nemesis - edmund pevensie ΒΉ

By narniasprophecy

3.9K 73 507

"I hate you edmund pevensie!" "well, I assume we're even then." .... ever since danialla bridge castillanos b... More

1.0 foes
2.0 giudizio
4.0 retention
5.0 miscellany
6.0 prΓ©cis
7.0 throes
8.0 sperduto
9.0 propositus
10.0 puer
11.0 strife
12.0 recapitulate
13.0 paciscor
14.0 nuptiae
15.0 inopinatus
16.0 sanatio
17.0 metania
18.0 azzurro
19.0 initium finis
20.0 lux
21.0 rachamecha
22.0 basio

3.0 natalis

181 2 12
By narniasprophecy

Two weeks later. . .

Danialla woke up, and started writing in her journal. She really doesn't have time to write in it anymore, so she's taking the time that she has to write in it.

"Happy birthday, Dani!" She looked up and saw her family. Dad, Mum, and Derek. She sighed in defeat. Oh Aslan, the ball tonight.


She looked back down at the journal. Susan kept the promise to do the mini ball for her. Today is the last day she can wear trousers, so, until the party, she will be wearing trousers. Her mum didn't like that idea, but she let it go since she knew.

"You're finally thirteen years old!" Mum reminded her daughter, the girl nodded sadly.

"I know, Mum."

She noticed her actions. She still was thinking about that dream last month about Edmund's Selection. She led the boys out of the room and came and sat on her daughter's bed.

"What's wrong? I know that you aren't able to do your Tomnarnia things anymore, but you've been this way for a few days." Danialla looked at her with glistening eyes. She didn't want to think about the rules. That was when she looked away really quick and her eyes blinked.

"I had a dream, a weird one too, the night of Susan's party. It felt so. . . weird. I entered into that stupid selection and was called by Edmund up. Then it changed to me and King Edmund on one of the balconies together, and we almost kissed. It was weird, Mum."

She looked at Danialla with confusion in her eyes. She couldn't believe that her daughter could have such a dream already. She couldn't think about how her daughter and King Edmund could ever love one another.

Danialla smirked a little. "You already know I despise the Just King," it was her time to state the obvious. Both of them start chuckling.

"Honey, I think the whole dimension knows that. Things spread all the way to Harlang and even to the Wild Lands of the North," her mother added. A flashback came back to Castellano's ' mother and she smiled faintly. When she and Andrew started courting, the whole dimension of the world knew. It was very rare for a Telmarine and Narnian to fall in love.

"I suppose that they do. I suppose everyone in this whole darn world knows about King Edmund of Narnia and the festy half faun," Danialla added half-sarcastically.

"Esperanza had sent me a letter when she found out. She said that she couldn't believe it. Although she thought it was quite funny. Sadly King Tisroc doesn't know that she sent me a letter. She said she told Prince Adolfo and Princess Aravis about it."

Danialla had never met Princess Aravis or Prince Adolfo. They knew of each other and grew up with each other with letters. Danialla has met Queen Esperanza. Queen Esperanza and Mrs. Castellanos were best friends when Mrs. Castellanos still lived in Calormen and kept in touch before Esperanza became queen.

"Mum!" Danialla groaned and Mrs. Castellanos chuckled at her daughter's expression.

"They actually are coming tonight for the party. Since they couldn't make it for Queen Susan's," she informed her daughter. Danialla smiled gleefully. She had always wanted to meet Prince Adolfo and Princess Aravis.

"Seriously? Even Aravis and Adolfo?!" she asked happily as her mother nodded. "And King Tisroc?"

From everything that Danialla has heard King Tisroc was not the best person in the world. Very selfish and such. Esperanza said that he was not like that until Princess Aravis picked up a sword. Danialla thought it was dumb that he changed after that day.

Mrs. Castellanos shook her head. "He won't make it, thank goodness. He's going to Ettinsmoor to see King Alston," she replied. Danialla nodded a little happier after that. She wasn't a big fan of Tisoc.

"At least we won't have another grumpy king at my birthday party," Danialla grinned, shrugging her shoulders.

"King Edmund is going?" Mrs. Castellanos asked, a bit taken back from the comment. She didn't realize that the Just King would be going.

"I am assuming so because of his siblings. Also because the Queen and her children from Colarmen are going tonight."

