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"You know, we aren't that different from each other," she teased, a smirking playing on her plump lips. His d... Higit pa



2K 60 16


She had been sitting in her room, 667, for the past hour. They were of course, allowed to go out of the rooms but Sage being Sage, stayed inside. The rooms were actually nice. It was decorated almost identical to her room back at home. They also had a bathroom with a shower that connected to the room.

Her mind went back to the man who had beaten the other man to a pulp. What made him do it? Renjun didn't seem like the type to hangout with assholes so there had to be a reason onto why the man snapped. Her thoughts were interrupted by three small knocks on her door. She stood up and wrapped her fingers around the door knob, opening it and revealing Renjun. He smiled softly before waving. His hair was slightly wet, small beads of water dripping off of his two-toned hair. He had on a black shirt that was slightly big on him and grey pajama pants. "Um they're serving dinner and you hadn't came out your room yet so I was seeing if you were hungry or not," he quickly said.

She shook her head. "I'm not hungry." Her stomach grumbled, causing her face to burn out of embarrassment. Renjun laughed loudly, pulling her out of her room. "Liar. Come on, socialize and fill that hungry stomach of yours."

She whined playfully as he nudged her down the hallway. "You can meet the others too," he told her, his hands going into his pocket. "Your other friends?"

He nodded. "I think you'll get along with them well. What year were you born?"


His eyes widened out of excitement. "Really? Most of us were born in 2000 also." She let a small smile play on her lips, Renjun noticing. It was slightly foreign facial expression for the girl and he could tell. It wasn't long before Sage was seated at a table full of guys, playing amongst each other. They seemed lively despite the situation that they were in. Sage noticed that the friend who had been in a fight wasn't no where to be seen at the table. Did the guards still have him?

Renjun cleared his throat, grabbing the boy's attention. "This is Sage. She lives on the same hall as us." The boys waved and let out small "hello's"

"I'm Jeno."

"I'm Jaemin."

Jaemin was handsome as hell. His jawline was sharp yet his features were soft. His hair was two-toned also, a small stream of blue in the front. He smiled flirtatiously at her, Jeno slapping his arm almost immediately. "You're gonna scare her!"

"Yah! Im not scary."

"I'm Chenle."

Chenle was cute. His hair was all black, fitting his soft face. His lips were plump and red. Did this whole group have good features?

"I'm Mark."

Mark seemed older than the rest of them, his voice slightly deep. She noticed the small stubble that had began to form on his chin and above his upper lip. His hair was a brownish blonde, a bit messy.

"I'm Jisung."

Jisung had a baby face, yet he seemed to be taller than the rest of the boys. His nose was sharp but the tip was more like a button. His voice was very different than the look he gave off.

"Donghyuck's still gone?" Renjun asked, looking around for the missing friend. So that was his name. Chenle nodded. "Do you think he got punished? Eve's rules were pretty clear," Jisung quietly asked. The group fell silent. What type of punishment last this long? Jeno cleared his throat.

"Let's not think like that okay?" he spoke up. "He's fine, he always is."

"I'm backkkk," a voice sung out, making all of them turn their heads. The man had a small smile on his face as he carried his tray with both of his hands. He was proudly sporting a busted lip, dried blood still present. His eyes gleamed brightly as he looked at his friends. Once his eyes got to Sage however, they darkened. He placed his plate down— keeping his eyes on her. She did the same, not wanting to back down to the man.

"Renjun why'd you invite your girlfriend?" he asked, sitting down in the seat across from her. "I'm not his girlfriend," she replied back, her words sharp. Donghyuck eyed her, his lips turning up at the words.

"Then why were you two holding hands earlier?"

Sage scoffed. How immature could he be?

"I didn't want to loose her in the circle that your dumbass created while fighting," Renjun retorted. "I only fought him because he was picking on Jisung," Donghyuck muttered. He watched as Renjun's mouth opened, turning to the other boys.

"They didn't tell you?" Donghyuck laughed out, his eyes showing no joy in them. "Of course."

Jisung spoke up. "I told them not to. Don't be like that Donghyuck."

Sage felt out of place, like she was intruding on their personal conversation. The tension between the group was thick. She feared that any one of them could snap on each other at any moment. She stood up from her seat, grabbing her tray. All of their eyes went towards her.

"Nice meeting you all. Im going back to my room."

Renjun frowned as he looked at her plate. She had barely touched anything on it. One small bite was taken from her rice but other than that— everything was left untouched. Her stomach was grumbling earlier so why didn't she want to eat now?

"You barely ate Sage."

"I'm alright. See you tomorrow."

And with that, the curly haired woman had left the cafeteria. It didn't take her long at all to make it back into her room and in her bed. Why would that prick leave her mind? She groaned and rolled over, hugging her pillow. "What an asshole," she mumbled to herself. She thought back to the way he looked at her. Like he was amused at her tone.

