Fallen Determination (Optiona...

By Red_Knife

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Determination is one of the strongest things in the whole world that can allow you to mess with the time itse... More

Chapter 1: Chase
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: New life
Chapter 4: Human?
Chapter 5: Snowdin
Chapter 6: Memories
Chapter 7: Ancient Magic
Chapter 8: New human
Chapter 9: False Hope
Chapter 10: First Blood
Chapter 11: Waterfall
Chapter 12: Just a Machine
Chapter 13: Fire Fight
Chapter 14: Choice
Not a chapter: Announcement
Chapter 15: Promise
Chapter 16: Hotland
Chapter 17: Final Showdown
Chapter 18: The Judgment
Chapter 19: The End
Chapter 20: Retry
Chapter 21: Last Chance
Chapter 22: Time Glitch
Chapter 23: Family Break
Chapter 24: Special Show
Chapter 25: Mother's Wrath
Chapter 26: Part of the family
Chapter 27: Deadly Deal
Another announcment
Chapter 28: Confronting yourself
Chapter 29: Kindred spirits
Chapter 30: The Plan
Chapter 31: The Core
Chapter 32: Lost Hope
Chapter 33: Return of Determination
Chapter 34: Peace
Chapter 35: Final Conflict
Chapter 36: New Beginning
Chapter 37: Inner conflict
Chapter 38: Horror
Chapter 39: The Human
Chapter 40: Alone
Chapter 41: The Echo
Chapter 42: All-in
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Searching for help
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 43

609 21 6
By Red_Knife

Slowly I opened my eyes after long and really nice sleep. I must say, I didn't sleep like that in such comfortable bed for a long while. I mean, Chara's mattress was pretty nice as well to sleep on, but it wasn't even close as comfortable as this one.

Also my memory about last night was kinda blurry... What happened? I didn't really remember how exactly I fall asleep. All I remember is some nice wet dream of mine...

Or was that a dream..?

And why am I feeling so weird right now?

I looked around the room we was in. It was pretty dark since all lights were off in this room and, of course, I could turn it back on, but I didn't want to wake Chara up. Not yet at least. But as soon as I looked around our room - realization hitted me like truck. I guess, "Oh shit" was the only thought in my head by now that was repeating over and over again.

My and Chara clothes were just randomly scattered throughout the whole room. I could even see my own shirt that was hunging on one of the lamps. Did we ACTUALLY..?

I looked under our blanket and then hurried to cover my body with it once again while embarassment was consuming my whole mind. Yup... We sure did.

"Toriel is going kill me..." - that was the only thing I was thinking about. I mean, I literally just fucked her daughter! I guess, that would've happen eventually since we're dating... But not THAT fast, jesus fucking...

"I kneeeeew it" - for some reason I just imagined the Asriel's reaction. I think he won't care much about our... "Contact" since he literally saw us doing... Things. But Toriel... Jesus, it looks like some spears are going to penetrate my ass as soon as she'll know about that.

Suddenly my thoughts got interrupted by Chara's silent displeased mummble while she just tightly hugged me. She didn't wake up by now, but surely she wasn't willing to let me go, so I just smiled and gently hugged her back. Chara calmed down a bit when she felt my hands and then fell back into deep sleep. Looks like she was really tired after our "special" night. But I must say, looking at her naked body and especially hugging her like that felt... Strange. I mean, it was nice of course and maybe I dreamed of this moment, but... It was still very strange.

Or maybe it's because I never touched an actually naked girl?


... Maybe.

But what about Undyne? I challenged her into the duel or some sort. But since there was no windows in this room - I couldn't tell if it was morning for me to wake up. Maybe I just woke up at night and it's pointless to get up right now?

Ah, you know what. Fuck it. I'll stay here. This moment is too precious to let it go like that. Besides, I'm still feeling sleepy.

Undyne can wait...

After that I quickly fell back asleep while cuddling with Chara. I decided to let go all of the worries about Undyne or Toriel or what I just did last night. That doesn't matter since I'm here and achieved my happy life. With my love.



- WAKE UP, YOU PUNKS! - suddenly loud voice of robo-fish cruely woke up both of us as well as sound of poor door being opened up by Undyne's leg.

- WHAAAAAA! - I shouted in panic while my whole body and mind were trying to proccess what the fuck is going on.

Meanwhile Chara just screamed in huge embarassment and covered herself with blanket as soon as saw Undyne in the doors.

- DID YOU FORGET ABOUT OUR SHO... - Undyne started to approach me menacingly, but when she saw all this mess that happened in the room, her face expression started to change from enthusiastic-anger to confusion. Then she looked at us and saw that we're completely naked and only blanket is the thing that is covering our bodies. Slowly puzzle in her mind started to solve itself, - Oh...

Her voice suddenly changed from loud and full of anger to confused. I even could see how her "nature" part slowly started to cover with red color.

- OH...

- Yeah... - I just answered with insane embarassment and confusion as well.

