โ–Œ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ง๐๐ข๐ฉ๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ โ–Œ๐™ฑ๐™ฝ...

By CoraSweetheart12

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--~โ™™-โ™›-โ™™~-- โ๐˜Š๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ค๐˜ฌ๐˜ด ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ฅ๐˜ข๐˜บ ๐˜๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฆ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ... More

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--~ ๐’๐จ๐ง๐ง๐ž ~--
- Temporary Announcement (Delete Later) -


2K 74 9
By CoraSweetheart12

𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚕

"𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆" 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴-


"HOW IS [NAME] DOING?" A voice questions as the said girl was curling her body in the corner, gripping the knife in her hand tightly.

"Since she came here, Master ordered her to train her ability. But she's been struggling." They answered. The other child tilts their head confused, "But that's always part of training. So, why is she like this? All tired and drained."

The non-binary gazes at the girl, "Because Master wanted her to stop time and dissect her kidneys. And told her to reverse time to get her kidneys back." The young girl's eyes dilate in with terror, "T-That's crazy. Abilities can't fight back the limits we were given. Isn't she aware of that?"

"Yeah, but what can she do about it? Plus I tried talking her out of it by suggesting a negotiation. But she refuses. Maybe she'll listen if we——"they get cut off by the scene that was unfolding.

[Name] inserts the knife deep in the skin around the area where her left side kidney is. She then cuts the shape of it, and pulls it out. Blood gushing out from the missing organ, near her abdomen.

The children run up to [Name], "Hisa are you okay!?" She tilts her head up and lifts her hand up, showing the bloody kidney, "I'm fine. I've finally completed the assignment she gave me." She gestures to the healed area where her kidney was dissected.

Both of them were in disbelief at what they saw. How is she not dead? How did she beat the limits of her ability? However their answer to their question wasn't exactly answered in the way they'd expect it, "I don't know how I passed through my limit. Me and my ability just made an agreement that it'd let me do it."

What in the hell just happened in the first two months Master tortured her to make her "stronger"? And why was she referring to her ability as a person? That will temporarily remain a mystery. Robotically, she tells her friends, "If you'll excuse me, I must perform an autopsy on myself to further investigate my capabilities and the extent of what I can do."

"An autopsy? But you're not dead [Name]. You're alive and well with us." The non-binary tries to reassure [Name] and convince her not to do something so drastic.

"That's the thing, James. I'm the embodiment of someone that's already dead."

Her eyelashes flutter open and readjusted to the illuminating white light consuming the room. [Name] was in the waiting room with her classmates, observing their behavior. After remembering a memory from a while back. Her back leaning against the wall, her head looking up as she pinched the bridge of her nose, loathing her mind from even wandering to the past.

But looks down to glance at her classmates. Taking note of their obvious anxious demeanor. Especially the girls. Considering she spent a significant time helping train them, additionally all of her male classmates on the side.

She had spoke to them to reassure their worries, "Don't be too nervous about the event. This is an opportunity to get recognized by heroes."

Eijiro looks in her direction with a smile of appreciation, but quickly changed into worry, "What about you? Is it really okay that you're only participating for a little bit? What about internships?"

[Name] walks up to him and ruffles his hair, "Don't worry about me Kiri, I'll be fine. As long as my friends succeed with the event, that's what matters. Plus, I have a few tricks up my sleeve." She winks at him with a grin. A vivid blush adorns his face as he smiles with his sharp teeth showing, "Thanks [Name]! I feel more ready to do this."

"Be ready, the event is starting in two minutes." [Name] states to everyone, giving them a heads up.

The attention span [Name] once had for her peers vanishes as her mind ran with multiple thoughts about the ADA, PM, the U.A staff, the government, and the conversation with Mori. The more her mind successfully captured her in peculiar questions, the more her point of view was in the 3rd person.

A weight fell upon her shoulders when recognizing the time wasted on what she was doing. Her vision hovered to where her body was physically standing.

Ah, dissociation at its finest.

A great way to start off a slow burn event by not even feeling like you're here.

One tactic of isolating yourself from people when it's convenient. A way to keep them from worrying. To protect yourself from being emotionally hurt off and numb emotions.

[Name] then suddenly felt a presence behind her, turning her head to see Denki. "Hey, they already called us up, are you ready to go?" A small amount of air was released through [Name]'s nostrils after being successful with avoiding the topic of conversation being about herself.

"Yeah, thanks Denki. I zoned out for a bit too long." Gratitude was expressed through her words at appreciation for him indirectly snapping her out of a negative mind set in public.

Denki tucked some of his hair behind his ear as his face flushed with pink, smiling while showing off his dimples, "No worries [N/N]~chan. It happens to me sometimes too when I'm thinking about what to have for lunch." 

"Alright then, since you were such a gentleman to wait for me, I shall asort you to the field." [Name] flirted while reaching out her hand.

"Thank you M'lady. It should be worthwhile," Denki played along with a semi smirk and intertwining his hand with hers. With the both of them walking out, [Name] felt a chill running down her spine.

Why do I suddenly get the feeling something either bad or stupid will happen?


"[Name]-sama is certain to be here?" A young female's voice questions for confirmation on the phone. "Yes, we've had three people undercover observe the event from afar. You have ten minutes to take the opportunity." A male answered on the other side of the line.

