My New Boss

By Mahogany_Rain

889K 25.8K 2.7K

Zara has always been headstrong and determined to do exactly what she wants. What happens when she meets a ma... More

Chapter 1- Meet Cute
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - New Beginnings
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note.
Author's Note

Chapter 17- Endgame

31.4K 1K 115
By Mahogany_Rain

This chapter is not edited.


I had been going to see Mrs. Sonnett for three weeks and although I hated to admit it my parents and Vince were right. Being able to talk to someone else about what I was going through really helped. Michael was still on the loose and it didn't seem like the police would catch him anything soon. It's true he was crazy, but he wasn't stupid. He was out there waiting for his chance and I planned to give it to him.

I was having dinner with Vincent and my family when I decided to tell them with I had planned. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Ok, guys listen, I've been thinking about this whole thing with Michael. The cops haven't found him yet and to be honest I don't really think they are looking. So I'm planning to set myself up as bait. It's really the only way-"

"Absolutely not, you are not going to put yourself in danger." My father said.

"Daddy come on I'm already in danger, he is-"

"Zara do you seriously think that I will let you do that, you do know this guy is nuts."

"Of course I do Vince, he tried to kill me and he said he's going to kill you. I'm not just going to sit on my hands and wait for him to try it again."

"Ma, Tasha I know you guys agree with me. It's better to take charge of the situation instead of waiting to see how it plays out. It it were up to daddy and Vince they would probably lock me up somewhere.

"Zara, I'm inclined to agree with them. If you think I'm going to agree with you that its okay to put yourself in harms way to try to catch this fool, then you must of lost your mind. There is no way in hell that I'm going to agree with that." The look that my mother gave me let me know there was no changing her mind.

"Sis, you already know how I feel about it. Of course I'm worried about you and I don't want you to do this, but I understand you wanting to take back control."

"I'm not going to argue about this. It's not up for debate, it's my decision to make. " I grabbed my keys and left the house. Halfway down the steps I stopped when I heard Vincent call my name.


"If I have to tie you up, I will Zara. I'm not letting you do this!"

"My life is in danger and I just want to be able to protect the people around me. I love you and I don't want you hurt, why can't you understand that and stop being so unreasonable?"

"Because you are so damn stubborn Zara. Your are not thinking about anyone else that is involved. You're being selfish, and I-"

"Well, if this is how you are going to act, then you're right."

I walked away from Vince and went to my truck. As soon as I opened the door my cell phone started ringing, I didn't recognize the number so I ignored the call. I had a feeling that it was Michael, but I didn't feel like dealing with his b.s right now. I drove to my parents restaurant to get something to eat, I was still hungry seeing as how I didn't get a chance to eat at my parent's house. The same number called back three times and I ignored it all three times. I knew I was making him angry and that's actually what I wanted to do.

After I ordered my dinner, Michael called back again and I decided to answer.


"When I call you, I expect you to answer."

"And I expect you to go take a flying leap but we can't all get what we want now can we?"

"You talk really brave for someone who's all alone right now."

"Are you watching me? Where are you?"

"I'm always close by."

"What the hell do you want Michael, why won't you just leave me alone."

"We have unfinished business. You played me, you are not the woman I thought you were."

"Okay, so why won't you just leave me alone then."

"Because you don't deserve to live. You lied to me and let yourself be soiled by that piece of garbage. I'm going to kill you both, but not before I get what you tried to deny me.

"Come and do it then. You know you are nothing but a sad little boy, who probably didn't get enough hugs and kisses from his mommy. You think you have a right to my life but you don't. All you have a right to is a 6 by 8 cell and to be locked away for the rest of your life. You should just turn yourself in Michael and get it over with. You are a freaking nut job." I was just going off on him now. I had enough of him and his threats. After I said what I had to say I hung up on him.

I tried to eat my dinner but just ended up picking. I had lost my appetite. I took my food to go. I walked out to the valet stand to wait for my car. All the time I was looking around. When the valet came back with my truck I checked it out as best as I could just to make sure it was okay. I didn't want any surprises between here and my house.


When I pulled into my driveway I turned on my high beams just to look around. I shut off my engine grabbed my bags and ran to my door. Once inside I locked my door and activated my alarm. I walked through to check the windows and and back door to make sure they were locked. I jumped when my phone rang, but answered when I saw that it was Tasha.


"Hey sis, I just wanted to check on you. You know everyone is just worried and feel that you are putting yourself at risk."

"Yeah, I know. Tasha I'll see you guys tomorrow, I'm going to take a shower and hit my bed."

"Okay, I love you and be careful."

"I love you too and I will."