"He'll probably be on his throne the whole time, bored out of his mind," her mother added to the fun. The girls started giggling thinking about the Just King sitting on his throne bored out of his mind. Edmund hated balls, just like Danialla. That possibly was the only similarity that the two had in common with one another.

"At least it'll be a small ball, and I can wear whatever I want," Danialla said cheekily. Her mother sighed in happiness.

"Which means I don't have to cook a lot today, but we still better get to the castle. It will be a normal day until the ball, dear one."

Danialla nodded and sat her journal in the drawer.


Walking into Peter's room, Danialla was hesitant. Tinselganda told her that Peter wanted to see her and she wasn't quite sure if it was a lie or not. Although when she did walk in, Peter was at his desk singing a song from his world.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock.

Jingle Bells chime, in jingle bell time..." he sang.

Danialla didn't recognize the song, but she knew one of the Pevensies would sing it around Christmas time. She lightly let a laugh from her lips. Peter stopped singing and turned around and saw a giggling Danialla.

"Hey, Peter," he got up to give her a hug.

"Hey, Trouble."

"Tinselganda told me that you wanted to see me," she said, telling him the reason why she was there. Her voice was also a bit rude because she was supposed to go to Susan's room soon to choose out dresses.

"Yes, just sit here and I'll be back in a second," he replied, allowing her to sit on his bed. The bed was light grey and was very well made already that morning. Danialla awkwardly nodded and sat down. The bed was so soft, something that she loved about Cair Paravel. Even the guest rooms were comfy.

"You know, if it is a present I don't want it. I don't need presents!" she shouted as he started walking back out of the closet.

"How did you know?" he guessed. Danialla gave him a look as she glanced at the box. It was a small brown box.

"I am smarter than you think," she replied as she studied the box.

"I made it, so I am proud of it."

"Of course you are."

"Here, just take it."

Though the girl decided to fight back, as usual. "I can't take it, I didn't give Susan a gift because--" he cut her off.

"Open it, and she doesn't mind. To her, your present was that you came to the ball when you actually didn't want to." Danialla sighed and took the box out of his hands.

As she unwrapped the box carefully, Peter rolled his eyes. Danialla knew that the paper was expensive and she didn't want to ruin it. When it was just the box, she went to open the it; but the door of Peter's room interrupted. Danialla hid the box under a blanket quickly.

Edmund was at the door. "Oh, sorry Pete. Lord Kerran wanted to see you about something, but it can wait until you're finished with this faun," he closed the door after he exited. Peter growled.

"I wish he would stop calling you faun, yes, you are one, but it's just the way he says it. Besides, it's your birthday for Aslan's Mane!" Peter ranted with steam slowly showing.

"I don't mind, honestly I would be mean to him on his birthday so I could just do a payback," Danialla shrugged with a smirk. Peter lightly chuckled at the response.

"Alright, now open it," he pointed at the box. Danialla looked down at the box with hesitation. However, she finally decided to open it. As soon as she had it peaked open, she realized it was a nice chestnut wood pen. She took the lid off of the box and looked at it more closely. It had the carving, 'Narnian faun' on the side.

She loved it, she and Peter had many conversations about her journaling, so it was the perfect gift.

"It's beautiful, I love it," she grinned at him, putting the pen up to her nose, wanting to smell the freshly chestnut cut wood.

"Glad you do, I learned how to carve from my father back in Finchley. It's a stress breaker when I'm stressed or whatnot."

Danialla frowned at the boy thinking of his father. She knew that he had left to go to the war in his world before he and his siblings discovered Narnia. "Do you miss your mum and dad?"

Peter hesitated to answer, he was one of the boys that didn't like to show his feelings. He knew Danialla was like a best friend, so he decided to answer. "Yeah, I do, a lot." he grew quiet for a few seconds, "but I love it here even more. If Mum and Father were here, I would be the happiest boy alive. Maybe one day, Aslan works in wondrous ways."

Danialla smiled in agreement, "He does alright." With that, she stood up and faced him. "Sorry, I have to go. Susan, Lucy, and I are picking out our dresses and all. See you for lunch?"

Peter nodded and still sat on his bed. Danialla slowly started walking away before he called for her, "Also, the Queen, Princesses, and Prince of Calormen are coming," he informed her, not thinking she'd know.

"I actually know. Mother is best friends with the queen, but I only have met her once," she replied. Peter knitted his eyes together and Danialla understood why. "Mum's from Calormen." he nodded.

"See you at lunch, Dana."

