You Not Me///JJMaybankXFemale...

By Maybank8sunset

4.9K 107 8

-BOOK ONE- -SEASON ONE- Sae Richmond is the IT girl. With the perfect Family, Friends, and Boyfriend. So, wha... More

-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-


176 5 0
By Maybank8sunset

The Exchange

"You look precious, Sapphire." Anna Richmond clapped in excitement, once her daughter walked out of the country club changing room.

Sae merely sent a glare towards her mother. "I look like a buttercup." She grumbled.

Today was another one of her mothers charity days. Anna arranged for the whole country club to be reserved for the two old folks homes on Kildare Island. The elderly would be showing up soon to enjoy a day playing games, eating good food, and a whole slew of other activities Anna Richmond had come up with.

Sae, along with other young girls from the community, were volunteering to help out. Even  Sarah was present, wearing the exact same get up.
The outfit was a pastel yellow,  a sort of diner dress, with a little apron on the front, and pockets. She wore white tennis shoes to match.
Anna had insisted that Sae pull her hair up, so she settled on having it set into two French braids.
She looked like she was a character in a tv show that worked late hours in a local diner?

"They will eat you up." Anna cooed, referring to the elderly who were set to arrive at any moment.
Sae was ready to retort back with a smart ass comment. But, just as she'd opened her mouth to speak, she was cut off.

"Hey! I was hoping to see you here." Sarah Cameron had appeared from the dining area. With her similar get up, except she'd chosen to pull her hair up into a bun. Anna Richmond simply smiled between the girls, before disappearing outside with her clipboard.

"Can you believe this?" Sae's voice had risen once her mother was out of ear shot, turning towards the blonde girl. She began picking at her outfit.

"I don't think they're that bad, I mean, at least they have shorts." Sarah then flapped the front of her skirt up to show off the yellow shorts.
This caused an amused huff to leave Sae, as she nodded.

"I guess I have that to be grateful for. Better than last year when mr. Johnson kept mistaking me for his wife, and trying to grab my butt."

"Oh my gosh!" Sarah had to cover her hand over her mouth to stop herself from bursting into laughter. Sae merely rolled her eyes playfully at the girl.

"At least I'll have someone to talk to this year. My friend Wren volunteered once, three years ago, and swore never again." Sae laughed lightly at the memories.

"I just hope we're in the same group." Sarah added in, as commotion began outside.

"What's your station?" Sae asked.

"I'm supposed to help with outdoor activities for the morning, then help escort across the golf course in the evening." Sarah explained.

Sae groaned loudly, slumping in her posture.
"I'm helping with crafts this morning, then switching to outdoor activities after lunch." She whined.

"Damn, well at least we can eat lunch together." Sarah shrugged, not seeming as upset as Sae.

"Awesome, I won't have to sit with my mom." Sae nodded.
Before anything else could be said, the double doors to the entrance opened. Anna Richmond walked through with groups of Elderly people and nurses following her.

"We should go." Sae suggested, already turning on her heels towards the dining area. Sarah following quickly behind her.

The room was already coordinated for each group. Sae's group, was group two, with each table covered in a pastel blue tablecloth... at least they're supposed to be?
Now standing before them, she noticed two tables were missing their clothes?
Not thinking much of it, she moved to stand next to her fellow group two leaders. Three other girls who'd volunteered their time for the day, two of them were around Sae's age, the third was younger, probably just getting out of middle school.
So she moved to stand by the youngest girl, then began picking at her outfit once more. Smoothing it out, as they waited for the old folks to make their official entrance.

"Pardon me." A familiar, polite voice sounded.
Sae's eyes snapped up, instantly spotting him, as he'd passed by her other group members.
He was carrying a spray bottle, washcloth, and two matching pastel blue tablecloths.

JJ then began wiping down the remaining two bare tables. Just as he'd unfolded the first table cloth. His eyes rose, instantly connecting with hers.
He seemed surprised to see her there, pausing slightly in his work.
Sae thought his shock was funny, so she tilted her head, raising a brow as if to question him.
An amused look flashed over his features, before he began setting the tables once more.

"Good morning everyone!" Anna Richmond's loud voice echoed through the dining area, as she entered through the doorway.
The group of volunteers parroted back hello's, with chipper voices. All except Sae, who's eyes wandered over the matching girls in yellow dresses, trying to see if she spotted anyone else she knew.