She decided to close her eyes, the previous thoughts of her mind leaving as darkness washed over her body. Sage loved to sleep. It was truly the only time she was a peace with her thoughts. She didn't have dreams anymore, which was fine with her. Most of them were nightmares anyway.

Sage woke up to Eve speaking on the intercom. Her roboti voice made the woman let out a groan as she stood up. The more she listened to her voice, the more it got sinister. It was too perfect. Eve's voice was very human- like but you could hear the mechanical pieces whirring with every word spoken. It honestly creeped her out that the place had created a fully functional robot capable of doing what she did.

Did Eve have a body? The though had came across her mind twice. It wouldn't be surprising if Ground One had been able to create one.

"Breakfast will be served in 10 minutes! After breakfast, you will follow an evaluation that places you into your chosen group. Goodluck on Ground One today!"

Evaluation? Sage shook it off and washed her face, brushing her teeth after. Once she felt that she was presentable, she stepped out of her room and made her way to the cafeteria. She let out a huff as she looked for Renjun. He was no where to be seen. A small pout played on her lips as she grabbed a tray. She had grown fond of the man who was persistent on her making friends.

Her tray of food consisted of a biscuit, eggs, sliced fruit, and meat. She set the plate down and began to slowly eat her food. Every now and then, her eyes would go back and forth around the room to scan for the short haired man. Her eyes crinkled up as she noticed him in the food line with his friends. Chenle had a big smile on his face as he talked to Renjun. She watched as Chenle wrapped his arms around the shorter one, Renjun protesting. He pushed away from him and softly hit the boy on his shoulder.

Renjun searched the cafeteria and smiled once he saw Sage. He grabbed his tray and walked towards her. "Glad I didn't have to drag you out of the room today," he softly said— sitting across from her. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Renjun noticed her lips twitch— the man amused at her attempt to hide a smile. How cute. Eventually, the rest of the boys sat down at the table, Jaemin and Jeno sitting beside Sage, Donghyuck and Chenle beside Renjun, and Jisung and Mark sitting by Chenle. Jaemin tapped Sage lightly, the girl turning towards him. It was quiet as the table watched him gaze at her face silently. His dark orbs slowly made their way back to her hazel ones. He sent her a flirtatious smile, his eyes remaining on hers. This man was really something isn't he? I could play this game too. She leaned foward slightly and winked— Jaemin's face immediately turning red.

The boys laughed as he moved away from her out of embarrassment. "Jaemin lost his own game," Jeno laughed out. Sage moved away from Jaemin and picked up her fork.

"No more trying to flirt with me Jaemin," she spoke up, the boy nodding.

"Yes ma'am."

She sent him a glance, Jaemin throwing up his hands. "Sorry!"

Donghyuck watched the two with a blank expression on his face. His hands were balled up into fist under the table, his knuckles white. He didn't even know why he was upset at both of them for joking with each other. His state remained on Sage as she took a bite of her food. Her expression now highly contrasted how she looked earlier. She looked lively almost. Her eyes were bright while her cheeks were puffed out. Donghyuck unclamped his hands and muttered a curse word under his breath, no one hearing it since the cafeteria was loud.

"Sage," Chenle called out, the girl turning her attention towards him. "Hm?"

"Can you tell us more about yourself? We don't know really know anything about each other," he asked, the boys nodding. The sudden attention on her made her face turn slightly red. "Um, what do you want to know?" she asked.

"How was your life like before here?"

Her face twitched unconsciously at the question. Majority of it was hell. If she was honest— she only had four years where she thought that life was actually good to her. She had suffered too much and she knew that the damage wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

She sighed and set down her fork. "Me and my dad made the best of it. He's like my best friend," she explained, smiling at the thought of her dad. Even though she had been in the place for two days, she had missed him like crazy. The bond that she had with him was very important to her and the fact that she didn't know when she could see him again was terrifying. "I was on the way to his house and then I woke up here so," she muttered, her voice going soft. "I just hope I can see him again."

Donghyuck felt his heart pang as he observed her body language. What the hell happened to her and why did he want to care?

Sage sat in an all white room by herself, feeling awkward in the bed that was in the middle of the room. Beside her was a table with three needles that made her hands sweaty. She hated needles. The caramel skinned girl fidgeted with her hands out of nervousness.

The door clicked open to reveal a man in a white coat. "Good Morning 667, we will be doing a simple evaluation today to factor you into your correct housing. I will inject this red needle into your left arm, the blue into your right arm, and finally, the yellow into your neck," he explained to her.

She nodded, taking a deep breath. "What will happen after?" The doctor ignored her response, only creating more panic. She sat up in the bed which only caused the doctor to push her down. "Tell me!"

"Restraints," the doctor yelled. Sage watched as the restraints on the bed moved towards her legs and feet. Damn technology. "It'll be over before you know it. I need you to relax."

