Abandoned and Neglected Doesn...

By Gomarnic

16.5K 400 52

Harry Potter, brother of the supposedly 'Brother-Who-Lived,' Jace Potter, was sent away at a young age to Lil... More

The Beginning
The Sorting Hat
First Year Starts Now
The Incident...
Quidditch and Troll Hunting
R.O.R and Christmas Break!
Meeting Fluffy and the Mirror of Erised
Visiting Hagrid is Always a Good Choice, Even if it Means Danger's Lurking
Getting Past Challenges
Final Boss Battle and an Unexpected Surprise
Welcome to Your New House, Kids!
Summer Vacation and Tragedy Strikes
Second-Year Supplies and New Friendship
Journey to Hogwarts Won't be a Hassle, Right?
Second Year Starts
Trouble Strikes Yet Again
TWO Heirs of Slytherin??!!
Tom Riddle's Diary
Into the Chamber of Secrets; Here We Come!!
Katheren is Not Impressed
Who the Freak is This Person?!
Housing an Ex-Criminial; How Bad Can It Be?
Third Year Starts
Lessons With Professor Lupin and Hagrid
The Halloween Prank

A New Journey Starts at a School Call Hogwarts

1.3K 33 2
By Gomarnic

Harry Potter POV

As one can imagine, I definitely didn't see my life like this after Jace became the Boy-Who-Lived.

First off, he isn't actually the real Boy-Who-Lived; I am the real Girl-Who-Lived, but people see me as a boy, so I didn't mind. Secondly, I was wrongly sent off to my aunt, who lovely took me in with some hesitation at first. Thirdly, I had to learn that my 'family' abandoned me for my brother, which I'll see if he's spoiled or not. Fourthly, my Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Cousin Dudley acted more like my family than my biological ones. Fifthly, I was told by my Aunt that I was a witch from the Wizardly World. Sixthly, I had to learn how to control/ not show my magic from Aunt Petunia since she was Lily's sister. Seventhly, I only would call my 'family' their names. And lastly, I had received a letter to Hogwarts, the school every magical child would go to.

That was surprising for me because I don't know much about Hogwarts other than the stories Aunt Petunia would say.

"Growing up with you wasn't easy at first," Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon said. And I completely get that since I was a surprise at their doorstep.

At first, they didn't want me because I'm technically a biological child of Lily's. However, as time passed, they soon saw that I was wronged for something James and Lily had done. So, they raised me as their niece with Dudley acting as a much better brother than I could ever ask for.

I grew up well enough to know right and wrong, and I read faster than the average student. I learn how to write, talk, and even ride a bicycle just fine.

Regardless, after being told that I'm a witch, I was very careful with my emotions and only had outbursts away from my cousin's family.

That being said, now at eleven years old, I could finally go to a school that has others like me.

It was dinner time, but my mind was wondering about the supplies for Hogwarts.

"Wait, how am I supposed to purchase all this stuff, Aunt Petunia?" I asked, concerned if they had to pay for it.

My Aunt was about to reply until there was a knock on the door.

Uncle Vernon walked up to the door and pecked who it was. "Well, I guess you don't really need to worry much, girl! Someone's here to take care of you on your shopping trip!" Uncle Vernon replied, opening the door to the supposed stranger.

A giant entered the house with a humble smile, noting that I'm someone he knows.

"Why hello there, young Harry. How are ye?" He says with politeness.

"I-I'm fine, um..."

"Call me Hagrid, young Harry. I assume ye' Dumbledore notify you about me coming?"

"Um, not really. I don't even know who's Dumbledore," I reply nervously.

"Oh, well then. Let's get going," Hagrid said, stepping out of the house.

"I didn't expect this so soon. Oh well, I guess this is goodbye, Harry-deary," Aunt Petunia said, tightly hugging me.

Uncle Vernon patted my head after Aunt Petunia let go of me, and Dudley shook my hand before handing me my letter.

"I'll see you soon, 'cus. Don't forget to write," He said before stepping away from the door.

I waved one last time at them before heading outside with Hagrid.

He was waiting for me on a motorcycle, and I can't help but feel nervous.

'But Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon seem to trust him. I'll see who this Dumbledore person is and hope that nothing bad will happen.'

I got onto the motorcycle, and as Hagrid starts the engine, I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen.

And I was right...

The motorcycle began to fly instead of driving on the ground, and I screamed, not because I'm scared but because I was amazed.

'So, this is how it truly feels to experience magic... I never would've thought that this is it...'

As we continued to fly, I began to imagine how my life would be now that I'm magic.

'I hope that I'll be able to find some friends who'll appreciate me for just being me...'

I looked at the stars above and sighed.



Mirabel POV

'Six years since my failed gift ceremony. And here I thought it wouldn't get worst, yet it did...' Eleven-year-old Mirabel thought.