The elderly all wore respective color coordinated buttons. All filing to their matching table cloths. There were a few stragglers, but with the help of all the sweet nurses. Everyone found their way.
Once everyone was seated, Anna began into her well rehearsed greeting, and then explaining the day, and how things would work.

Sae couldn't help but let her eyes drift towards the glass doors leading out towards the clubs pool. It was a nice sunshiny day, with a steady breeze... she couldn't help but wish she was at the beach instead.

There was movement to the side, outside on the patio. The clubs manager was stood with a group of workers before him. Chefs, waiters, the usual bartenders. They were all stood under the awning of the patio's bar.
He must've been going over rules for the day, and how everyone should be expected to behave.

Sae hadn't even notice she'd been standing there picking through the group of people, looking for a specific person.
Until her eyes finally found him.
JJ stood at the back of the group, seeming to only be half paying attention. She noticed that his gaze also drifted out towards the beachfront. She wondered if he felt the same as her, wanting to be out on the sand instead.

Sae hadn't even realized she'd been staring at him. Until his focus drifted back towards the club house. Looking in through the same glass doors. Their gazes met, Sae's eyes widening slightly in realization.
JJ furrowed his brows slightly, before a smirk placed itself across his features.
He then lifted two fingers towards his own eyes, then pointed behind her, back towards the crowd. Teasingly telling her to pay attention.
Sae scoffed, shaking her head, before turning away from him.

"Alright, well that's all I have for now. I'm leaving it to your lovely group coordinators!" Anna Richmond beamed, pulling her clipboard to her chest.

Sae was her groups 'team leader' so as if a switch flipped in her brain. She shook her shoulders slightly, then plastered a huge, forced smile.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you all are ready for a long day of fun and sunshine! My name is Sae, and I'll be our groups leader for the day. If any of you have any questions or concerns, I'll be here to help!" Her voice took on a much lighter tone than usual. Wanting to come off as chipper, and upbeat.

She then turned to the other girls in her group.
"These are my friends,"
Sae had to look at their respective name tags in order to introduce them.
"Denver, Halli, and Monica. They will also be more than happy to help you out."
The three girls then nodded with huge smiles of their own. Sae only hoped her smile was just as convincing.

So, that's how the day started. Sae spent a hour & half going around monitoring, and lending a hand for crafts. It wasn't anything too difficult, they'd just handed out blank canvases, and assorted paint. With instructions to paint a self portrait.
Needless to say the pastel blue tablecloths didn't stay clean for too long. Paint was everywhere, and Sae understood why their outfits came with aprons this year...

"That looks great, mrs.Anders." Sae complemented the older, white haired woman, as she passed behind her. It wasn't a self portrait, but rather a very articulate painting of a lily.

"Oh, thank you dear, it's for my husband. He passed almost three years ago." The older woman explained, with a melancholy smile on her features.

"It's beautiful." Sae gave a genuine smile back, before moving towards her group's second table.

"What do 'ya think?" An older man, mr.Drew lifted his canvas for Sae to see as she passed by. She was pleasantly surprised to see a very detailed portrait of himself. Using only a pallet of blue's and red's.

"It's really good." Sae was sincere in her complement, it was insanely good.

"I'll have to paint you next time." He chuckled, patting her arm.

Sae moved towards her third table. Monitoring over everyone. Once she'd finished her fourth overview. She moved to stand to the side, next to the girl Halli. She recognized her from school. Sae was a year older than her, they'd never spoken before today. She seemed nice enough, but Sae could tell she was acting very cautious around her.
But, Sae was used to people acting that way, after all she was aware of everything people said about her.

"It's only 11:30 and I'm already exhausted." Sae muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"They're all so cute though, so I don't really mind." Halli added on, releasing a tired sigh herself.

"Is this your first year volunteering?" Sae turned her head to look at the strawberry blonde girl.

"No, but honestly, I wouldn't expect you to remember." She shrugged, not meeting Sae's eyes. Instead sending them around the room.

Sae furrowed her brows at the girl, not sure what she was trying to get at. So, instead, Sae then moved on to Denver, the youngest volunteer.
She was on the shorter side, thin as a twig, with shoulder length, shiny brunette hair that was pulled back into pigtails.

