By linosmaniac

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"You're my safe place Hannie." "Aw Min- wait hol up did you just call me ..Hannie?" "Yeah, you like it?" "Nah... More



261 19 13
By linosmaniac



[Jisung has added Minho to the chat!]

Minho: hi







Minho:  Can both of you chill out i was gone for just a couple hours.



Jinnie:  MONTHS

Binnie: YEARS


Minho: You two make me wanna leave again.

Felly ☀️ : Hey minhooo happy you're back 👋 you can't be leaving like that without saying

Chan: Yeah man had us worried :(

Minho: Sorryyyy won't happen again.

Seungmin: And the name has 8 for a reason

Seungmin: Though it should be 7 excluding @Binnie


Minho:  I'm no longer in a shitty mindset. Thank Jisung that I decided to come back.

Jinnie:  @Jisung

Jinnie:  @Jisung

Jinnie:  @Jisung

Jinnie:  @Jisung

Jinnie:  @Jisung

Jisung:  Why

Jinnie: Minho told us to thank you..THANK YOU


Jinnie: Also not you NOT paying attention to the chat

Jisung: well I am now and yeah no probs!


Binnie: NOW subject change

Jisung: nvm I'm gone again

Felly ☀️: why am I scared



Binnie: OK SO I kept thinking about this but if Jeongin is a fox

Jeongin: hi

Binnie: What would you guys say I am?

Seungmin: And it matters why?

Binnie:  BECAUSE

Jinnie:  Rabbit you rabbit

Chan: I was thinking a pig

Seungmin:  idc but yeah same 🐷

Jeongin: Wrong both of you, it's rabbit

Jinnie: Yeaahhh tell em innie 😙 💕

Jeongin: Ew the hearts

Jeongin: Also how many times have I told you to not call me that 💀

Jinnie: How many times have I not listened 😜

Jeongin: Gonna make me pull a Minho


"Damn ok but how did you Han Jisung even change Minho's mind?" Felix slips out with widened eyes,  looking at the mentioned ravenette. They're currently at the cafeteria where breakfast is being served. "It's got to do with that visit of his last night hmmm."

Jisung put down his strawberry milk, and eyes the blonde right beside him with a glare. "Ok before you get any funny ideas."

"This mind is hella corrupted it can't be helped." Felix admits, with his shoulders poking up.

"Yeah it was pretty crazy." Jisung began, with a soft grin at the memory.

"I love this already." Felix nodded fast, being the fan boy he is. "Go on."

"I mean he showed up out of nowhere to apologize." Jisung continued. "Then we talked, and he was there for some time, asked for water. Pretty surprising, I thought he would leave quick."

"Oooo." The intrigued Felix put his device down and moved closer, cupping his cheeks with a dreamy look plastered. "Did you guys talk about having a future togetherrr."

Jisung laughed and looked down at his pocket taking a pen out. "Wanna get stabbed?" He points it at the other.

"Oh!" Felix let out a gasp and clasped his hand to his chest, blinking rapidly like a flickering light.  "Wow Ji how'd you know?" Then he dropped his arm down. "Seriously though it's cool you got him to be ok with being added back in the chat fast. There's a power you possess."

Jisung tuts his tongue on the roof of his mouth, with a grin. "I just used words."

"Yeaahh from your heart filled with love for that guy." Felix cooed, tilting his head and jabbed Jisung on the arm with his finger, multiple times. "So cute."

"Ah shud up." Jisung spat giving Felix a playful push with a scrunched nose and earns a giggle from the blonde.

"Heeyy." When Hyunjin shows up, walking- well more like strutting towards them with an amused smile, definitely having to do with the news dropped onto him last night. Well on accident.

Instantly Jisung's face fell because he knew exactly what the other ravenette is going to bring up. "Oh my god I don't know you." Jisung rushes out quickly and stands up to leave.

"Hey hey calm down." Felix commands grabbing his arm and sits him back down. Jisung looking drained out as Hyunjin stops at their table just standing. 

"Sooo you gots a thing for Minhoo." Hyunjin throws out.

