really really loves the conversation about her.

"You're very lucky sir. Because the person you love also loves you back. You are really lucky. Good night sir", spoken by Yoongi who takes his leave.

Didn't give Hoseok time for answer.

Hoseok is about to stop yoongi but he couldn't able to because he is right.

Moon loves him.

Hoseok just hummed and close his eyes again and lost in her memories.


More weeks passes like that.

It's been five weeks our boy's stopped going out and concentrated on their studies.

Because their hearts are broken and they are trying to overcome it.

Three of our boy's decided to not give up on their love, like Hoseok.

Jungkook decided to continue his friendship with tae.

He is happy that taehyung is happy with David.

Only thing matters that he is happy.

And Jungkook can do anything to see him smiling.

Namjoon still went to the cafe with jungkook to see Jin.

Because he and his friends daily came for the caffe.

Namjoon also didn't do anything. He looked at him from the far.

Yoongi still went to meet Jimin with his hurt hands and nowadays he asked him about Yoongi's life.

Yoongi always notice jimin never smiles.

Just made a face that's all.

Mr. Shankar watch over our three boys specially.

Because they're their top students.

He know where jungkook workers and it's doesn't effect his universities pride because he is a calm yet sincere boy by himself.

Jungkook or his friends or anyone didn't brake any rule.

They always came back before 10 and Mr. Shankar didn't have to told them twice anything.

He is happy that everything is under his control.


Few days later Mr. Shankar just finished his Surya namaskar (sun prayer) and about to leave then saw Hoseok is standing beside him.

He is extended his arm's, close eyes, enjoying the wind.

"Good morning Mr. Hoseok", Mr. Shankar greets him.

His mood is surprisingly good today.

"Huh! Goodmorning sir", Hoseok greets him back and close his eyes again.

"May i ask! What exactly are you doing?", Mr. Shankar asked.

"The same thing that you are doing sir", Hoseok replies with his heart shaped smile.

"I'm doing Surya namaskar", Mr. Shankar speaks while joins his both hands on his back.

"So am I sir. The difference is that you do it your way and I do it on my way", Hoseok replied.

Hearing that Mr. Shankar wrapped his shwal property and went towards his house.

Hoseok following him.

"Excuse me Sir, I wanted to ask, why do you do it?", Mr. Shankar heard it but didn't stop walking while Hoseok is jogging because he is walking fast.

"It makes me feel good to stare directly at the sun. Without having to blink my eyes", Mr. Shankar replied.

"Okay", Hoseok speaks while both are walking together.

"I feel I'm not weaker than the sun. I like it. Why do you do it?", This time Mr. Shankar asked.

"Just like that sir unlike you, I don't have a battle with the sun. I just enjoy basking in the sunshine. I call this surya namaskar", Hoseok replies with a smile.

And by that Mr. Shankar looks at Hoseok's smiling face.

Mr. Shankar is about to leave.

But Hoseok again stop him by calling him again,

"Excuse me sir, I wanted to ask you for something", he speaks with hesitation.

"Yes", Mr Shankar asked.

"Sir, I don't know if you are aware that today is Holi. I want students celebrate it. I have been told that Holi has never been celebrated here in 'Home' before sooo.....", Hoseok speaks but Mr. Shankar cut him off.

"Holi has never been celebrated here for a simple reason and that is, no one ever wanted to celebrate, no one ever has asked me before", Mr. Shankar replied.

"Yeah sir. No one ever asked you because they're is scared of you", Hoseok replied.

"And you are not Mr. Hoseok?", Mr. Shankar asked.

And waited for his answer.

"No sir, I have never been scared of doing the right thing, so as long as I know that I'm not asking for anything wrong, I'm not scared", Hoseok replies with a smile.

"Holi has never been and never will be celebrated inside of 'Home', however, I have nothing against the festival, if some of the students wish to celebrate it, they can go outside for it", Mr Shankar gives him the permission.

Mr. Shankar tries to leave but Hoseok stopped him again by calling him,

"Excuse me sir", Mr. Shankar halts and again looks at him.

He actually likes hoseok's attitude and personality and that's actually makes him smile.

"Now what Mr. Hoseok", he ask him again.

"I didn't know the whole thing about the festival but from where you come, there is a tradition of starting this day with putting a teeka on the eldest of the family. So if you don't mind on behalf of me and all of the students I would like to put this on you", Hoseok speaks and take a packet of red gulal (dry colour) from his pocket.

By that Mr. Shankar looking at him with shocking eyes.

Because no one actually ever asked for this after...... It's been 10 year's.......

"I'll just put a little sir", hoseok take some of gulal and he put a teeka on his forehead.

"Happy holi sir", by that Mr. Shankar take his leave.

