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(Chapter 33)


.......... She yelled then looked at him!

Nikki: I'm sorry the pain is just getting to me!
John: Maybe I should just stay quite!

Nikki nodded then got a big contraction and clenched his hand so hard he felt it would fall off!

After a few more hours it was finally time to push when!

Dr: You're doing great Nicole just I see the head a few more pushes and he's out!

Nikki nodded and pushed as hard as she could when she head the doctor say he's out Nicole then heard the doctor say...

Dr: This can't be happening!

She began to panic when she didn't hear her baby cry!

Nikki: What's going on? Why isn't my baby crying?

She began to get up when the nurse pushed her down!

Nurse: Sweetie calm down your baby is fine we got have to clean him off and we will give him to you!
Nikki: Why isn't he crying? John why isn't our baby crying!
Nurse: Sweetie not all baby's cry when their born!

She said as she began to cry when Nicole heard the slap of skin and loud cries! She was so happy she never thought she would be so happy to hear a baby cry but this was her baby the one she had been waiting for when the doctor came he looked surprise!

Dr: I'm afraid I've made a mistake!
Nikki: Mistake?
John: Is our baby alright?
Nikki: Can I hold him?
Dr: Yes everything is fine' it's just that your baby is a she and not a he!

Nikki was shocked they asked the doctor three times what she would be having and it always appeared to be a boy, now that she delivered it turned out to be a baby girl!

Nikki: A girl?

She said with such a big smile!

Dr: Yes congratulations! So sorry about that I for sure thought you were having a boy!
John: It's okay it happens as long as our baby is healthy!
Dr: Okay Nicole we will be checking your baby cleaning her and getting her stats down we will bring her to you soon in the meanwhile rest!

Nikki nodded and began to rest! Before she knew it she was asleep!

When she woke up she saw that it was 5 in the afternoon and her baby was next to her!

She smile as she got up and grabbed her! She noticed she was alone and wondered why no one was with her or more importantly the baby!

She smiled down at her and could she that she got Johns dimples the moment Nikki rubbed her thumb over her head she smiled and Nikki could see those dimples that John has the ones she had fallen in love with!

Nikki: Hi there sweetie! Why are you here all alone? Where's daddy baby girl?

Nikki smiled down at her baby who was just sleeping in her arms!

Just then John walked in with flowers, balloons and a giant teddy bear!

John: Hey babe!
Nikki: Hey where were you and why was our baby alone?
John: I'm sorry when you fell asleep they took the baby and didn't bring her so I had a mission to complete!
Nikki: That was?
John: Getting Jason,Ben and my family home they were tired then Brie, Randy and I re did the whole nursery and we returned all of the little boy stuff we bought and they let me get girl things and well yeah I got all that done but since I painted the room pink she will probably have to wait a week before she sleeps in there!

Nikki: Sweetie she won't sleep in there for a while!
John: What do you mean?
Nikki: With the boys they never slept in their own room until 3 month later my room turned into a nursery! Then again I was alone most of the time so I just wanted someone in bed with me!

She said as she smiled down at her baby girl!

Nikki: I can't believe you guys got it all done in a few hours!
John: I'll admit I hired some workers for the nursery but the furniture is all white and the room is a light pink with butterflies and when I said I painted I did I drew a teddy bear and filled it in black and we wrote our names next to it I wrote yours too!
Nikki: I can't wait to see it!
John: The baby stuff was all me and Brie but we only bought things to keep her dressed for a month later you and I can go shopping so that you have all of the things you will like!

Nikki nodded she was so into her baby she didn't really care what he was saying!

Nikki: Oh my princess! Brady was right!
John: Right about what?
Nikki: I'm so use to holding boys that holding her makes me feel so happy and there's this unexplainable love!

She said as she kissed her cheek then looked at John!

Nikki: She has your dimples!
John: You're eyes!
Nikki: Really? I haven't seen her open them!
John: We all saw them when she was in the room with the other babies!
Nikki: Okay! I can't wait to see her open them!

Nikki yawned and laid down still holding the baby!

John: Rest honey you need all you can get!

Nikki nodded and placed the baby back in her crib then fell asleep watching her sleep!

A few hours later Nikki heard a cry she opened her eyes to see John cradling their baby girl in his arms he then say in the chair next to her and was about to tell him to give her the baby when he began to talk to her and she decided to listen in!

John: Shh don't worry baby girl daddy's here! You know you were a surprise to all of us we thought we were having a boy then you came out and the moment I saw you in that room with the other babies I couldn't wait to hold you and kiss you and tell you that daddy loves you! You know you're really special to me! Don't get me wrong your brothers are special to me too but you're extra special because not only are you the first girl but I got to be here for your mom and for you, I was here when we first got to see you in mommy's tummy I got to rub her belly every night I was just so happy to finally be apart of her pregnancy and well I'm not going to lie to you I was a bit disappointed when the doctor thought you were a boy but I didn't want your mom to see besides it was my fault I mean I come from all boys but anyway when k saw talk it was you I I instantly fell in love with my little piece of heaven! My baby girl, from here on out you will always be daddy's girl! My little princess!

He smiled down at her and he saw her looking up at him smiling!

John: I will always be here to love and care for you protect you from the monsters under your bed, I'll be here when you fall to kiss the pain away and I'll be here to keep those evil boys away!

Nikki was laughing on the inside already he was getting protective of his little girl!

John: I mean let's face it your mother is gorgeous so naturally you will get her looks hopefully a bit of her attitude so you'll always know how to defend yourself! When I was at home I was thinking I'm going to need a gun for all of the boys who wanted to be with you because I won't let you date until you're 30, but knowing your mother she would convince me of letting you date at 16 at the most and knowing the way she is she can convince me of anything I don't know how that woman does it but she does so I'm screwed and well I was seriously thinking about the gun when I realized I'm built like a monster! I don't need a gun I can scare anyone on my own!

After John said that Nikki couldn't take it anymore she burt out laughing which scared John!

Nikki: Oh my god it hurts to laugh but I can't stop!
John: What's so funny?
Nikki: Built like a monster? Who are you trying to scare the boys or her hahaha

She said as she continued to laugh!

John: The boys!
Nikki: I love you babe!
John: I love you too.....

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