"Whyd you kidnap me?" she asked, a grimace in her words as he injected her with the first dose. "Huh? Why'd you do it!" she yelled. "I was starting to be happy and you ruined it," her voice cracked, the tears threatening to spill. Second dose.


The doctor injected her with the last dose. "You are needed for a better future." Was the last thing she heard as she slipped into a darkness.

Sage woke up in the training room where her dad took her four times a week. Her eyebrows furrowed at the boxing gloves that were on her hands. What the hell was going on? How did she end up at the center if she was just at Ground one. A familiar figure stepped into the ring— a big smile on his face. Her eyes widened.

"Dad?" she questioned. A confused expression lied on his face. "Yes? Are you nervous about the training session?" She ran up to him and gave him a hug, squeezing her eyes shut.

"I missed you so much," she quietly said. It was quiet, her dad not saying a word. Something was wrong. Very wrong. He didn't even hug her back. She slowly stepped back and watched in horror as his face melted off, revealing her mother with a sinister smile on her face. She shook her head rapidly as her mom pulled out a knife. Her legs became jello. Sage didn't have any control over her body as she fell to the ground— backing up from the person who creeped closer to her.

"Make it stop!" she screamed, tears clouding her vision. "Please!"

She placed her head into her knees and began to sob uncontrollably. The place grew quiet, Sage looking up. She was in a field full of flowers. Butterflies flew freely and beautifully. She stood up, wiping her tears. The sunflowers around her swayed with the wind as they faced the sun. It was her dream place. A stream wasn't too far from the fields, Sage being able to hear the water hitting against the rocks as it flowed.

She walked up to a sunflower and touched it— her hand being pricked. The hell? She watched as the sunflower petals began to fall off, thorns growing. "No," she muttered. "No no no..."

The scenery switched again— Sage now on a balcony. She was honestly getting a headache from the mishaps that seemed to follow her in every place. Her hazel eyes watched the moon shine, stars scattered across the night sky. The sounds of crickets was peaceful. Every now and then she heard a frog croak. She let her body relax, a sigh escaping her lips. It had been the longest time that something bad didn't happen.

"Baby, are you on the balcony?" a voice asked, confusing her. Baby? She looked back, a man walking towards her. His face was blurred yet, she could she the rest of his face perfectly. He wrapped his arms around her neck, resting his chin on her head.

"I missed you today," he told her, kissing her hair. She was speechless. Who was this? The man grew quiet before tightening his grip around her. He was choking her. She gasped for air, her hands flying to his arms.

The last thing she saw was black clouding her vision.

Sage woke up from her medically induced sleep, tears spilling from her eyes almost immediately. Her sob was loud. The hell was all of that? The doctor released her from her restraints. She didn't bother to look at him as he did so. She felt vulnerable and she hated it. Sage didn't like feeling small in front of people because it allowed them to take advantage of it.

"Sun placement. Most sign placements have experienced a great trauma that have led them to become dependent with certain people and or things. You crave comfort. You also have a big heart. Weapons recommended for a Sun placement are throwing knives, a crossbow, and any gun that is able to shoot from a great distance. You may leave now," the doctor told her. She scoffed through her cry— her red eyes looking him straight in the eyes. Weapons? Was that what this was for? To analyze how much she faced just to make her fight? "Fuck you," she seethed through her teeth, standing up. She was angry. How could they put all of them through this? She walked through the door, wiping her eyes from the pained tears. Her eyes caught a object on her wrist, the woman stopping in the hallway. She noticed a sun printed on her inner wrist.

This must have been the houses they were talking about. Sage let her hand fall and continued her walk back towards her dorm. This whole situation was stressing her out. She closed her eyes momentarily, trying to stop the major headache she had. Her head soon collided with someone's chest, her body flying backwards. She expected to hit the ground but two hands wrapped around her waist, catching her body. She opened her eyes to see no one but Donghyuck.

"Watch where you are going," he sternly said, pulling her back up. He noticed her red and puffy eyes. He tilted his head. "That shit back there made you cry? That's sad," he laughed out, pushing her temper.

"Watch who you are fucking talking to Donghyuck," she snapped, coming closer to his body. He could see all of the pent up anger building through her eyes. Her fingernails began to dig into the palms of her hands at the snarky comment he made.

"And if I don't Sage?" he seethed. Her eyebrow raised. Who the hell did he think he was? Sage grabbed his left arm harshly, digging her nails into his skin as she looked at the object printed into his skin. She laughed. "A sun too. What fucked up shit did you see back there huh?"

He grabbed her waist, pushing her back into the wall. The sudden movement shocked her but she wouldn't let that show— he wasn't going to win this. He placed one hand onto the wall, anger being felt between the both of them. "You know, we aren't that different from each other," she teased, a smirking playing on her plump lips. His dark eyes glared into hers.

"We are nothing alike."

"The house placements don't lie Donghyuck. We are both fucked up in the head whether you like it or not."

And with that, she pushed him, walking back to her room. Such an asshole.

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