After speaking with Tasha I put on the the tea kettle and went up stairs to take a shower. The hot water on my back help release some of the tension. I stayed in the shower until the water started to get cold. I went to my room and threw on a old shirt and a pair of shorts and socks. I ran down the stairs when I realized the kettle was whistling. I completely forgot about the tea. After I made my tea I went back to my room to get some rest. I didn't think I would fall asleep because I was nervous but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

I sat up when I heard the beeping of my alarm, but as quick as I heard it, it was off. I prayed that it wasn't really my alarm as I tried to clear the sleep from my eyes. I tip toed to my door and eased it open just enough for me to slip out. I made my way to the stairs and was grabbed from behind before I could put my foot on the first step. I wanted to scream but a hand covered my mouth. Not again I thought to myself. I was ready for the fight of my life.

"It's me bella, nod your head if you understand."

The moment I heard Vince's voice I relaxed. I nodded and he let me go. I turned around and hit him in the chest. "Don't do that, you scared the crap out of me.

"I'm sorry, but did you really think that I would let you stay here alone after what happened last time. We are in this together."

I filled him in on the conversation I had earlier with Michael. "If he is going to make a move its going to be soon. I think I really pissed him off today."

"Well you can have that affect on people."

"Whatever, I'm glad you're here. I'm going back to bed."

The morning came faster than I would have liked. Vincent took off because he had some things to look into. I walked him to the door and went to the kitchen to start my coffee. When I got to my room to get my phone and stopped when I heard a click. I turned around and came face to face with Michael, holding a gun."

"What are you doing here?"

"You invited me, remember?"

"What do you want Michael?" I was fighting hard to remain calm on the outside because inside I was a ball of nerves. I was standing in front of a demented man, who is enough of a problem alone but with a gun, he was an even bigger problem.

I threw my alarm clock at him, I missed but when he ducked it gave me a few seconds to slip out the door. I was running to the stairs when he lunged at me and we both went tumbling down the stairs, crashing hard on the livingroom floor. I was dazed and it felt like I had the wind knocked out of me. I had to grab onto the back of the couch to stand up because I twisted my ankle in the fall. I was headed for the door when I heard the click of his gun.

"No, no , no. Move over there." He said pointing the gun toward the couch. I limped toward the couch and sat down.

"Turn onto your stomach."


"Do it!" He it me on the side of the head with the gun. When I turned over he put his knee in my back and taped my arms behind my back. He pulled me back up into a sitting and taped my legs.

"You are a real bitch, I hope you know that. I hope they fry you."

"If they somehow manage to get me you won't know about." Now all we have to do is wait for the man of yours and we can begin."

"I'm already here." Vince charged Michael and knocked him down before he could get a shot off. Vince started beating the crap out of him.He was punching him over and over again.

"Vince that's enough." I have to admit part of me wanted him to keep going but I didn't want to risk him beating the bastard to death.

"Vincent stop it, you're going to kill him!"

"That's my intent."

"Vincent, please!" When he finally relented I almost didn't recognize Michael. He came over to me and removed the tape from my hands.

"Are you okay sweets?"

"Yeah, I'm just glad you came back when you did."

"I had this feeling that something didn't seem right." He went to remove the tape from my legs and I stopped him. "I can do this you call the police." When I removed the tape I limped over to Michael and kicked him as hard as I could with my good foot.


"Yes really I owe him that and a lot more. This creep has caused me a lot of trouble."

When the police and the paramedics arrived one of the paramedics looked at my ankle while Vince was talking to the police. When they were done questioning him they put Michael on the gurney and took him to the ambulance.

"Sergeant Jamison, wants you to come down to the station when your able too. He needs to ask you a few question."

"Okay. I think I should call my parents now though."

"I already did, they should be here soon." No sooner than he said that my mom came through the door.

"Zara are you alright?"

"I'm okay ma."

"Are you sure?" She was checking me all over just to make sure for her her sake.

"Baby girl are you okay?" My father asked me pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine daddy."

"Are you sure you're okay? What wrong with your ankle."

"Yes daddy, it's just a sprain. You can let me go now."

"No not yet. You know you are coming home with your mother and I."

"One week later"

I was sitting on the couch in my parents house with Vince. This was the most peace I felt in a long time. Michael was in jail and I didn't have to constantly look over my shoulder. It felt good knowing that I would be able to move on with my life, even though I knew there would be some bumps along the road.

"What are your thinking about bella?" He asked while he was massaging my ankle.

"Nothing, just happy that everything is all over. I'm going to take a vacation and stay in bed for a week and sleep."

"Want to bet." He pulled me close and started kissing me.

"You know, my parents are right in the next room."

"Let's go." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me up off the couch.

"Mom, daddy im leaving out, ill be back."

"What time? I'm going to order dinner." I heard my mother called.

"Looking at the expression on Vincent's face I knew it would not be anytime soon. "Umm, tomorrow."

Walking out the house with Vincent I knew I was with the guy I would spend the rest of my life with.

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