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[Quackity hasn't regressed in a long while,but a visit from Sap and Karl makes him slip deep into littlespace.]

Quackity regretted Sapnap coming to Las Nevadas

"What are you doing here?"

The way said his condolences about Slimes-Charlies death,they hardly ever met

"Im sorry about Slimes death,Quackity."

How Karl didn't know who he was,and said hello so cheerfully it hurt his heart

"Hello!Who might you be?"

Quackity told them to just leave,his voice having a hardly noticible shakiness.  Sapnap said he had asked them to visit before,Karl didnt know what he meant.Sapnap said they were there,visiting finally,why did he want them too leave?

"I-i..Just leave."

He didnt want them too leave,but seeing them hurt. Seeing them act like nothing ever happened,it hurt.

He told Sapnap to just leave,his voice shaking.Sapnap told him he needs to take care of himself,told him he isnt going to leave.

"Leave me alone..just go."

"Quackity,you need to take care of yourself..you look horrible"

His clothing was disheveled,beanie hanging off two hidden wings.The ones on his back bound tightly,and eyebags prominent on his face.

He wanted them to go,but also to stay.He was too close too a breakdown,he didnt need them too see him weak.But Sapnap already noticed how Quackitys voice shook,and how he looked horrible.Sapnap stepped forward,Karl asking him who he even was,and told him firmly that he needed help.


"Quackity,you need help."

Quackity was on the verge of slipping,crashing into littlespace.He hadn't regressed in a long time,trying to stay big to take care of work.Sapnap didnt move,looking at Quackity with..pity.He-he didnt want pity-he didnt need pity.Karl looked confused,staying behind Sapnap.

He knew it was all his own fault.He pushed them away,he always did.His wings ached from being bound too long,he hadnt slept in days,his heart hurt..he was lonely.Everything was becoming too much,pressing on him and making him slip.

He screamed,yelling for them too just leave.Karl flinched,looking scared.Quackity stumbled backwards and fell down,with a small sob.It was all too much,the fuzzy feeling quickly taking over.


Sapnap knelt down in front of the quickly slipping duck,Karl looking worried.Quackity had crashed into littlespace,going deep into babyspace even.He was too small,everything was too much.

"Oh..my poor little ducky.." Sapnap pulled the sobbing little close,the small duck weakly trying too pull away.He gave up,curling into Sapnap while sobbing.Sapnap cradeled him,Karl now next to both of them and looking concerned.

Quackity sobbed until he couldnt,all spent up as he curled into the blaze-born.He was just too small,the world felt too big and overwhelming .He whined as he wiggled,his wings itchying and achy.

"What wrong,little duckling?"

Quackity whined again,tryign to free his wings.Sapnap understood,undoing the boys binds as his wings relaxed.He pet them,the small duckling melting under the touch.Karl sat down next to them,smiling gently.

"How about we get you changed duckling?"

Quackity nodded as Karl helped him up,helping the little one stand.He lead them too his room,to a small and hidden box of little gear.Sapnap found a soft onesie and pacifer in there,both duck themed.He handed them to Quackity,the smaller whining.

Sapnap ended up helping the little get dressed,aftewards he picked him back up.He popped the pacifer in Quackitys mouth as they walked.Karl was getting some angel milk ready,a bottle he took from the box was being filled with sweet milk.Quackity reached towards it when he saw it.

"A hungry little ducky,huh?How old are you,duckling?"

Quackity thought for a second,then held up two fingers.He switched too one and whimpered,he was tired.Sapnap tipped the milk into  the littles mouth,the small one latching onto the bottle happily.

Karl busied himself with tidying up Quackitys messy room,putting on a lullaby channel for babies on the tv.Quackity was nodding off,snuggled into Sapnaps arms.Quackitys pacifer was with Karl,having been taken when he started drinking his milk.

Quackity fell asleep,melting into soft wing pets,getting some rest.Sapnap tucked him into bed,a stuffie put next to him in case he woke up.

Karl remembered,a little.He may not remember much,but he loved Quackity nonetheless.

When Quackity woke up,he would still be small,but Sapnap and Karl where there for their duckling.

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