Adored by the Alpha

By Tadtooromantic

4.2M 100K 33.9K

After the Lycan overtake of the government, many things changed for humans. This includes Paige White, who be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20,5
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Not an update- info dump
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
A/N- edits
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
NOT AN UPDATE- Family trees
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Not an update; About the author
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 (haha)
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 76.9
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82

Chapter 57

28.6K 659 95
By Tadtooromantic

Disclaimer: This isn't edited at all because I'm exhausted. Also, I'm really sorry if you're one of the (possible?) people who skip the spice. It won't be much of a chapter for you, this time around. Sorry. (But not really)

Anyway: It's time, guys. Finally, it's time

So buckle up, and get ready to go cherry-picking. 

The smut section of this chapter is around 7 pages long. And over 3000 words. So enjoy.

And keep both hands on your device all the time during the reading, you filthy disgusting heathens. 


We didn't have sex that night either, unfortunetly. We went to the bedroom, had some very very satisfying fun, but we just kept using our hands and mouths on each other- Allen, of course, giving much more than he received. After we were done, Allen fell asleep fast. I couldn't. I stared up at the ceiling of our bedroom, trying to settle into the new space.

It was nice. Really nice. But all the time, as I was trying to enjoy it, a little whisper of why we were here turned up. Reminding me that there were people out to hurt us. Someone who was angry to do god knows what to us, and those... those we love.

My heart began palpitating. It would only take one rat in the human registries to find my parents. Not to mention that Allen's parents, having been the alpha and their mate, as well as Allen's siblings were public figures. You could figure out where they lived. My hands began shaking, and I reached over the bed.

"Allen? Allen wake up, please."

He began stirring, and then the bedside lamp on his side was turned on. "What? What's going on? Are you feeling sick?"

Tears were burning in my eyes. "Allen, we need to get our families here now. The guy, the guy who's after us, he could come after them too. Allen I can't be the reason that my family gets hurt- and oh my god I have family in his pack. My aunt, uncle and cousins. And my grandparents. Allen, please, I don't... I don't know what to do... I can't- I- I can't..." I gasped, trying to get air into my lungs. Allen pulled me to his side, cradling me close to his chest and softly petting along my hair while shushing me.

"Easy, love. Relax. Everything is alright."

"But... our families? He could hurt them, Allen. And it'd... it'd all be my fault."

He placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Of course not. Love, no matter how you twist and turn it, we're in this mess because I agreed to something without reading through the fine print. It's my fault. But you know what? There's nothing to fault me for. Because our families are going to be alright. I promise you that they'll be alright. I've made sure they're safe, taken care of. Please don't worry, and just get some sleep. I beg you. If not for your own sake, then for mine." He wiped the tears off my cheek with his thumb.

"But, our families?"

He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Okay, Paige. What could I do right now that could possibly help you calm down and feel more at ease about the situation?"

I bit my lip. "Maybe some... security for my family? And yours too, of course, but, you know, your family are wolves and all. If anyone comes for my family, then they'll... they won't be able to..." I held onto Allen's hand and breathed deeply, keeping myself from beginning to sob and scream again.

"Done. I'll make the call first thing in the morning, alright? Now get some sleep, the past few days have been super stressful, and we've been traveling and driving so much. Sleep. I beg you."

I nodded against his chest, relaxing into him. "Do you mind maybe holding me like this until I fall asleep? I don't think it'll take long."

"Of course. Anything for you, love. C'mere." He hugged me closer, humming into my ear and lulling me to sleep. I breathed deeply, grounding myself at the feel of his body against mine, skin against skin, pulses gently pumping in sync. And I was right- I was knocked out cold within minutes.


I released a sigh of relief as she dozed off in my arms. I kept my breathing under control. I'd been terrified when she woke me up, and my wolf had immediately prepared to be able to defend my love with our lives. But no, she was just worried about her parents. And worried for my family too, and feeling guilty because she thought it was somehow her fault.

My sweet Paige. What did I ever do to deserve you?

Her breathing was even and deep against me, and I was confident she wouldn't wake up when I laid her down flat on her back, removing some hair from her face and pulling the blanket over her, before placing a kiss to her cheek.

I left the bedroom, not closing the door behind me. The hardwood floors were cold under my bare feet as I walked through the old hallways, lined with my family history. I sneaked down the steps to assure not making a noise, and snuck off into the kitchen.

Like any sensible adult man in a stressful situation, I needed a snackie snack.

And soon enough, I was staring with narrowed eyes at the cookie in my hand. Stress eating. That's my life now.

But I had Paige. She was safe. That was the most important thing.

Anger began prickling in the back of my neck at the thought of that fucker . The mongrel disgusting bastard of an Alpha.

It made sense though, I supposed. Where humans had applied the title 'bastard' to children of unwed parents, that wasn't what wolves were too concerned with. Marriage was an extra- many wolf/wolf couples didn't even bother wasting the money on arranging a wedding. That was usually just something done for the sake of human mates. What mattered to us, however, was the mating bond.

And there was none of that between Alpha Martin's parents. If the rumor was to be believed, his mother was simply a disgusting filthy bitch, who liked to get young men very very drunk and then take advantage of them. Which was how Martin had shown up- with a pretty cover story about how his mother had met his father at a party and gotten pregnant right away, naturally.

The fact that he was a bastard was a common known secret- only amplified by the fact that his parents had gotten a divorce years ago. They'd made some excuse, that despite still being mates they'd mutually realized that they weren't right for each other romantically. That may have been believable- up until the father had proceeded to start a new family, and cut all contact with his so-called mate. That alone, the fact that he'd been able to just stop contacting her, that she hadn't chased him down and at the very least demanded he stay nearby was enough confirmation that they were never true mates. It would have been impossible for her to let go of her mate. No matter what.

If Paige were to one day change her mind, and -goddess protect and prevail- decide that she didn't want to be in a relationship anymore, decided she didn't want my love... I would shatter. I would fall apart and crumble at her feet. But I'd survive. I'd be able to ultimately respect that choice, because I'd want her to be happy- but completely letting go of her? Cutting all contact and not being able to protect her, or love her at the very least platonically? I wouldn't allow it.

She'd be free to decide that she didn't want my love, but she couldn't decide that she didn't want me in her life. She'd at the very least have to tolerate my company every once in a while. Just to let me see her, to assure that she was safe.

Ares stirred at the back of my mind at the thought. Were it up to him, we'd never let Paige out of our sights. We'd be with her- always. I pushed the thoughts away.

Things are good. Paige is happy. She's marked, and not to forget... very eager about sex.

I smiled at the thought. Yeah, very eager about sex. But still, little hesitant to initiate it, it seemed. Once we'd gotten back from the diner, I'd kneeled before the bed, my body between her legs, and then kissed and licked and caressed until she'd cried out my name and tugged at my hair. And once she'd caught her breath, I did it again. And after that, I'd climbed on the bed, and instructed her as she touched me until my body let go of my soul and I'd finished into her soft hands.

She was still a bit green in the handy department, but enthusiasm made up for it. But nonetheless, once that was done, even though I'd seen the desire in her eyes, she hadn't asked for more. And I couldn't make myself ask- didn't want to risk even the slightest possibility that she might feel pressured because I requested it.

I turned to reach for another cookie, but before I got the chance, the sound of footsteps drew my attention to the hallway. The quiet pitter-patter of bare feet against hardwood, something sliding along as it went. And soon enough, my love was in the doorway to the kitchen, sheets wrapped around her nakes body. I sighed and smiled. "I thought I lulled you to sleep? But perhaps not."

She shrugged. "Oh no I was asleep alright. It was my bladder that woke me. Even your lullabies can't fight nature. And I missed you in bed." She walked across the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at the bag behind me. "Cookies? At 2AM? What are you, seven?"

I grinned. "Do you want one, my love?"

"Yes, yes I do." she reached over, like the little gremlin that she is and snatched a cookie from the bag.

She leaned into me, wrapping the sheets around the both of us. I looked down at her, first her eyes, and then I continued down, my gaze lingering on her chest, exposed to the slight chill of the room. My mouth watered.

Paige smacked me with the back of her hand.

"Mind out of the gutter."

I raised an eyebrow. "Uhu. Does this mean I get to smack you when you ogle my beautiful physique?"

The adorable redness settled into her cheek. "I do not ogle. I observe and appreciate, thank you very much."

"Well, I was just observing and appreciating your breasts, my love- they're quite the sight really."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up."

I pushed myself off the counter, walking around her, watching as the sheets dropped to the floor at her feet. With an arm on either of her sides, I trapped her against the counter. "Make me."

She stared at me, blinked. "Wha... what?"

"Make me shut up, my love. There are many ways you could do it- sitting on my face, for instance."

