I'll Stay With You❤️

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(Chapter 5)

After Nikki got her kids with the help of John backstage where she watched them play with all of the superstars and divas! Nicole was so happy that John did this for Jason and for her she loved the fact that she didn't even ask him to do it he just thought about it and made it happen! Unlike Brady who you had to give specific instructions too which didn't really matter all that much because he would screw it up anyways! She always had to be the one fixing things at last minute and she couldn't handle this anymore she couldn't take it while no one was looking Nikki asked Brie to watch her kids while she made a phone call John was following her but stopped when she saw Brady walking towards her!

Brady: Hey baby I'm sorry I couldn't make it back faster but traffic read insane but I'm here now that's all that matters right?

Nikki looked at him in disbelief she was sick and tired of all of his excuses when he tried to kiss her she pushed him away and when he tried again she slapped him!

Brady: What the hell was that for?
Nikki: I'm done!
Brady: What?
Nikki: You heard me in moving out of that house with my kids and I'm divorcing you!
Brady: No Nicole you can't be doing this to me!

He said as she went to hug her as she was in tears when she smelled another woman's perfume then looked at his neck he had red lip stick on his collar and a hickey!

Nicole pushed him away and slapped him again!

Nikki: I knew it!

She said as she broke down in tears by this point she had gotten the attention of the superstars and divas as they watched what went down while a crew member kept the kids away!

Brady: What Nicole?What are you talking about?

He asked as he tried to get close but she pushed him away! And continued to cry!

Nikki: You've been cheating on me his whole time haven't you!

She said as he looked confused

She showed him the lip stick and told him about the hickey!

Brady: Baby let...
Nikki: No I'm done I can't believe I've been so stupid all these years!
Brady: No Nicole it's not what you think...
Nikki: What that my husband who is gone all the time isn't cheating on me?

Just then his phone goes off! And he eyes widen when he sees who it is!

Nikki: Answer!
Brady: No that isn't important!
Nikki: Answer!

He wouldn't answer so she took his phone and answered and put it on speaker!

Nikki: Hello?
Maddie: Baby come back I miss you leave your stupid wife and kids already you know you don't want to be with them!
Nikki: Don't worry I'll leave him!

She said angry as she threw his phone to the ground and was about to slap him again when the kids ran up to him!

Ben&Jason: Daddy!!!

The yelled as they went to hug him!

Jason: Daddy did you see me I was on TV!
Ben: Me too daddy!

Nikki wiped her tears and walked up to Brady!

Nikki: Enjoy this because this is the last time you get to spend with them!

She said as she walked away and Brie went after her as did Nattie and John!

She locked herself in the bathroom and everyone tried to get her out but she wouldn't open she told them all to go away when there was a little knock on the door!

Benjamin: Mommy are you okay!

Nikki cleaned her face and opened the door!

Nikki: Yeah baby mommys tummy just isn't feeling well!

Then Jason ran up to her!

Jason: Is there another baby in there?

Nikki laughed and hugged them both!

Nikki: No! I'm there isn't one this time!
Jason: Okay daddy said if you're ready so we can go home!
Nikki: Baby remember Nanna and grandma want to see you guys so we're going there instead!
Benjamin: Okay!

Brie could just tell how Nicole was just going to fall apart!

Brie: Ben! Jason come with me why don't we go get some more cake while your mommy gets a little better!

They nodded and kissed her when she saw them leave she broke down again!

Nikki: Where is he?
John: Where you left him!

She walked over to him and she was angry the argued back and forth and she told him he would be getting the divorce papers soon! He was angry and he left!

She turned around and saw her kids eating cake she smiled and thanked God they didn't hear anything that was going on!

Nikki: Randy could you come with me to get some of my stuff today so that I could be away from home?
Randy: Yeah sure!
John: Why don't you go alone?
Nikki: He might stop me and I don't want that!

They nodded and John offered to go with!

She agreed and they went to the house while Jason and Ben were with Brie at the hotel! She didn't know why but when she didn't find him there she got more angry!

Nicole went quickly upstairs and got the suit cases from the closet where she had hidden them!

John: That was fast!
Nikki: I've had these ready for a while now!
Randy: Okay come on!

They were at the hotel ready to leave when Nikki's mom called her!

Nikki: Hi mom I was just going to call you!
Kathy: Nicole your husband is here!
Nikki: What?
Kathy: Yeah he said your coming too?
Nikki: No mom kick him out and don't let him back!

JJ then toon the phone from her!

JJ: Nicole what's going on?

She broke down crying!

Nikki: JJ he cheated on me!
JJ: That's bastard!

He said as he gave his mom back the phone and went to kick him out!

Kathy: Nicole you can't come here!
Nikki: I know thanks mom I'll talk to you when I can bye!

She hanged up and didn't know what to do!

Brie: Nicole you're more than welcomed to come stay with us!
Nikki: I don't want to be a burden on you guys!
Randy: You won't!
John: Come stay with me!
Nikki: What?
John: Yeah you can use my guest house and he won't think to look there!
Nikki: Maybe but John...
John: No buts just come I will take care of you and the kids I won't let him get near you guys!
Nikki: I don't know!
Brie: Nicole just go you knew you won't be in better care then with John and the kids adore him so they won't be sad!

Nikki thought about it and they were right!

John: So what do you say?
Nikki: Okay I'll go stay with you.....

Love And War❤️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें