Blue [Train station part 2]

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[Wilbur gets hurt while fighting with Quackity and starts bleeding blue.Quackity panics slightly and slips,Techno and Phil finding the two littles and taking them home.]

Wilbur had been fighting with Quackity again,having decided too run through the others city in which he wasnt allowed in.Quackity was yelling swears in spanish at him,while he kept cackling as he ran.When he was finally out of the towns borders,he stopped running and caught his breath,Quackity catching up.

Quackity swore at him more,saying he wasnt allowed in Las Nevadas and needs to stay the fuck out.He just thought the duck looked cute when mad and giggled at his angry swearing.Quackty had enough of his annoyingess and slapped him,Wilbur looking surprised for a second.WIlbur quickly went back to his annoying smirk,grabbing the ducks beanie and holding it high above him.

Two little fluffy wings were sticking out of Quacks head,small and golden,usually hidden by the beanie.Quackity looked ready to stab him when Wilbur said they were cute,unable to reach his beanie as Wilbur held it as high as he could.So Quackity  punched him in the chest,Wilbur letting go of the shorters beanie and groaning.

Quackity had fixed his beanie,hiding the small wings and was back to swearing at Wilbur.Wilbur,however,winced in pain as Quackity had punched him in his ever present wound.The large gash across his middle unable to heal,like a reminder of him being revived.As if the white hair and green parts of skin werent enough.

Quackity had stopped yelling at him,just looking annoyed.That is,until Wilbur coughed up some blue blood.Wilbur stared at the blue on his hand in confusing,what the fuck was happening.He blinked and was suddenly back,back at the station he was stuck in when he slept.When he slept,he usually was at the train station.Mostly alone,but sometimes someone else would be there.

Ranboo,Jschlatt,Mexican Dream,Tommy,they all had been there once.Even if only a second.Wilbur coughed up more blue blood,the stuff now dripping out of the corner of his mouth.Quackity looked a bit confused,why was Wilbur bleeding blue?

Wilbur had dropped to his knees and suddenly felt like the sword was through him again,ripping through his insides and making every breath hurt.He was terrified,it couldnt be happening.He couldnt be there and he couldnt be bleeding blue.But he was.And it seemed it had been true,his nightmares dripping into reality as the blue blood had started coming out of the wound on his middle.

Quackity was panicing,starting to slip in confusion and worry as Wilbur started shaking as he dropped onto his knees.He was bleeding blue.Ghostbur was the one who bled blue,not Wil.Ehat had Wil said once?When he had convinced Quackity too have some alchohol and they both ended  up drunk,"My nightmares are coming true..".Wilbur was careful not too let anyone know of how he bled blue after nightmares and when he had panic attacks,but he had been drunk.

Wilbur was shaking and was covering his mouth and nose with his hand,the other clenching his trench coat as a weak attempt to remind himself who he was.He was Wilbur,not Ghostbur.He had too take his hand away too breathe though,and it was covered in blue.Blue was dripping out of the corner of his mouth and smudged on his face.He looked pale and clammy.

Wilbur felt like it was happening again,his nightmares finally coming true.Ghostbur getting revenge and Wilbur being stuck back there,stuck as the ghost instead.In his nightmares,Ghostbur stole how he looked and sounded.Switching places like how the fae stole children and switched them with their own.

Quackity was slipping in his panic,struggling to type out their coordinates in an attempt too tell Phil something was wrong with Wil.He managed to do it,touching send before he slipped a bit too far too help much anymore.He was now a small and scared duckling who was worried for his freind who was bleeding all over.

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