To Hold You | Max Mayfield X...

By tvrnner

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In which the awkward girl falls for the new girl. Max Mayfield X Reader. S2-Finished. S3-Finished. S4-Finishe... More

Season 2
1 MadMax
2 Trick or treat,freak
3 The Pollywog
4 Will the wise
5 Dig Dug
6 The Spy
7 The Lost Sister
8 The Mind Flayer
9 The Gate
Season 3
1 Suzie,Do You Copy?
2 The Mall Rats
3 The Case Of The Missing Lifeguard
4 The Sauna Test
5 The Flayed
6 E Pluribus Unum
7 The Bite
8 The Battle Of Starcourt
Season 4
1 The Hellfire Club
2 Vecna's Curse
3 The Monster And The Superhero
4 Dear Billy
6 The Dive
7 The Massacre At Hawkins Lab
8 Papa
9 The Piggyback

5 The Nina Project

1.6K 38 18
By tvrnner

Y/N's POV.

Nancy and Robin drive me to my house after what happened.

They told me I should at least go get changed and freshen up before we go to Nancy's house.

I sit in the back seat looking out the window as we drive down the road.

"Hey Y/N".I hear Robin say.

I look over at her.

"You're really brave you know that?".Robin says.

"How?".I say.

"I mean you just saved your girlfriends life.That's brave".Robin says.

"I don't know.I don't think it is".I say.

"No Y/N.Robin is right.You're brave.I know for a fact that a lot of people would not be able to function in that type of situation".Nancy says.

"I don't think a lot of people would have to witness somebody flying up into the air".I say.

Nancy looks at Robin.

Nancy parks outside my house and I get out of the car.

"I'll be 2 mintues".I say.

I walk up to my front door.I open the door and walk through.The smell of freshly cooked dinner fills the air.

I take my shoes off and I walk into the kitchen.I see my mom with a man that I remember to be John dancing around the kitchen.

"Oh Y/N.Hi honey".My mom says when she notices me.

"Hi".I say.

"Um....this is John.John this is my daughter Y/N".My mom says.

John smiles at me and he puts the cigarette he was holding in his mouth.He has a moustache that rests on his upper lip and he's wearing a baseball hat.He's wearing a t shirt and jeans.He stretches his hand out.

"It's nice to meet you".John says.

"Yeah nice to meet you too".I say as I shake his hand.

My mom smiles at me.

"Mom can I sleep over at the Wheeler's tonight?Nancy's planned this movie night to celebrate it being Spring Brake".I say.

"As long as you're going to be at the Wheeler's house the whole time then that's fine".My mom says.

I walk out of the kitchen and into my room.I change out of my clothes and put on a red jacket,t shirt,jeans and Vans.

I sit down on my bed as I look at the envelope Max gave me.I want to open it but I won't right now.I sigh putting the envelope in my pocket and getting up from my bed.

I walk out of my room and back into the kitchen.John is sat at the table and my mom cuts up some vegtables on the cutting board.

"I'm going to go now mom.Bye".I say.

"Bye honey".My mom says.

I walk out of the kicthen and out the front door.I walk back to the car and get in.

"Dustin!".The sound of Nancy's voice wakes me up and I open my eyes.

I look around and see that Max is gone.

"Wake up".Nancy says.

"What?".Dustin says.

"Aren't you supposed to be on Max watch?".Nancy says.

"Yep.Yep.Yep.Yep.Sorry".Dustin says as he rubs his eyes.

"Where is she?".I say.

"She's right there.A second ago.I swear I just dozed off hour".Dustin says as he looks at his watch.

"Shit".I say as I get up.

Me,Nancy and Dustin run up the stairs and we walk into the kitchen.The sizziling of Mrs Wheeler cooking something can be heard as we walk in.

Nancy stops walking and I see Max sitting at the table with her headphones on.

"Morning guys.Everything ok?".Mrs Wheeler says.

"Yeah.Yeah everything's ok".Nancy says.

Max looks up and see's us.She smiles softly.

"I think it's so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this".Mrs Wheeler says.

