
By horikell

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{OC Insert} ho·mun·cu·lus /həˈməNGkyələs,hōˈməNGkyələs/ noun a very small human or humanoid creature !!!!!PRA... More

PROLOGUE - Lilies arent always lilies
ONE - First sight
THREE - cats and talk
FOUR - Bunnies are cute
TWO - A new recruit
THIRTEEN - An eaten flower and Sorrow friends
FIVE - Are you an idiot
SIX - Different persona
TWENTY NINE - list for a kiss?
THIRTY - Figure out
SEVEN - Trust
THIRTY ONE - Fearless
NINE - Snow secrets
TEN - Cold fights cause blushes
ELEVEN - Candy is sour
TWELVE - Teammates Disagreement
FOURTEEN - broken known
FIFTHTEEN - A room with no options
SIXTEEN - Hospital bed
SEVENTEEN - Forbidden Word Used
EIGHTEEN - Bottle up tears
|| NINETEEN - Disappearance of soccer
TWENTY - Future tricks
TWENTY ONE - Burned history
TWENTY TWO - Positive thinking
TWENTY FOUR - Realization
TWENTY FIVE - Sengoku period <1>
TWENTY SIX - Sengoku period <2>
TWENTY SEVEN - Sengoku period <3>
TWENTY EIGHT - A lad in france

EIGHT - Useless child and deleted emotion

44 1 0
By horikell

Walking down the stairs, buttoning the buttons of her green cardigan, miko peeked her head out the door "I'm going to get fresh air ma" Miko said mai who was in the dining table writing something down, she stopped, lifting her head to face miko.

It took a couple seconds before she just nodded, miko was taken back on how she agreed so easily but kept quite after all she didn't really want to keep the conversation gowing.

She closed to door behind her and right after she did so, she leaned back at it. Her breath hicking, she looked down at her legs it was shaking she stood straight and walk out.

While so she continued to look down at the ground, it was already dark and late, the wind was cold and a couple street lights was her only source of light, miko continued to walk.

She wasn't really worried about her surroundings well at this point don't really care about anything right now.

Finally arriving at the park, she went to a near by bench and made her self comfortable, she looked around to sense if there's anybody there.

She slightly smiled when she was greet with silents just like how she wants.

The girl finally let her thoughts off, she started at the grass ground. It hurts, her head hurts real bad. this is one of the times where the girl just wanted to disappear and to never come back.

Her purples eyes dull with Crystal drops slowly forming,

Why was she crying? She doesn't know herself, was it the incredibly pain she's feeling, she woudnt really think so. This wasn't the first time she felt it, she had plenty of sudden pains throwed at her,

She would describe it like getting stabbed in the back multiple times, there was no blood but the sensation of hurt was there.

The girl recalled what happened.

Miko opened the door to her house, she was suprised to hear some loud aguring inside, it wasn't really that common for ma and pa to fight right? But as she listened to the voices again she suspected it wasn't her dad.

She took off her shoes before entering the scene, she was about to greet them but she immediately shut her mouth when she realized who it was, she stepped back and hid behind the wall.

"Mai, Be what you want but don't let your bad decisions get a hold of mei." A voice said "mom. She's my daughter it's my decison-"

"Decison of what huh? To let her forget her true purpose? This is why I didn't want you to marry yuui, that human made your child so sensitive." The user of the voice said with disgust, her words put miko in still as a rock

"She is my creation! Her only reason here is to concure as princesses, She will be the next generation of distress."

"She was blessed with anyone could asked, strength and intelligence! Don't tell me your gonna let go to waste!"

Mai greet her teeth in anger clenching her fist "The only reason she's like these beacuse of you! She's supposed to do what she loves not just beacuse the future tells her to do! Shes folling everyone around her including herself! Like a pathetic pupet who follows order from people! Trust me im disappointed myself!" Mai shouted. Her words was silents at the person ears.

"I want mei back soon, soon the others will start the plan and she will be a part of it."

"I want her to give up everything here in earth. She's diffrent in both a good way and a bad way but thats why we should take advantage of it."

"Her name is miko. And she's my daughther-"

"I'm sorry? The last time I checked only your blood was used for her develop. She's my creation, my revenge. OUR REVENGE! I created a creation that can fulfil my wishes and I am not going waste it, She will continue the blood line and will replacing the thrown soon, don't let her forget her true self."