"Everything good?" Sae asked once she was stood beside the girl.

Denver sent Sae a wide eyed look
"I'm so hungry." She wheezed.

Sae gave a huff of amusement, pulling her phone from her dress pocket.
Checking the time, she also noticed the four texts she'd received from Rafe over the morning. They hadn't spoken face to face since her dad's  party... and that had been days ago.
She'd sent him a few text replies, but not really anything else. She even declined the two times he'd tried to call her yesterday.
Choosing to ignore the messages, she slid her phone back into her pocket.

"Only twenty minutes until lunch." Sae reassured the girl. Denver gave a groan, her shoulders slumping.

"Hey Monica." Sae waved the third girl down. Monica was tall, and muscular, like she played sports. Her auburn dyed hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail.


"I'm going to run to the restroom real quick, will you cover for me?" Sae asked.

"Sure." Monica nodded, waving Sae off.

So Sae made her exit of the dining area. Making her way down the hall to the clubs restrooms. She glanced into one of the hallway rooms, seeing another group, they were playing some game that required a fake fishing rod. But with all the whooping & hollering she could tell they were having a good time.

She was almost to the restroom when one of the double doors to the kitchen poked open.


Sae stopped in her tracks, turning towards the call. Sure enough, there was JJ Maybank with his head poked out into the hallway.
"Hi, JJ." She gave an airy laugh.

"Whatcha doin'?" He stepped so only half his body was out in the hall, and he quickly glanced over his shoulder back into the kitchen. Before his eyes met hers once again.

"Well, I was going to the restroom." She blatantly replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, I just thought you were sneaking around." He joked.

"Me? Never, but what about you? I can't help but notice your suspicious behavior." She nodded her head towards the kitchen.

"I'm waiting on Brian to yell at me." He spoke as if it was completely normal.

"Sounds fun, but I should really get back so—"

"Right right, I forgot you're a 'team leader'" he used air quotes in a mocking high pitched tone.

"Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" She lifted her hand in a motion as if 'waving' him off.

"I already told you, I'm waiting to get yelled at?" He shrugged, with a mischievous smile.


"Kinda?" He nodded.

Sae scoffed, turning her back to him, as she continued towards the restroom.
"Goodbye, JJ."

"Bye, Princess." He teased.

Sae snapped her head back in his direction, but he'd already disappeared into the kitchen.
For the life of her, she couldn't figure him out. And she wasn't completely sure if she wanted to figure him out.

Lunchtime came faster than Sae had intended. Soon enough, she was helping pass around trays of pre made meals. Seeming to get her apron even dirtier in the process.

"I think that's all our group." Denver nodded from her standing position beside Sae.

"Alright, then we should eat while we have the time." Sae gave the shorter girl a smile, before she led them both towards the table set up right outside of the kitchen doors.
A few volunteers were already in line, picking through the sandwich options.

"Hey, how'd your morning— oh!" Sarah appeared beside Sae, her eyes widening once she noted how messy Sae had become since they last saw each other.

"Don't judge, your group's next , miss Cameron." Sae joked, placing a plastic wrapped turkey sandwich onto her tray.

"Can't wait." Sarah sarcastically replied.
The two girls made their way down the line. Then found a free round table by the doors leading out to the pool.

"So are you going to Kacy's party tomorrow?" Sarah began into another conversation, as she idly unwrapped her sandwich.

"I suppose. I mean, she isn't my favorite person. But I'm not going to let that stop me from having a good time." Sae shrugged, picking through the assorted vegetables that she'd placed onto her tray.

"Okay, so you don't like her? I knew I didn't get a good vibe from her." Sarah shook her head.

"If you're basing your opinions of others on what I think of them. Then, I don't feel like a very good influence on you. I mean, it's not like I enjoy a lot of people's company." Sae joked, sipping from her plastic cup of sweet tea.

"No, I trust your judgment. You tell it like it is, and don't put up with bs. Trust me, I have enough fake friends as it is. I don't want to expand the list, just to fit in better." Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Oh c'mon Sarah, do you really have trouble fitting in?" Sae cocked her head towards the girl.

"Not in our circles... but then again, I'm not sure how much I enjoy most of the people we know?" Sarah looked out into the crowd, trailing off in thought.

