Love And War❤️

By CenasGirlForever44

50.1K 2K 204

Thinking Your Truly Happy Until You Open You're Eyes And See That It's All A Lie ❤️ More

Long Story❤️
I Miss You❤️
I Want Him❤️
Happy Birthday❤️
I'll Stay With You❤️
What I Did❤️
You Did What!?❤️
She Liked You❤️
For Now❤️
Red Marks❤️
Wont See Them❤️
I Need To Tell You❤️
I Cant❤️
I Hate You❤️
Told Me What?
Why Didn't You❤️
Forgive You❤️
Miss Daddy❤️
Tell Him❤️
We Need To Talk❤️
On The Way❤️
Baby On Board❤️
Baby Girl❤️
My Family❤️
Dont Tell Him❤️
Support Me❤️
The End❤️

He Does❤️

1.1K 54 5
By CenasGirlForever44

(Chapter 16)

Nicole ran after Jason and she was just so heartbroken that she he thought John was the reason his father didn't want to see him, if only he knew that the reason why his father wasn't around was because he had gotten some other woman pregnant and was forcing all of his time and energy on her and that child growing inside of her and she couldn't bare the thought of him being with her all through out her pregnancy while he was gone through out all of hers and it killed her to know that he would be a better father to that kid than to her and she just didn't get it what was wrong with her? What was wrong with thief kids she got up to where Jason was hiding and began to knock on the door!

Nikki: Jason! Open the door! Please honey we need to talk!

Just then John came around her with a key!

John: Can I talk to him alone for a second?

Nikki nodded and headed downstairs to find Bens face stuffed in the ice cream she laughed as she went over to get him out of it she feared what he thought!

Ben: Sorry mommy but since no one was around I had to!
Nikki: It's okay baby come here let me clean you off!
Ben: Is Jason okay?
Nikki: I don't know sweetie he won't talk to me!

Ben just nodded as he sat while Nikki cleaned his face!

Nikki: Are you okay with this?
Ben: With what?
Nikki: Me and your uncle John dating!
Ben: Oh yeah I like uncle John and he likes me not like daddy!

He said looking down and hearing that broke Nikki's heart!

Nikki: Ben...
Ben: It's true mommy he bass is that's why he doesn't come to see us!

Nikki just hugged him and kissed his head!

Ben: John likes us! He reads me bed time stories and takes me swimming and sneaks me ice cream when you say no!

Nikki looked at him and Ben realized what he said!

Nikki: He what?
Ben: He loves me?

Nikki smiled and shook her head!

Nikki: Well I'm happy you're okay with it!
Ben: I love you mommy I want to see you happy!

Nikki just carried him and went into the living room to lay with her baby who she hadn't been able to spend too much time with since returning to work!

Up stairs!

John finally made his way into the where Jason had locked himself and Jason wasn't too happy!

Jason: Leave me alone!
John: Jason we have to talk!
Jason: Why? It's obvious that you don't love us your only nice to us so that you could be with my mom!

John was surprised at how mature he was for someone who was about to be 6 in a few weeks!!

John: Look Jason even if your mother wasn't in the picture I have alway cared about you guys I love you guys and I'm sorry that you feel like I only pretend to be with your mom but that's not true!

Jason looked at John and he could tell he had been crying!

Jason: Why doesn't my dad love us? Why doesn't he want to be with us! He's the one having another baby with some other woman!
John: How did you know that? Did your mother tell you?
Jason: No I overheard you tell my mom that one time remember? When you told her he didn't want to see anymore!
John: Oh yeah!
Jason: Why does he hate us? Why doesn't my father love me!

He said as he began to cry and John went over to hug him!

John: Trust me Jason your father loves you.......

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