"No Changbin." Jisung replied sarcastically, looking up at him. "Yes it's Minho." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty offended you didn't tell me." Hyunjin scoffed, folding his arms across that chest, and applying more weight on one leg. "Like why only felix."

"Because I'm Felix." The said blondy blonde answers pointing at his own freckled cheek.

"Exactly what he said." Jisung chimed with, pointing his thumb towards Felix. "You really weren't supposed to know."

"What why, you really for serious don't trust me?" Hyunjin questions with his eyes big, palm clasped on his chest.

"No." Both Jisung and Felix blurt out.

"Ugh come on." Hyunjin says in a small whine. "You guys can, and got nothing to worry about." He assures, hands set on his hips.

Jisung was not looking nor feeling convinced. Hwang Hyunjin is really not someone to tell secrets to, if they evolve around crushes. He has this liking for blabbering them out.  Some friend. It just excites him so much that he feels the need to share them. It's a thing he's done since elementary.

Jisung feels ruined. Done. All He can do is hold onto hope and pray he'll keep his big mouth shut. He's going to make it so obvious that he knows something.

Damn it Felix.

"Damn it Felix it's your fault." Jisung let out pretending like he didn't just hear the words that left Hyunjin's lips.

"Well I'm sorry for breathing." The blonde responds with a pout.  "And it was an accident how many times I gotta apologize."

"Still not forgiven."

"Seriously you got nothing to worry about." Hyunjin continues assuring the sulking Jisung. "I'm keeping my mouth shut ..honest."

"Hey guys." That's when the oh so familiar and well known  friendly tone of Chan's appears with Minho accompanying him.

"I don't know anything!" Hyunjin shouts making Chan flinch. Then he  looks ahead at a distance.  "Oh I think I see Hongjoong better go."  He finished with and speed walks past Chan and Minho. Leaving the four puzzled.

"Geez what's gotten into him." Chan says with a small sheepish laugh, taking a seat across Felix, and Minho across Jisung, typing on his phone. It disappointed the raven head that he didn't get some greeting.

"Hyunjin being Hyunjin." Felix answers, shaking it off.  "Saw the ex and just freaks out."

"That's our Hyunjin." Chan adds with a sweet contagious laugh.

A chim emits from Jisung's phone so he picks it up to see he had gotten a text. The best part is that it's from Minho. "Hi." Jisung  reads it out, and snickers hooking his eyes at the blonde brunet. "You couldn't have said it?"

"It feels more fun." Minho simply replied, shrugging. "And! We gotta workout our fingers." He says wiggling his thumbs.

"Aw why don't you do that to me?" Chan asked frowning and blinked his eyes in hurt.

"Cause you're name isn't Han Jisung."

Jisung snickered again staring fondly at Minho, so strongly it's like hearts were capable of bubbling above his head. He puts his phone back down and a gasp emitted from Minho. "Oh ok not you leaving me on read again."

"Oh come on." Jisung laughed, and so did Minho. The ravenette tried to suppress a giant smile. Not just him but Felix also, as the blonde was picking up some sort of vibe from Minho's words and actions that excited him whole heartedly.

"Ok so." Chan started out. "It's Friday we love that, are you guys all on board with going to the arcade? We'll also play bowling!"

"Yeah cause you're soo pro at it." Minho let out with a sarcastic tone.

"Hey! it doesn't matter as long as I have fun with you guys." Chan defended, his voice going a bit high pitch.

"That's right!" Felix exclaims, with a loud clap getting Chan to smile at him, and it made the blonde a lil shy. "Ah but yeah I'm on board." He looks at the ravenette beside him. "You Ji?"

"Yeah I'll go, still need to let my mom know." Jisung said, and his eyes instantly go to Minho who has yet to answer.

"Yup count me in." Minho says raising his hand with a closed lip smile and aahhh Jisung could just leap with joy!

"Perfect! Still need to know if the rest are hundred percent going but! It's nice to know all four of us are." Chan points out.

"Yeah, it's gonna be so much fun!" Felix exclaims with smiling big.

"Jisung's going so definitely." Minho slipped out, while on his phone. Jisung's eyes went really wide, freezing after he had put a grape in his mouth. He was taken aback in a good way.

"Hey I'm fun tooo." Chan throws out, and tilts his head, poking his lips out. "Aren't I Minho?"

