Arknights: Living the Dream

By ytvisee

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Every night I lay in bed, I like to imagine myself in another world. The world I most find myself in is Terra... More

Chapter 1: Terra
Chapter 2: Realization
Chapter 3: Adjustment
Chapter 4: Lungmen
Chapter 5: The Ends of The Earth
Chapter 6: Sora
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 9: Before Sauin
Chapter 10: Warehouse Brawl
Chapter 11: Warehouse Aftermath
Chapter 12: Happy Sauin
Chapter 13: A Decision
Chapter 14: Contract
Chapter 15: Prelude
Chapter 16: A Bad Dream
Chapter 17: Love
Chapter 18: Reunion, For the First Time
Chapter 19: Rhodes Island, For the First Time
Azrael Operator File
Chapter 20: Guitar Bonding
Chapter 21: The First Two Missions
1 Year Anniversary
Chapter 22: Drums and a Drink
Chapter 23: New Faces & A Book About Music
Chapter 24: One More Member

Chapter 8: Unexpected Reunion

3.4K 125 32
By ytvisee

With small glances of neon lights peering through the gaps in the blinds, I fall asleep to the sound of light strumming through my headphones.



Is the time shown on the clock as I get up from my bed.

I don't know what time I went to bed yesterday, so I'll just consider that a healthy time to wake up.

I check the calendar while walking into the bathroom, the Sauin festival is in 3 days, so I should have enough time to plan out what to do after Code of Brawl ends.

I should also probably figure out what to do these next couple of days, today I'm meeting up with Croissant at the bar, but I have nothing else planned.


Two things come to mind.

Either I could meet up with all the gang members and have a couple days out, or I can just say screw it and learn to play the drums or something along those lines.

I'll see who's available while at the bar with Croissant, if no one is there, I can plan out for what happens after Code of Brawl ends and teach myself a new instrument.

I mean, maybe one day I could be a famous musician in Terra. I can just copy all the songs from a band on Earth, and no one would be none the wiser...

But that's for a future date, breakfast takes priority right now.


"A toasted bagel and cinnamon roll please." I tell the waitress.

If a Terra version of Starbucks exists, I'm currently at the Terra version of your local coffee shop. A small, dainty place with friendly staff and a good atmosphere.

Just the type of place I like.

"Coming right up, take a seat wherever and we'll get it to you." She replies taking my card.


Taking a seat next to the window, I get a chance to appreciate Lungmen for something other than the skyline.

...The city itself is just plain beautiful, no easier way to put it.

The pristine sidewalks, the perfect shade of green found on the trees, and the reflection of the skyscraper onto the roads.

Looking into the crowd, no semblance of anything ugly can be found. Everybody here looks nice in one way or another.

The other-world characteristics only somehow improve the feeling the city gives off.

I can see hair colors ranging a full spectrum, from dark red to blue.

Animal ears dot most of the people in the streets.

Even horns can be found on a couple of passersby, the person with blue hair has some of their own.

...And closer at them...

They also seem to have 2 swords with them, one black...

And one red.


She turns around, confirming that she is in fact, Chen. Just casually walking the streets of Lungmen, not even bothering to wear her police outfit.

She spots the cafe and glances through the glass, seemingly looking for something.

...Then she lays her eyes on me, seemingly reminiscent of my first interaction with Swire.

But unlike Swire rather than drunkenly stumbling over to the barstool next to me, Chen rather subtly smiles and begins a casual stroll towards the door.


She opens the door right as my food arrives, and makes a barely noticeable beeline towards the table next to me.

The waitress smiles, "I didn't know you were waiting for someone. I'll get you another cup of water."

I just nod at her as Chen says a quiet, "Thank you." Before turning over to me.


"It's been a while, Az" She says looking directly into my eyes, "I never heard about you moving to Lungmen."

"...Well, I'm not the type to really discuss my future plans with people."

"So you're paranoid?"

"If you put it that way, yes."

The waitress puts the second water cup on the table.

"Even despite me being one of only two people you had talked to at the academy, you don't tell me that you're moving to where I had clearly stated I was going?"

"...I am very paranoid." I reply.

"And yet you're fine with carrying my drunken coworker back to a police station after she passed out on you, in the dead of night no less?" She argues, "She's been livid for the past couple of days just thinking about it... It's fun teasing her about it."

I let my silence speak for me as she takes a sip from her water.

