We Need To Talk❤️

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(Chapter 25)


They spent a few hours talking when Nicole finally came to her final decision!

Nikki: Fine! You cracked me! I'll fly out with you to Florida and I'll see him!
Brie: Will you tell him you're pregnant I mean you told Vince already!
Nikki: Yes I'll tell him!

She said as she got up and went to go get water!

Brie: This will be good Nicole I promise you!
Nikki: I'm not saying it won't be good Brianna I'm just still so...
Brie: Mad?
Nikki: I think at this point I'm just disappointed!
Brie: I understand!
Nikki: In the end this is for my kids well being!
Brie: For your happiness too! Never forget that!

Nikki nodded and hugged Brie!

Nikki: Thank you for coming here to see me and for shaking some sense into me!
Brie: No problem you would have done the same for me!

Nikki nodded and smiled they headed out back to watch the boys play with Nanna!

They next day they got up really early and while Brie flew off to meet Randy for Raw Nicole flew to Florida to wait for John she had the key to his house which was something he gave her after 5 months of dating Nicole was happy when he gave her a key it made her feel loved and trusted! When they got there the boys were sleepy so she took them up to the room they use to share and out them down for naps! She went into her and Johns room and saw that on his bed side was a photo of her and the kids she thought it was so sweet that she missed them so much that he wanted to at least sleep with the picture! She could help her smile!

She went downstairs and saw that he had no groceries she was a bit mad that even though she wasn't there he wasn't taking care of his house hold and more importantly himself! Once the kids woke up she did the shopping and headed home!

Later that day!

When she saw that his match was over she called to let him know she was there so he wouldn't be freaked out when he came home and heard noises!

John was making his way back to his locker room when he heard the phone ring! He smiled when he saw this it was Nicole!

John: Hi Nicole!
Nikki: Hey great match you did great!

She said as she turned off the tv and lead the boys upstairs for bed!

John: You watched?
Nikki: Well they boys wanted to so yes we watched!

John smiled at the thought of his kids watching him wrestle!

Nikki: I love how your one of the few wrestles who shows respect to the other person in that ring! I honestly couldn't even imagine how Sami felt getting to debut not only in his hometown but with you! That must be like a dream come true!

(In all honesty if you hate John Cena you have to respect him for what he did Monday night after he won instead of celebrating he let Sami enjoy his moment and got out of the ring! That's to me shows mayor respect!)

John: Well I know what it's like I've been in his shoes I know how the crowd is and I know what it feels like to go up against what the company calls one of the best!
Nikki: I don't know why you always avoid being called one of the best in WWE history!
John: I don't believe it!
Nikki: Whatever!

She said as she rolled her eyes and John knew exactly that she did it!

John: Don't you roll your eyes at me!

Nikki was shocked but she laughed it off and shook her head as he laughed on the other line!

Nikki: You know me too well!
John: I do!

They both smiled and the line was dead for a while until he decided to speak up!

John: Is that all you wanted to talk about? That my matched was so awesome you had to tell me how much you love Sami?
Nikki: Yeah I mean he's handsome and he has an amazing future ahead of him!

She said as she laughed as he did too!

John: Well if that's all.....
Nikki: No John! I just called to tell you that I'm here in the house with the kids so just know, so you won't be scared when you heard noises coming from the house!

John smiled and was happy with Nicole being back in their house and couldn't wait to see them!

John: Great I just have an interview to do here then I'll be headed home! I'll probably be there like around noon!
Nikki: Okay great see you tomorrow!
John: See you tomorrow!

Nicole was about to hang up...

John: Nicole!
Nikki: Yes John?
John: I love you!

Nikki smiled and she didn't want to say it back but she couldn't help herself!

Nikki: I love you too!

They hung up and Nikki went to bed she was going to go sleep with the boys but then decided she would sleep in her and Johns room! She missed having him here but she couldn't shake off the feeling she had of anger and disappointment that just made her want to cry in the end!

The next morning she was deep into her sleep when she felt two hand on her face poking her cheeks and kissing her!

Ben: Mommy wake up!

He finally spoke but Nikki wouldn't budge!

Ben: Come on mommy wake up!

He said as he began to jump on the bed!

Nikki groaned and covered her face with the blankets!

Ben: Mommy! Please I'm hungry and I need to be strong for when daddy gets here!!

Nikki smiled and when Ben was distracted she got up and attacked him with hugs and kisses which made Ben smile and laugh!

Ben: Eww mommy no kisses!
Nikki: You said you wanted to be like daddy right?
Ben: Yes!
Nikki: Well daddy loves it when I kiss him!!

She said as she smiled then felt two arms wrap around her!

John: She's right you know!!

He said as he kissed her cheek Nikki blushed and Ben jumped on them!

Ben: Daddy! Did you know you were our daddy?
John: Yes Ben I knew!
Ben: I'm going to go tell Jason you're home!

He said as he jumped off the bed and ran to their room!

Nikki pushed away from John and sat up against the head board!

Nikki: I didn't know it was noon she said looking at the clock and it was last 1!

She was shocked to see how much she's slept!

Nikki: Omg!
John: What?
Nikki: It's late!
John: Yeah are you okay you never sleep this late!
Nikki: Yeah I'm just happy you're here!

John smiled and got closer to her! He kissed her and she kissed back until she pushed him away!

Nikki: Not for that John! We really need to talk....

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