"Boo stop trying to act cute." Minho replies with annoyed, refusing to face the aussie.

"Noo you love meee." Chan nags placing his head on Minho's shoulder who still wasn't budging with the attempt to be cute act still on his phone with a blank expression. Meanwhile Jisung and Felix laughing at the scene.


"He so definitely likes you."

The ravenette with bouncy fluffy locks scoffed with a grin, at Felix's out burst as they walked out the cafeteria and stride through the corridor. "Here we go again with your crazy talk."

"Those text messages he sends you is a sign I'm telling you." Felix states, tone increasing from excitement. "And please the way he spoke about you like- I can just feel it, there's something going on."

"No lix don't be ridiculous."

" 'Jisung's going so definitely' " Felix says, right into Jisung's ear reminding Minho's words, then moved back. "This is him dropping out hints! Not you making him fall for you so quickly. Ugh it makes it hard not to ask him imma need your permission."

"Stop it's bad enough Hyunjin knows I like him. Do not scare me like that. This is why I shouldn't have told you, making me feel paranoid." Jisung says rubbing his temple.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." Felix pouts, and holds onto Jisung by the arm.

It's ok. You really think I'd be actually mad at you." This adorable freckled face."  Jisung tells him, with a nose scrunch, and pinches Felix on the cheek.

"Cut it out you're gonna make me fall for you." Felix jokes with a giggle, giving Jisung a slap on the arm. "But I gotta good feeling about tonight, involving you two. Things are gonna change just you watch."

"Come on you're just over thinking." Jisung says, as they turn a corner, entering the music hall on the freshmen floor.

"Am not! I can just feel it.. again."

"Lix you feel alot of things."  Jisung says with a smile and eye roll as they go into a practice studio, for their first period which is dance, Jeongin and a couple others there, all on the same hip hop team.

"Ohhh heyy I know what he can feel." Bambam comments with a lopsided grin.

"Shut up, you wish. You with your dirty mind." Felix scoffs and goes to sit next to Jeongin on the floor, Jisung joining in.

"This mind is hella corrupted it can't be helped."  Bambam admits, with his shoulders poking up.

"Ok but I felt." Felix replied. 

"Yeah exactly so you're not one to talk." Jisung comments with a tsk and Felix drops his head in shame.

"Can't relate." Jeongin says.

And that made Felix pick his head back up and pointed a finger at the other. "Now that's a whole lie."

If Jisung was being honest he does sort of believe what Felix was going on about. That Minho could have something for him. COULD. There's snippets of changes in the way he acts around him. From the softer tone in Minho's voice when he talks to him, those cute text messages, and he thinks he caught Minho checking him out earlier but maybe that's him making it up.

Oh shit and on assembly day when Minho suggested that slow walk, and then kicking Changbin out his seat so he could sit next to Jisung --

Ok ok so there ARE hints well done Felix for catching them. BUT Jisung wasn't about to jump to conclusions. He wouldn't want to get his hopes up. Jisung needs to hear it from Minho himself, in his own words. Then he'll believe it that he has something for him.

But as if that would happen. 


"I swear Mark won't stop bothering me." Changbin starts, with Hyunjin by his side exiting out of the classroom. More students emerging and from the rows lined with class doors, scrambling onto the hallway, as the period had ended.

"Hmm maybe because you exposed him in that video." Hyunjin simply answered.

"Yeah he deserved it." Changbin retorted, with a smug look. "But he's out of the closet yet he's still being a bully..well to me atleast."

"Tragic." Is all Hyunjin said. "But are we surprised."

"Didn't you see he kept throwing paper balls at me." Changbin included, crossing his arms. "And in first period he wrote on the teacher's board some insult towards her and hid the marker in my desk. He's not letting me catch a break."

Hyunjin gasped with his lips closed, brows raised up.  "Probably gotta crush on yooou."

"Pft." Changbin held in a laugh, looking away. "Yeah that's why he got me after school and morning detention."

"Hey people will do messed up shit to get their crushes attention."

"Yeah no he's just someone who doesn't like me and that's it." Changbin plainly says with a unamused expression.