After her failed ceremony, everything changed for the worst in Mirabel's opinion.

Firstly, Alma, who she refused to call family, gave her the cold shoulder and treated her differently from the family. Secondly Julieta and Agustín, again refusing to call family, started to neglect her. It wasn't too bad at first, but now they'll just ignore her whenever she's around. Thirdly, her sister became too busy to be with her, and Isabela started picking on her horribly. Fourthly, Pepa, Felix, Dolores, and even Camilo refused to spend time with the youngest female. Even to abruptly scream at her to leave them alone. And lastly, her Tio Bruno left without any warning, already shifting the blame onto her.

One good thing was that her baby cousin, Antonio, wasn't horrible to her despite being one.

However, Mirabel knows that things will change if he gets a gift, making her invisible all over again.

As Mirabel headed to her room one day to rest, she found a letter signed off to a school called Hogwarts.

It explained how she was chosen to go to a school gifted for wizards and witches, assuming she is one, and that there'll be opportunities to make friends and learn spells. It also mentioned that she'll have to buy some supplies that even she knows that isn't here. However, that didn't bother her.

She now has a reason to leave the Madrigals, leave Casita, leave Encanto, and be fully herself in the new world.

When Mirabel woke up the next day, the letter was gone, but there was an object, she's assuming it was called something later on.

She kisses Antonio goodbye as she writes a letter to the Madrigals about leaving and maybe coming back.

As she sighs, she touches the object, sending her across the world with no hesitation.


Katheren POV

As Katheren was in the attic, her room, she rereads the letter sent to her at least ten times.

'I-It can't be... This school, Hogwarts, expects me to go along even though it's literally on the other side of here! For freak's sake, I live in fuckin' California, USA!'

Throughout Katheren's life, everything was dreadful for her.

Her 'family' basically treated her like crap, her 'friends' abandoned her, the bullying grew the moment she wasn't given powers, and anyone who sees her would straight up ignore her, let alone not help at all.

This resulted in her having trust issues and beating people up on several occasions.

But what most people don't know was that Katheren had magic that is more powerful than an ordinary wizard.

But we'll get to that later...

As soon as Katheren was done reading the letter, she sat it down and closed her eyes while curling up.

'Even so, how can I go without asking people? I mean, there's has to be a way for transportation-'

Suddenly, an object of a hat appear right beside her as the letter was gone.

Katheren looked shocked for a bit before becoming wary.

'If I do this, then maybe I can possibly have a better life without much trouble... Or I can just run away and never come back... Either way, I'm out of here.'

Katheren heard someone calling her name, assuming that it was one of her 'sisters,' but she ignores it and was soon washed away.


Danny POV

"A school called Hogwarts wants me to go there despite being eleven and living in Amity Park. Brilliantly stupid, in my opinion..." Danny whispered as he threw the letter on the ground.

Things haven't changed since he was faced with reality.

Maddie and Jack were still working too hard on their projects, sometimes even neglecting Danny whenever he needed them, Jazz was too busy to notice the issue, and Sam and Tucker kept their distance but would even participate in bullying him.

After that, Danny didn't bother telling one anything and just had to defend himself since that's all he need.

That was until he got the letter...

Now, he's not sure whether to trust or ignore it.

'It has my name and my address, but I'm not sure if it's a stranger danger deal or a ticket to paradise. Either way, if it does come true, that means that I'll be able to have friends!'

Ah, yes, he still dreamed that one day, he'll be friends with someone or more and enjoy life as much as he could.

As he was about to pick up the letter, a knock on the door made him look up.

However, he didn't see an object that replaces the letter, and the moment Danny touches it, he was whisked away.


Harry POV

After getting a good night's sleep, I was eager to know more about the Wizardly World and the magic.

Hagrid, despite being a giant, is a sweet, gentle man with a heart for creatures.

On our way through Diagon Alley thanks to some magic, I saw a girl with green glasses wandering around with a letter.

She looked very nervous and perplexed, so I decided to head toward her to see if I could help out.

I approach her while Hagrid was watching from afar and asked, "Hey, are you lost?"

She looked at me with a startled look before inhaling deeply. "Hi. Yeah, I'm kind of lost. I'm going to a school called Hogwarts, and I need supplies, but I don't know where to buy them or how much money it is..."

"Well, I'm going to the bank to take some money out. You wanna come?" I asked kindly.

Her face looked hopeful as she nodded multiple times.

"Y-Yeah, but can my other friends come along? There's only two," She replied.

"Of course, they can," I answered.

The girl shouted out that someone, me, was here to help, and there appear a boy with a white shirt and light blue jeans and a girl with a black dress and purple jacket.

"Hello," replied the boy, but the girl wasn't looking right at me. Instead, she was looking at the ground.