Sae's eyes softened at the girl's words. Because, to some extent, Sae felt the same way. She had no idea Sarah felt similar.
Kooks were an acquired taste. Most of them were snobby, stuck up, and only cared about themselves. Some were easier to deal with, but still with their selfish flaws, and all of them with a hatred for Pogues.
It was pathetic really...

Before much else could be said, Sae's phone vibrated from her pocket. She pulled it into sight, now seeing another missed call from Rafe.

Releasing a sigh, Sae pushed her tray away slightly, and abruptly stood.
"I'll be right back." She excused herself.

"Alright." Sarah nodded, but couldn't help as her eyes followed the ravenette as she exited into the hall.

The Hallway was empty, with all the staff and volunteers in the dining area.
Sae pulled up Rafe's contact, as she made her way further down the hall. Reaching the end, standing in front of the large window that overlooked the golf course.
She had to stand for a moment, thinking over what to tell Rafe. She'd been avoiding him, because she was confused, and didn't want to hurt his feelings. But, she couldn't keep ignoring him.
So she took a deep breath in through her nose, and pressed the call button.

It only rang twice before he picked up.
"Sae, hey." He sounded worried.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner. I was helping my mom with this country club thing today." Her voice softened, as she fidgeted with the dirty apron she wore.

"Right, but you haven't answered any of my texts either. We haven't talked since the other night..." It was rare for the infamous Rafe Cameron to get nervous, but he sure sounded unsure of himself at the moment.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've had a lot going on, and I've been meaning to answer you back, but I get distracted. You know how I am." She tried to joke, and it was true that she wasn't a multitasker.

"It's okay, I just want to make sure we're good." Although he didn't sound okay with the Situation at all. Sae could just imagine him pacing the floor, running his hand through his hair. And she honestly felt sort of guilty for making him feel that way.

"We're good, I promise. In fact, I would love if you'd pick me up after we finish today. I rode with my mom, and I know she's going to take forever." Sae's eyes shifted over the framed paintings that decorated the hall.

"Okay, yeah no problem. Just shoot me a text when you're done." Rafe's sounded relieved.

"Alright, thanks Rafe." Sae forced her voice to keep its lighthearted tone. Even if her mind was racing, and unsure of herself.

"Anything for you." Was his finishing line, before they both said their goodbyes and hung up.

Sae released a stressed sigh, bringing her hands up to cover her face. She wasn't sure why she asked him to pick her up. Seeing as she still didn't really want to confront him yet.

"Trouble in paradise?" The all too familiar voice sounded from further down the hall behind her.

Sae quickly turned to face the blond boy who was making his way towards her. He seemed too casual to actually be doing his job. Sae could only guess that he was avoiding work again.

"Are you eavesdropping, Maybank?" Sae's tone was slightly irritated. She didn't appreciate him listening in, especially when she was so stressed.

"Man, back to the last name basis? No Richmond, I wasn't eavesdropping on you." He held his hands up in a defensive motion. He stopped, leaning up against the wall across from her.

"What's your deal?" She crossed her arms over her chest, jutting her hip out.

"Wadda ya mean?" He shook his head.

"Why is it, that we've managed to run into each other more frequently in the last few weeks, than we ever have in the past?" She questioned, almost in an interrogational tone.

"It's a small island." He simply shrugged.

"Okay, then what's with all the little comments?" She pushed further, her eyes narrowing in on him.

JJ stood a little straighter, once noticing her serious gaze.
"I'm just being friendly."

"So calling me pretty, and Princess, that's just you being friendly?" She spit. She hated how irrational she was being at the moment, but her mouth was moving faster than she could stop it.

"What can I say, I call it like I see it." His tone held its usual nonchalant twang. He pushed himself off the wall, which caused him to unintentionally step closer to her. Looking down to meet her seemingly darker green eyes.

Sae couldn't help but think back to earlier, when Sarah had said the same thing about her.

"You know I have a boyfriend, right?" Sae dropped her arms, and quickly turned on her heels. Making her way back down the hall.

"How could I forget, he's literally the worst guy I know." JJ quickly followed into step behind her. Rather enjoying the little mood she was in. And he knew he was only antagonizing her more.

"What makes you so sure I won't just tell him everything you've been saying to me. Y'know, I could just sick him on you like a dog. And get him to beat your ass." She stopped just outside of the dining area, turning to face him once more.

