Dungeon-bound Bell-kun

By All-Fiction

15.1K 465 29

Bell, the ghost that haunts the dungeon, he's been haunting the dungeon since Orario's dark ages. At the 5th... More

Before we begin
The beginning
SS- Hangout
An Exorcist in action
16th Floor Passageway
16th Floor Passageway part 2
An Exorcist's decision
Oh Confession Time!
SS- Sick day
Grave of the Astraea Familia
Grave of the Astraea Familia pt. 2
Will you stay with me?
SS- Weird day
Prompts pt. 2
It's Time
Time Guardians
One shot- Reverse Roles
Prompts pt.3
Time starts now
SS- Lefiya's Diary

Curious about Little Ol' me?

340 17 0
By All-Fiction

We see three people sitting at a branch at the giant tree of the 18th floor, We see Bell hiding behind Filvis who was being squished by Lefiya.

"Why do you want my personal info? What are you gonna use it for? *gasp* Lefiya you Pervert."

Bell teased as he cover his mouth expressing his "shock" and continued hiding behind Filvis.

"N-no It's nothing like that! I-i just want to know so I c-can understand more about super-naturals, yeah that's right."

Lefiya defended herself not convincing anyone not even the usakichi laying at her lap.

"Umm.. why are you guys squishing me?"

Filvis asked getting uncomfortable from them squishing her shoulders, her ears having a dust of red.

"Because Lefiya hasn't stop stalking me."

Bell said hiding himself again from Lefiya's sight , Lefiya's ears turning red.

"Because you won't tell me anything, Bell-kun!"

"All I'm asking for is your previous familia, blood type, your level, your family structure and the date of your death! I'm not asking too much Meanie!"

"Why do you need to know my blood type to know more about super-naturals?"


"Umm... now, now calm down the both of you."

Filvis tried to diffuse the situation.

"Besides if you want to know more about super-naturals you could check the guild's library there's some books about it most people assume its fiction but surprisingly its quite accurate."

Bell said as he soon stood up and floated away.

"Anyways I have to go I hear some usakichi are still stealing some adventurer's gear in the dungeon, gotta to stop that."

He said as slowly descends down the tree.

"Also you don't have to come down here this weekend, you should take a break."

He said as he soon disappear.


"Eto, Filvis-san can you accompany me to the library?"

Giving her a pleading look.

"*sigh* Sure."

Then they slowly descend down the tree.


Arriving at the Guilds Library they see a bunch of adventures reading about tips of the dungeon, they headed towards the fiction section of the library.

"So, what to do you like to know first?"

Filvis said as she grabs some of the books that contained some truths about the super naturals.

"Actually, can you tell me all the things you know about Bell-kun ?"

Lefiya said as she grabs as much books containing ghosts about the dungeon.

"Hmm.. I really don't know too much about him as well, my God never specifically targeted a single super natural, I only knew about him from his rumors and from my familia members."

"Oh speaking of familia members are they active like you?"

"No... there all dead."

"Oh... I-im sorry."

"It's fine."

As they grabbed as much books they can hold they went towards an emptiest table away from all the other adventurers, they started to read

"Thanks again for helping me."

"It's not a problem, besides I also want to know more about him."

"I hope your not trying to find his weakness or something ehehe."

"Actually I've decided not to exorcise him."


"I'm mean I said it myself I really don't know anything about him, only from rumors and my familia's members and they all had a deep hatred toward super naturals."

"("You all think dying... disappearing is the best way to atone..." "As if a murder like me, could ever atone like that.")"
Those words flashed into Filvis' mind

"(I know nothing about him, just because there super natural doesn't mean they deserve to be exorcise.)"

"Then I guess that makes us partners."


"You and I both want to know about Bell-kun, so let's try our best ."

Lefiya holding her hands with hers causing Filvis to blush.

"I guess that does makes us partners."

She replied with a smile.


They spent hours reading all the books they gather only too.

