Royal Jester

By syrikif

85.5K 3.3K 433

Rated Mature for strong language and sexual themes ~~~ Ana shrieked and frantically shielded her eyes as a v... More

1. Anastasia
2. Mason
3. Anastasia
4. Mason
5. Anastasia
6. Mason
7. Anastasia
8. Mason
9. Anastasia
10. Mason
11. Anastasia
12. Mason
13. Anastasia
14. Mason
15. Anastasia
16. Mason
17. Anastasia
18. Mason
19. Anastasia
21. Anastasia
22. Mason
23. Anastasia
24. Mason
25. Anastasia
26. Mason
27. Anastasia
28. Mason
29. Anastasia
30. Mason
31. Anastasia
32. Mason
33. Anastasia
34. Mason
35. Anastasia
36. Mason
37. Anastasia
38. Mason
39. Anastasia
40. Mason
41. Anastasia
42. Mason
43. Anastasia
44. Mason
45. Anastasia
Epilogue Part 1. Mason
Epilogue Part 2. Anastasia
Bonus Part 1. Mason

20. Mason

1.7K 98 22
By syrikif

Mason wondered if someone ever threw up from being so nervous. Because he sure as fuck felt like he was going to.

At first he wasn't even sure if he wanted to put his confession on one of the sticky notes; hell he still wasn't even sure that she would see it. There were so many sticky notes, so many random sentences that he had written that he was pretty positive she wouldn't even take the time to read more than a dozen.

He had rewritten that damn sentence at least ten times, and had to replace the sticky note three times after ripping them because of how aggressively he had been erasing the words.

Finally, Josh had decided enough was enough and taken the sticky note from him when he noticed Mason staring at what he had written for the twentieth time. Mason had protested at first, before realizing that at that point he wouldn't end up confessing at all if Josh hadn't taken it from him.

The idea started simply, he planned on writing I like you; simple and straight to the point. But the words didn't feel like enough; liking Paris was such a childish thing to say. It was so much more than a puppy crush, and Mason wanted her to know that.

He deliberated over a few other sentences, all compliments ranging from pretty to the most gorgeous to ever exist. Josh had been the one to throw that sticky note away.

He then thought that being so sweet wasn't really him. Sure it might've been what he was thinking, but Paris had never seen him show so much affection before and he was sure she would think it was a joke.

So Mason deliberated over the idea of just asking her out then and there with the sticky note, before he realized how fucking cheap that would be. It was almost as worse as getting broken up with over text. She deserved better than that.

Finally, he wrote the words I'm yours but then thought that might freak her the fuck out considering she didn't even know he liked her. So he finished the sentence with if you're mine; it was the best he could come up with. And then Josh had decided for him and taken the small slip of paper.

Now he was laying in bed, his mind reeling at Paris's sudden arrival and the possibility that she would see the sentence at any point now.

He wondered if she was sleeping yet. It would take quite a bit of time to take down and he knew that she was probably exhausted. He couldn't imagine that she would still be up so she had probably left the clean-up for the next day.

With that, Mason let himself relax. He still had a bit of time before she read it, even if she had come back earlier than he expected.

He had assumed she would be back tomorrow, probably noon at the latest because she was organized enough to not be back later than that, so to see her just casually standing in the living room made his heart race.

He had forgotten how fucking beautiful she was in person; no camera could ever do her justice.

He rolled onto his side, letting out a sigh as he closed his eyes and felt a smile creep onto his face. While they still spoke every day while she was gone, Mason was glad she was actually here.

He had an abrupt urge to touch her, to feel her. He wanted to caress her skin, feel the warmth of her body pressed against his. And he wanted to kiss her.

God, he wanted to kiss her so bad.

He envisioned the way their lips would fit, feeling his heart pound as he imagined how they would move together. He wondered how Paris liked to kiss, maybe she was passionate and loving, always making her partner sigh with complete bliss no matter how long it had lasted. Or maybe she was the complete opposite, preferring to be gentle and pouring all of her emotions into her movements to make sure that her partner knew how much she cared.

He couldn't wait to find out.