"I know enough about you, to know that you can fight your own battles, Princess." He smirked, sending her a wink.

"Alright, then what makes you so sure, that I won't beat the shit out of you?" She countered, raising a brow towards him. Her irritation slowly fading, and she was beginning to see the humor in the situation.

"Honestly," JJ's voice became lower, as he took a step closer. Now only a few inches away.
"I wouldn't mind if you tried." He held a shit eating grin on his features.

"You're so full of shit, Maybank." She shook her head, but couldn't help the slight curve of her lips.

He opened his mouth to continue, but Sae swiftly shoved his shoulder. Causing him to stumble slightly back, and she turned on her heels and left before he could compose himself. He then peeked around the corner, watching her make her way back to her table.
She turned once she'd gotten there, meeting his gaze once again. She stuck her tongue out at him, before taking her seat.

JJ chuckled to himself, before disappearing back into the hallway.

"Nice moves Ms.Green." Sae laughed lightly.

"I used to tap, dear." The elderly woman smugly replied, as she continued her little dance.
Music was playing, as Sae's group was now outside, with a semi-professional dance instructor. The breeze felt nice, with the sun blaring down on them.

Sae moved towards the outskirts of the group. Standing by, as the older men and woman tried to follow along with the instructor. Denver trotted her way over once she'd finished talking with Halli.
Sae wondered why the younger girl kept gravitating towards her throughout the day, usually people made a point to avoid her. But, the soon to be freshman girl seemed to enjoy Sae's company... so she wouldn't complain.

"So, I guess we're just supposed to supervise?" Denver questioned, once she'd made it to the spot beside Sae.

"I mean, unless you want to join in?" Sae gestured towards the group who were currently trying to master a slow two step.

"Maybe if it was something faster." Denver giggled to herself, a small smile placed itself across Sae's features.

Monica and Halli were stood at the opposite side of the group. Sae's eyes traveling over to them. She couldn't help but notice how Halli was leant close to Monica in a whisper, with her eyes set onto Sae. Monica didn't seem too interested in what Halli had to say, choosing to nod along as if she did care.
Sae narrowed her eyes on the blonde girl, crossing her arms over her chest, glaring at her.
Halli stood straighter in her stance once she noticed Sae staring. With her eyes widening slightly, she slowly shuffled away, towards another part of the group.

Sae, feeling accomplished in knowing that Halli was in deed, scared of her.

So for the next hour, Sae's group continued their lesson. Not everyone caught on, but they all had fun so that's all that mattered.
Sae would never admit it to anyone, and even though she complained a lot. She did enjoy volunteering for these events.

"Sae, you've been such a dear all day. Won't you come dance with this old man." Mr. Andrews shuffled his way from the group, over to Sae.

"W—uh— I don't think the group—" Before she could even finish, the older man had taken hold of her hands, pulling her towards the group. The song selection had changed to something a little more upbeat.

"Great idea, Everyone take a partner!" The male instructor chimed once he'd spotted them.

Mr. Andrews had pulled the Ravenette into the middle of the group. Now swaying with one hand in hers. Her arm over his shoulder, and his other placed at her waist.

"Wow Mr. Andrews, you're pretty good." Sae laughed lightly as the man turned them to the beat.

"My wife was a dancer, she used to teach me all the basic waltz's. You look a lot like her, she had dark hair and green eyes too." He explained, not seeming upset but rather melancholy at the resemblance.

"I'm sure she was a very beautiful woman." Sae added with a soft smile.

"She was hotter than a firecracker!" Mr Andrews cheered, suddenly dipping Sae. The girl releasing a squeal in the process, half expecting the man to drop her.

From up on the patio deck, JJ was working the tables by the pool. Where a group was set up playing some card game. But the men had spotted the bar & began ordering drinks.
He'd heard the commotion from down on the grass, his eyes absentmindedly glancing in the other groups direction.
He'd spotted Sae almost instantly. She was dancing with some older gentleman, with a huge smile on her face, her cheeks seeming pinker than usual. He could see she was talking with the man as they danced, seeming genuinely interested in what he'd been saying.
JJ stood watching them for a moment, seeing the man dip her once more, as she laughed. Then the group began to break apart, as the instructor started talking again.
Another patron began flagging JJ down.
So he took one last glance towards Sae, before beginning back to his work.

"Okay everyone, remember our table colors are blue!" Sae instructed, as she stood holding one of the double doors open for her group to come back inside for the closing part of the day.

"Such a sweet girl." One of the older ladies cooed as she passed.
Sae's eyes wandered over her group as they all entered back into the building. Once all inside, she pulled the doors shut, cutting off the warm weather from the blaring AC.
She then pulled her phone from her apron pocket, pulling up her texts.

Hey we're beginning to close everything now :)
She sent to Rafe.

Before she could even slid her phone back into her pocket, he'd already replied. Causing Sae to wonder if he'd just been waiting on her to text him all day?

Okay omw

She didn't know where he currently was, so she wasn't sure how long it would take him to arrive.
She put her phone away, and met back up with her group at their respective tables.
Everyone was finishing filing back into the dining area. Anna Richmond stood directly in the center of the room with her clipboard, and a cardboard grin plastered across her features.

Sae made it to the pastel blue tables, standing herself in between Denver and Monica. Denver seeming totally exhausted, and Monica just seeming board.
Halli was stood at the other side of Monica, having to force her gaze not to go anywhere near Sae's. Halli seemed uncomfortable, and that pleased Sae.

JJ was entering through the opposite side of the room, with the rest of the kitchen staff. All standing up against the wall. He wasted no time in searching for Sae. Who he'd found at the opposite side of the room, her features seemed tired now, and her eyes were aimlessly wandering around the room.
Her gaze drifting until she met him. Then she jokingly narrowed her eyes on him, he merely laughed.

'Meet me after'
he mouthed, gesturing with his hands between him & her, and then towards the exit.
Sae's joking demeanor seemed to falter slightly, her brows furrowing in confusion. Before she simply nodded, then turned towards her mother who began to speak.

Anna Richmond began into her rather dramatic speech for the closing ceremony. Sae was honestly embarrassed at her mother theatrics.

"So, I would just like to finish off by saying thank you all for coming. I hope you enjoyed the day just as much as I did, and I hope to see you all this fall!" Anna finished, clutching her clipboard to her chest as she turned with a smile. Everyone began clapping, and all of the nurses began gathering up belongings.

"Ok, we have to escort out to the buses." Sae instructed her fellow group leaders.
Halli, Denver and Monica then began helping their group towards the exit. Sae started that way, but caugh JJ out the corner of her eye. He was waving to her.
She shook her head, motioning back towards her group that was leaving. JJ waved them off, opening the exit door towards the golf course. Then waving her towards him once again.

Sae glanced back towards her group that was already halfway out the door. The three girls seemed to be able to handle everyone on their own. So Sae decided it wouldn't hurt to disappear a little earlier than expected.
She then jogged her way towards the exit door that JJ still held open.

"I swear if I get in trouble—"

"Relax, Saby." JJ teased, closing the door behind them once they'd both stepped outside.

"My mom will see us." Sae motioned towards the car park that was just in view around the corner of the building. Sure enough, there was Anna waving people onto their respective buses.

"C'mon." JJ placed his hand at the small of her back, then pulled her closer towards the side of the building.

"What did I say about calling me that?" Sae snapped back at him, once they were both just barely out of sight.

"Only your friends call you that." He smirked down to her.

"Right." She nodded, furrowing her brows at the boy.

"Oh c'mon, we're friends." He nodded, leaning himself up against the wall.

"Are we?" She tilted her head, crossing her arms.

"I know I wanna be." He countered, sending her a sly look.

Sae was caught off guard by his forwardness. Having to take a step back in order to gain her composure.

"Why?" Her voice was softer now. She genuinely didn't understand his persistence, and thought that he'd just been acting nice this whole time.

"Why not?" He shrugged, pushing himself off the wall, and moving to stand in front of her.

"I thought you hated Kooks?"

"Oh I do, but you're not so bad."

"Gee." Crooning sarcastically,
"We barely know each other." She tried again.

"Yeah, that's typically how friendships work. Two strangers find things they have in common and become friends?" JJ stated matter of factly.

"And you want to be friends?" She questioned again, as if to clarify.

JJ gave an airy laugh at her hesitation.
"Sure, I don't see why we can't be friends. I mean, you said yourself, that we keep running into each other more often. Might as well be friendly about it?" He reasoned nonchalantly, stepping closer towards her as she leaned her back up against the wall.

