The Sacrifices We Made

By writerkemmy

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After a divorce with your husband the last thing you want on your list is seeing him again 6,000 miles away f... More



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By writerkemmy

"Yibo picked him up thirty minutes ago which means he should be coming around in a few" Xiao Zhan looked at his watch. Just as he said Wang Yibo walked in with a sobbing Bina in his arms. Not acknowledging 'the council' Wang Yibo drops the boy in Xiao Zhan's lap who was quick to hug Xiao Zhan and stop crying now that he was with him. "So how was he"

"I was able to distract him for 20 minutes then realized you weren't coming to join us and started to cry to go back to you" Wang Yibo fixed Bina's messed up hair. "So I will see you later"

"Okay" Xiao Zhan nodded "take care"

Wang Yibo turned and nodded at the 4 stooges lurking around Zhan's office.

"My my my" Wooseok chanted "Not even a hello how have you been doing he went straight to the other father of his child did he just like that"

"It's clear we are not important, my friend" Xingchen shook his head, feigning sad.

"Didn't you see that he came here to deposit the child to the other parent" Jiang Cheng pointed at Zhan who was comforting the crying kid

"We live in a world where exes can co-parent their child peacefully my friends stop overreacting" Sizhui groaned

"Can't you just let us have our own moment you are killing the fun" Wooseok groaned "Kill joy that's what you are"

"I am just saying some reality of things" Sizhui shrugged.

"Do you think I should have the closure?" Zhan asked the team on the board about his relationship?

"We think we don't think about it you should get that closure so you can have peace in your heart" Xingchen answered

"Yeah whatever loud mouth said" Jiang Cheng nodded his head

"Bitch" Xingchen turned his head so fast to Jiang Cheng that Sizhui was sure he heard it snap "I let you know that my mouth is not big"

"Yeah your mouth has gone places but has never shut up" Wooseok smirked knowing well the group had got that dirty joke that's why they all looked scandalized except Sizhui and Bina.

"I believe it's that time I give you guys the lecture of watching your mouth in front of the babies" Xiao Zhan chuckled

"There is no need for that he's a ten-year-old" Jiang Cheng brushed it off "he should now know what to say and what not to say"

"Oh which reminds me of is he okay to do his physical he's the only one in the camp without his physicals in the record" Xingchen remembers.

"I don't really know" Xiao Zhan shrugged showing Bina the correct way to write the words.

"Can we have a rundown of his condition so at least we have a hump of whatever is going around in the air" Jiang Cheng asked? Wei Wuxian looked at Bina worriedly "let's avoid any English words for now and go for strict Mandarin"

"Wow, that's just" Wooseok fans his teary eyes. "that's a lot for a kid"

"Why does a kid have to go through that" Sizhui sobbed

"Yeah" Xingchen blows his nose on Jiang Cheng's shirt

"But did you hear," Sizhui tells the group

"What," Jiang Cheng asked

"There is a new troop coming in today," Sizhui told them. "They went to pick them up"

"They," Xiao Zhan asked

"yeah, Yibo ge and everyone" Sizhui meant the Alpha team.

"Why didn't he tell me then," Xiao Zhan asked "He was just here"

"I don't know you should ask him" Sizhui shrugged.

Bina shook Xiao Zhan's white coat. "I have to go guys I will meet you later"

Xingchen turned and faced Sizhui "okay spill why didn't he tell him he was going to pick up a new troupe"

"Why did you expect me to know" Sizhui whined "I just knew he was going to pick up the troop nothing else"

"spill young one" Wooseok nudged Sizhui.

"Well you didn't hear from me but one of the troop members has a weird factuation with Yibo ge and they are trying to set the both of them up for a date and now that she is deployed over here they can finally have that date" Sizhui rambled off

"You are joking" Jiang Cheng had his mouth open due to that unexpected news.

"I wish I was" Sizhui slumped on the sofa

"That is so fucked up but I like it" Kim Wooseok joined Sizhui on the sofa "If we think about it we can use the situation to our advantage"

"How though," Jiang Cheng asked

"We moved from making them be together again to making them have a closure so if they both have it they can move one from the misery they are setting themselves in you know" Wooseok shrugged.

"Love love love why is it so hard" Jiang Cheng sing sang

"I thought it was supposed to be a beautiful thing" Wooseok belted it out.

"But it's painful and deceiving" Xingcheng croaked making the others laugh.

Xiao Zhan sat at the table with Bina, Bina was reading a book loudly but soft while Xiao Zhan was browsing his phone for the first time in a while. Checking the emails from his lawyer he saw that the divorce papers had been finalised and he was now a single person. And also as part of the divorce Yibo had sent him off with the annulments. "I guess I am now single," Xiao Zhan said as a tear escape his eye. Quickly wiped the tear away before anyone saw it. "wow that hurts didn't expect it to but it still hurts why"

"Uh" Bina looked up from his book to look at Xiao Zhan who was talking to himself

"Nothing" Xiao Zhan shook his head. "my pretty boy" he petted Bina's hair.

