Tell Him❤️

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(Chapter 24)


Brie: I love you!
Nikki: I love you too! Bye Brianna!

They hung up and Nicole wiped her face Nikki went upstairs she saw Ben and Jason watching tv when she noticed it was an old re-run of Monday night Raw and John just so happened to come on the screen when they boys heard their fathers music they got up and jumped on the bed!

Ben: Look mommy it's daddy!
Nikki: I know baby!

She said as she tried to hold in her tears!

Jason: I'm going to be like daddy when I grow up!
Ben: Me too! Right mommy?

He asked as he looked at her and saw that she was crying he ran to her and hugged her!

Ben: Are you okay mommy?
Nikki: Yes baby don't worry about me!
Ben: You miss daddy huh?
Nikki: Yes baby I miss daddy!
Jason: Don't cry just tell him to come see us!

Nikki wiped her tears and sat up!

Nikki: You know that he has to work on Monday, but don't worry Tuesday you guys will go see him!
Ben: Yay! We can watch daddy on TV!

Nikki nodded and laid down with her kids and watched as John wrestled!

The next day Nicole got up early got her and her kids things and put them into the cab she called she then got them settled in and hugged Maddie, kissed Maddie then stood in front of Brady!

Brady: Nicole again I'm so sorry!

Nikki just nodded and hugged him!

Nikki: I may still be mad but I will forgive you! Thank you for letting me stay here!
Brady: No problem! Anytime!

She hugged him once more time then headed to her Nanna's house and watched them play!

Hours later Brie finally arrived and she hugged her!

Nikki: I'm sorry to attack you like this but I really needed it!

Brie smiled and hugged her back tighter!

Brie: I know I get it! Come on let's talk!

She said as she led her inside the house while Nanna was with the kids!

Brie: Okay so you're pregnant again?

She said with a huge smile!

Nikki: Yes and again it's Johns!
Brie: Are you happy?
Nikki: Yes I am but I'm mad too and I don't know why I just can't get it out of my head like its a mistake get over it right!
Brie: Yes a mistake that brought you two amazing little blessing and a third one on the way!

Nikki nodded and held her stomach!

Nikki: I felt so bad denying my baby!
Brie: When did you do that?
Nikki: When he asked me in the hospital!
Brie: Oh Nicole!
Nikki: I know!

They spent a few hours talking when Nicole finally came to her final decision!

Nikki: Fine! You cracked me! I'll fly out with you to Florida and I'll see him!
Brie: Will you tell him you're pregnant I mean you told Vince already!
Nikki: Yes I'll tell him....

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