"Hm." She hummed, her eyes moving between his, as if to catch him lying.

"So, I think we should start by you giving me your number." He raised a brow, already extending his hand out.

Sae's mouth fell a gap, as she stared at him in disbelief. As if the notion was too crazy.
"Why do you need my number?"

"Y'know, to keep in touch, and to make plans?" He shrugged, still with his hand extended out to her.

She stood mulling the idea over. Trying to weight the pros & cons of befriending JJ Maybank, of all people. Sure they had plenty of friendly interactions, but they didn't actually know each other. What if he got to know her better, and decided she wasn't worth his time?
Or worse, what if he got to know her, and realizes she's just the same as all her friends, she's just another Kook...
For some reason, that seemed the worst that could happen.
But, then again Sae never really cared what people thought of her usually, so why was she worried about what JJ Maybank would think of her?

"Fine." Sae shrugged, digging in her apron pocket for her phone.
"As long as you can respect the fact that I have a boyfriend. Then I suppose we can be friends?" She held her phone out towards him, with her contact on display.

JJ scoffed in amusement, taking her phone from her, and retrieving his phone from his back pocket.
Just as he'd begun typing her number into his phone. Her's vibrated, with a text from none other than Rafe Cameron himself.


JJ's jaw clenched, but he quickly exchanged their numbers. Typing his into her phone & creating his contact.

"Your boyfriend's here." He said, holding her phone out to her.

Sae glanced down to her phone to see his text on display.
"Right, well I guess I'll see you around, JJ."
She then moved towards the exit door they'd came through.

"See ya Saby." JJ muttered, leaning himself up against the wall again, as she waved over her shoulder entering back into the country club.

Sae quickly made her way towards the front of the building. There were still groups waiting to load onto the busses. But, she spotted Rafe's truck parked just beyond the car port.
Anna Richmond stood at the edge of the sidewalk, talking with one of the Nurses. So Sae squeezed herself through the crowd to get to her mother.

"Mom, Rafe's here, so I'm heading out."

"Oh you're leaving?" Anna turned to her daughter.

"Rafe's here." Sae clarified, motioning towards the truck.

Anna's eyes traveled towards the blue vehicle. Her upbeat features faltering slightly, although Sae hadn't happened to notice.
Anna turned back to her daughter, clearing her throat, and plastering on another smile.
"Alright honey, don't be out to late." Anna cooed, squeezing her daughter's shoulder.

"Okay, we're probably just going back to the house." Sae waved to her mom, as she passed behind one of the parked buses.
Anna watched as her daughter made her way to the truck. An uncertain feeling washing over the woman. The same feeling she always seemed to get when her daughter was with the boy.

"Hey, thanks for coming to get me." Sae sent a smile to Rafe once she'd opened the passenger side door. She still felt like she was faking their interactions.

"No problem, I wasn't busy." He nodded, watching as she climbed into his truck.
"Nice outfit." He teased.

"Shut up, it was my mom." Sae grumbled, rolling her eyes.

Rafe chuckled, before he began backing out of the parking spot.

"Where to?" Rafe glanced back towards her, as he pulled out onto the main road.

"Can we just go to my house, So I can change?" She asked, glancing down to her phone, that had a new text on display.

"Sure, whatever you want." Rafe agreed.

Make this my contact picture ;)
The text from JJ read, and attached was a picture he'd obviously just taken. Of him making some obnoxious duck face, holding up a peace sign.
Sae scoffed in amusement, doing exactly that.

Once back at the Richmond home. Sae wasted no time in changing out of the dirty uniform. Now dressed in one of Rafe's t-shirts that'd been left at her house. And a pair of grey Capri leggings. She pulled her hair out of the up-do that it'd been in all day.

Entering back into her room from the hallway bathroom. Rafe was lounged out on the plush beanbag on her bedroom floor. Instantly dropping his phone once she was back in sight.
Sae went over to the window by her desk, and cracked it open.
The sky had begun to turn a dark grey on their drive, and the wind was picking up now. Indicating that a storm was sure to hit soon.

"We're going to Kacy's tomorrow, right?" Rafe questioned, as he stood from the floor. Then plopped himself down onto Sae's bed.