"Could try sticking together at a different house for a change".Mr Wheeler says.

Nancy and I walk over to the table where Max is sat.

"You know you're welcome here anytime".Mrs Wheeler says.

"Totally.You're like family".Dustin says.

Me and Nancy sit next to Max.She looks up and presses the stop button on her walkman.She takes her headphones off.

"Hey".Max says.

"Hey".Me and Nancy say.

"You ok?".Nancy says.

"Just couldn't sleep.People kept blasting music in my ears for some reason".Max says and Nancy chuckles.

I smile softly.

"But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons.We've been having a fun morning right Holly?".Max says.

"Mm-hmm".Holly doesn't even look up from what she's doing.

I look over at the drawings sprawled out on the table and so does Nancy.

"Is this what you saw?".I say.

"I mean it's supposed to be.I thought it'd be easier to draw it out than to explain it but not so much".Max says.

"Is that....?".Nancy says as she pulls one of the drawing towards her.

It's a drawing of 2 bodies hanged up to a pillar.It's Chrissy and Fred.There mouths are open wide and there eyes are gone.There limbs are bent in unimagible ways.

"It was like they were on display or something.And then there was this red fog everywhere.It was like a dream.A nightmare".Max says.

"Do you think Vecna's just trying to scare you?".Nancy says.

"With Billy?Yeah.But when I made it here I don't know something was different.He seemed suprised almost.Like he didn't want me there".Max says.

"Maybe you infiltrated his mind.He invaded your mind right?Is it that big of a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his?Like Freddie Krueger's boiler room".Dustin says from the kitchen.

"Freddie Krueger?".Holly says.

"He's a super burned up dude with razors for fingers.And he kills you in your dreams".Dustin says.

"Dustin seriously?".Nancy says.

Dustin looks up at Nancy who tilts her head to her younger sister.

"Sorry.It's a movie.It's not real.Just....think about it.What if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna's world?Like maybe the answer we're looking for is somewhere in this incredibly vague drawing.God we need Will".Dusyin says.

"Yeah no shit.But I tried them again this morning and it's the same busy signal".Max says.

"They're probably out having fun on Californian beaches".I say.

Nancy looks at the drawing that Dustin put down and she picks it up.

"Is this a window?".Nancy says.

"Yeah".Max says.

"Stained glass with roses".Nancy says.

"Yeah.See?I'm not so terrible after all".Max says.

Max looks at Dustin who makes a face.

"Yeah well it helps that I've seen it before".Nancy says.

Nancy grabs another drawing and folds it.She grabs some more drawings and folds them.Me,Max and Dustin watch as she does so.

Nancy fits the folded up drawings like a puzzle piece and then she grabs a marker.She starts drawing something on the paper.

I look over and see a house.

"It's pieces of a house".Max says.

"Not just any house".Nancy says.

Nancy takes the folded up drawing of stained glass with rose door and places it in the middle.

"It's Victor Creel's house".Nancy says.

Nancy gets up from the chair.

"Where are you going?".Dustin says.

"Waking the others".Nancy says.

Dustin gets up from his chair and follows after her.

I look at Max.

"Can....can we talk?".I say.

Max and I sit down on Steve's car as we wait for the others to get ready.The sun is up and there's a light breeze that cools the air.

I look at Max.She has her headphones around her neck and her hair is still up in that same ponytail from yestarday.Her jacket is unzipped revealing her shirt.The expression on her face is nothing what I'd expect from someone who nearly just died.She looks calm.

"I'm sorry".I say.

"For what?".Max says as she looks up at me.

"For the way I acted at the cemetry yestarday.I'm sorry you had to watch me argue with Lucas.It could of been our last moments together and I fucked everything up like I always do".I say.

"Hey.Look at me".Max says.

Max places her hand on my cheek and turns my head to look at her.

"You didn't fuck anything up.Not with me at least.But I know for sure that you don't always fuck things up.You're human.You make mistakes".Max says.

"I should be the one comforting you.You know that?".I say.

"You don't always need to comfort me".Max says.

