Jesus, take the wheel

By AlexGonalez

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Twenty-three-year-old David King was miserable prior to the book. Before you ever met him, he was already awa... More

get closer to God by day by day
between me in God
before I came to god
find peace in the rain
just crying out to him
please God give me strength
things are going to get heavy
love you to even more jesus
oh my God this country is beautiful
I found him
my true love
all I want for my birthday is Jesus
never too late
before he saved my life
God is allways good
my new gay boyfriend
the time has come
god take me to the light
he change my life
thank you God
Jesus loves me
all I need is you Jesus
Look at this lovely heart Of Art
he's always with me
his love is his tenderness
this love is not over yet
I love his taste of Jesus
if the real Jesus comes today
the dark bedroom
you're still the one for me Jesus
I'm In Love With Jesus and Judas
Jesus's in Paradise
this is how When Love Never Ends
the love of Jesus Judas and zed
my life is so perfect as I have Jesus
the gay romance of jesus
he taste so good
Jesus we need to kiss
Jesus is good time gay Cowboy Casanova
his loves last forever for me
he saved my life he's so good to me
I am not done with Judas and zed but I'm keeping Jesus
facing my demons
Jesus always wins
holy fuck
The Passion Play
Jesus you are fucking perfect to me
David x Jesus
me and Jesus
I'm just Proof I'm still in love with Jesus baby
please Jesus, kiss me and pray with me.
I want Jesus to last forever
I'm gonna let it go
Our gay love was made in the USA
Jesus is the best toughest gay man ever
author notes

we are both gay and happy

73 2 0
By AlexGonalez

Chapter 48: Me and my Gay Boyfriend Jesus, we like to fuck around. I spaced out behind Jesus, grabbing his dick, and in his ass, kissing and sucking his strong sexy body parts, oh yeah, fuck. This time, I was fucking him inside his ass, kissing his ass and sucking his dick. I want some of that dick because I want your dick inside my ass! Oh fuck! Jesus, my gay boyfriend, you are such a gay hunk of dick, and I want that dick. Your love is so fucking hot. And I love it, it is very hot to fuck me up dick one big asses. All of this fucking is making me horny. I adore him and want to fuck him even more. We are so gay, fucking hot, and in love with him. We do not have to do this, and I am not ashamed of my feelings for him. I am Joy, and you have given me the love that my heart feels. We do not believe we will not go to hell because I love you. Yeah, some people are just overreacting. What are you talking about? God still loves us, no matter what. You know what? When I am with my gay boyfriend, I feel like my life has changed forever.
He stated that it was you. And nobody can stop us, and we will not stop!countless hours making out to each
other and fucking around you are still with me going to marry you are in the way of my life say forever and ever.
I need God's help for this.
Father, I understand that You are a God of Compassion and Grace. I realize You want to shower me with blessings. But I also understand that You must discipline me when I am wrong. I may not enjoy it, but I understand and value it. I would prefer to be disciplined by a loving God than punished by a just God. Guide me with Your love for me. Help me to carry out Your will in all things. Amen. Jesus a good time cowboy Casanova he is a good-looking disguise a very hot gay guy he comes to go fuck me like he is in love with me he come out for me if he comes down at midnight.
If I can get my stuff together, I will be you. I feel hot, but I do not want to lay with you because of the things we got to do with you, so I had to go to work. I love it, Jesus, that you have been together like that.
It is our first anniversary this year, and we went out to dinner. You can imagine how much time I had to spend with him to keep my gay boyfriend from kissing me. This time, I had paperwork to complete, like paying bills for the people services, so by next week, we get a paid day off. I do not have to come pick them up the following week because I get paid, which is awesome. Now that I am paid, I can relax and spend time with my gay boyfriend. I can have a boyfriend in this way because I adore him and I adore it. Jesus, I got you come kiss me right now, it feels so good, it makes me so horny. Jesus, please. I need you now more than ever. Love me like you do. What would she do? We are surfing Rock right now. I can see your halo. I know you will remember that. When I first saw you, I was really anxious. You are the one who saved me from that homophobic asshole, Dante. Please come today, if you can. It is you who saved me; I really need you at this moment.
Would you join me in prayer? Please pardon me for idolizing people who are not you and for worshiping other gods. Only you are deserving of adoration. I am aware that nobody on the planet is like you. May you serve as a reminder of your holiness to me when I start to worship idols. When I search for your face, fill me with wonder and fear. Bring me into your word so I can read about your magnificent attributes. I give thanks to the Lord for all that you have created and for your amazing ways. Amen, Jesus, take the wheel. You never leave me alone; you always reassure me and hold me close. These feelings are inside my head; you are my feeling heart; you are gay; it is a part of my art; to me, it feels like love; you have that love for me; share it with me.
He looked hot in a Speedo. I was wearing baby soup, and I could see his dick. I wanted to suck it, so I kept sucking it underwater for about ten minutes. We had been making out in the hot tub for an hour, since we had entered the locker room on the hot tub. We went to church the next day, so we were very close to God every day. God, please forgive me of my sins. I want to be a part of your family. I will pray for you out there. Come to you. God loves us regardless of who we are.. Lord, I am overjoyed to be the King's child. You decided to make me yours. You gave me a place to call my own and grafted me into Your family. Your love and the love of every other believer guided by Your spirit are all around me. I will never be an orphan in Your family. I will never be by myself. Thank you.
Gay pride month is almost over, but that is okay because we can still celebrate our love for one another. However, I am sorry to see the fireworks at the park, and I can not take my eyes off of Jesus. I want to text Ramon, and I want to let him know how wonderful our life is this time around. Jesus, my gay boyfriend, and I have spent a lot of time together and are in love, and that is all we need. Our gay pride month was over, and we have been having gay sex since pride month, and after that, we started having gay sex with Jesus. If I am not in love with Judas and Zed, then I am in love with Jesus, so that is him and him alone for me. Judas and Zed, I am so sexually active, I feel so temperate of the love.
The time has come for me to go with Jesus, but in reality, I am a horny little gay bitch.
Excellent Everyone loves Jesus, but my love for him is greater than everyone else's, and no one can separate us. He is the only gay little bitch, so get out of here; he is mine. I will punish anyone who has come close to him. I am not serious; I would never do that. Jesus has known me since we were kids, but I have never met Lafayette when I was younger.
He had big muscles and red hair, and he was my best friend in middle school, but he was not really in love with him—rather, he was in love with another gay man. Since Matthew has Matthew and I don't, I am happy that Jesus is with me. We enjoy hanging out in the park.
He discovered love before I did, but I was overjoyed to find a nice gay man who resembles Jesus. Laval enjoyed using drugs, smoking, and getting tattoos. He passed away from lung cancer. I will miss you, Laval. Best of luck in paradise. I will always pray for you, Laval. Matthew and I have not seen his gay boyfriend in a while. Lord, I find this great mystery to be fascinating. It instills hope in me. I can picture You arriving in my mind. I witness the dead saints receiving new bodies. I witness the instantaneous transformation of the living. For those who do not believe, I pray. I pray that You will use every resource at Your disposal to ensure that everyone participates in this magnificent occasion and that on that day, nobody is left behind. Amen.

Jesus says, "My name is Jesus, and I am so gay and so fucking hot. He is really puffy and furry sexy for me. I just can not get enough of him." Swinging his short, long, gorgeous brown hair, he says. I am just like I am going to flip like him because I just flipped, and I know that he is good like really good this time ever comes from me it is him
I can tell that I want him because of the way he looked at me. He was serious and said, "Look at him, he is mine. Stay away from him." I felt like I was falling in love with him like a giant rainbow-colored lollipops that represented the gay side.

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