"Pretty" Bina interpreted it in English

"Ah that's right" Xiao Zhan exclaimed "my pretty boy that's what you are and smart too want to go and eat my pretty boy"

"Mh" Bina nodded excitedly Xiao Zhan laughed.

They joined the rest in the mess hall for their dinner. Entering the mess hall they saw a lot of new faces, especially on the Alpha team table. He turned around to join one of the medic team's tables, but Bina tried to move him to the Alpha team table pointing at them specifically on Yibo. Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo but he saw him busy with another lady. Xiao Zhan sighed looking at Bina with pitiful eyes "No baby he's busy we are going to seat with them"

Bina sulked pouting, but still, hr followed Zhan to the table with the rest of the group.

"You finally joined us for dinner," Xingchen sarcastically remarked as Xiao zhan and Bina took their seat.

"Did he finally ask you out" Xiao Zhan threw it back to Xingchen while the others were trying to stifle their laughs "that's what I thought"

"Why is your little son not eating," Wooseok asked "did he eat before"

"No" Xiao Zhan turned his attention to Bina

"Ironic he didn't deny the son part today" Jiang Cheng talked in an ugly British accent making the others laugh but Xiao Zhan wasn't minding them he was too busy trying to coddle 'his son' Bina to eat.

"Why don't you want to eat now," Xiao Zhan asked softly, "I thought you were hungry before"

"No hungry no eat" Bina spoke in his broken English., He looked away preferably to where Yibo was sitting and Xiao Zhan got the essence of things and what was going on. Bina wasn't eating because Wang Yibo wasn't with them. Wang Yibo had made an occurrence that he would eat dinner with them every day and Bina got used to it now that Yibo wasn't here but seating with some new lady at their table Bina didn't want to eat.

Xiao Zhan sighed rolling his eyes this felt all too familiar to him he turned to Bina pouting "Come on baby you won't eat this one for me" Bina pursed his lips not wanting to eat. "A little bit just one bite" His persuasion wouldn't do him any use or help. He sighs he really was going to do that.

"Where are you going" Sizhui looked up from his phone

"to him" He pointed his head towards Wang Yibo and the squad that were laughing their asses off.

"Why," Jiang Cheng asked

"He has a promise to keep" Xiao Zhan pushed back his chair making his way to Wang Yibo

"Well this is going to be good" Xingchen sipped his tropical juice looking at Xiao Zhan walking over Wang Yibo "Very interesting I say"

"I think we need to prepare the emergency room a bitch is going to be slapped unconscious if she keeps provoking Xiao Zhan" Wooseok pointed at Xiao Zhan who was clenching and unclenching his fist while looking at the lady talking.

"She clearly doesn't value her life" Wen Qing joined in the conversation. It was common language or even knowledge everyone knew not to provoke Xiao Zhan. People seemed to walk over that fact since Xiao Zhan generally was kind sweet charming could never harm anyone or anything but that was before he was provoked and it always takes a lot of effort to provoke him but the lady seemed to ace in that. She was doing really well and it was clearly going to land him on a bed in the emergency room if she didn't watch out.

"Oh-oh" Sungjoo muttered to himself

"What" Wenhan whispered under his breath

"Danger approaching quick danger approaching 50 meters away" Sungjoo spoke in a silly robotic voice.

"What the fuck" Yixuan looked up seeing Xiao Zhan who was coming towards their table and he was coming fast.

"I think it is time we prepare a funeral I don't know for who but we have to prepare a funeral now one of them is going to die" Seungyoun exclaimed to the others

Xiao Zhan stood beside Wang Yibo whom he was sure he had seen "Can we talk" He asked politely

"Who are you"

Xiao Zhan was a little taken back by that rude remark but he made sure to cover his emotions "I didn't see you there, I am Mr Xiao the head doctor I believe we have never met" The rest of the team grimaced at that because they knew that tone really well.

"Mr Xiao I am Major Mei Ling the new army doctor I suppose I am here to replace you" Mei Ling stretched her arm to Xiao Zhan but he didn't take it instead he looked at it up and down and chuckled.

"So you must be the doctor that is reporting to me" Xiao Zhan looked at Mei Ling blankly his smile falling "Nice try lets not get ahead of ourselves shall we" Xiao Zhan turned to Wang Yibo "Can I have a word"

"Yeah okay," Wang Yibo followed Xiao Zhan leaving Mei Ling standing there awkwardly.

"I still think we should start arranging funeral plans" Seungyoun muttered

"We really should, it's a world war three commencing at this moment" Yixuan looked at Mei Ling who was clenching her hands.

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