Every word was like a knife stabbed into to the girl, her knees became weak but stayed to stand, tears was already falling, she carried herself to her room not wanting to her anything anymore, when she closed the door she can still hear thier loud voice arguing, she grabbed her pillow and stuffed her face and ears with it gripping at it hard wishing to just suffucate to death. Hearing her real name was enough to make her weak.

"I'm just a copy of her.." She whispered to herself, she grabbed a hold of her hair pulling it quite hard, she silently sobbed, images, words and sounds was mixing inside her brain she wanted it to stop but this time a blink wasn't gonna stop it, she only cried even harder she was already feeling she was starting to feel numb and her breath was slowly decreasing

At the end of the day.. I'm just her, I'll just hurt everyone I care and make them turn thier backs on me. There's nothing I can do with it, this is my faith, my purpose, my reason. I'm just a-

"Miko?" a familiar voiced alerted the girl, she opened her eyes but her head was still down, her hair was covering her side's,

Knowing there's another person near her she slowly let go her hair and her thigh, it seemed she was griping it so hard with her nails it caused the skin to broke. She ignored it then patheticly turned to the voice. Her eyes widden in horror when she saw who it was.

"T-tsurugi-kun?" Her voiced cracked, pants between. She tried her best to sound normal but her breath failed her as she sobbed In front of him. She immediantly looked away from the boy "please.. Please go away.. I want to be alone rightnow.." She knows he's gonna asked about her state rightnow even though some comforting from anyone would help her, she refused to let this side of hers show to anyone,

She still wanted to keep the role of someone who is joyfull all the time, this rightnow will deffinely made the boy see her different.

"And then what? Leave you like these, I saw you hurting yourself right there. If I leave u rightnow who knows what else you'll do to yourself" He said miko flinched at his voice, he sounded like a parent dissapointed on a child's grade, she backed away pulling her skirt to hide her self made bleeding thigh.

As he moved forward the girl also shifted in her seat away from him, Miko mind was still in pain but miko still tried to think straight just to cause more pain.

In thoughts she continued to shifted back not remembering she was in a bench, she felt the empty chair when she shifted realizing she was at the edge. She fell back her back meeting the ground. Feeling now her back being lay down she shifted into the ground covering her face when the boy kneeled beside her.

"Hey. It's ok now, I seriously don't want to make you uncomfortable and join your personal space but I serenely don't trust you to be by yourself rightnow.." The navy haired boy spoked his voice was so comforting so similar to her father. He was hesitant but brought the girl closer to him seeing how she was really avoiding him.

Miko slowly took off her hands to look at the boy, they both lock eyes at eachother.

At that point tsurugi got the chance to study miko's features, Her eyes was full of sadness, it was so different when he normally see her, her red rosy cheeks was now gone and was instead replace with her puffy eyes, her cheeks was wet from crying the tears making a reflection.

Seeing the girl so close to her made him realized how pretty the ravenette was, he was interuppted by a sob by her as she whipped her tears with her palm, Sooner her sobs became louder as her tears came back. Hearing her cries made the boy heart sting.

The girl burried her face into tsurugi's shoulder muffiling her cries, at this point now she doesn't care what he thinks of her, she just want it all the end.

The boy lead the girl his shoulder, he can tell that the ravenette was crying hard cause he can feel wet tears on his shirt. Slightly rubbing her back he stayed quiet thinking what might cause the girl to be like these.

If you asked him before how will he described miko he would answer someone who is energetic, positive, funny and joyfull, she liked to joke around, and her funny persona made them all close to her to a short period of time. Seeing her state rightnow was like a different miko.

He was not even used to the girl frowning so he was really suprised when he saw her whole state earlier.

A few minutes passed and girl slowlied calm down, they both sat at the grass, "w-why are you here..?" Miko asked in a low voice not looking at the boy, "I should asked the same as you" He said earning a laughed from the girl. "Its just.. thier kinda personal but.." She stopped. "Lets just say.. identify crisis..?" Honestly she's crying about everything in life but she didn't want to talk about that to tsurugi just yet.

"Thank you for letting me cry at your shoulder.. I really and made it wet ehee" She smiled awkwardly as he patted her shoulder saying it was fine. "also... your right thank you for staying also.. I didn't know what is happening" She smiled at him

"I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself too much.. and speaking of hurting don't think I forgot about your scar" He glared at the girl who was indeed hiding her scar from him thinking he'll just forget about it.

