Feeling tiny

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[Technos voices get too loud,making him stressed and he ends up regressing.]

Technos voices were usually just spamming E,asking him for blood,or talking amongst themselves.Today however.they were screeching in his ears.Not yelling for blood,but literally screaming.

They had been doing it all day and Techno was getting stressed,he couldnt concentrate on anything he needed to do.

He was currently curled up in a corner of his room,rocking and covering his ears,mumbles of "too loud" coming from him.

Techno knew of age regression,but never really did it.He wasn't a caregiver either,more of a babysitter.But the voices were pushing him over the edge as he felt smaller by the minute.He slipped until he was just a little toddler,crying because of the voices screaming in his ears.               His head hurt and he was too small too know what to do,just rocking and crying,wishing they would stop screaming at him.

Phil had heard a crying from Technos room,going to see what was wrong.He didn't expect to find Techno,crying and curled up in the corner.He went over,going to see what was wrong'

"Techno?Mate,you alright?"  Techno sniffled and Phil could hear him mumbling "too loud",in a voice that sounded painfully small.

He could tell Techno had regressed,and wasted no time in scooping up the poor boy and hugging him close.After what felt like forever,Techno stopped crying and was just hicupping.

"Oh,my poor little piglet.Were the voices too loud?" Techno nodded,still hicupping.The voices must have quieted down,as the boy not sobbing and mumbling anymore. "How old are you right now,Techie?" Techo looked confused,but seemed to realize what he meant,holding up three fingers shyly.

"Just a little piggy,huh?You got any little gear mate?" Techno shook his head no and Phil sighed,he must have never regressed before. "Well,I have some extra little gear.Do you wanna get changed and have some num nums Tech?" Techno nodded and Phil stood up,helping the boy stand as they went to get the clothing.

Techno was soon in a soft t-shirt and shorts,having some fruit while sitting on the ground with bluey on.Phil was nearby,on the couch while watching Techno eat. When Techno finished,Phil got up to take the plate away.He could hear Techno whine when he left,curling up on the couch.

He came back and chuckled,seeing Techno curled up and looking adorably sleepy.He sat down next to him,the little curling up into him almost immediantly.Thats how they stayed,until Techno and Phil fell asleep,curled together with bluey playing in the background.

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