Loud noises and bright lights

763 9 1

Requested by;Brooky

[Tubbo accidently sets off a small bomb,having a flashback to the festival.He slips and has a panic attack.]

Tubbo was just working on his nukes,decorating one with paint because he was bored.He had some tnt lying around for making nukes,a flint and steel on his desk.He had just finished painting the nuke and went to his desk when he accidentally made the flint and steel drop.

It set of one of the tnt pieces and exploded,a bright flash and bang right next to Tubbo.

He fell off his chair and curled up,covering his ears and rocking back and forth as he had a flashback to the festival.The bright lights,the loud bang,the pain spreading across his face as the firework exploded.

He remembered it too vividly.He remembered the pain that followed the bright and colourful lights and loud bang.He remembered the feel of the blood dripping down his face as he passed out.He remembered the bandages that covered half his face for weeks,how it hurt to change them.

He sobbed as he rocked back and forth,slipping into littlespace.

Ranboo had come too see what the noise was,finding his Bee having a panic attack.Tubbos breathing was shallow and quick,and when Ranboo picked him up he paniced.When he realized it was Ranboo holding him,rocking him and holding him close,he broke.

He sobbed into Ranboos shirt and curled up into him,slipping small and scared.He could feel the blood on his face,hear the screams of other people as Techno fired more fireworks into the crowd.He could smell the burnt flesh,the singed hair.Wilbur said he wouldn't  be hurt...he fucking lied.

He eventually calmed down,still hiccuping and sniffling.Ranboo had brought them out of the room,up into their bedroom.He changed Tubbo into a more comfortable outfit,a bee onesie and brown shorts.Ranboo took out Tubbos bee doll and nuke pacifer,popping it in the littles mouth.

"How old is my little Bee?"

Ranboo asked him,and Tubbo held up two fingers as a reply.He was just a small little baby goat,little bitty baby.Ranboo warbled and carried him to the kitchen,using the other hand to make some milk in a glass bottle.

Tubbo drank the milk sleepily,already drifting off.When he fell asleep,Ranboo tucked him in and went to clean up the mess from the tnt exploding.He would be back afterwards,too cuddle with his little Bee.

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