The color in her cheeks darkened. "Won't that... suffocate you?"

I leaned over her. "No, but even if it did, I'd die an incredibly happy man." I leaned down further, brushing my lips against the corner of her mouth. Slowly, I slid my hands along the edge of the kitchen counter until they were right at her sides. I moved them, my fingers folding around her soft curves, running up and down, goosebumps spreading on her skin at the touch.


Her breath hitched in her throat, and she swayed her hips back and forth, just a little bit. Like she didn't know she was doing it. I pushed my knee between her legs, pinning her to the counter with it. She moaned quietly, tipping her hip to gain friction against my skin now. My cock stirred as I felt the wetness from her leaking onto my leg, leaving a wet trail as she moved. Oh goddess.

I turned my head, whispering into her ear. "Do you want to do that, my love? Sit on my face until I make you cry out? Make you twitch and moan by just moving my tongue inside you?" I moved my hands up, grasping her soft, warm breasts brushing my fingers along the nipples, before carefully dragging the tips of my nails around them. A whimper escaped her, and she began moving just a bit faster against my leg. A soft laugh escaped me into her ear. "Ever so eager, my love. Does it feel good when you move against me? Are you enjoying yourself? You look so beautiful Paige. Absolutely breathtaking, my love."

"Allen..." my name was a breath on her lips, and I took deep breath to calm myself. To get a moment to remind the fucker in the back of my mind that we couldn't just turn her around and bend her over the kitchen counter... as appealing as it may be.

I kissed her temples, raising and lowering my knee a bit, just enough so that when I raised it, her entire weight was carried on my knee. She released a breath each time I did, the occasional whimper or moan slipping out. "What do you want, my love? Should I just lay down on the dining table and have you sit on top of me? Tell me."

She shook her head, her fingers digging into my arms. "Bed, please."

I lowered my leg, and lifted her up. She whimpered at the loss of the friction, but her legs wrapped around my hips at the same moment. The remnants of her wetness ran down my shin as I walked up the stairs, my face in the crook of her neck, kissing, sucking and biting, so I knew she'd look herself in the mirror and see it tomorrow. See that she's mine. Always will be. My love.

I opened the door to the bedroom, sitting down on my ass so Paige was in my lap. And then I laid down flat, my head close to the headboard so she'd be able to use it for balance, and began dragging her along my body. Paige moaned above me, seemingly lost in the pleasure. But then she stilled, tensing her muscles. She looked down at me, arousal and shock clear in her eyes. "You were serious? You want me to sit on your face?"

I was too horny to do much else than nod.

She bit her lip, and the sight alone made me need to take a deep breath to not fly off the handle too early. That'd just be embarrassing. I moved my hand slowly, from her hips to between her legs, and began rubbing in circles with my index and middle finger, my fingers slipping through her wetness- no blood though. She'd stopped bleeding in the run of the day, she said.

The thoughts was a welcome distraction from the sound of Paige moaning while sitting on my chest. I cleared my throat. "Please love, let me taste you."

Paige was a flavor all on her own. Potent as dark chocolate at the first taste, leaving behind a softer more gentle taste, like vanilla in the aftertaste. Sweet, sweet, sweet. Thick and filling like honey, coating my tongue while she writhed. I'm quite sure I could survive off of that alone, if I needed to.

The beautiful color filled into her face, her cheeks reddening further with shyness. "Well, uh, if you say it like that..."

I didn't hesitate, but simply yanked her the rest of the way, her sex, red puffy and wet with anticipation landing on my face. I licked along the slit, her folds parting for me like butter for a warm knife.

Like I'd thought, she gripped onto the headboard, resting on her knees, lifting herself up. That won't do. "Sit down, love. I can see your legs straining to keep you in that position. Sit down properly."

"Allen, you'll die."

I kissed and sucked on her clit. "I won't. Sit, please, love."

She still stood on her knees. I wrapped my arms around her soft thighs, and softly pulled her downwards, her legs giving out, so she landed on top of me with all her weight- and it was fucking glorious.

I held her like that, my hands securing her thighs in place at the sides of my face, kissing and licking, digging my tongue in deep, scraping my teeth along her clit, or simply slowly circling it with my tongue. Paige's moans grew high pitched, turning into gasps and panting. I released one of my hands from her thigh, and reach down, lazily stroking myself as I devoured her- body, mind, and soul.