'Maybe she's nervous...' I thought, waving.

"I'm Danny Fenton, this is Mirabel Madrigal, and... um..."

"...Katheren Bee..." The girl whispered, still not looking.

"Well, nice to meet you all, I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

All of us walked to Hagrid, who I introduced, and we walked to a place called Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

It had goblins working on one side and others typing.

I could see Katheren getting nervous, so I extend my hand to give her some comfort.

She was hesitant but gracefully took the offer and finally looked up.

We stared at each other's eyes, seeing that hers was more emerald while my eyes were just plain.

Mirabel shouted at us to come along, breaking our trance, and we followed still holding hands.

Katheren held onto my hand tightly as if this was the very first contact with any humans, and I couldn't help but feel bad.

'Maybe she must've had a tough childhood, not that I completely blame her...'

After a few readjustments here and there, all of us saw how much gold was there.

'Oh, Merlin, that's a lot of gold!' I thought, still staring at the amount.

"Ah, yes. Dear Dumbledore placed an account of you, Harry. Now, let's take some for you and your companions," Hagrid said as he began collecting the gold.

"Um, Mr. Hagrid?" Mirabel asked, picking up one gold coin.

"Yes, Mirabel?"

"What are these exactly?" She asked, examining it.

"That's a Galleon, known as money usage here in Europe," Hagrid explained, finishing collecting the amount we needed.

"Are you sure we could use the money? We don't want to-" Danny spoke, but Hagrid waved it off with a smile.

"Nonsense, Danny-boy! I'm sure Dumbledore will be alright with knowing that I spent wisely for all of you."

As we exited the Wizarding Bank, I began to look around Diagon Alley, not noticing that I'm still holding Katheren's hand.

"Hagrid, what exactly is this place?" She asked, looking around as well.

"This is Diagon Alley, a place to buy supplies as well as explore all types of magic. Have you never been here before?" Hagrid said.

"W-Well, to be honest, I just arrived here without anyone else since I'm for America..." Katheren mumbled but loud enough for Hagrid to hear.

"I'm from America as well, but I have never seen these other two as well," Danny admitted.

"I'm from Columbia, but I have just whisked away thanks to an object," Mirabel replies.

"Ah, I see. What all three of you touched was called a Portkey, a magical object that's enchanted to send any individual to a location," Hagrid explains.

"Can a Portkey be any object, not just a random hat?" Danny asked.

"Of course, it can be anything," Hagrid answered.

"Oh, mine was a tie while Katheren was a book," Mirabel clarifies, now understanding magic more.

As we went to every store for our stuff, we each saw extraordinary magic, and I could tell that we were all at ease.

Once it was time for our wands, Garrick Ollivander, the owner, introduced us to what wand suits us.

So far, Danny got an Ash Dragon heartstring wand while Mirabel got a Maple Dragon heartstring wand.

Katheren and I were still having to decide on our wands until Ollivander gave us a wand that shines upon us.

"Ah, looks like Harry has a Holly Phonix feather while Katheren has a Willow Dragon heartstring. Very rare for you, Harry, but very special for Katheren, indeed."

Hagrid thanked Ollivander, and we left shortly after.

'I wonder what he meant by "Very rare for you, Harry,"' I thought, feeling Katheren letting go.

"So, all we need now is your creatures for the rest of your life!" Hagrid gleefully said, indicating that he likes magical animals.

On our way, we passed some people who looked at us, but I didn't bother to see them. Besides, we arrived just in time to choose our animals.

While we looked around, I spotted Katheren looking at some cats but soon shifted to the owl sections.

In the end, Mirabel chose a tiger kitten, Danny with a Horned toad, Katheren with a Barn owl, and mine was a Snowy Owl.

As soon we were done getting our supplies, Hagrid told us that we would all be going to King's Cross to ride on the train.

Hagrid led the way to our destination, but I was staring at Katheren with her Barn owl.

'Seems she's into animals as well...' I thought, offering her a smile when she looked at me.

She smiled back but only a little bit.

I held onto Mirabel's hand who in return held Danny's as Danny hold Katheren's.

Then, Hagrid gave me the rest of the money, and I made sure to keep it.

He then instructed us on how to get to platform 9 3/4 and vanished afterward, leaving us with our trunks.

'I guess we'll be seeing him soon...'

We saw a family with red hair going inside the walls, assuming that's platform 9 3/4.

We grabbed our stuff and one by one, we each saw the train packed with children.

Thanks to some help from some people, we sat down in our compartments, now awaiting our destination.

'Things are about to change...' I thought, looking at Katheren, who sat next to me.

"Harry, is that your real name? Or is it to cover up your gender?" Katheren whispered, shocking me.

I mischievously smiled at her, getting to see her nod, and we came to a mutual agreement not to mention my gender for now.

'This is going to be fun...'

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