When Danialla reached Susan's room, she gave her best friend a hug. "Happy birthday Dana! Here!" she said with so much happiness. Danialla frowned when she saw a box similar to Logan's, although bigger.

"What's this?" she croaked sitting down in Susan's desk chair.

"Your dress," Danialla shot a glare at Susan, "Trust me, you'll love it."

With a sigh like she had in Logan's room, she opened it. Once it was unwrapped, she saw a beautiful yellow dress with flowers on the top and it went down to the floor.

She looked up to Susan, "I do, I do love it," she put the dress down and got up, giving Susan a hug. "I love it."

Susan smiled with glee, happy she had loved the dress. "I figured you would. You love yellow, and I know you don't like fancy, so I thought this was good enough."

The youngest Pevensie knocked on the door and opened it. She saw Danialla and smiled. Her golden locks flowing to the end of her shoulder blades. "Happy birthday, Dana!"

"Thanks, Lu."

"Now are we going to choose out dresses and shoes or what?" Susan's smile gleed with excitement. Danialla looked down at her trousers then to her new dress. She looked back at Susan.

"Honestly, why can't I just wear my trousers and shirt today?" she groaned. Evidently they didn't hear the sarcasm in the girl's voice because of the following events.

"You are wearing that dress for the ball, for the rest of the day you can wear your boy's clothes," Susan pointed at her best friend's clothes with a snarl on her face. She didn't understand why Danialla wore those clothes.

Danialla chuckled at the girl's face and shook her head with a smile on her face. Lucy just grinned with Danialla as she also noticed her sister's facial expression. Susan lined her lips.

"Now, since you are the birthday girl, you get to choose what we wear and all," the Gentle Queen said, after she realized what the two girls were grinning about. She turned to Danialla, "But not trousers and a shirt," she finished. Danialla sniffled a chuckle as she looked through Susan's closet.

She had finally found a dress after a few minutes of looking. It was a peach pink with one strap. The dress went down to the floor and stopped. "This one, it'll be perfect for the party, and peach pink looks amazing with yellow."

Danialla showed Susan her dress and the queen took the dress and put it on her manakin thingy that she had in her room. "Hair?" Susan then asked. Danialla scrunched up her nose and finally decided. "Dutch braid from the head and at the end of the skull a ponytail with a string?"

Danialla knew it was casual for a queen, but she thought it would look nice. Susan smiled and nodded. "Perfect outfit, Danialla. Y'know, if you decide to put a passion in fashion, you'd be a perfect stylist."

Danialla blushed sheepishly. Lucy then perked up, "How about me?" her smile was gay. Danialla turned to her and took her hand, telling her with actions to lead her to her own closet.

When they entered Lucy's room, Danialla went to the little girl's closet. She looked through her dresses, knowing that Lucy liked to dress fancy. She saw a beautiful blue, off the shoulder, flower dress that touched the floor.

Danialla took the hanger and took it out of the closet, as she showed the young naive queen. Lucy was quick to respond. "YES!" she proudly said taking it and putting it on her bed. "What about the hair?"

Danialla watched the blonde strands of Lucy's hair come out from the bun she had put it in. She went over to the vanity and looked through the hair accesories. She found a blue rose hair clip and picked it up. "This, with a messy bun, would look beautiful with your hair," Danialla told her.


Danialla and Wandlon walked down the stairs, arm in arm. The two chatted happily and goofed off while walking down. Valkdik saw beforehand and awed at how beautiful Danialla looked. He was the guest announcer when people walked into the ballroom. He opened the door and announced.

"Let's welcome the last two people, Wandlon Yeane Castellanos and Danialla Bridge Castellanos, our birthday girl!" he said proudly for everyone to hear and understand. Everyone started clapping and Danialla's cheeks grew scarlett.

The Pevensies' kept by Danialla's request of just having a few close friends that she knew. There was about twenty or so people. She spotted Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, Mr. Tumnus, and a few of people that she knew from Narnia. She grew a small smile for a thankful look to everyone.

"We will be having dinner in thirty minutes, you will be able wish the birthday girl...your wishings for her." Valkdik squeaked before dismissing everyone. Danialla grinned at Valkdik. He was still learning public speaking with training in the military.

Everyone understood him and smiled warmly at him. They all knew he was new to training and such. He wasn't the most public speaker. Valkdik walked over to Derek, who evidently left Danialla when Valkdik was speaking. He knew what was going to happen, a few people would go up to Danialla and wish her a happy birthday. That was exactly what happened. Luckily, it was mostly the Pevensies and Valkdik.