"I'll do my best Akutagawa." She promises right before hanging up the phone. Coincidentally, she hears footsteps lurking in the hallway. The young girl quickly hides herself and tries to sneak in a glance as to who is walking in this direction. When spotting familiar hair, her eyes soften. [Name] was idly walking alone with no clear idea as to who was around her.

Fortunately, she missed the hiding spot Kyoka was cowering in. 

But before she could do anything, [Name] was already long gone. 

By the doorframe of the announcement area, [Name] had asked them, "You messaged me saying that you have a job you wanted me to do during the calvary battle?" Aizawa turned around and answered, "You'll be a team on your own and having a secret headband hidden somewhere while being a threat towards all teams."

[Name] claps her hands together, "Ara~? Sounds like fun, but will I have any kind of restrictions during the whole battle? I don't want to hear any Karen's complaining that I'm too harsh on the children. Future soldiers used for war no less." She muttered the last sentence with a pout.

Aizawa eternally questions her sudden enthusiasm, but didn't bother asking. "The only restrictions that you'll have is wearing these weights on your wrists and ankles. We don't need the first years to die on national television."

She fake gasps and places her hand on her chest, seemingly 'offended' at the speculation, "Alright fine. If that's the only restriction, this will be one helluva round." A grin of mischief sprung on her face.

As she leaves the room, she hears Midnight explaining the rules of the next activity from a distance. Standing beside the purple haired male that declared war upon her class, she sends him a wink and continues to look in Midnight's direction.

He's looks at in her direction and wonders how she wasn't offended by his proclamation of war against her class, knowing that she sometimes helped him train. After she had kindly offered him assistance when assisting his teacher in class one time.

"As an added bonus to increase your likelihood of winning, [LastName] will be an extra team that has points that will increase the number of points you already have." Midnight adds in as a surprise plot twist.

As the timer of the gathering the teams went off, Class 1-A looked in the direction of their well-known classmate. Baffled at what she was doing. She was sitting on top of herself as two other versions of herself were helping balance the weight of her body. But they could see a headband on her head saying '700 points'.

Igniting a flame of determination within the crowd of students. Having an advantage to be in the top four. But those who haven't seen [Name] in action, are drastically underestimated the challenge that lies ahead.

One exclamation from Midnight, signaling to begin, and the main targets of prey were none other than the female herself and Izuku. She smirks in triumph and whispers, "No Time: Freeze Frame."

Everyone in her line of sight was frozen in time, unable to move or speak. "No Time: Time Capsule." Within her box of memories, she finds 'Matchless Poet'. Each of her clones pull a page out of the notebook that was written; a tranquilizer gun for herself and each clone.

After unfreezing time, [Name] and her two clones extended their hands that held the gun, and started rapidly shooting the competitors to decrease the number of participants.


Majority of those who hadn't seen her fighting, deeply regret naively thinking that those 700 points were easy to collect.

Causing several teams to be out. Class 1-A grew tense at the accuracy of hitting all those students. Now worrying about being [Name]'s next victim. But also having no idea on how to cease the headband. But the majority of Class 1-A thought if their chance of increasing their victory is there, then they'll be the ones to take it.

Katsuki's team and Shoto's team follow in pursuit of the headband. Along with the other remaining teams that want to move on to the next round of the event. [Name] begins shooting off the students surrounding her and her group, but feels a presence coming from behind.

Someone extends their hand and drew in close to the headband on [Name]'s head, but she whipped her head and instinctively grabbed the arm, feeling intense heat. Instead of Shoto and his arm in flames in front of her, brief flashes of police were displayed. Making her muscles tense subtly, but it was noticeable by Shoto.

"Stay put, do not go near her! She's dangerous!"


"Please don't go..."

Cryptic memories were playing for a few seconds like a scratched up CD. Her brows knit close together in confusion, but shook off this sudden disruption and untied the headband from her head and wrapped it around Shoto's arm and threw him over. Then tied it around her neck.

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY FROM ME, YOU DAMN CLOCK!" Katsuki shouted as his palms were igniting his explosions to propel himself up. [Name] cocked her head to the side and sees in the distance Shinso stealthy stealing some of the other teams points.

Seeing that she only had ten seconds left remaining on the clock, she jumped off her clone's shoulders and muttered, "No Time: Roman Chains." Pulling out the chain from her left eye, she wraps it around Katsuki's torso, making him freeze in place. The numbers on the chain change to nine instead of ten. While still in the air, [Name] turned the headband into a paper airplane and shot it in his direction.

Suddenly Present Mic yells,


Katsuki was released from [Name]'s chain, causing him to plop on the floor. Making him curse and shout in anger, sending threatening gestures to the female. Making her walk up to him and pat his head, "Gomen Kat-suki~. If you wanted me to go easier on you, you could have said so."

A small blush rose from his cheeks as he kissed his teeth and averted his eyes away from [Name]'s, his anger dialing down a bit.

Then the results were posted.

Todoroki Team

Bakugo Team

Shinso Team

Midoriya Team

Before [Name] could leave to get a snack after releasing unnecessary energy, she felt a tap on her shoulder. "[Name], I need to talk to you." This made her perk in interest, but nonetheless followed along with him. Not without drawing the attention of Katsuki, Izuku, Tenya, and Eijiro.

So they quietly followed along to see where they would be discussing. 


"𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆" 𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴-

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