Lost in the cold woods

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[Too say it short,Quackity is lost.He cant remember which turn he took,all the trees look the same,and the snows covered his footprints.He ends up in Kinoko,small and afraid,he just wishes his dada still liked him]

Quackity had been buried under paperwork,literally,its a miracle he didn't have a million paper cuts.His wings ached to be let out,and his signature was starting to get a bit more wobbly.He was tired,but he needed to do more work,so he kept on going.It was snowing outside,despite the fact the entire city was in a desert.Or,at least,it looked like it was.

The snow fell softly,coating the city of casinos and neon signs in a soft white.Like a blanket,but a bit crunchy when you walked on it.He liked the crunchy noise,it was fun to stomp around and hear crisp snow crunch under his feet.The tug of a familiar fuzzy feeling had appeared at that thought,a feeling that pulled on him stubbornly.He needed to do work,but he also just wanted a break.

It is his city,he can decide to take a break when he wants.With that,Quackity pushed himself up out of the chair and went to tug on a coat.He pulled it on,the dark blue jacket soft yet heavy on his body.His wings ached still,but he kept them in the bandages that bound them flat.He didnt want Jschlatt to clip them again,he pushed away that thought with a shudder,Jschlatt was gone.He ate the rams heart,he was gone.

Quackity left the tall builidng,snow crunching under his feet as he walked on.It was peaceful outside,neon lights spilling onto the white snow,like paints on paper.It was quite lovely,really.Quackitys movements were slow,his hands swinging at his sides.He was sinking into a soft headspace,giggling at how the snow crunched as he walked along the path.

He hadn't noticed that he had left the path,distracted by a snowflake he saw float by.He tried to catch it,the little thing escaping his hands as he ran after it.The snow crunched under his steps,soft and fluffy,the marks covered a minute later by the still falling snow.He hadn't noticed that he had gone far off the path,chasing after snowflakes as he went deeper into woods that werent quite near Las Nevadas.

Quackity caught it,finally,watching as it stuck to his yellow mittens,only to melt a second later.He looked up,finally taking notice of his surroundings.It was dark,trees surrounding him,snow still falling gently.He was lost.The familiar neon lights that spilled like paint on the snow,or the tall buildings that housed people he knew,were no where near.He frantically looked around,dark surrounded the small duck.

He was small,having sunk into littlespace while chasing snowflakes.He whimpered,scared and alone,he was just a little guy right now.The ache in his wings was suddenly back,feather tips pressing into skin as he shifted.He just started walking around,trying to see anything that would lead him home.There was nothing,dark and cold all around him.

Sapnap and Karl were just walking,strolling through the streets of their little kingdom.Mushroom buildings sprinkled with sugar,soft lights that came from hidden sources.It was peaceful.Sapnap laughed as Karl tossed a snowball at him,retaliating by chucking one back at him.The two fiances played together,snow hitting each other as they tossed it.There was a small feeling,though,that someone was missing.A puzzle piece pushed away,a missing person who belonged there,laughing and swearing in spanish with his two loves.

Quackity shivered,the cold pressing on him as he weakly trudged through the deep snow.He was freeaing,shaking nonstop as he shivered from the cold.The snow went up to his knees,he always was pretty short.The duck tried too hold in sobs,sniffling as he rubbed his dry eyes.He was alone,lost and afraid while small.His hands lost in the long sleeves of his jacket,arms folded over his chest.A large rock was in the snow,hidden by the white,and he managed to trip on it.

He stumbled forward,then fell with a crunch in the snow.Snow clung too him,and the cold hung onto his bones.He pushed himself out of the snow,unable to stop little sobs from coming out as he pushed himself up against a tree.He was shaking,sobs wracking his body as he buried his face in his hands.Every tear froze as they fell,every drop a piece of ice.Quackity was too small,his foggy mind didn't know anything too do but sob.He was alone,it was dark,and he was freezing.

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