She never really liked birthdays, it seemed as if it was the only time people cared, all except her family, Al, Valkdik , and the Pevensies.

"Happy Birthday, Dana!" Danialla and Valkdik hugged for a few seconds, saying thank you. "Also, you look stunning! Thanks for inviting me."

     "Val, you're my best friend, how couldn't I?" Valkdik and her chuckled together.

She walked off smiling, Danialla could only guess it was because she was able to speak to the Kings and Queens before Danialla walked into the ballroom. Danialla looked over at the Pevensies, without warning, Dyson picked her up--giving her a hug.

"I wasn't able to give you presents so we will be doing that in about an hour to two," he told her. Danialla chuckled quietly. Telling him thank you, she let go.

The next person was Susan, who gave her best friend a warm hug. "You actually wore the dress, I see," she joked. Danialla playfully rolled her eyes.

"Well yes, I just ready by myself, you see!" she joked back. The girls bursted into giggles.

"Edmund is sitting on his throne, which would indicate that he doesn't want to talk to you," Lucy spoke up. Danialla shrugged, not really caring about what Edmund felt with all of it and all.

Edmund was sitting on his throne, staring at Danialla with a glare. He thought it was stupid that his family decided to throw a ball for the girl. Danialla walked away after talking to the Pevensies for a little while and went over to some townsfolk.

Queen Esperanza walked over to Danialla with her mother and children beside or following her. Danialla quickly realized and bowed.

"Danialla, please don't bow, I am not the queen of this country." Queen Esperanza softly said to the girl. Danialla got up, blushing. The queen was carrying a toddler.


"Danialla, meet Esperanza Tarkheena and her children--Adolfo and Aravis Tarkheena," Danialla's mum told her daughter.

"Nice to meet you after such a long time," Danialla shook Adolfo's hand and looked down at Aravis--who gave Danialla a fist bump and started giggling.

"Yes, indeed. Mother has told us a lot about you and your brother, even if Aravis doesn't understand, she knows who Wandlon is." Adolfo explained. He was four years older than Danialla and Aravis was eight years younger.

Danialla chuckled and glanced at her mother, "Mum's done the same." she replied and with a follow they chuckle while Aravis looked at them confused.

"Dinner has finished! Please choose a seat!" Mr. Castellanos--Igor yelled for everyone to hear. Danialla looked at her mother.

"Adolfo can sit with you and the Pevensies," she answered before Danialla even opened her mouth. Danialla smiled and gave her mom a hug. She looked at Adolfo and they started walking over to the royal table.

"So, have you met the Kings and Queens of Narnia, yet?" Danialla asked to stir up a conversation. Adolfo nodded.

"Yeah, they all seem nice." Danialla scoffed. Adolfo looked at her with furrowed eyes.

"All?" she asked, thinking of Edmund actually being nice for once.

"Yes, even King Edmund--which I hear you two have a rivalry. I believe that we could become stronger allies," Adolfo answered her honestly. Danialla just shrugged.

"Yeah, we're not on the best terms. Mom said that we are known as 'The Just King and half faun' now, so that's fun." They reached the royal table and Danialla decided to sit down next to Susan and Adolfo. Aravis came running over and sat beside Lucy.

Adolfo looked at his sister as he sat down next to Edmund at the end. "Did you ask mommy, if you could come and sit here?" he asked her.

The young girl nodded with a wide smile before Lucy and her started chatting. Danialla went to Susan's ear. "I think those two are about to have a lifetime friendship."

Susan grinned and nodded. "That seems to be accurate. They're both little precious beans."


The dinner was venison, dried turkey, or lobster with mushrooms, eggs, porridge, toast, fruit, wine, water, tea, or coffee. Dessert was served with cupcakes, pudding, and cake. It sounded like a lot of food, but it wasn't as much as a royal ball.

The food was amazing, Edmund had decided not to give Danialla any snarky comments, as guests were in the palace and it would look bad on him if he had done something 'not so kind' to Danialla.

Danialla loved the venison, mushrooms, toast, and tea. For her, that meal was grand. She never really ate much of the pricey food that her mother had made because it was owned by the palace.

The dessert seemed to be almost delicious, but the most memorable part of the whole party. The cupcakes were the same shade of yellow as Danialla's dress. There was only one candle on a cupcake in the platter, indicating that it was the birthday girl's.