Sae tilted her head back, and released a groan.
"I forgot about that." she grumbled, moving to make herself comfortable on her bed beside him. Just as a rumble of thunder was heard from outside.

"I get you hate her—"

"I don't hate Kacy. I just find her unpleasant to be around." Sae quickly corrected, reaching to the foot of her bed for her laptop. Then leaning herself up against the headboard, and popping it open. Pulling up her Netflix account.

Rafe positioned himself beside her, leaning into her side as she typed.
"Can't say I disagree." He added, with a laugh.

Sae quickly pulled up one of her favorite shows, one that she usually used for background noise. She'd seen it so many times, she didn't even need to watch the screen to know what was happening.
It was considered more of a slice of life drama, and she knew it wasn't Rafe's thing. But, he'd made it clear a long time ago that he didn't mind watching chick shows as long as he got to spend time with Sae.

"Hey I recognize this one. I swear you watch this all the time?" Rafe pointed out, although he didn't really sound like he was complaining.

"I love this show, it still makes me cry sometimes." Sae defended the three season masterpiece that'd cruelly been canceled before being allowed a proper ending.

Rafe scoffed, moving to prop his back up against the headboard. He then took her laptop, placing it onto his lap. And wrapped his arm around Sae. Pulling her into his side.
She didn't put up a fight, instead wrapping her arms around his middle, and resting her head against his chest.
This was a typical set up for the two, wether it be at her home or Rafe's.

And for a moment, Sae forgot about the awkward elephant looming over them. Distracting herself from her feelings of uncertainty. It'd only been a few days since Rafe confessed Sae's biggest fear.
She knew he'd meant it too.

And suddenly, after watching the tween aged characters interact. And the clueless leading girl brush off the obviously interested male counterpart... her mind seemed to think back to a few days ago.

"I'd do anything for you."
Rafe's words rang in her ears.
After all, that's what true loves all about right? Doing anything for one another.

But, Sae wasn't quite sure if she was willing to do absolutely anything for Rafe Cameron?

It was true that she did care for him a lot. She could classify it as love... but she wasn't in love with Rafe.
After all these years of knowing each other, and being friends. And then finally becoming a couple. she was certain she wasn't in love with him.
She expected love to be a feeling of comfort, safety, humility, friendship, intimacy, and overall commitment to one another.

Sure, Rafe made her feel safe. Aside from when he'd gotten caught up in drugs, he wasn't really a safety net then.
And yes, believe it or not, he could be comforting. He'd wiped away her tears on many occasions.
Humility was one thing both parties struggled with, and Sae felt she could never really show parts of herself to Rafe, in fear that he wouldn't understand her.
Friendship was a no brainer, they'd known each other ever since they were children. Only really becoming close in middle school, but she considered Rafe to be one of, if not, her best friend.

Sae and Rafe were intimate enough... they were close, and participated in just about everything teenage couples participate in. But, they'd never been totally intimate with one another. Sae was only willing to share that experience with a guy she truly felt connected to. Someone she could trust, and wouldn't worry about ruining everything after the fact.
And she supposed that led into the commitment issues. Not that Sae really classified her standards as commitment issues.

Sae was thinking so in depth on her situation, that she wasn't even watching her show anymore. Instead she was layed out on Rafe, his hand drawing circles onto her back, with her eyes drifting off to stare at the wall of Polaroid pictures she'd collected over the years. Her Emerald gaze dancing across every row of memories that she'd shared with her friends & family. Until they finally landed on one picture that seemed to be placed directly in the middle of the wall.
It was of her and Rafe, on one of their families joint vacations a few years back.
They were out on the Cameron's yacht in the Caribbean. Sae had gotten Wheezie to take the picture of them. It was a bright sunny day, and she had been wearing one of her brightly colored bikinis. With her hair in loose waves. Her sunglasses had been pushed up onto her head, pulling her hair out of her features.
She had been pulled into Rafe's lap as he was sat on the deck. His arms wrapped around her hips. They both had big smiles across their faces, genuine enjoyment of the situation.
Sae could remember that moment in time perfectly...

She loved Rafe, but she couldn't keep pretending to be in love with him. It wasn't fair to him or to her

Honesty, I love writing the Sae & Rafe senes.
It makes me sad, having to cause drama between them 🫣
Ken 💝


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