"Ok fine don't believe me whateva you say, shoo now." Hyunjin replies as they reached his locker.

"I was gonna leave anyways." Changbin says and then throws out behind as he walks away. "I hope a teacher will make you take off that beanie."

"I'm that awesome that's why I haven't been told anything!" Hyunjin called out after. Then he turns to his locker opening it, to check his pink glossed lips on the mirror hanging on the door. "Ugh oh my god you're so pretty." He says to himself. 

"That is very true, sexy even." He hears a voice which he instantly recognized from none other than the ex boyfriend he dumped, the guy standing behind the door and Hyunjin shuts it to meet his stare read with plead.

"Uh Hongjoong hi you need something?" Hyunjin questions, with his brows tugged together and one eye squinted.

"Yes you of course." Hongjoong answers, his hands tucked in the pockets of his denim jacket. "You left my heart broken."

"Like I told you yesterday, I need my space." Hyunjin replied. "I'm not about to repeat everything I said. Plus you crossed a line with those off guard photos. How'd you even get one of me sleeping in my room? No way my mom let you in."

"I'm sorry." Hongjoong heaves out in a sigh. "Look I see what I did wrong."

"The many things you did wrong."

"Yes... but I can change for you!" Hongjoong tried, inching closer to the other. "Please give me a second chance I'll be better."

"No I can't, I won't." Hyunjin firmly states, taking steps back.  "My decision is final. And perhaps I just ..want someone else."

Hongjoong's eyes flew wider, taken aback. "What..who?"

That's when a Jeongin with the bottom half of his hair dyed with turquoise appears by Hyunjin's side. "Ohhh." He starts out his words slowly, eyes wavering back and forth from the two. "I thought you guys were broken up."

"We aren't." Hongjoong answers with a smile.

"We are." Hyunjin corrects giving him a glare, and then points at the direction Jeongin came from. "You can go now."

A heavy sigh escapes from Hongjoong and he takes his leave to go further into the hall,
but then turns to take backward steps, eyes on Hyunjin. "You staying in here!" He thumps a clenched fist on his heart. "I'll never stop loving you! You hear me baby!"

Hyunjin grimaces, the embarrassment beckoning at him as he felt tons of eyes land on him. Then he averts his attention to the awkward feeling blue haired.

"Bleh love." Jeongin spits out.

"Oh you won't be a hater forever." Hyunjin comments with a grin. "So what you need cutie? My company?"

Jeongin blinks, puzzled. "Uh well you know how we have the same teacher for chemistry? I wanted to know if you have the notes that were given yesterday."

"You need to stop falling asleep in class you." Hyunjin scolds playfully.

"It's an advantage of being in the very back row." Jeongin points out.

Hyunjin scoffed. "But yeah I have the notes."

"Perfect! Great thanks." Jeongin lets out urgently and pulls out his phone. "I'll take pictures of them."

"Why didn't you ask me yesterday after school, or last night for the notes."

"I forgot ok."

"Well alright I got you." Hyunjin stiffles a laugh and opens his locker taking out the journal from a stack of them. "Have I mentioned how cute and handsome you are." He so randomly tells the blue haired.

"Many times yup." Jeongin says with a nod and lips pressed in a thin line, bread cheeks puffed out a bit.

"Here you go." Hyunjin holds out the journal open to the notes but then closes it. "But hey wait..what do I get in return?"

Jeongin groans, frowning. "Oh geez I don't know. What do you want. 

Hyunjin puts on a pondering expression, facing up, acting clueless on purpose. Then he looks at the other again. "Oh I know." And puckers up his lips asking for a kiss.

Jeongin stares for a moment then fakes a laugh. "Haha very funny, almost had me."

"Ah I'm kidding, you don't have to give me anything in return because if you're happy I'm happy." Hyunjin says and opens back up the journal for Jeongin to take the picture of the notes. Although yes he was high key hoping for that kiss.

Jeongin snaps a picture of the first and second page. "Nice thanks- ooh one minute bell is about to go off. Later." He says and turns leaving.

Hyunjin just looks at the direction the cute faced blue haired walked off in. Who he wants to just hold close and squeeze those bread cheeks and smother them in kisses.