Hoseok understands something he gives a smile at him.

But suddenly he hears something,

"Hey hobi", hoseok see moon is infront of him wearing off yellow sharee and her hands are on her back.

She is smiling and looking at him with naughty eyes.

"What?", Hoseok wishpered.

"Happy holi", by that moon throws red gulal at him and ran away.

Her beautiful laughter echoes at the empty lake area.

But expect Hoseok no one hears it.


Because they've principal's permission that's why they came to the community party hall.

The mall road is decorates with lot's of colours, water tanks, food stalls and bhang stalls😏.

Every indian who lives in seoul came here to celebrate the festival together.

It's the celebration of colours unity and love.

Also holi is the festival of end of spring and the start of summer.

Dholak's (Indian drums) are playing at the background.

Kids are playing holi with eachother.

Everyone at the community wearing white.

And boys tied a red dupatta on their waist and truthfully everyone is looking really attractive.

So do our boys.

Aryan, Rahim, Mansoor, tao, rohan, vishal is explaining the importance of holi to Hoseok and others.

Everyone at 'Home' also dresses according to the dress code.

Toby and Layla already forgotten about their cat-mouses fight and enjoying the festival.

Songs are playing at the background.

Everyone is dancing and painting each other's face with dry or wet gulal and colours.

(Only Indian's know the difference between gulal and colours )

Hoseok, namjoon, yoongi and jungkook
went towards toby.

Layla push him away because he just ruined Layla's white dupatta (Scarf) with yellow colour.

"Oh golden-eyed one, whether you give me your heart, or whether you chide me. We're crazy about you, We're your playful paramours'',

Everyone is dancing with this song.

So our boy's.

It's feels like their legs are automatically moving with the song.

Our boy's actually couldn't able to recognise the lyrics because it's Hindi but the rhythm and beat is so enjoyable that they starts dancing.

Shockingly with boy's Hoseok is also dancing together.

India's are cultural and they shared their culture with everyone.

They accepted everyone and celebrating the festival together.

No matter what where you're from.

"You liars, behind that innocent face, there's hidden a black heart, They will break every heart, go on lass",

Layla also dancing with the lyrics.

Her white churidar (long kurti with loose pants with dupatta) is perfectly fitting on her body.

And she really is a good dancer.


Everyone is enjoying the food and namjoon notice Jin and his friends are coming.

He is wearing all white.

Still on his attitude.

Didn't let anyone throws colour at him. He throws someone's water gun who knows where.

Namjoon and Vishal is looking at them.

Vishal had a huge crush on Soniya.

He and Namjoon shares a look, while namjoon take some pink gulal and went towards jin.

Jin points at him and namjoon throws the gulal away.

Jin looks at him and before he could speak namjoon take jin on his shoulder and went towards the crowd.

And then he drops him but he already destroyed his white dress.

"Go on lass, Do what you will, I've tainted you all over'',

"Hey you boy, I swear, Im going to have you spiked'',

Namjoon and jin are dancing together with the lyrics.

"I'll climb the spike for you. Just tell me, I'll die right now'',

Namjoon points at his heart to jin.

''Shock me if you can, And I'm all yours'',

Jin challengingly winked at him.

"Remember my words, Someday, two hearts will collide'',

Hoseok danced with his.


Jungkook, harry, victor, hyungshik,minho is dancing with the Indian dholak's.

They're copying the Bhangra steps.

Jungkook notice taehyung is coming. Davis stop his bike and taehyung is fixing his t-shirt and laughing with him.

Jungkook notice it.

He became sad.

Namjoon and Yoongi shared a look and both snake away.

They told Jin and Layla to take taehyung away from David and points at them.

Jin and Layla drags taehyung on the other side.

Namjoon and yoongi went to the skywalk and splash two big buckets of black colour at david and his friends.

He get piss and namjoon and yoongi shares a high five and he leaves the place without taking or telling taehyung.

When taehyung is running towards him but namjoon and yoongi stops him by throwing colour at him and he the run to the crowd.

He also forget about david and decide to enjoy the festival.

David told him not to play with colours but taehyung really wants to play.

Taehyung love colours and also wants to play with jungkook.

Jungkook notice everything and he went towards the bhang stall (Is a kind of milkshake with alcohol. Contains dry fruit slices also. Damn i it's been while i tried bhang😋).

Hoseok it trying the bhang too.

Taehyung see jungkook is coming towards him and he gives him a big glass of bhang and jungkook finish the whole glass in one sip.

Few of it stains his white shirt.

But jungkook doesn't care.

He went towards taehyung.

Who is dancing with Jin and Layla happily.

Jungkook hold taehyung's hand and looking at him with his sharp eyes.

Taehyung became shock again.

