mayas sister

By greysanatomy7564mcu

60.2K 1.3K 42

trouble lies around every corner it seems to follow maddy everywhere she go's.This is a story of maya bishops... More

party p2
I trusted you
oh god
new recruit
coming home
family drama
new job
its just a crush
giving up
leave now
what i wanted all along
saved by the bell
the start of something.
I'll be back
goodbye Seattle
love is hard
back sooner that you thought.
she will hate us or she won't
a question from the author

can i stay here

1.8K 43 0
By greysanatomy7564mcu

I arrive home and step into the apartment," you don't get to just dissappear for hours on end after slamming the door," maya yells at me as I gently clise the door.
"My god am I about to make this so much worse," I say pulling the test out and handing it to her.
" what the absolute fu(k is this,you are so irresponsible, your barely 16 and your pregnant,your such a..," she yells her voice becoming louder by the second, I see carina come out of their room to see what the yelling about, I have tears slowly falling down my cheeks.
" ," I yell at her storming to my room and grabbing my backpack, I throw a spare pair of clothes my wash bag and laptop in there, as well as my toiletries. I throw the bag over one shoulder and walk back into the kitchen.
" you don't get to walk away," she yells,"also, where the hell do you think your going," she yells again, at this point I'm thinking she is more like dad than I originally believed.
" I'll see you around carina," I say leaving the apartment.


I arrive back at andys apartment and knock on the door, she said to call her if I was in any trouble, the door opens to reveal Andy stood there with wet hair and a towel wrapped around her.
" can I stay here," I say.she nods and moves out of the way so I can come in.
" what happend," she asks.
" I left I couldn't stand the yelling, maya she was so mad," I say sitting on her sofa.
"What was she saying," andy questions.
" she said and I quote,what the absolute fu(k is this,you are so irresponsible, your barely 16 and your pregnant,your such a... and then I cut her off saying,I'm such a what maya, a disappointment, a slut, that I'm nothing, not worth it, believe me I know that, I don't need you to tell me, I've been told that my whole life, that's effectively it and then I left," at this point I was in tears again god how I hate crying.
"Sweetie, you are none of thoes things, whoever has told you that is wrong, don't believe a word they say, and stay here as long as you want," she say calmly, before leaving to get changed.
My phone starts ring and it mays, I decline it and it rings again and this time it carina,sorry carina I say declining.


I slept in andys spare room  my phone was blowing up from carina and maya, I ended up blocking them both, carina did nothing wrong, but maya she doesn't know what I went through. I don't really care what she thinks anymore, she used to be my role model but they do say all good things come to an end.
" mads," Andy says opening the door removing me from my thoughts.
"Morning," I respond.
"I have to go to the station for a 24 hour shift you going to be okay here or do you want to come," she asks.
" I'll be fine here , be careful," I say before she leave the room.24 hours alone with my thoughts this is going to be a long day.

Mayas pov

" you don't get to just dissappear for hours on end after slamming the door," I yell at the teenager that has just walked in
"My god am I about to make this so much worse," she says pulling something out of her pocket and handingit to me, a positive pregnancy test .
" what the absolute fu(k is this,you are so irresponsible, your barely 16 and your pregnant,your such a..," i yells my voice becoming louder by the second, I see carina come out of our room to see what the yellings about.
"I'm such a what maya, a disappointment, a slut, that I'm nothing, not worth it, believe me I know that, I don't need you to tell me, I've been told that my whole life ," she yells at me storming off to her room, she comes back into the kitchen and heads for the door.
" you don't get to walk away," I yell ,"also, where the hell do you think your going," i yells again.
" I'll see you around carina," she says leaving the apartment.
" maya bishop,what the hell is wrong with you," carina yells.
" what do you mean carina, she pregnant what 16 year old is that irresponsible," I say lowering my voice.
"Maya, talk to her and let her explain before flying of the rails at her, she has a reason and it is not my place to tell you," carina says calmly although I can tell I will be sleeping on the sofa tonight.
"I'm sorry," I say cupping her face.
" it's not me you should be apologising too," she says stepping away from me.i have tried calling maddy and so has carina they were being declined now there not even going through,pretty sure she blocked us. I slept on the couch and got up around 4 to get ready for work I wish she had come home during the night.

I arrive at work in a slump wanting to know where she is,"Hey, Andy" I say as I pass her in the hall.
"Hi," she says coldly, I wonder whats pissed her off.
" what's up with you," I question not impressed with her attitude.
"Nothing, what up with you," she say walking off, she must know something about maddy she wouldn't act like this otherwise, at least I hope she wouldn't.
The klaxon goes off and I run to the truck," not you Herrera, desk duty for the rest of shift," I say shutting the door.


That was a boring fire,I get out off the truck and hear laughter, I walk to the front desk to see Andy and maddy sat together mucking around, they haven't noticed that I'm stood there yet.
"I'll see you after shift," maddy says standing up and seeing me.

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