Jeongin ain't about that love shiez he's a challenge and Hyunjin is willing to take it. Because Felix was right, Hyunjin has eyes for Jeongin he's not afraid to show it. But yup one of the reasons he left Hongjoong. He wants to make Jeongin his. And be able to show it off even! It's now become his goal.


"Wow he's really taking his time."  Chan erupts with aloud, reading the time on his phone. 

Changbin whines. "It's yesterday all over again."

All the guys minus one were at the entrance of the colorful blinking lights of the arcade. Yep one of them wasn't there. Can ya guess who.

"And he won't reply to my texts." Felix says, holding up the device. "He hasn't even opened them."

"Yeah same here." Chan includes.

Oh no that same worry making a comeback, to get a tight grip of Jisung and tying him down. They had tried reaching him hours ago to assure if he's still going but they hadn't heard from him. "I'm calling him again." Jisung says, whipping his phone out.

"Nah don't he's not going to answer." Seungmin lets out. "Has his phone off I'm guessing."

"But for hours?" Jisung questions out."I'll keep spamming him, let him know I'm- we're worried."

"Aw cute." Hyunjin muttered, who caught that slip up. Jisung shot him a death glare like saying 'shut yo mouth' 

"Ugh I'm tired of standing here, the games are yelling for my name." Changbin beckons. "If he didn't want to come, should've just said instead of ditching..again."

"Sure he just got busy." Chan assured.  "Minho likes the arcade, positive he'll show up."

But why won't he pick up the calls or answer the texts? They're on delivered. Damn Jisung felt like he was going mad. He was also tired of just standing there, an action sounds a lot better.

"What if we go check on him?" Jisung suggests out loud, the others looking at him. "We go to his house and see what's the hold up."

"You wanna go to his house?" Hyunjin questions with a pretend shocked look. "That's also cute." Wow Jisung could smack him.

"Uh what if he's not there." Seungmin throws in.

"Plus we already paid." Jeongin adds. "Otherwise we wouldn't be standing here."

"I mean yeah, this is really concerning." Felix replied with crossed arms, taking Jisung's side.

"Exactly like why would he have his phone off." Jisung starts to ramble. "What if- what if something happened like-"

"Hey hey I'm here!" The guys hear and they turn around to the direction of the voice to spot Minho jogging towards them. Jisung's eyes lighting up the most from relief like holy cheese he could hug him.

"Oh my god there you are!" Changbin exclaimed. "About time."

"What happened? We've been calling you, and texting you but no response." Chan throws out.

However Minho didn't look like he wanted to answer and Hyunjin follows up with. "Yeah Jisung even insisted we go to your house. Like how sweet of him right." He smiles. Again Jisung could smack him.

And before anyone had more to throw at him, Minho rushes out "Oh whatever! I'm here now that's all that matters. Let's go and have fun now!"

"Yeah that's the spirit! Y'all heard him!" Changbin cheered being the first to rush towards the games.

And so the guys with no further questions go to scatter around the arcade. Hyunjin pulling Jeongin with him to the car racing game, Changbin Felix and Seungmin going to the basketball hoops.

But Jisung wasn't feeling calm one bit to play infact he catches up to Minho just roaming around, the two the only ones behind. "Hey what happened?"

"What do you mean." Minho lets out, turning to Jisung, his face remaining calm.

"Why didn't you answer us?" Jisung asked, eyebrows narrowed. "I called you like five times."

Minho's eyes went wide, and he seemed tense Jisung could tell. "Ah well- you see my phone - I lost it" Minho mustered out.

"You.. lost it?"

"Y-Yeah, with the battery dead, that's why I couldn't answer you guys." Minho replies, with a weak grin.

"Minho! Come play air hockey with me!" Chan was heard yelling out.

"Coming!" Minho yells back and turns going towards the purple haired male joining him.

But why does Jisung not feel convinced with the answer Minho gave.

Also why does he have a gut wrenching feeling that not only is that not true but that there's more..that happened. He could tell Minho was feeling really uneasy. Coming up with what to say just now.

Yup the worry is there to stay and keep Jisung in a choke hold.


I hope I'm not boring you guys out just wait just waaait this'll get bettah

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