As she grew closer to her climax, she slowly slid off her inhibitions. She used the headboard for support as she rolled her hips against my mouth, and to my joy, my blessing and to fuel my dirty fantasies for the rest of my existence, she reached one hand down and used it to insistently rub her clit, leaving me to focus on reaching my tongue to her g-spot. I forced myself to not pump my hand full force, to wait.

If I was lucky, my sweet wonderful love would have enough energy to reciprocate once we were done. If not, I had the mental image of Paige finger fucking herself with while sitting on my face to jerk off to once we were done. Either way, I was winning. I was always winning when I was with Paige.

Her fingers became more insistent as she touched herself, and I made sure to follow suit. Her flavor filled my mouth as I reached my tongue in, finding the rough spot inside her, and brushing along it. Cries of pleasure erupted from her, and I just going and going and going, until a broken scream sounded above me, and she gushed into my mouth. The hand she'd used on herself went up to steady her as her fingers dug into the padded headboard, all the muscles in her legs tightening.

I continued licking and tasting and caressing her with my mouth and lips until she sagged with her forehead against the headboard, a sheen glimmer of sweat covering her entire body. My cock was pulsing, ready to burst in my boxers. I yanked my hand away, bringing it up to softly slide Paige down a little, while I myself scooted up, so I was sitting in the bed, her in my lap, panting onto my shoulder.

My lips touched the side of her head, the soft baby hairs wet with sweat, whispering in her ear. "My love, my sweet Paige. So beautiful for me. I love you with all my heart..." I whispered, occasionally giving her another kiss, and continued telling her how wonderful, beautiful, lovely, perfect she was.

Her breathing calmed, and she wrapped her hands around me, tips of her fingers running through the hair at the back of my neck. She breathed deeply. "Allen?"

I stopped the stream of compliments. "Yes, my love?"

"I want to have sex- real sex. Now. If you want to, of course."

It took everything in my body, every muscle and every last bit of self control to not wrap my arms around her and twirl her around. "I want to, my love. I really, really want to." I whispered, my voice hoarse with need.

She wrapped herself a little closer around me, her face burying further into my neck. I felt her cheeks heat against my skin. Mine. I heard the growl in the back of my mind, and instead of ignoring it, I agreed. She was ours. Mine. And I was going to make sure she'd be able to feel that between her legs tomorrow.

I ran my fingernail down the length of her spine. "So, love, tell me how you want it. What to you want me to do? How should I fuck you, to make you scream the loudest?"

"Allen, stop that..."

I laughed quietly. "Stop what?" I'd slowly been introducing dirty talk into our intimacy. She'd been responding quite well, if I were to say so myself. Actually, every time I'd dirty talked her, it'd only been a few minutes before I'd been able to smell the sweet scent of her arousal wafting through the room.

"Talking like that, it's embarrassing." she tugged herself a little closer. I kissed her hair.

"Embarrassing to who, exactly? Last I checked, we were the only two people in the room. And I know you love it when I talk like this, don't you? Tell you what I want to do with you, describe every delicious dirty little thing I'm gonna make you feel. Are you gonna tell me that you don't enjoy that, my love?"

She stayed quiet, which was answer enough.

"Well, Paige, my love and my light, how do you want me to make love to you? Slow and soft? With your pretty rear in the air while you moan into the mattress? Your desire is my command, and anything you want, any dirty little fantasy you may have been conjuring up in that beautiful mind of yours, I'll do my best to fulfill. So tell me, please, love."

She breathed deeply, still running her fingers through my hair. She swallowed audibly. "I... I'd like to be on top. It felt good... before. Being on you. On top of you. I'd like to try that again."

I released a shaky breath, a quiet thanks to the goddess releasing along with it. "That sounds like an incredibly alluring idea. Anything else?"

"I want you close, like this." She turned her face into the crook of my neck, squeezing her arms around me. "And... I want you to finish, er, inside me."

I almost came then and there. I swallowed dryly. "Well, then, I'd love, as in love to oblige in all of that. Every last bit. So... should we get started, or do you need a moment?"

She swallowed once more, loudly. "Need a moment. I'm a bit... excited? Nervous? It's cliché, I know."

Chuckling into her hair, I kissed her. "I know the feeling. Took me an hour and a half before I could even get hard my first time. I also couldn't finish - I was way too nervous."

