Unwavering Destiny (Hiatus)

By LykuroKurato

25.4K 421 100

After having enough with everyone who wanted him to stop. Join Ash as he journey around a new world with his... More

Profile: Ash (Kanto & Johto)
Profile: Ash (Hoenn & Sinnoh)
Profile: Ash (Unova & Kalos)
Profile: Ash (Alola & Galar)
Profile: Ash (Special)
Profile: Others
Prologue: When fate comes knocking
Chapter 1: An Opportunity
Chapter 2: Welcome to Pasio
Chapter 3: Preparations
Chapter 5: Rules
Chapter 6: The battle for the first badge
Chapter 7: An Ambush... Really?
Chapter 8: Meeting Together
Chapter 9: Egg-xiting Adventure
Chapter 10: Meanwhile
Chapter 11: Soaring high, a battle in the sky!
Chapter 12: The Battle Villa
Chapter 13: A Past Trauma
Chapter 14: Past and Realisation
Chapter 15: Bonds and Trusts
Event 1: Strongest Figthers! Part 1
Event 1: Strongest Fighters! Part 2
Event 2: All Aboard The Victory Train
Event 3: Fright Night
Short Story 1: Brute Vs Blade
Short Story 2: Pasio Fashion Passion
Event 4: Good Cold times
Short Story 4

Chapter 4: Not Alone

1K 22 6
By LykuroKurato

While Ash was registering in the Pokémon Center. He wasn't the only one new to Pasio. Hoopa may not have much strength when involving other worlds in it's confined form, but they can still do decent amount of work.

Nearby watching Ash's group was the notorious criminal organisation's grunts that has been stalking him since the start of his journey known as Jessie, James and their talking accomplice, Meowth.

James: So the twerp is here as well as that princess twerpette?

The Rocket Trio had also fallen through the ring while they were in their secret base planning their next scheme, which has been the same as ever.

Jessie: Forget about it, just think about all those Pokémon we could snag!

Meowth: If we could in the first place.

Jessie: What do you mean?

Meowth: Open your eyes Jess, we've been going after the same Pokémon for who knows how long, don't you think it's time to get something else or stop and live our lives.

Jessie stopped for a moment and thought about it. While she was determined to get just that single Pikachu and hand it over to their leader. But she has been yearning to have a break and relax with nothing to worry about.

Jessie: Umm, you do have a point...

James: See, why don't we relax while we have have the chance.

Jessie thought for a while before she wasn't sure which to pick.

Jessie: Ugh, I just can't decide!

Meowth: Oh come on, it can't be that hard to choose?

James: Yeah, why don't you flip a coin to decide?

Meowth: But James we don't have a coin, only you credit card?

Jessie took James suggestion literally and did this.

Jessie: You know what fine, Heads we go get Pikachu, Tails we go shopping and relax.

Jessie immediately grabbed Meowth and threw him into the air.

Meowth: I ain't a COOIIIIINNNN!!!

Meowth flipped in the air a few time before landing back on the ground, with his face stuck deep in it.

Jessie: Tails! Aww, I was hoping you were gonna land on you feet.

Meowth: If you hadn't done that then I'll still be standing on them. Oww...

Jessie: At least I get to go shopping.

As Jessie left the two alone.

" Looks like we're getting a break."

"Oh yeah, well I think my neck broke."

" Now that I think about it, so will my bank account."


Somewhere else near the beach, a Couple along with their son from Alola had just stepped through Hoopa's ring due to the wife's curiosity to space related object.

Prof. Burnet: Wow, that was amazing. So that's what it feels like going through Hoopa's ring, that's one of the best things happened in my life!

Prof. Kukui: I know your happy about this but I'm still worried about Ash's Pokémon. They just disappeared when we got back. And we don't know where we are right now?

Kukui said as the portal disappeared leaving them stranded. All they had were their Pokémon and their son since they just went out for a walk.

While they were thinking about what to do now. Someone came from the forest nearby and suprised everyone. The one who came out of the forest was none other than The Masked Royal, Kukui's alter ego.

"Woo, I've finally lost them. Time to take off this-" He was looking behind him while walking out from the trees before turning back front to see himself, Burnet and a little boy in his view.

"What!" Both Kukui shouted before standing infront of each other. They first put their hands together, raise their other arm, before making a silly face.

"Geez you two..." Burnet sweat drop at her husband's antics.

"Who are you two?" Asked the Kukui in disguise.

"I'm you, but I guess the right way to put it is that I'm you from another world." Kukui calmly explained.

"I-I see, so you're from another universe?"

" It seems so."

"How are you so calm about this." The other Kukui asked as he was impressed how calm his alternate self was.

"I'm guessing you haven't faced Necrozma, a couple of Ultra Beasts or had an epic battle with the Alolan Champion."

"Alolan Champion!?" Now this was a suprise to him as whenever someone beat a Champion. They didn't really become the new Champion for their region, they became the second Champion in case the first one was busy. One reason they did this was because Red went missing for a long time making Lance taking his place.

The reason why people who beat the league has to have a rematch with the Elite Four again is so they make sure the people who beat them the first time know that there is always someone better out there since they were holding back.

The Champion remain the same until they stepdown or passed their titles on to someone. Alola was a carefree place that they didn't really need a Champion. The Pokémon League in this world goal was to make trainers stronger to help others in need.

