Love And War❤️

By CenasGirlForever44

50.1K 2K 204

Thinking Your Truly Happy Until You Open You're Eyes And See That It's All A Lie ❤️ More

Long Story❤️
I Miss You❤️
I Want Him❤️
Happy Birthday❤️
I'll Stay With You❤️
What I Did❤️
You Did What!?❤️
She Liked You❤️
For Now❤️
Red Marks❤️
Wont See Them❤️
I Need To Tell You❤️
I Hate You❤️
He Does❤️
Told Me What?
Why Didn't You❤️
Forgive You❤️
Miss Daddy❤️
Tell Him❤️
We Need To Talk❤️
On The Way❤️
Baby On Board❤️
Baby Girl❤️
My Family❤️
Dont Tell Him❤️
Support Me❤️
The End❤️

I Cant❤️

1.1K 52 6
By CenasGirlForever44

(Chapter 15)

Nicole looked at him curious as to what John would say she saw that once again he was worried and she feared that it was something with Brady again and she didn't want to continue hearing it but she figured to protect her kids!

Nikki: John what is it tell me?

John took a deep breathe and got closer to her and held her hands!

John: Nicole I....

Then there was a tiny knock at the door!

Ben: John is my mommy in here!

He said as he knocked one more time

Nikki: Yeah baby I'm in here hold on!

She said as she put on her pants and walked to the door! Then carried him into the room!

John: What's wrong?
Ben: I need to pee and Jason was crying then he kicked me out of the room!
Nikki: Oh baby he's just mad he didn't let me in either!
Ben: That's why you're in here?

Nikki and John looked at each other and smiled!

Nikki: Yeah uncle John was nice snobby to let me sleep km here!
Ben: Can I stay here too uncle John?

John smiled down at the little boy and brought him to his arms!

John: Of course you can!

He kissed the top of his forehead and they all cuddled up together!

When Ben was asleep Nikki signaled for John to go out with her and he did!

John: What's up?
Nikki: You were going to say something before Ben came in!
John: Oh right!
Nikki: Yeah so?

She said as she got closer to him and he just couldn't tell her everything so he decided to make something up!

John: I just wanted to tell you that if this things between you and me ever goes anywhere more that what it is now, then I want you to know that nothing would make me happier then if the kids saw me as their father!

Nicole was taken back she did not expect this at all!

Nikki: Wow John I....
John: I know I'm over stepping my boundaries but I truly mean it!
Nikki: Actually what I was going to say was that I would absolutely love that! My kids deserve a father who had earned the name and Brady has not! Ever since Jason was born he has been in and out of their lives and we were married it and it felt like we weren't so you're not over stepping anything it just took me a little by surprise you know you always said you never wanted kids!
John: People change!

Nikki nodded and hugged him!

Johns Pov

I wish I could tell you the truth but I just can't.....

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