She breathed deeply, and I'm pretty sure she was sniffing in my scent. I could hardly be creeped out about it- I made sure to get a whiff of her whenever I could. I reached down, and with great troubled managed to kick off my boxers, while I was sitting down, Paige on top of me. But then they were off, and so I reached for my nightstand, opening the drawer with one hand and taking out the travel-size bottle of lube we'd used earlier. It was still slick and slippery, since Paige had been in a hurry when we'd used it earlier. But I didn't mind, not one bit.

Reaching above her, I squeezed some of it onto my hand, and reached down, my fingers grazing the back of her inner thighs. "May I, my love?"

She nodded, a shaky breath escaping her.

She was still wet as I slowly moved my fingers in and out of her, deep, throaty breaths escaping her. I started with two fingers, then three, making sure she was coated in the stuff. Once that was done, I took some more lube into my hands, and then began applying it onto myself with slow, sloppy strokes. I groaned, and Paige pulled back, looking at me with big eyes. They were bright, albeit maybe a bit cautious.

She sat on my thighs, and looking down. And guided her face to my with my clean hand. "I love you," I whispered against her lips. "I've loved you from the first time I saw you. And I'll continue doing it until I take my last breath."

She scooted somewhat closer, her body pressing against my cock. I concentrated on not thrusting against her, just to get some friction. Her lips were soft against mine, and I dried off my lube-covered hand into the sheets, wrapping them around her hips, through her hair. Every once in a while she'd inch a bit closer, breathing deeply. I kissed her lips, her jawline, the sweet, reddened cheeks. Her neck. Nibbled on her nippled with my lips, making her back arch.

She pulled away from my lips for a moment, bright eyes meeting mine before she nodded. I raised an eyebrow. "You're 100% sure? Even if you want to stop now, it'll be okay."

She nodded. "Yeah, 100% sure."

Thank the fucking goddess. I liften her up, positioning her aboce me. Through grtitted teeth, I said, "Alright, love. Just remember that this is supposed to be enjoyable. if there's anything you're not loving, anything that hurts, or if you just want to stop, say it, and we'll stop straight away. Okay?"

She swallowed. "Yeah, okay. Although I don't think it'll be a pro- oh!" I'd positioned myself right at her entrace, the warm wetness of her teasing me. Everything. It took everything for me to not bury myself in her, to turn her over and her back and worship her. She regained her composure. "I don't think it'll be a problem. I just really wanna do this."

I forced my hands to lay lax at her hips as she supported herself on my shoulders, looking down at me. "Whenever you're ready." My voice didn't sound like mine.

With a deep breath, she rested her forehead against mine, her warm breath blowing over my face. And then, as I heard angels singing and felt the sun rise in the horizon, she relaxed her knees, lowering herself onto me. A breathed through it with gritted teeth, nearly loosing my shit when she stopped about halfway, her brows furrowed.

"Does it hurt?" I whispered.

She shook her head. "No, It's not pain, just... a pressure, sort of. Just have to get used to it." with a deep breath, she let the rest of her weight drop onto me, taking the other half in one go. I yelled into the ceiling, every muscle in my body concentrated on not letting go. On not finishing within 2 goddess damned seconds.

I gripped onto her hips. "Don't move, love. Wait a minute, I need to... to..." I left the words hanging in the air. I breathed in through my mouth, out through my nose. One time. Two times. Then five. And then she began wiggling a bit above me, her body searching for friction. Oh fuck me.

"Alright, love. I just needed a moment. You begin moving how and when you want to." I whispered under my breath.

And then, slowly, so luxuriously and wonderfully and fucking amazingly slowly, she moved up, before gently lowering herself again. It sent electricity shooting up my spine, Ares yelling and demanding to be let out, to be in charge... but I had a feeling that Paige wouldn't appreciate the wolfboy getting out and taking over.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as she moved, soft gasps leaving her every time she sank down completely. After a few minutes, it seemed she was getting the hang of it, and so I began tipping my hips upwards to meet her in soft thrusts. She held onto the headboard behind my head with her left hand, the other raking through my hair. When I looked up at her, her eyes were closed and lips parted softly as the most delicious little sounds escaped her with every thrust.

The connection between us was wet, warm and welcoming, and I looked as she sank down onto me over and over, taking me without any effort, and clearly enjoying it in the meantime. It was the single hottest thing I'd ever seen.

I moved my hand from her hip and rested it against her abdomen, my thumb sneaking down to where she was moving on me, rubbing her clit. She sucked in a breath, and began moving more insistently, her warmth wrapping around me, pulling back and forth all around me.