Because sober jungkook didn't have a courage to hold his hands like this.

Taehyung teases him and push him and jungkook losses his balance and fall but namjoon and yoongi catches him.

''Why are you standing off?'',

Jungkook is dancing with the rhythm and the music.

''Are you on a high?'',

Seeing jungkook enjoying the festival taehyung also starts playing with the colours.

''Why are you standing off, You're so close to my heart, embrace me with an excuse'',

Hearing the lyrics jungkook looks at taehyung.

"Is it the standoff which sends you on a high?, lf you're calling me, here I come''.

Shockingly taehyung came to jungkook and hug him. ( I really wanted to see this sence in real life🥰)

Taehyung knows Jungkook is little high because of bhang but it's okay.

Taehyung hugged him because he missed jungkook.

Jungkook do.

Taehyung's new relationship with david he really didn't get time for jungkook.

So taehyung hugs him.

Jungkook hold him by his waist.

Namjoon and Yoongi thinks jungkook will forget about this moment because he is high but jungkook knows it's real and he will never forget about this moment.

''You should've thought before taking the leap, now that you've come, don't go away'',

Taehyung clearly remembers the lyrics.

Taehyung holdin jungkook in his arm's and he smiling at him.

Taehyung didn't see jungkook's smiling face.

Because after weeks he have taehyung for himself.

By that jungkook again hugs his best friend who gladly accepted the hug.


On the other side An-sum dragging jimin towards the community.

Yoongi noticed him and went towards them and both stops and looking at eachother.

Yoongi waves his hands towards and he also waves back.

Yoongi high five with An-sum and take him on his shoulder and went towards the crowd.

But jimin didn't. He is wearing all white.

He is holding An-sum's small bucket of colour ballons.

''Be there sorrow or come joy, the easterly still blows, One comes, one goes, why are you holding your heart back?'',

Jimin cleans An-sum's face after hearing the lyrics.

"I'm not holding my heart back my heart holds me back. Will someone tell me, what's the truth, what a mirage is".

Jimin is hearing the lyrics.

Didn't notice yoongi is looking at him.

Jimin really wants to play with the colours.

But he can't.

His father-in-law already gives him the permission but his heart is stopping him.

He knows it's wrong.

"Everything in the world, is so lovely, that's the only truth, aren't the colors lively?".

Again the lyrics was heard.

He also loves colours.

And they'll are spinning around Jimin and he smile.

While they'll left for more colours and bhang jimin take An-sum's hand and left the community.

He can't stay here.

Because he is a widow afterall.

In indian culture widows are not allows to participate in any kind of celebration.

And jimin knows that.

His happiness and wishes are forbidden.

But yoongi noticed that jimin left.

His eyes are on him always.

Hoseok suddenly stop dancing, he looks at his front.

His students are happy with their love ones.

So what if their love is not bloom yet.

Hoseok closes his eyes and then opens and can see moon is dancing with the others.

She is still wearing the yellow sharee.

Suddenly she came towards hobi while dancing and whistling by seeing her boyfriend looking so hot.

Hoseok looki at the ground and look at her and she ran to him and hugs him.

But when hoseok open his eyes he extends his hands moon is not here.

Students at 'Home' enjoys their time at holi festival.

Playing, dancing, singing eating, laughing together.


Holi celebration suddenly stops because of rainfall.

Everyone came back to their university and thank god they did but the rainfall didn't stop yet.

"Mr.Shankar is standing infront of the main gate. He wants to lock the gate but their gate keeper is not here.

"Gorge gorge", Mr. Shankar called him.

But he is not here, went home because of they heavy rainfall.

"It's me sir", Hoseok run towards him while holding an umbrella.

He is practicing his violin and notice their principal.

So Hoseok came here to rescue him.

"Let's go sir. I'll help you today", Hoseok speaks and share his umbrella with their principal.

Like a son is helping his father.

"Tell me Mr. Hoseok how was your holi festival?", Mr. Shankar asked.

"Very good sir. Students really enjoyed it. Thank you very much. Sir didn't you play holi? ", Hoseok asked.

"No Mr. Hoseok", Mr Shankar replied.

"Ever?", Hoseok asked again.

"Kyun? (Why)", and by that Mr. Shankar looks at him.

"Ahhhh, i mean you're right sir. I'll also won't play again. Pakka. According to me diwali is the better festival.......... ", By that Hoseok literally talking randomly with the principal like he knows him for year's.

And surprisingly Mr. Shankar also listened him.


After two weeks yoongi jungkook and namjoon is going towards their class, three are laughing and jungkook notice Seokjin is sitting one of the apple box.

He is humming a song.

Jungkook stop them and point's at the way and namjoon and yoongi looks at it.

