Agere fics

By RaelynBeloved

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I have a lot of story ideas,so I write them here. Creeps and weirdos,BE G O N E Written when big or small. More

Details on following stories
Feeling tiny
Little one
Loud noises and bright lights
Come back..
The train station
Blue [Train station part 2]
Bee and Boo
It never stops [Part.3 train station]
Crayons drawings and fuzzy feelings
Headaches and arguments
Broken wings and other sad things
For Brooky
Sleep problems
Lost in the cold woods
Overwhelmed (rewrite)
Teeny update!
Small ducks cant be left alone
<Request Page!>
Goldfish crackers
Even leaders need breaks
Teasing time
Happy Pride Month!
Trouble getting small
[[Technoblade Never Dies

Lost and little

411 3 1
By RaelynBeloved

[[Wilbur had gotten distracted with something,he cant remember now,all he knows is he's lost.Tommy no where in sight.And now he's lost and  teetering on the edge of littlespace.]]

Wilbur followed Tommy as the shorter pushed the cart.It was grocery day,and Phil had asked them to do the shopping.Tommy had the list,and was crossing off eggs and milk as he stuck them in the cart.They were nearly done.Just paper towels,rasins,and tofu left.

"Hey Wilbur,can ya grab the tofu for me?"

Wilbur stopped and stepped back to grab the tofu.It took a minute,just a minute,as he chose out the one with the latest  expiration date.But when he straightened back up,Tommy was gone.The boy had gone to grab some sausages as Phil had texted him,saying he forgot to put those on the list.Wilbur was all alone in the aisle.

Hey.He was fine.He was an adult,he could totally handle this.What was next?Towels and rasins?Wilbur didnt know Tommy left to get sausages,he just knew what had been already on the list.He wandered towards where he thought,keyword thought ,the rasins were.He didnt go shopping as much as Tommy or Phil did.They knew were everything was.He didnt.

As the man wandered towards where he thought the raisins were,he had to walk right through a particularly loud aisle.A women and her husband were hogging up half of it with their kids,two of which were screaming.Another lady and her baby were standing near him.A man was looking at spaghetti,and a cart was left abanonded.

It was loud.He tried to not bump into everyone,but bumped into a kid who yelled at their mum about him.She shot him a quick annoyed glare and moved aside,so Wilbur went past.He just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.He just nearly tripped over the cart as he finally got out,glad to be free of the noisy people.

But,he was still alone.Now he was in the middle of the aisles,looking around and hoping too see a familiar blonde.Still nothing.He was teetering towards littlespace,fuzz clouding his mind as he wandered towards another aisle.This one was empty.Frozen produce lined the aisle in fridges,cold air oozing from them.He shivered as he walked past them.He still hadnt found Tommy.What if..what if the boy left?That thought made him whimper as fuzz continued to creep through his mind.

What if Tommy left him?Went home on purpose?What if he got annoyed at him looking at the tofu a minute too long?Tears pricked at his cheeks as those thoughts appeared,fuzz spreading as he started crying.He was alone.Alone as he sat down against one of the cold fridge doors.He wanted Tommy,he wanted his big-little brother.He sniffled,tears sliding down his cheeks as he buried his face in his knees.People passed him,ignoring him as they went by.

Wilbur didnt register any of them,too lost in cotton-ball fuzz and thoughts of being left alone.He had fallen into littlespace,a little and scared guy who just wanted his brother.He sobbed into his knees,scared whimpers and whines escaping him as he sobbed.The fridge doors were cold against his back.The plastic things cold and coated in a thin layer of frost,he didnt even notice it much.

Tommy,on the other hand,was looking for Wilbur.He had just gotten the sausages when he realized the taller was gone,had he left him there?He internally cursed,heading back with quick steps as he pushed the cart.He hoped the other was okay.Tommy knew the man had a tendency to regress,and if he did that when lost,he defidently wouldnt be able to find his way back.A toddler in a big store.Not good.

"Wilbur?Wil,where are you!"

A women stopped,asking him if he was looking for his little brother.Well,of course he wouldn't tell them,but he probably was.Wilbur was technically older them him,but not in little space.Not when he felt like a little toddler.He hurriedly nodded,mentally panicking as he realized it was inching towards closing time. 

"I-well,hes my older brother.But-but I cant find him and he doesn't like being alone.Have you seen a-uhm-tall man?He has brown hair and this big trenchcoat.Please,I-I cant-"

The women placed a hand on his shoulder,trying to calm him down as she nodded.Yes.Yes she had seen a man like that.Seemingly wandering through the aisles aimlessly,a pack of tofu in his hands.

"Hey.Its okay,kid.I think I saw him,okay?He was heading towards the frozen aisle,maybe hes still there.Come on,dear,itll be fine."

The women watched him go.Poor boy.Losing his older brother in a store.

Tommy hurried along,calling a thank you to her as he nearly ran towards the frozen aisle.Wilbur had to be there,he just had too!The man might have regressed,and who knows what could happen when you have a tall but mentally small man wandering around this big store!

Once he turned the corner,a rush of relief hit him.There was Wilbur.Sitting against the cold fridges,the aisle empty yet filled with soft sobs.He left the cart there,the thing moving a bit more before stopping abruptly as the blond ran to his brother.

"Wilbur!Oh,Wilbur Im so sorry-Are..are you okay?"

Wilbur looked up in surprise,hearing his brothers voice had gotten his attention.He started crying again,thinking Tommy was angry at him.He wailed as the blond kneeled down next to him,sushing him with a soft voice and sweet words.