"my house is just near.. I'll get myself fixed" She stood up from him realizing she was in his lap. "Oh uh sorry, I'm sorry for taking up for time" She bowed at him, she was starting to step back until he stood up and grabbed her hand.

"I'll walk you there, I'll let you handle it beacuse it seemed it's about home.." He said, she tried to deny his offer but she already knows she can't get out from the situition.

In the end she let him walk company her home. The walk was silent but not awkward for both of them.

"So mind telling me how you found me?" She asked. "Simple I was walking and I found you" Tsurugi blankly said.

The girl gaved a fake cough "aha I meant why are you out late at the first place" She said.

"I just finished visiting my brother and after that I practiced a bit.. and then I found you" He said finally satisfy of his answer that made the girl smiled "Well.. I appreciate about not telling this to anyone, I'm thankful you found me but you shouldn't saw me like that.. " the girl turned serious while tsurugi just listened.

"Don't worry I promise for you even ehe" She willed at the boy earning a small blush from him "These are rare cases and it's normal for a person to have a sad time there and then" She lied.

"I understand.." He said the girl sighed at the fact he wasn't a pushy person.

"Though please take care of yourself miko" He said surprising the girl but since she was infornt of him walking he didn't saw her expression. "Yeah I will.." She lied again.

"Oh were here" She said going infornt of the gate, the boy looked around a bit "your Chinese?" He asked.

She opened the gate into her house, she can see the lights are still on from the window she turned to him, "my father is" She said hanging from the gate door.

"So your half?" To which she shook her head no, "not really, my dad grew up back in china and.. I was born in china, we moved in Japan beacuse of Papa's job when I was still a child.. I grew up here."

"So my ethnicity is Chinese while my nationality is japanese heh" She laughed at her self,

"How about your mom?" The girl looked at him for a moment, she herself doesn't know,

Was her mother even born in earth? I mean herself isn't even a real human but she was created in earth.. She thought of an fake answer.

"She's Chinese also" she lied with a convincing smile, she tried to change the subject.

"Well thank you again tsu-" "kyousuke." He interupted, She gave him an ever so sweetly smile "Then.. Thank you again kyousuke" She said which he nodded. new feeling unlock


The next day arrived and tsurugi was walking inside the school grounds, followed by the other first year.

He would normally walk to school by himself but today he ranned into them though he didn't mind.

"Kyousuke-kun!" A familiar voice called out for him, seeing up to see the black haired girl, now in a different atire, the female now wear a denim skirt similar at raimon's skirt uniform, she was still wearing her white button up shirt, but this time she was wearing a white sweater over it and a red thin red ribbon around her collar. (Reference image above)

"Well well what do you have here" midori's voiced interupted, she looked down at miko body until her eye caught up with a white bandage on her left thigh. "What happened to you?" She asked making both aoi and akane and even the other first year perked up to see what midori was talking about.

"Huh miko-chan did you hurt yourself?" Tenma bobbed in, seeing also the obvious bandage on the girl, she just smiled at him "aiya! It's fine! My cat just scratch me real hard last night.." She said, tsurugi eyed widden, he knows it wasn't true but he was serenely suprised with how good this girl can lie, she really looked like a girl who was jolly 24/7. Even himself was almost convinced.

"Ahh I feel your pain, cats can be sweet sometimes but at the same time scary" Aoi said sweetdropping, miko just laughed at her agreeing, "anywho you guys should go I heard there's a new student who wants to join" She said, immediantly tenma asked for confirmation which she nodded, He became running towards to clubroom excited to meet a new member with the managers and shinsuke followed.

She was now left with only tsurugi, she turned to him He first speaker. "Cat? You really gonna blame your cat" He jokily said. The girl rolled her eyes chuckling "well gotta hide it somehow" She replied, turning her heels inside as he followed her.

"Soo new atire?" He questioned glancing at the shorter girl. "Mhm let's just say what happened back at the stadium had a cause of it-" "You wanted to look more like an teenager so people would stop mistaken you as a child?" He smirked when he saw the girl eyes widden her cheeks coloured in embarrassment. "mhm! No" she denied which caused him to laugh inside.

OOHHHHHHH a little peak on miko's backstory????

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