"They look so good! Who made them?" Danialla asked. She knew her mother wasn't that good of a baker, so she wished to tell the person thank you.

"All of us Pevensies actually did," Peter told his younger friend. Danialla's eyes gleamed with excitement and happiness. She hugged Lucy, Peter, and Susan. Edmund was off of the chart because she had thought he wasn't part of it. "Edmund helped, too."

Danialla nodded at Edmund for a thank you. He just snarled, "Really didn't have a choice, he made me."

Danialla just shrugged and looked at her mother, wanting approval to eat her cupcake, although Al decided against that. "Let's sing happy birthday to the birthday girl!" And so everyone did. It wasn't our typical 'Happy Birthday to you' song, it was one of the older folk ones that the Pevensies once knew back in England.

When they had finished the old song, Danialla blew out the single lit candle after she had made a wish. That wish, though, was to never come true. Everyone started clapping and Danialla stuffed the cupcake into her mouth. The burst of sweetness and the smooth taste seemed incredible.

Then the dessert had started. Everyone was standing around, eating the cupcake--or in some of the Narnians' cases, pudding. The Narnian that Danialla was talking to, excused herself politely to go use the bathroom. Danialla nodded and went over to get another cupcake. She saw Edmund walking over to her.

"Happy Birthday," he muttered under his breath. Danialla looked at him with a smirk.

"You--Edmund Pevensie--had said something nice to me! Congrats!" she joked sarcastically, making both of them chuckle. Edmund decided to add more laughter to it all. He threw his cupcake at Danialla's face, which the frosting planted on her face.

Edmund started laughing with glee in his laugh. Danialla glared at Edmund and threw her cupcake at him for payback. After throwing a few cupcakes, the two started laughing together.

Edmund got a glass of punch and dunked Danialla's dress with it. Her mouth gaped open, as she knew it would stain. "You little idiot!" she screamed.

"CUPCAKE FIGHT!" Queen Esperanza yelled happily. Danialla and Edmund laughed as the Calormen Queen ran over to the cupcake platters. Everyone started to throw cupcakes, punch, pudding, anything edible thing that anyone could get their hands on.

Danialla saw Lucy and threw a yellow cupcake at her. Lucy screeched happily with the sudden movement. A few minutes after Edmund and Danialla split, she saw Edmund.

"So this is my birthday present?" she asked him with a grin on her face as she laughed. Edmund gave back a smile, looking down at his frosted shoes.

"Yes, of course it is! I always have the best presents for birthdays—besides, anytime when we're in the same room we fight!" he shouted to Danialla. Everyone had been yelling and shouting with joy. Danialla smiled.

"To be honest, this may be the best birthday gift I have ever had!" she yelled back, Edmund groaned and threw a cupcake at her.

It was sure going to be a memorable birthday, just from that fight.


The fight had ended soon after the small chat with Edmund and Danialla. Everyone was using napkins to clean themselves up. Queen Esperanza walked up to Danialla wiping herself with the cloth napkin.

"Who actually even started that?" she asked with a smile on her face. You could tell that she had a blast and probably the best time of her life in those minutes. "I was talking with your mother."

"Well, technically Edmund threw first and then I paybacked," Danialla explained with a grin on her face. The queen chuckled and nodded.

"I haven't had that much fun in a long time," she put her right hand on her left, "I may have to keep coming back here." She then excused herself and walked away. A crease of smile planted on Danialla's lips. Not only did she just make it memorable for her, she made it memorable for many others in that room. Even for a queen.

Peter yelled for presents a few seconds after. Danialla started walking to Peter, where the presents were. Everyone was still a little bit of a mess with the icing, cake batter, pudding, and punch. Some had stained some people's clothes, while others hadn't. Danialla's dress seemed to be ruined with punch and pudding stains.

Danialla looked at the presents, there were about thirty and she gasped. She has never seen so many presents, and they all were hers. She sat down on the table next to the big pile of presents that she admired.

The wrapping paper was mostly cloth, as that's what Narnians only could afford, while the ones from the Pevensies had silk paper wrapping. Valkdik and Al came and sat beside the chairs (or in Valkdik's case, stood beside the chair) near Danialla.

Everyone had crowded around Danialla and the presents. "I want to thank you guys for coming. This has been an incredible night and going to be very memorable. Thank you so much for the presents, never have I seen so many. Most of you are close friends or people that I've known my whole life--or both. Thank you so much. Now, hand me one Valkdik."