We lean in and kiss.I place my hand on the back of Max's neck and she places hers on my shoulder.Her lips taste like strawberries and my stomach feels like a million little butterflies are flying around inside it.

"Hey lovebirds.Get off my car!".Steve shouts making me and Max break up.

Me and Max giggle and we get off Steve's car.

Me and Max watch as the others walk over to us.We look at Nancy and Robin who are walking next to each other and we can sense obvious tension between them.

"How much do you want to bet that by the end of this they'll kiss?".I whisper to Max.

"20 bucks?".Max says.

"Deal".I say.

"Deal".Max says.

Steve runs over to the car and looks at the spot where me and Max were sat on.

"I swear to god if you horny little fuckers dented my car I will actually murder both of you".Steve says.

"Chill Steve.Your car is fine".I say as I pat the hood of Steve's car.

"Next time if you want to make out don't do it on my car".Steve says.

"We're not even using your car".Max says.

"Still".Steve says.

"Just get in the car".Nancy says as she walks over to her car.

Nancy stops the car as we reach Victor Creel's house.All of us get out of the car and we look at the house.

We walk up the steps leading to the house.We stand outside of it.

"Yeah that's not creepy".Steve says.

"I mean what exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?".Steve says as he and Nancy tear of the nails from the wood covering the door.

"We're not sure.We just know this house is important to Vecna".Nancy says.

"Because Max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?".Steve says.

"Basically".Nancy says.

"Great".Steve says.

"Maybe it holds a clue where Vecna is.Why he's back.Why he killed the Creels.And how to stop him before he comes back for Max".Dustin says.

"We don't think he's here in here do we?".Lucas says.

"Guess we'll find out".Max says.

"Ready?".Steve says as he looks at Nancy.

They let go of the wood and it falls back.It smacks down on the floor.Steve tries to open the door but it's locked.

"It's locked.Should I knock see if anybody's home?".Steve says.

"No need".Robin says.

We turn around and see her holding a brick.

"I found a key".Robin says.

"You're crazy".I say with a grin.

The glass shatters as the brick falls through the window.Steve looks inside and reaches for the doorknob.He unlocks it.

The door screeches as it opens and the sound makes me shiver.

Steve walks in and he whistles.I turn my flashlight on as I walk in.Steve closes the door once everyone's in.

The house is filled with old eerie furniture and cobwebs cover every surface.

Lucas walks over to a lamp and tries to turn it on.

"Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill".Lucas says.

Dustin looks at him and he turns on his flashlight.

"Where'd everyone get those?".Steve says.

"Do you need to be told everything?You're not a child".Dustin says.

"Thank you".Steve says.

Dustin takes his bag off and gives it to Steve.

"Back pocket".Dustin says

Steve takes out the flashlight and drops the bag in the floor.

Me,Nancy and Robin walk over to the living room and I feel like a 3rd wheel.

"They just left everything".Nancy says.

"I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value".Robin says.

"I don't think anyone even bothered to put it up for sale anyways".I say.

"Hey guys?".Max says.

We look over at her.

"You all see that right?".Max says.

We walk over to where Max is standing.There's a clock.A grandfather clock.

"Yeah".Dustin says.

"Yeah".Steve says.

"Is this what you saw?In your visions?".Nancy says.

"I mean it's....just a clock.Right?".Robin says.

Robin walks over to the clock and swipes the dust away from it.She looks back at us.

"Like a normal old clock".Robin says.

"Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?Maybe he's like a clockmaker or something?".Steve says.

"A clockmaker?".I say as I look at Steve.

"I think you cracked the case Steve".Dustin says.

"All I know is the answers are here.Somewhere.Ok everyone stay in groups.Robin upstairs".Nancy says.

Max looks at me and she turns her flashlight on.

"Come on.Let's go".Max says and she puts her hand on my arm.

I follow after her.

Me and Max walk into the room and I can hear the sound of Running Up That Hill playing faintly over Max's headphones.

I look at the paintings on the wall and I hear Max's tape switch off.She reaches down to rewind it.

"I wish the loop was longer".I say.

