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(Chapter 28)


...... Nikki: I promise that you will never have to be with out us again I know what I did was wrong but...
John: It wasn't wrong you did what you had to go and I understand, I don't agree but I understand! Now why don't we go make use of the time that Randy and Brie have the kids!
Nikki: I think that's a wonderful idea!!
John: I love you!
Nikki: I love you too!

They kissed and he carried her upstairs!

Hours later Brie and Randy finally returned with the kids and John decided to treat everyone to dinner!

After dinner they headed back to his house where they decided to tell Randy and the boys together being that they are the only ones who still didn't know!

Nikki: Okay you three need to know something!
Ben: What is it mommy?
Jason: Are we moving again??
Randy: Yeah what is it mommy!

Randy said looking at Nicole and she just rolled her eyes at him!

Nikki: No we aren't moving but there will be changes around here!
Randy: Like?
Nikki: For example my belly will begin to grow at one point there will be kicking inside of me!
Randy: Are you becoming a monster?
Nikki: In a way!

She said sarcastically at Randy! He smiled and got up to hug her and hug John congratulating the two!

Ben: I don't want you to become a monster mommy!

Ben said on the verge of tears Nikki laughed and carried him!

Nikki: Baby me and uncle Randy were joking I'm not becoming a monster!
Jason: That's what's going to change?
Nikki: Well I'm having a baby!
Ben: You're having a baby?
John: Yes!
Ben: Where do babies corn from?

Nikki and John looked at each other not knowing what to say when Jason stepped in!

Jason: I know!
Nikki: You do?

She said looking at him shocked!

Jason: Yes!
Nikki: How?
Jason: Well I remember when you told me you where having Ben!
Nikki: You do?

She asked as she sat him closer to her!

Jason: Yeah I remember your belly getting big and feeling him kick then one day we took you to the hospital and the next day you had Ben so I guess the doctors took the air out of you and you they gave you Ben!

Nicole smiled down at her boys while Ben was listening to Jason so closely and she smiled at how innocent they were!

Nikki: That's right and it's going to happen again and maybe this time I'll have a girl!
Ben: Really?
Nikki: Yes! Do you guys want a baby sister?
Jason: I don't know I've never had a sister before!
John: Wouldn't it be nice to have one?
Ben: I guess!
Nikki: Well we don't have to think about that now! I still don't know if I'll be having a boy or a girl!!
Ben: When will you know?
Nikki: I don't know baby! I promise that you two will be the first to know okay?

They nodded and hugged her they hugged them she sent them upstairs to get ready for bed!

Brie: So did you guys kiss and make up?
Nikki: Yes!
John: Actually we did more than that!!

He said as he kissed her cheek and she giggled!

Brie: Eww you two are gross were leaving!
Nikki: See you later!

She said as she wrapped her arms around John and they stared into each other's eyes as John pulled her on to his lap!

Brie: At least wait till your kids are asleep!

Nikki then looks at Brie!

Nikki: Weren't you leaving?

Brie stuck her tongue out at her and was leaving when Brie looked back at them!

Brie: Good luck telling mom and Nanna.....

Love And War❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora