Crayons drawings and fuzzy feelings

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[Osmp!Ranboo gets roped into playing with Osmp!Tommy while he's small,and finds out his own fuzzy feelings.He stops himself from doing it until he gets hurt and ends up too small to take care of himself.]

Ranboo and Tommy were bickering,again,of course.Tommy had insulted the fact Ranboo always dresses formal,so Ranboo replied that his made up words were stupid,and it continued from there.They were currently heading Phils home to see who made more sense currently,neither really made any sense.

Tommy was feeling small,his fuzzy headspace sorta just creeping in as they got closer to his caregivers home.By the time they got there,Tommy was small and Ranboo was confused at why his words were slurred and why he was calling Philza "dada".Phil sighed as he really quickly gave Ranboo a quick explanation and told him to stay and watch Tommy while he made some milk for the birb boy.

Ranboo was confused,so Tommy was basically a baby right now?He was torn between be confused and be more annoying when Tommy yanked him over to color .Ranboo had hardly done a thing when a green crayon was shoved in his hand and the boy was staring at him in a way that meant "colour with me or face my three year old w r a t h."

Tommy had dragged him over,the ender yelping in surprise as he was pulled down to colour,and shoved a crayon in his hand.He had hardly blinked.Tommy grabbed his own crayon and paper,starting to colour a cow.Ranboo stared in confusion at the crayon suddenly in his hand,what?He never used crayons,literally never did,so he just watched Tommy too see what he might have to do.

So crayons were for drawing,all right.It was sorta embarrassing for him,Prince Ranboo,to be looking at Tommy for how to draw with a crayon.He wasnt the best or worst at drawing,but how his picture was wobbly and childlike made him more embarrassed.He slowly and clumsily drew an allium,his favorite flower!Phil came back,finally,with a sippy cup of milk for Tommy.

Phil smiled at how the two were finally getting along for once,Ranboo hadnt noticed him come in yet as he was busy adding the little dirt block his flower was on.Tommy saw Phil though and got up,making grabby hands towards his sippy cup.Phil handed it too the birb and looked at Tommys drawing,his cow plushie was eating grass in it.

"Awh!Cute cow,mate!"

Tommy giggled at the compliment of his drawing,then drank some of his milk.Ranboo had just finsihed his drawing,an allium on a dirt block.Phil looked over his shoulder at it,smiling at how the ender seemed to like colouring with crayons.

"Nice allium Boo!Im gunna hang both your pictures on the fridge-" 

Phil scooped up Tommy and took the pictures,going to stick them to his fridge.Ranboo made a small warble in protest,but Phil was already doing it.He was a little bit embarrassed at how his drawing was very childlike,and his head was weirdly fuzzy.He didnt want to admit that though,and didnt mention it.Phil said bye to him as he went home,Tommy shouting bye like the loud toddler he was.

Ranboo went home,to the cave he had claimed as his.It had some vines hanging down the front,and a wooden door that he had a key too.He went in as he shoved the fuzzy feelings away,he should not feel fuzzy.But the feelings were also nice,in some way,and some part of him wanted them to come back as soon as he got them to go away.

He flopped onto his bed,feelings were annoying.He should not want the fuzzy feeling to come back.The fuzzy feeling had brought a feeling like his head was full of cottonballs,a small feeling,a feeling he -shouldnt- have.He groaned as his thoughts just got more and more confusing and annoying,choosing instead to ignore them instead of face them.

-a couple weeks later-

Ranboo had tried to forget how the fuzzy feeling crept up on him sometimes,when he was feelings scared or his thoughts hurt and when he was curled up under soft blankets.He didnt like it,but he also wanted the feeling.It was confusing.He was currently just moving blocks around,smiling as he did so.Moving blocks was calming,it was fun.He was so busy moving blocks he hadnt noticed how the sky was getting grey and dark,big clouds moving in.

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