I Hate You❤️

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(Chapter 15)
I will be doing filler chapters for this book! Just until I can get to the big reveal!)

For months now Nicole had been on the main roster, Nikki was able to talk to Jason and explain to him the situation and that no matter what he always had John and other who would be like a father to him! She told both her boys that they would never need their father when John or Randy or even their uncle JJ was around they had more love around them then any two little boys and she convinced them that she would love them even way more than that so to not worry about it because of Nicole they would never need anything! 5 month have passed since the divorce was settled and Brady had not called or tried to come back to check on his kids and that made Nicole mad! She didn't think he would actually keep his word he thought he was just tormenting her and making her suffer for the restraining order she had against him but no! He had recently been spotted out with his girlfriend and fiancé Maddie out in San Diego and she was huge! When TMZ, E!, and other entertainment sources saw they all blamed her for the divorce and Nikki didn't care it was true she was one to blame! She made sure her kids never saw or read this stuff well just Jason because Ben still couldn't read but John was working on it with him! She loved John was so attentive to her kids more then their own father!

Nikki thought that now that it's been 5 month almost 6 they should start being more public about their relationship it's only fair that they saw her with a good man they have pinned her as the victim which she is but now she the victim alone with two kids and with no one to love! Little do they know that she has more love than she has ever had!

Nikki and John were at his house one a Thursday afternoon when Nicole thought it was time to talk to him about going public!

Nikki: Hey John could I talk to you for a second?

John nodded and walked out of the room with Nicole!

John: Are you leaving me?

Nikki looked at him in confusion and laughed!

Nikki: How is it that every time I ask you to talk you think I'm leaving?
John: I don't know!

He shrugged and Nikki hugged him!

Nikki: I'm not!
John: Oh okay it!

He said as sighed in relief and made Nikki laugh again!

John: So what's up?
Nikki: I think it's time you and me come out publicly with our relationship!

When he heard her say that he had this huge smile on his face so he picked her up and spun her around and kissed her!

John: That's a wonderful idea! Shall we do it today? Right now? Let's go to dinner!

Nikki laughed as he rambled on!

Nikki: John first we must talk to Jason and Ben!
John: Oh right so should we do it today?
Nikki: Yes but I don't know how to start out!
John: Well first lets make them happy!
Nikki: How?
John: Pizza and ice cream!

Nikki laughed and nodded!

He headed out to buy it then when he got there they ate and laughed had a great time so they decided now was the best time to do this!

Nikki: So boys there's actually something we need to tell you guys!
Ben: What mommy?
John: Well me and your mother are dating now!
Ben: What does that mean?
Nikki: It means John is now my boyfriend!

Jason wasn't happy he got up and was about to storm away when Nikki caught him!

Nikki: Baby what's wrong!
Jason: It's Johns fault! It's your fault my daddy doesn't want to see us I hate you!

He yelled at him and Nikki was sad to hear him say that but John was crushed.....

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