A Little Dinged Up (gxg)

By Loiosh

52.2K 3.8K 802

Lylah is a movie stuntwoman who got her start doing crazy things on YouTube with her girlfriend five years ag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Bonus Chapter (Miki's Fantasy)
New Story

Chapter 16

1.1K 88 24
By Loiosh

My original plan once I landed was to pack everything up and hike back up the south rim of the canyon to the trailhead where I would have a car service waiting to take me to Flagstaff where I could relax for a night and then head back to LA for the award ceremony that was in two days. I estimated it would take me five hours to do that when I did my original planning, but with my ribs it took almost an hour just to get the equipment packed up and situated in a way that didn't make me cry every time I took a step. I was that sure hiking up a canyon with broken ribs was going to be pure torture, and I was right.

That tiring five hour hike turned into an eight hour excruciating experience that was only that fast because a group of kind hikers helped me up the last part of the canyon, and I took a lot of rest stops the whole way. I was angry at myself for not thinking to pack Advil or a first aid kit, since it was such a stupid plan to begin with.

The only saving grace was that the car service hadn't left. I'd told them straight up that they should only leave if the park closed, and that they would be on the clock starting at the five hour mark, even if I wasn't there yet. The car was air conditioned, and there was water in the back waiting for me. It was nirvana. Again, I didn't plan ahead and have food though, and we had to grab a pizza on the way to the hospital.

I've had broken ribs before, so I knew the treatment, but I'd never had to hike out of a canyon right after getting them, and I needed an x-ray to make sure there was nothing else wrong. After sitting around waiting for almost two hours, I was finally told it was just three broken ribs and sent on my way with painkillers and ice packs.

When I finally made it to the hotel and lay flat on my back in the bed, I thought about the day, and how I could have done it differently. Doing things on your own was a lot different than it used to be. That was every stunt for me when I started, but as they got more elaborate, I had a team. I should have had someone hiking into the canyon to help me, or already been there and camped overnight. I should have had Ava making sure I was okay. Or Miki. Fuck!

I shouldn't be having these thoughts.

Trish would have been in the plane with me. Ava would have probably jumped with me. Trish had been my love for almost three years. Ava had healed me when Trish left and never asked for anything in return. Two more days and I would hopefully have a chance to talk to Trish, assuming she was at the show with a hobbled Max. I needed this so badly! I needed to understand!

I needed to heal. I needed my heart whole again. Right now, it felt like it was strung together with Band-Aids, tape and staples. I couldn't risk it anymore. I was a daredevil, yes, but I would be much better off risking my body than my heart. It was easier to fix. The worst thing was that I'd done the same thing to Ava because I just couldn't stop flirting, even knowing I couldn't allow myself to do anything. I needed to be much more cognizant of her feelings.

I sent a quick text to Miki, letting her know that I was still good for my flight tomorrow, and she quickly replied with a picture of Titty sleeping in the sun on her cat tower. Damn that little girl was adorable. With that done, I checked out the video from the cameras from the jump, and I was happy with it. I could use almost all of it, even the wipe out. I quickly recorded a little bit of my ribs, just to show all the bruising and abrasions, and then sent it all to my cloud storage. I could start editing in the morning. Right now, I need to sleep. Luckily, my body agreed that an eight hour hike, a jump, and a few hours of sitting in the hospital and the car was more than enough to exhaust me to the point where I easily fell into a deep sleep.

But I guess even as tired as I was, my mind couldn't help me out for a single night. Some time around 4am I was in the bathroom sobbing after another nightmare, emptying my guts into the toilet after seeing Trish punch Ava in my dreams. I won't even try to describe what sausage pizza looks like the second time around. It wasn't fun at all. I also won't tell you how painful it is to vomit with three broken ribs. It was the worst night I'd had since Ava left me.

I really hated my brain sometimes.

I crawled my way into the shower, stripping and then turning the water on. I didn't even care that it was cold at first, I just wanted to feel clean again. After half an hour in the shower, I was able to stumble back to the bed, and collapse atop it. There was little point in going back to sleep now, I would have been up in another hour to head to the airport anyway. I just ended up packing all my stuff up and checking out of the hotel.

I made a Lyft reservation, and went to the airport, figuring it would be better to just be there early in case I fell asleep. Luckily, they had a Starbucks, and as much as I hated their overpriced coffee, today I needed it. I had checked my bags, there was no way I was carrying that anymore with my ribs, and I didn't want to deal with anything but sleep on the flight.