Valkdik got a present and gave it to Danialla that was wrapped in a kitchen towel. Danialla gently unwrapped it and saw a small note. "Happy birthday to the most tomnarnian I know. You are my best friend and have been for thirteen years now. I love you, Dani. --Valkdik '." Danialla finished reading the note and put down the paper. She gave her centaur friend a hug.

"Thank you," she told him and finished unwrapping the gift, revealing a watch. Danialla chuckled. "A watch? I am not that late, but thanks." Many chuckled with Danialla as they understood her comment.

The gifts lasted a while and Danialla was thankful for every single one of them. She had decided she wanted to open her family's last, which was two presents. They were in a wooden knitted basket and covered by a blanket.

She read her parents card first and dug into the picnic basket. It was some fabric, needles, yarn, and string. There also was a picnic blanket that seemed to be made by her mother and a small bag of money.

Her brother's was the wrapped blanket. It had a card and a sword. He had said he made it with their dad's help. Danialla thought it was beautiful and loved the gift very much.

At the end of opening all of the gifts, Danialla had thanked everyone for coming and for such great and amazing gifts.


Three months later, nothing really had changed, except that it was nearing fall. Through the whole three months, life had gone short. The Kings and Queens didn't have a lot of things to work on, but some things were placed for laws and all to start. Peter was highly busy with a lot of those things.

One day it was loud in the Castle of Cair Paravel in mid-east Narnia.

"Oh, will you shut up for once!?" Danialla yelled at Edmund.

"Why should I listen to you? I am your king! You should listen to me!" Edmund yelled back. The two hadn't become friends yet, instead it was as if their accomplishment was to hate each other worse.

Danialla rolled her eyes, annoyed by the boy. She knew it would be a mistake to eat lunch with the Narnian royals. The other three Pevensies had about the end of it.

"Ed!" Lucy raised her voice to get her brother's attention. Edmund quickly went quiet. When Danialla had meals with the Pevensies, it was a strict rule to sit on different sides of the table. It obviously didn't help.

"Why do you have to be such a spoiled brat all the time?" Danialla asked him as they glared at each other. Danialla smirked at the boy.

"I'm not a spoiled brat, Danialla." Edmund reversed the argument, "It's you that is spoiled."

Peter put his hand over his head and sighed a deep one. Each of the members at the table knew where the conversation was going. Lucy fiddled with her fingers, trying to ignore the fight between the two. Susan gave her eldest brother a look that he ignored. Danialla scowled at Edmund.

Susan finally had enough, "Guys, it has been five months since we first met Dana, why are the two of you still so mean to one another?" she raised her voice.

Danialla looked at her friend, "Well, obviously he hates me and it is fun to annoy him, soo..." she replied. Everyone chuckled and even Edmund gave a small smile.

Danialla decided it would be best to leave, "I am finished and have to go clean the dishes for mum." Everyone echoed a 'see you later' and she walked off. As Danialla was thinking about her argument with Edmund, she was washing the dirty dishes. Little did she know that she was smiling as she was thinking about the argument.


Danialla laid in her bed that afternoon, tired because she was working the whole day nonstop besides having lunch with the royalties. Closing her eyes, she had let out a large sigh. "I still have to go to Cenvin's later." she longed for the last part with a groan.

"Well, until you need to go to Cenvin's, let's hangout, it's been forever." The voice sounded familiar to her brother. She opened her eyes and looked at her doorway.

It was Al, Valkdik, and Wandlon. "I thought you three had training until late tonight." she replied simply.

"That's tomorrow, Dani. Now, what do you want to do?" Al informed the girl.

"Can we just stay in the house today. I need to gain back my energy." she replied. The boys nodded and walked in.

"It's still so weird to see you in a dress. Unbelievably, this one isn't yellow." Valkdik claimed as he sat down beside the bed. Danialla stuck her tongue out at him.

"What's that for?" Valkdik asked, "but it does look nice on you." Danialla sighed and looked at her dress.

"Well, I can't wear yellow everyday."

"Oh, come on Dani, it's not that bad! Right?" Valkdik chuckled as Danialla gave him a glare.

"Said the person who's never worn a dress in their life and never will." She declared with an eye roll.


Hehe, it's been a while...sorry. I've truthfully been really tired and I'm trying to keep myself together.
School's almost over (in two weeks) so hopefully between work and babysitting all summer I'll have time to edit and
new chapters for you all. xox-narniasprophecy

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