Prof. Burnet: The Alola in this world doesn't have a league?

Pasio Kukui: Well we do but the league doesn't make a Champion whenever someone beat all the Elite Four.

Prof. Kukui: Beat all the what!?

"Oh boy, looks like we're gonna be here for a while." Burnet sighed and sat down with her son in her arms watching both grown man discussing about their world.


Near the north of Pasio, the tundra biome with frozen ice caps everywhere. Another family crossed through the portal. This family were the Aethers.

Lillie, Gladion, Lusamine and their recently reunited father of the family, Mohn had arrived on Pasio. Unfortunately, before they entered this world, they were in a middle of a blizzard in the Crown Tundra, they were about to head back to their ship with two new family members while the sky was clear before the storm intensified once like before but worse. The portable tent Lusamine had brought brought was damaged by a wild Pokémon and they were to far from the house that Mohn had stayed to return back there.

It was when they saw the portal before they rush into it. Although there is still a blizzard, it was less harsher than it was on the other side. They found a cave nearby before taking a break to rest up.

Gladion: Where did that ring take us?

Lusamine: Wherever we are, it seems a lot more safer than Crown Tundra.

Mohn: For now let's rest here.

Everyone was calming down but one person. Lillie had received a message a week ago saying her friends in alola should meet up with Ash's old companions. She doesn't know why but she had a bad premonition about this and ignored the message.

But the family weren't the only ones in this cave. Within the cave was another girl with honey blonde hair. Her name was Serena Yvonne and she was currently feeling bad.

This was because she had also received the same message Lillie had and she had accepted to come, she didn't knew the real reason why they sent but she wanted to meet all of Ash's friend.

Unfortunately, that led to a disaster as this wasn't a friendly meeting but threat to Ash since they wanted him to stop causing them problems. Ash's heroic deeds made them all feel left out and jealous of his accomplishments. They also never want to endangered their life wherever Ash goes.

It was too late for her to back down now as they had threaten her Pokémon if she didn't agree. It was when Ash ordered his Gengar too put them to sleep was her chance to get away from them. She quickly feigned being asleep before waiting Ash & Delia left before she took back her Pokéballs before she left as well.

She had managed to arrive at Oaks lab and told him, Tracey and Delia what really happened. She apologises to them and they forgave her. Unfortunately, Ash has already left before she had arrived.

She had left Pallet town in order to get away from the traitors. She was on route to Johto near Mt. Silver. She had prepared her own winter jacket before going there to go across the mountain to reach Johto.

She didn't know where Ash has went so she thought of going into hiding until she can find him and apologize to him, and where else but Johto since none of them came from Johto so they won't search for her there any time soon.

She had planned to call her mother but unfortunately, the reception on the mountain was terrible so she opted to call her when she arrived.

On her way she had caught a Pokémon to add to her team, but she accidentally fell off the ledge and was falling.

She had looked down to see that she was falling, but a familiar ring appeared beneath her and she landed on some snow in a cave.

She got back up and saw Hoopa's ring disappeared leaving her in the cave full of ice and snow.

"Where am I?" She looked around, she tried to use her phone to call but unfortunately there wasn't any signal.

She walked around the cave until she met some people.

"Umm, hello..."

Lillie: Huh?

The Aethers looked towards the source and saw Serena standing there at one of the branching paths.

Lusamine: Hello there, do you live here.

Serena: Well no, I've never been here before, I was at Mt. silver before going through Hoopa's ring.

Mohn: Hoopa! Why that's incredible!

"So another Mythical. I guess he rubbed his luck on us." In a sarcastic tone, Gladion shook his head as his rival antics was still here.

"Who's 'He'?" His father asked.

"Ash Ketchum" Gladion replied firmly, but that got Serena to react.

"Wait! You all know Ash?"

"Well I'm not sure who he is but I know you all speak highly of him" Mohn says as he was interested in him after hearing the story about his home Region first Champion.

"No one in Alola doesn't know who he is, he's a main figure there." Lusamine said.

"Then do you know where he is?" Serena asked.

"No actually, we haven't seen each other since we left Alola to look for my father."

"Why do you want to know where he is?"
Gladion asked.

"I need to find him so I can apologize." Serena said before looking down with a sad expression.

"Apologize to him for what umm- Sorry but what is your name young lady?"

"I-I'm Serena, and well... Something happened just yesterday that made him angry..."

"Can we get a full story?" Said Lusamine.

"It all started last week when I got a message from his old friends to meet each other-"

"Wait! By message do you mean the one like this?" Lillie interrupted her and shows them the message she obtained.

Gladion: Let me see, "Dear Lillie, I hope you are well. Me and the others are planning to meet Ash's other friends for a party for him, we hope you can come. From your friends." ... Was it not obvious that there's something wrong with this message?"

Serena: Mine was more convincing than you thought.

Lusamine: So what happened next?

"Well..." Serena began to tell them what had happened recently to the Aethers.


All around Pasio, a few other people appeared. Some were familiar to others while some were new faces to them.

Pasio was going to be a whole lot different than it's first competition than ever before.


You know I find it funny since Characters from Pokémon Master EX are based on the core series game. Yet they didn't include Pokémon Yellow where the main character has a high resemblance of Ash. But I guess it's maybe just Red in a remake game or someone unknown.

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