Once we landed at LAX, Miki was waiting for me at baggage claim, and I had to back away from her with my hands up as she moved in for a hug. "Sorry! Had a small mishap!" I lifted my shirt a little so she could see the bruising on my ribs. "Broke a few ribs on a rough landing."

"Shit! How the hell did you do that?" she exclaimed while looking closer at the damage.

"I may have had a close encounter with a rock in a canyon," I admitted.

"Are you going to be alright to go to the show tomorrow?" she wondered.

I nodded rapidly. "Oh yeah, I have to go. I've been waiting for this for too long. I need to talk to Trish. I need to find out what happened."

"And then what?"

I shook my head at that. I had no good answer, because a lot of that had to do with what I learned. Part of me wanted there to be no good answer so I could get right on a plane to Ava. Another part of me wanted to forgive Trish if there was a valid reason, and hoped that she forgave me for whatever I had done to drive her away. "I guess I can't answer that yet. Let's find out what the night brings us. After that I will have to come up with an answer and a plan."

"Well, let's get you home and then you can sleep. You look worn out," Miki commented. She grabbed my bag when I pointed to it on the conveyor belt, and then we headed to her car.

Traffic being what it was, it was another hour till we got to my condo, and then I was home and gingerly scooping Queen Nefertiti up for some love. She obviously missed me, as she was rubbing her face all over mine while purring. I bet she missed Ava too. I know I did. Does Trish even want a pet? We'd never discussed it, since we were always so busy. I guess I should thank her for leaving, as it led me to my lovely little Titty. "Who's my good girl? I cooed as Miki chuckled.

"I think she needed her mommy. There is a little leftover pizza here, I had it last night, and I can heat that up if you like."

"I had pizza last night, but never kept it down. I think that means I didn't really eat it so I can have it again." I lay prone on the couch, my kitty on my chest and gave her some pets.

Miki turned my oven on and tossed four slices onto a baking sheet and stuck them in to warm up. My body was crying for the food, and I hoped I could keep it down this time! I may have dozed a little, but Miki woke me up when the pizza was ready, and I dug right into it. I could feel energy flowing to my extremities as food started its way along my digestive track. Hopefully I was eating early enough that it would be out of my stomach in the event of any nightmares tonight.

"Thanks Miki, you've been amazing. Hell, I might owe you more collabs, just to pay you back!"

"No way. I mean, sure, if you want to, but don't feel obligated. I owe you and Ava way too much already," she assured me.

"Have your parents been ok with the pet sitting and all that?" I wondered, hoping that I wasn't getting her in trouble.

She snorted in laughter. "Seriously? I showed them the check from TMZ for the agreement on the interview and they almost made me marry you."

"Ha. Get in line! I still have to figure out what I'm doing with Trish and Ava. The last thing I need is to hurt someone else." Please tell me she doesn't have a crush on me!

"Don't worry. I already have a girlfriend. You're safe," she replied shyly.

"Awesome! My gaydar sucks, I wasn't even sure you were into girls. Do I get to meet her, make sure she's good enough for you?" I had to grin to make sure she knew I was kidding. Well, a little. She was like the kid sister I never had, and I'd have to kick someone's ass if they hurt her.

She dropped her head shyly and blushed furiously. "You already know her."

"I do? Who?" Please don't let it be Nat! I couldn't have her dating my ex-teammate!

"Well, I haven't aired it yet, but I might have done a review of Liv's tattoo parlor last week, and we really hit it off. I've been seeing her every night since," she admitted.

Liv! Of course! That would be a great couple! I mean, Liv was a little older than me, but still, it would only be like a five year gap and that was fine! "Liv is awesome, I think you made a great choice. I'm glad you two hit it off! If I ever figure my life out, we'll have to go on a double date!"

"Yes! I'll tell her tonight, since I'm headed to her studio. I might have her give me a tattoo if I can decide what I want."

"Then I will stay here and give my queen here her weekly bath. She needs pampering!" I nuzzled my little girl as Miki said her goodbyes. I was very glad that her and Liv had hit it off, and I hoped it worked out for them.

An hour later I was in the tub, a portable shelf suspended over it in front of me with Titty on it while I gently washed her. She needed to be cleaned since she didn't have any hair and she loved the water and washing. I hadn't expected her to love the water so much, and half the bath times we had, I had to worry about her jumping into the tub and accidentally catching me with her claws! It made me feel good, being back with her. I'd scoffed a bit at the idea of an emotional support animal, but I couldn't have been any more wrong.

She made my night.

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