Mason was pulled slightly out of sleep from the sound of his bedroom door opening but he ignored the noise and turned onto his back to fall back asleep, covering his face with a forearm to block the sun glaring through his window.

His eyes flew open at the feel of something landing on top of his stomach.

He instinctively placed his hands on whatever it was, feeling something familiarly soft and warm before he glanced up and met Paris's eyes.

His mouth grew dry at the sight of her hovering over him, a blinding smile spreading across her lips and her curls haloed around her face. She looked so fucking happy that it made him smile.

But then he remembered what had happened and he forced his eyes away from her face to look at whatever the hell he had grabbed. It was Paris's thighs.

This made him realize the current predicament, finally noticing that she was sitting on his stomach, straddling his waist with her hands holding herself up on his bare chest. He swallowed unsteadily.

She was so fucking close. And her weight on top of him was enough to make a grown man sigh.

"Good morning to you too," he said after a moment. She giggled and he absentmindedly wondered if she could feel his heart skip a beat from the sound.

She leaned down slightly then, her face even closer than before and he doubted that she even knew what the hell she was doing to him right now. "You really mean it?" Her head tilted a bit and his eyes unwittingly flickered to her lips.

He was pretty fucking positive he knew what she meant but, "Mean what?" His assumption could be wrong.

"The sticky note," Paris's smile grew even bigger at that, her eyes practically glowing.

Mason felt himself calm from the clear excitement on her face and he let his hands run up her thighs somewhat. He was so fucking relieved that she had seen it. "What fucking sticky note?" He played dumb, furrowing his brows and resisting the urge to smirk when she glared. "There was a lot, you know."

"You know which one I'm talking about," she suddenly pulled away and Mason resisted the urge to drag her back to him as she crossed her arms over her chest and settled comfortably on his stomach.

"Yeah, I meant it," he said softly after a moment of her silently pouting.

She perked up at that, returning to her earlier position and staring at him with an earnest expression. "Really?"

"Yes, really," he chuckled.

"Really, really?"

Mason rolled his eyes lightheartedly, "Really, really, really."

She suddenly looked thoughtful, "You like me? Romantically?" Fucking hell, could she not already see how fucking enamored he was with her?

"If romantic means what I think it means then fuck yeah I do."

"So if I were to kiss you right now," she trailed off slightly and Mason's eyes widened. "What would that make us?"

"You read that dumbass note didn't you?" He was sure it was pretty clear what he wanted them to be, so it was up to her to decide now.

"So we'd be," she paused for dramatic effect, "dating," and wiggled her eyebrows. He laughed before grunting when she abruptly bounced on his stomach, briefly knocking the breath out of him. He stilled her movements by resting his hands on her hips. "Like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Mason leaned up slightly, eyes moving back and forth between her lips and her eyes. "I think that's what dating means," he muttered just a breath away from her lips.

Paris gasped at the closeness, eyes fluttering closed as he brushed his lips against hers. He could feel her panting, breaths rapidly leaving her lips and entering his own. "And you'd be mine," she whispered.

Mason almost groaned at the words, his body growing warm at her declaration. "And I'd be yours," she finished with a small smile.

He did groan at this, pulling away from her and laying back on the pillows to reign himself in.

Paris reopened her eyes, blinking in confusion when she noticed the distance he had placed between them. "What's wrong?"

He sighed at her concern, reaching up to brush a thumb over her bottom lip. "I just need a moment," he finally responded. He let his hand fall, releasing her hip with the other and dragging his hands down his face as he groaned again.

"Okay," she said with a small grin before she suddenly collapsed on top of him. She nuzzled into his chest and Mason froze for only a brief moment before he wrapped his arms around her.

He could feel himself growing tired again, the warmth of Paris's form draped across him making his eyes fall closed. He forced them back open, "What time is it?" He felt her shrug and used one hand to grab his phone from the desk beside the bed.

"Why the hell did you wake me up at five A.M?!"

"I was excited okay!"


Word Count: 1537

A/N: My favorite chapter so far, hands down.

So they're now officially dating :)))

AHHHHHH- don't mind me, just having a mental breakdown over how cute they are

I hope you enjoyed :D (I know I did, I literally cannot stop smiling rn lol)

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