Water and Fire

By NotPercyJacks

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Percy jackson enters the world of the hunger games. More



802 8 11
By NotPercyJacks

Long ago before I was born, I heard stories about how our nation was great and prosperous. We lived in peace, and everyone had food. Hate slowly rose up from outside and within, war broke out and it nearly destroyed the world.

With humanity nearly destroyed, we came together and formed 11 districts where we live, dedicating our lives to gaining recourses from our districts.

The capital, I don't know what happens there, but no one from any other districts are allowed to visit. They are the self-appointed leaders and collect most of the resources for themselves.

I live in district 3, the fishing district. Travel between districts is strictly prohibited. District 3 is mainly water, with separate islands, boats are the main source of transport.

My father died before I was born in a accident on the water. So, I go out on the water, for more than a week sometimes. To provide for my mother and my little sister Estelle, my mother remarried but he too died. My name is Percy Jackson.

Once a year, 2 kids from each district, one boy and one girl. Get randomly selected to fight to the death for the capitals entertainment.

It is called the Hunger Games.

I put my rods and tackle box onto my boat, it's a small boat, but it has a barely running engine, and a cabin with a bed and basic oven.

"Percy!" my mother calls to me.

"Yeah mom?" I reply

"Can you go to town and get some flour for me? if it's not to much trouble." She makes her eyes big.

"Yeah, I needed to go get some more supplies anyway." She kisses my cheek and walks back to our run down 2-bedroom house.

I pull up to the dock and I tie my boat to the dock.

"Hi, can I get four pounds of flour, and two spools of line." I say to the shop keeper.

"OK, coming right up."

I walk around the isles and grab a couple packs of hooks, and baits.


A loud boat horn echoes through the air. The only boat that can do that is from the capitol. A large freighter ship pulls into a special dock where it can fit.

"What's happening? Its way to early for a shipment, have you even gone out yet?" the shop keeper stands in the doorway looking out to the boat.

"No, I haven't." I check out and place the bag in the cabin.

A ramp lowers from the capital ship, and guys with guns walk down. A blonde girl walks down nervously clutching a bag to her chest.

"This is your home now." a guard says to the girl.

"What am I supposed to do? I don't even know where I am!" the girl screams throwing her bag down, the guard aims his gun at her.

"Get Back!" he yells and slaps her.

She falls to the ground, and I rush over there without thinking. I push the guard down and another one hits me in the face, I fall to the ground and he tazzes me and I pass out.

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