That feeling... there was sex. And then there was this. This was completely... it was everything. Everything that I could have never imagined in to be. The comforting weight, the warmth and the love and the tightness and the beauty that she gave me. My Paige. My love. My mate.

I'd heard before that sex with your mate was somehow just better, but this? This was just ridiculous.

Paige's moans were high pitched, and every time a moan left her, an equal groan or moan escaped me. And so we moved along with one another, our bodies melting together, chests meeting so our hearts could sync, and who moans turned into a song. A duet we created together.

I stimulated her clit to the best of my ability, and from the way she was moving, the sound of her moans, and the feeling of her around me... she was getting closer. But I had an inkling that she still needed something more.

She moved and moved, and meanwhile, I started talking. "Does it feel good?"

"Uh huh." The answer was more of a whine. The sound of her...

"Good, love. It feels good when you're moving on top of me, right? Feels good to have my cock slipping in and out of you. Moving up and down to get what you want. That's what you're doing. You're looking absolutely gorgeous, riding me and making yourself feel good. You deserve that. You deserve to feel good. You're so, so beautiful. And you're mine. All mine."

She nodded, her head falling back and a soft hiss of frustration. Impatient as always. I ought to teach her a bit of patience. "Say it, my love, say that you're mine."

She whined. "I'm yours, Allen. I'm yours."

I leaned forward, licking around her areolas. "One more time for me, love? Who's are you again?"

"Yours! Yours Allen, I'm yours!" she yelled, as I let my teeth drag along and pull at her nipple.

And then heaven wrapped around me, and as Paige screamed above me, she also spasmed around me, and then, the feeling of the muscles tightening and closing around me sent me over the edge.

My self restraint snapped, and my arms just pulled her up and down, my body craving the sensation of her moving around me. The peak hit me, and I spilled into her, feeling her body taking it and accommodating to it.

We slid down, in a mess of breaths and sheets and sweat and fluids, and Paige was on my chest and I was still inside her.


She gasped against me, her breath coming out in quick, sweet huffs. As gently as possible, I lifted her up, off me, a shudder passing through her as I did. I kissed her hair.

With half-closed eyes, she looked up at me, smiling. My heart soared. I petted her hair, and gave her another kiss. "Was it good?" I whispered.

She answered with a widening of her smile. And I couldn't help but laugh. "So I can write you down as 'liking sex'?"

She pursed her lips, shrugging. "Eh, it was alright. Not something I have an immediate need to do again, though."

I kept my face carefully composed. I didn't want any way I reacted to change her mind, or make her feel bad. I cleared my throat. "Oh, well then... then we don't have to do it again, of course. We can just keep to what we've already been doing. No worries there, love."

She stared at me for a minute, and then broke into laughter. "Oh my god, your face! I'm pretty sure people standing face to face with death have looked less horrified! I'm kidding, Allen! Don't worry. I like the sex. I love it, actually. And I want to do it again. Soon."

Relief washed through my body like a tidal wave. "Oh, I, well, then, that's a uh, that's a relief." I mean, sure, I could go for the rest of my life without sex. I could. But then again I could also start wearing a sleeve around my balls made of cactus. But I won't do it because it sounds fucking terrible.

She giggled, and then I wrapped her closer, dragging the sheets over us. I kissed her. Her hair, her forehead and her nose. "Tomorrow," I whispered. "We'll take a nice, long shower together. And then we'll try to see how you enjoy being taken against the wall. Okay?"

She bit her lip, eyes bright, and nodded up at me. I turned her over to her side, and wrapped my arms around her, holding her safe and nice and close, before reaching over to turn off the bedside lamp. "Goodnight, love. I'll see you tomorrow. And every day after that."

"Goodnight, Allen. I love you too. And I can't wait for tomorrow, and every day after that."

And so she finally fell properly asleep in my arms. 


It was... interesting, to say the least, to write this chapter. I'd never thought of writing this part of the story from Allen's POV, but here we are. Personally, I think it worked. It also helped it get rid of some of the 'cringey-loss-of-virginity' vibes you often get in Wattpad stories. Hopefully. That was, at least, the intention. 

There's no questions or fun facts today, other than the fact that I've been up since 6.35AM, and it's now 2AM. I'm tired. 

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Sky Summers is the daughter of Damon and Dana Summers, Alpha and Lunar of the Blue Moon Pack.She is a smarty, sporty girl that goes to White Waters H...