"Oh buddy-Im so sorry Wil!Its okay,im here now.Im sorry I left you,is there any way I can make it up,dear?"

Wilbur sniffled,his face wet and sticky with tears as he looked at the other.He..he was sorry?So Toms hadnt left him on purpose?He made a warbly sound,just launching himself at the boy.He stumbled backwards as the taller clung onto him,warbling little babbled apologies.His poor Wilby,left all alone while so tiny!Tommy patted him on the back,rubbing soothing circles as he let him cry it out.Now,they had everything they needed.Hed tell Phil why there was no raisins or paper towels later.His baby brother comes first.

~~~Time skip~~~

Tommy dropped the grocery bags on the table.He had gotten Wilbur out of there as fast as possible,the other having dropped down too just four.A little prince.He turned around with a little twirl too see Wil,the mentally younger twiddling with his jacket sleeve.Now,time to pamper his little guy.Tommy lead him to his bedroom,quickly pulling out his favorite outfit.A dinosaur romper with overalls.

Wilbur put it on mostly himself,by mostly I mean Tommy helped him button it and get it on.Wilbur had stayed still and pulled on the romper and overalls,plus putting on his pampers.Little guy needed those just in case he had an accident.He toddled behind Tommy,whale stuffy in hands and paci in mouth.

"Okay.I think my little prince needs some food.Lets does some macaroni sound?"

Wilbur nodded,squeaking in delight.He loved macaroni!The blonde pulled out some cheddar flavoured macoroni,pouring water in the pot to boil before going to grab the other sippy.A sippy cup covered in whales.Wilburs favorite.He filled with apple juice,Wil loved apple juice when small,and handed it too him before turning back to the water.

It didnt take long.The water boiled fast and Tommy poured in the wheel shaped noodles.Some milk in the cheese powder and chopped up pieces of leftover chicken and the littles meal was ready.He stuck a colour changing spoon in it,spinning around in a way that made Wilbur giggle at how extra he was being.He sat down the bowl with flourish,smiling at how Wilbur squealed at the sight of his yummy food.He sat down his pacifer,which had a little stick of tnt on it,and got started on his food.

"T'ank you Toms!Vewy nummy!"

Wilbur babbled between a scoop of cheesy macoroni,happy at the way the cheese oozed and how nice and warm the chicken was.A delicious meal for Tommys little brother!The mentally older went away for a second as his little prince was distracted,slipping a disney vhs tape into the tv.It was Cinderalla.A movie Wilbur had watched a ton fo times yet always loved.

He scooped up the toddler,wiping off his messy face with a napkin as he set him down in front of the tv.In a minute his food was back in front of him,sippy cup and macoroni perfect to eat while he watched a nice movie.It was just Tommy and Wilbur in the house right now.Techno and Phil had gone to the park,so they had the whole house to themselves.He was glad for that.He hadnt gotten a lot of little Wil time lately,the boy being taken care of by Phil.

"Yay!Cindyella!T'ank you lots!I 'ike cindyella!"

Wilbur said before shoving another spoon of still warm macoroni in his mouth,getting more cheesy sauce all over his cheeks.Thats fine.Tommy will just clean him up once hes finsihed.He left again,going to collect some toys for the boy for when he was finished.

Some legos,those big ones for little kids,Wilburs race track,and the tea set he recently got the little.Perfect for a fun playtime!He headed back to the little,hands full of fun toys.Wilbur was completely absorbed in his movie,all finished with his macaroni and just taking a sip of juice.Tommy chuckled at how Wilbur looked,face covered with cheese sauce and hands sticky with juice.

"Silly little prince!Now,I got you some toys!Lets clean you up and then some toy time for my little prince!"

Tommy wiped up his fave with a towel,gathering the dirty bowl and cheesy coated spoon as he went and dropped them off in the sink.While he was there,he also refilled Wilburs sippy.He came back to find Wilbur had crawled over too the legos,giggling as he gathered some up and toddled back too make something.He looked so excited when the blond cqme over,who was he to deny the little man some play time?He plopped down next to the taller,smiling as he helped set up the tea set.

~~time skip~~

Tommy tucked in a sleep Wilbur as the little already was drifting offtaking a quick pic to send Phil.The older responded eith "Awh!He looks so cute-Great job Toms!Though I am quite jealous I wasnt there too see what sounds like such a fun tea party! ^v^"

The blond quietly giggled at the silly little face Phil added on.Then his phone pinged as Phil sent back a pic of him and Techno,the pink haired boy eating ice cream on a swing.Seems he had a little day too.

Tommy headed back to the living room,facing the little mess he and Wilbur made.Legos were scattered around,a small castle he was defidently not going to knock down yet,and a whole tea party set up.Stuffys sat in small made-from-lego chairs.He gathered everythign up,sticking the legos in their bag and tucking the stuffys under his arms as he headed back.they actually hadn't used the racecar set,so he just grabbed the things container on his second time back.

Once everythitn had been cleaned up and put away,Tommy flopped down on the couch with a sigh.Little days were fun,but also exhausting.He had left the lego castle up.Because it was too hard to dismantle without making it all fall down [He was super proud of Wilbur for making it]. He nodded off,falling asleep within a couple minutes.

Phil came home to his two boys fast asleep,one passed out on the couch and the other tucked in bed.He carried a also sleeping Techno to bed,the boy exhausted from a big and fun day of little activities.

Seems the day had turned out all right after all.

[[Writing the food part made me so hungry Hghjslf-I am now craving some m a c o r o n i.Anyways-Requests are currently open,just a reminder!I just really wanna do requests for no reason rn-]]

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