"Ughhh, We've spent hours and we haven't found anything yet."

Lefiya complained after reading another book that didn't contain anything about Bell.

"And why are all the books containing about him were all story about him as a girl."

"Hmm, It could be because of the Astraea familia."


"The rumor of him started after the death of the Astraea familia, so people assumed him as a girl due to the Astraea familia not allowing men to join."

"Oh yeah Elfy did tell me that, she said that all records of the Astraea were destroyed but if they only accept women then how could Bell join?."

"That is true, he could have been kept as a secret back then the Astraea familia were reconsidering there no man policy and Cranel-san could be the first one before the incident..."

Filvis explained her theory.

"Maybe but the records are still destroyed so we can't find out."

"Actually there might be away to find out."

Filvis started to remember a certain rumor containing a rumor about the Astraea familia.

"What do you mean?"

"In the 18th floor there said to be the grave of the fallen Astraea members, rumor has it that if you steal a weapon then your entire familia will be cursed until you correct all your wrong doings and return the weapon."

"So you mean we can talk to them?!"

Lefiya quietly exclaimed excited to find a new trail to find more about Bell.

"Yes, but we would have to find it, I have been 18th floors countless of times but I haven't found it."

"But isn't it a grave, didn't someone made it for them so how come you haven't found it yet?"

"It is, but only a few people can find it, it's a way to maintain as rumor, like how Cranel-san only accepts a few people who summon him or how Hayato-san only takes who ever enters alone."

"I guess that makes sense, so does that mean we might not be able to find it?"

Her ears slowly dropping, disappointed she might not be able to follow up in her new lead.

"D-don't worry about it, you might be able to find it."

Filvis tried to reassure her.

"I guess your right."

"Besides if we can't find it, then we can ask Cranel-san to take us there, the Grave of the Astraea familia is one of the seven mystery of Orario, though their rumor has stayed the same since the beginning so Cranel-san has no need to take us there."

"No we can't let Bell-kun know about this."

Lefiya said waving her hands and making an X with her arms.

"Hmm why?"

"If we do, then Bell-kun will just give us a wild goose chase or not even do it and talk to them so we can't even enter the grave if we find it."

Lefiya explained crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks.

"I-i guess your right."

Filvis sweat dropped as she listens to Lefiya's ranting about the secretive ghost.

"Maybe we could ask Hayato-san to help us?"

Lefiya suggested thinking that the wind spirit may lead them to the grave.

"Maybe but from what I could recall Hayato-san doesn't seem to like us too much."

"I guess your right, but what about some of the lower super naturals like usakichi?"

"They will be able to enter but they don't have the power to let us enter."

"So does that mean it's over we can't enter?"

"Not necessarily we still don't know if you could find it or not."

"But that means you can't enter right?"

"Again not necessarily, I may have been there countless time but I haven't explored everywhere and if you could enter you'll be able to make an entrance for me."

"How would I do that?"

"Simply just entering, I'll locate your spiritual energy and I'll be able to create an entrance for me."

"Eh? you could do that?!"

"Hmm, yes but only if I could feel your spiritual energy but since the domain's entrance is at the 18th floor I'll be able to sense yours."

"Wow! Could you teach me how to do?!"

She exclaimed quietly(She's excited but this is still a public library) holding her hands again, causing the raven haired elf to blush which quickly disappears and gave her a small smile.

"Sure, I'll teach you how to in our next training session."

"Thanks alot."

Lefiya smiled.

After their discussion they returned all the books except one that contained a lot of facts about super naturals, Lefiya was gonna use it to know more about super naturals, after borrowing the book they left the library and decided to meet at the 18th floor tomorrow.


Author's Notes:

Short chapter? yeah, writing this at 2 a.m was planning to go until they arrived at the domain and met the Astraea member(It's only one member and I don't think it's hard to guess who it will be), but got sleepy so decided to split it, did not proof read.

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