- I'm... I'm REALLY sorry to interrupt you, - Undyne started to slowly back off while nearly bowing in a gesture of appology, - Don't worry about the show... P-please continue!

She finished and hurried to close the door when she finally stepped out of the room.

- W-well, that was... Awkward, - I tried to chuckle while looked at Chara that was still covering herself with blanket.

- Yeah, - she smiled a bit in response, - We made quite a mess here, didn't we?

But I didn't answer due to my own embarrassment.

- Well, - she sighned once again, - I think we should go.

As soon as she threw her part of blanket away I immediately looked away. I just decided to concentrate on searching and putting my own clothes back on as well.

- I-I'm not looking!

- Seriously? - Chara chuckled, - We literally had sex last night and you're still too shy to even look at me?

- H-how can you be so calm about such a thing?!

But Chara just did a deep sigh before she gave an actual answer.

- Need I reminder you what EXACTLY Shifty did with me when he was alive?

- Please don't.

- Maybe I would be embarassed just like you now if I was a... REALLY virgin, you know. But now sex for me is not much of a big deal. Especially if I'm doing this with someone I LOVE, not with someone I HATE.

- That's actually fair...

But when I was putting my clothes back on, suddenly I noticed her black bra that was just lying on the floor and that just made me go red once again.

- Can you give me that? I need it after all, you know.

- JESUS! - I shouted in frustration mixed with embarassment and threw it at her direction.

- Well, it wasn't really necessary to throw it at my face, but thanks, I guess.

Soon we putted our clothes back on and only THEN I could look at Chara and not burn out due to my embarassment. But she was just looking at me with peaceful smile like nothing ever happened... I was still shocked how calm she was acting about such a thing. I actually expected that she's going to beat my ass up as soon as she'll realize what happened just like many times before, but... Did that means that she just started to trust me? Because earlier she wasn't even letting me touch her under her shirt.

Yeah, that slap felt really painful. Damn demon-girls...

I bet she can easily lift up the whole car in the air and throw it right at my face if she'll want to... Well, let's not think about such a thing.

... But what if she'll actually hit you in the ba... OKAY STOP!

- See? - Chara giggled when I looked at her, - NOW do you recognise me?

- Very funny, - I rolled my eyes in annoyance and left the room while Chara only followed me. But as soon as we left the room and approached the fountain, my eyes widened up in surprise.

Asriel was there... He was waiting for someone and he was surely frusrtated, so he only stomped on the ground with his leg repediately. What is he doing here? Did someone inform him about my idea with Undyne? Or is it just stupid coincidence?

- Fuck... - I whispered and looked at Chara. Her hair was completely messed up and that was one big hint for Asriel, - Chara, fix your hair!

- What? - Chara got surprised by that sudden order, - What happened?

- Asriel is here! - I hissed silently, - Quickly!

Chara immediately realized how fucked up situation is and tried to smooth down her hair with her hands... But she only made it worse.

- Chara! - I hissed in bigger frustration.

- I'm trying! Your hair is fucked up as well, you know?!

- Oh there you are! - suddenly we both heard Asriel's voice that just noticed both of us.


- Hello Asriel! - I tried to greet him happily while Chara smiled innocently, but her eyes were filled with panic.

- Sup Rei.

- I just got invite from Undyne to her own show! And both of you are invited as well! Can you imagine how lucky are we?! - Asriel exclaimed happily. Looks like Undyne didn't mention that I basically forced her to "invite" Asriel.

- Yeah? That's great! We should hurry then! - Chara answered and just tried to go for elevator, but then...

- Wait, - Asriel said with sudden coldness while looking at both of us closely, - Why are you looking... So weird?

- What? - I asked as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

But Asriel was keeping cold face for a while looking us around with suspicious look. But after a few moments his face expression changed to annoyed one.

- Oh well. That explains monster's complaints about "strange noises" last night.

After that we both gone red. Chara obviously didn't know what to tell in such situation.

- A-ah yes, noises. We heard that as well! Right, Chara? - I started, but my stammering was unintentionally giving me up. But Chara still decided to support me.

- Yeah, those guys were really annoying. We couldn't sleep because of them.

After that we all went silent. Asriel was still looking at us with annoyance and sort of disappointment while we were still smiling "innocently".

- I hope you used protection at least?

- Wha... - I basically choked on my words after that. HOW THE FUCK GOAT KID KNOWS ABOUT SUCH STUFF??? - What the hell are you thinking?! We were just trying to slee...

- We did, - Chara gave up and interrupted me while I just looked at her with death-stare. She just gave us all up.

- You're NOT making this easier!

- I knew it, - Asriel just sighned, - Fine, you two rabbits, keep your secrets, just don't make me an uncle too early. But I would think twice before telling my mom about such a thing.

He actually gave us a good advice and then moved to the elevator. I just need to hope that Toriel won't find out about such a thing... Or I'm pretty much dead.

- We're not rabbits! - I argued offensively and followed him.

Time to become more popular in the Underground I guess.

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