"46 mintues isn't bad".Max says as she looks up at me.

I look around the room again.

"I think there are bigger concerns.Like....what if by listening to this over and over I get sick of of it and suddenly it's not my favourite song anymore?Will it still work?Or will Kate Bush like lose her magic power or something?".Max says.

"Kate Bush?Never".I say.

"You're a Kate Bush fan?".Max says.

"I mean yeah.Since you I listened to her on your walkman the other night.And she saved your life so yeah.Now I am".I say.

"Really?".Max says.

"Yeah mega fan.Besides we're hot on Vecna's trail.We're going to find him and kill him before he even thinks about messing with you again.All right?".I say as I put my hand on her shoulder.

I look over at the piano and I walk over to it.

"I bet if I hit the keys in the right combo it might just open a door to his secret lair".I say.

I play some notes that sound ridiculous and Max laughs.

"You're such a dork".Max says and she smiles.

"I feel deeply offended by that".I say as I put a hand up to my heart.

Max laughs and I notice that some of her hair has escaped her ponytail and are framing her face.

"God I love you so much".Max says.

"I love you too Madmax".I say with the biggest grin on my face.

"I would kiss you right now but we're surrounded by cobwebs and we're in a house where my possible killer is so".Max says.

"That's understandable".I say and we chuckle.

Max looks down at her walkman that's done rewinding.

"All done.Work your magic Kate".Max says.

Max is about to put her headphones on when a flickering lamp catches our attention.

"I promsie I'm going to stop asking this're seeing that right?".Max says as she walks over to the lamp.

"Yeah".I say as I walk towards it aswell.

Max puts her hand up to the lamp but it stops flickering.Max pulls her hand away.Then I hear a flickering sound and I turn and see another lamp.

"Look".I say.

Max turns around and looks at the lamp I'm looking at.We slowly walk over to it but it stops just as we reach it.Then the chandelier lights up and then another lamp.And then the chandelier next to the door flickers.Me and Max look at each other.

We gather around the chandelier in the dinning room as it flickers.

"It's like the christmas lights".Nancy says.

"The christmas lights?".Robin says.

"Yeah when Will was in the upside down the lights came to life".Nancy says.

"Vecna's here.In this house.Just on the other side".Lucas says.

Then the light stops flickering.

"I think he just left the room".Robin says.

"Did he hear us?".Max says.

"Can he see us?".Steve says.

"Headphones".I say.

Max puts her headphones on.

"Wait wait.Everyone turn of your flashlights and spread out".Nancy says.

"We're not going to bea able to see if we turn of our flashlights".Steve says.

All of us have already turned our flashlights of and we spread out.

"Jesus christ".Steve says.

I walk out of the dinning room and into a bedroom.Max is on the other side of the room.

"I got him!".Robin shouts.

We walk over to Robin.

"I got him".Robin says.

Robin's flashlight then turns off.

"I....I had him".Robin says.

Steve's flashlight then turns on.

"Oh whoa.Oh I think he's moving.He's moving.He's moving".Steve says as he follows where the light goes.

All of us follow after Steve who walks out to the hallway and then up the stairs.When we reach the top of the stairs the flashlight turns off.

"Shit.I lost him".Steve says.

"No you didn't".Max says as she goes up the stairs more.

Max walks over to a door and she opens it.There's light coming through.

Max peers her head around the corner and then she walks up the stairs.

"It's an attic.Of course it's an attic".Robin says.

We follow after Max up to the attic.

"Hold up guys.What if he's leading us into a trap?".Dustin says from the bottom of the stairs but we ignore him.

When we get to the attic there's a light flickering.The buzzing fills the air.We walk over.

"Flashlights".Dustin says as his flashlight flickers.

We look at our flashlights and all of them are flickering.

We gather around the lightbulb.

"Ok what's happening?".Steve says.

Our flashlights get really bright and the buzzing gets louder.Eventually the flashlights get even more brighter and the buzzing more louder.Our flashlights begin to break.The glass from the shattering everywhere.One by one.And then the lightbulb breaks and it all goes dark.

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