Leftover. Min Yoongi x Reader

By yoongiberry_ariel

527 40 3

First Love? Good and Bad? So many concepts yet such a thin line. - A fever dream, really. Hope y'all like it... More

Fire in the Pit
Eye of the Storm
Wedding Bells
Glass Half Full
Glass Half Empty
Road Less Taken


8 1 0
By yoongiberry_ariel

The dry leaves crunched under your shoes, the darkness all around made it almost impossible to see.
Your eyes took some time to get used to the dimness of the room.
Was this place always this fucked up?
The answer was, yes.
You dreaded living in this house, you dreaded breathing in this house. You hated this house. It looked homely when you were a child, but then slowly it was sucked out of all life.
Now it looked completely lifeless.
You peeked through every corner, all the rooms were empty and devoid of life.
The doors were wide open, your heart was thumping against your chest and then you looked at the giant portrait up on the wall.
It was ripped to shreds.
"You're here!", Brandon's voice echoed through the dark mansion. You jumped and put a hand on your chest to calm your heart.
You saw his silhouette slowly appearing as he made his way down the stairs and stood in front of you.
He had bruises on his face, brown stains that stood out against the pale skin on his face.
His face looked twisted with the smirk he had on.
He looked insane before, but now he looked completely evil. Like he was capable of murdering someone without a second thought.
"Where is my Mother, Brandon?", you were grateful that your voice didn't break.
"Aren't you glad to see me? Won't you tell me how much you missed me?", he pouted and walked closer to you. His hand suddenly grabbing yours.
His eyebrows knitted together, the tips of his fingers grazing against the ring on your finger.
He brought it to his face, eyes slitted as he stared at the ring.
"This is definitely not the ring I chose to give you...", he examined it, grabbing your hand tighter as you struggled to get it out of his grasp.
"How can you be somebody else's, you are mine.
This won't do.", he dragged the ring out of your finger in an instant, almost breaking your finger with the force, intense pain shot through your finger as you recoiled and slapped him hard across his mutilated face.
You rubbed at your finger and tried moving it to see if it was working and noticed how he threw away the ring.
Before you could react, he slapped you hard grabbing your hair and dragging you after him.
The thoughts swirling in your head could end you and him both, but you had to find your Mother first. You couldn't repeat what happened all those years back.
You had a plan before stepping into this house but you could see how obsolete the plan was and you weren't disappointed when he brought you to the entrance of the library and you looked at your Mother slumped in the chair in front of the fireplace.
She was tied to the chair, the ropes digging into her skin had made cuts at several places. Her clothes were matted in blood.
She was still breathing.
But what was worse was the fire blazing the fireplace and the amount of books that were burning.
The fire was humongous, it looked hungry, it looked all consuming.
Your eyes prickled at the heat emanating from the room, your throat choking up.
The panic was slowly settling in your stomach, you had to save Mom.
You had to act fast.
You jerked out of his grip and ran towards your Mother, you shook her, she slowly moved her head around. You gripped the ropes, trying to loosen them, but they wouldn't give up.
Just then you felt something striking hard against your cheek.
You dropped to the floor, looking up at Brandon as he grabbed your hair and hauled you up.
The rage you were holding in was at it's brim now.
You screamed and brought up the heel of your boots and kicked his knee, satisfied at how his legs gave up.
You recoiled and kicked his other knee as well.
"You fucking bastard, didn't you know what I was upto all that time in London?"
You punched him in the throat and stepped on his hand, slowly breaking each and every one of his fingers.
Satisfied with the scream he let out.
"You really think the most I could do was to jump through a fucking window and break my leg?"
You kicked the side of his skull with the hilt of your boot.
"Didn't you know about my fucking reputation? Didn't you know what I was at the Titanium?"
Brandon choked and gurgled up blood, clutching on to his bleeding ear with his broken hand.
You stood tall.
"You really think you can take my Mother from me? You really think you can take my Yoongi from me? You think you can come at my fam-"
You stomped towards him, teeth bared, boot raised. You halted when you felt a soft hand on your shoulder.
"Stop.", your Mother's voice broke in.

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