"Come on man!", Yoongi encourage namjoon and take his bag and went towards the class with jungkook.

Seeing namjoon is coming towards him jin jumps and stand up.

He is playing with an apple and he fixing his red jacket.

"Yeah what?", Namjoon asked.

Namjoon pretends he didn't want to talk to him.

But the truth is he is dying to see him.

"My friends think that I was very rude to you at the cafe and I must apologise to you", Seokjin speaks.

"Oh! And what do you think?", Namjoon ask coldly.

"I think they are right. I am sorry", Seokjin speaks cutely, with it namjoon already melts.

He wants to kiss those plumpy lips.

But he controlls his emotions.

Hearing Jin's cute apologise namjoon already forgive him.

But didn't reacts to much.

"It's okay", namjoon about to leave but jin stops him.

"My friends also thinks that you were wrong too and you should apologise", Jin speaks.

"Oh!And what do you think?", Namjoon ask with the same tone.

"I think they are right", Jin replied.

"Okay.I'm sorry", namjoon apologised.

"Good.Now we are equals", Jin speaks while his voice is cheerful.

Because namjoon forgive him.

"Oh no we're not", namjoon replied.

"Why not?", Jin ask with confusion.

"Because that day you slapped me and I didn't", namjoon speaks.

Hearing that jin is shock.

"So you want to slap me?", Jin ask while his voice is kinda scared.

"Yeah. I liked to", namjoon speaks.

He decides to play a little bit more.

"You want to hit me really?", Then again jin ask.

"Well if the you're insists on quitting things, so what can I do", namjoon reply.

From outside namjoon is cold but from inside he is cooing at jin's cuteness.

"Alright I also wants to finish this once for all", spoken angrily by Seokjin.

By that jin came closer to him and his heart beats faster.

Jin is closing his eyes. Didn't notice how much namjoon wants to touch him and kiss on those beautiful cheeks which are now red in anger.

"Hit me. Come on hit me", jin call him and namjoon scilently smile.

Jin is so cute.

Again the class bell rings and jin opens his eyes.

"Actually forget it. My hand will get dirty", namjoon speaks and walk away from jin.

"Haaaaaaa, what the hell of you think of yourself. My friends were totally wrong, I was righ. Uhhhhhh", jin shouts and throw the apple at namjoon who dojed it.

"You donkey, you monkey, you dog", Jin continuesly cursing namjoon and he just waves at him without stop waking and without looking at him.


It's Friday.

Yoongi is went towards the church.

It's the church where jimin goes.

Yoongi take a fake medical leave and come here.

Yoongi decide he will definitely talk to jimin.

He is waiting for him near the gate.

Then he saw jimin is coming outside from the gate.

"You. How come you are here?", Jimin asked while seeing Yoongi.

"Yes but before that you have to promise me that you won't get angry", Yoongi asked.

"Okay I won't", Jimin promised him.

"I found out everything about your life. About why you go to the station, about your husband, Major Byun, everything", Yoongi speaks and jimin looks at him.

"I was brought up with the belief that we are the tough ones. But you made me realise how untrue it is. You are very different from others and it would make me proud if we could be friends. You promised me that you will not get angry", Yoongi speaks.

Jimin look at him.

"I'm not angry. it's just that, I'm not used to hearing nice things about myself", Jimin replied.

"I'm a married boy who lives with my husband's family. Expect them I've no one. And a widow and a boy can't be friends. It is considered wrong, and I don't have the strength to prove it right. You overestimated me, I'm not that strong", by that jimin is about to leave.

"Who are you and me to decide what is wrong and what is right? That is his job, let's leave it to him", Yoongi speaks with a cold voice and points at the sky.

"We can only follows our heart, exactly what I'm doing right. And it's your turn. If your heart says that it's is right then put your hand forward. Otherwise I walk away and I promise I'll never come back", by that yoongi extend his hands towards Jimin.

Jimin didn't know why but he hold his hand and he shows him his gummy smile.

Shockingly for jimin yoongi smile is unique.

"Hi! My name is Yoongi and yours sir?", Yoongi asked.

"Friends are not addressed as sir. I'm Jimin", he replies with a smile.

Jimin is happy that he made a friend after three years.

Yoongi is happy that he finally made him smile.

"Great lets go", Yoongi speaks and went towards the road.

"Hey! At least do your prayers", Jimin ask.

"No need my prayers are done. Let's go", Yoongi replies.

Jimin didn't understand but he left with Yoongi towards his home. .

Yoongi escorted him.

Both talks about few things.

.hope you'll enjoyed the chapter....

Ignore the grammatical mistakes and English.... I'm not good at English at alll.....

I've many ideas of my next work... So stay tuned... After finishing this one I'll update ittt...

Love, Alina.......

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