"But putting aside all that." She smiles, "It's good seeing you again Az"


"It's good seeing you too." I sigh not really knowing how to react, "It feels like I'm back in the academy again."

"How so?"

"You lead every conversation we have while I just lay in the background trying to figure out when it's not awkward to start talking."

Chen smiles, "And that's all I can ask for these days. Everyone treats me with too much respect, it gets burdening after a while... It's nice having someone to just talk to, whether they talk back or not."

"Yeah, I get the idea... The only people I could actually talk to in the academy were you and Bagpipe, everyone else was too scared to talk to me or faking it."

"But the thing is that you're an introvert, and only talking to 2 people for 4 years is manageable." She says, "And I may seem stoic, but the living experience is defined by relationships, so I still want to be able to talk to people openly."

"...Which is why you decided to become a superintendent of a police force?"

"I was going to take the job no matter what, and I thought at least some of my co-workers would be open to talking face to face... They weren't. Only two people are willing to talk to me, two people!" She takes a breather and calms herself down, "One of which is the girl who had passed out on you while the other one is the closest I have to a friend since we graduated."


"I guess I really hit the lottery with having you and Bagpipe around." Chen says quietly.

I smile.

"Thanks, Chen... It's always good to get actual social interaction... So I'm glad you're making strides in that front."

She chuckles, "Maybe you should take your own advice, I don't remember seeing you talk to anyone besides me and Bagpipe for the entirety of our days at the academy."

"...Firstly, I like only having a small, tight-knit friend group. Secondly, I have taken my own advice, I'm even going out with a friend of mine today."

"You? Going out!?" She fakes being surprised before chuckling to herself, "You really have changed."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Take it any way you see fit."

We both take a sip from our drinks.


"How did you even find me?" I ask, "I'm sure that you figured out I was in Lungmen when I brought that tiger back to the LGD, but ending up at the exact cafe I'm eating at. At the exact same time no less?"

She takes a sip of her water, "I went to every Cafe in the area. You always liked going to these types of places back in the academy, so I got myself a list and started to walk around."

"...You're talking as if it's something to be proud of."

"What not to be proud of reuniting with an old friend?"

"Theres nothing wrong with it, it's the method, not the goal." I finish my drink, "Though I can't bash you for it. Being a superintendent seems like a busy job, so dismissing all of your work finding me would be horrible."

"It really would be." She finishes her drink and takes a breather, "...I really needed this, thanks Az."

I nod and let her speak.

"Every day gets more and more stressful, with reunion hovering over our heads waiting to strike, we have to be alert every day." She continues, "Everytime I'm stressed, which is pretty much every day, I always end up thinking back to my time in the academy with you and Bagpipe. I tried to act cold back then to keep up my whole persona, but some days, I want to go back in time, just to be able to talk to you guys again."


"So don't blame me for tracking you down, alright? Even this 2-minute conversation has made my week, so expect to see my face more often."

"...Is that a threat?"

"Only if you don't give me your contact information."

I slightly smile and start for my phone... But something catches both the eye of me and Chen.


The waitress is walking out towards the tables holding what can only be described as a "Couples Drink".

About the size of two regular cups of coffee in a clear glass, it has light pink and blue coloring inside. Two straws decorate the top.

It's something a high school couple would order two weeks before breaking up.


And looking at it, the worst part of it all, is that she seems to be walking towards our table.


"Ma'am, I think you got the wrong table." Chen says.

"I've been doing this for 6 years, I know how to manage my tables." She replies.

"But we didn't order this." Chen argues.

"It's on the house" She says with the brightest smile I've seen in a while, "I love supporting couples, it just makes me happy seeing love blossom in my establishment."

Chen just looks at her as I try the drink.

It's expectedly sweet, maybe too much for the morning, but it would taste pretty good in 3 or 4 hours once I've fully woken up.

"Wouldn't your boss get mad at you for giving away free drinks?" Chen continues to talk.

"I am the boss." Replies the waitress, finally making Chen accept that she isn't going to get out of this.

Chen just sighs, "Well thank you for the drink then."

"No problem!" The waitress says with a gleaming smile, finally walking away.


"So here's my phone, add your number and we can go from there" I say passing her my phone.

"Ah, thank you." She says taking the phone.


Well, isn't this a cliche? An outsider had misunderstood our relationship and given us a drink made only for couples.

But it's free, so what's the point in complaining? I could probably get some fun out of this if I try hard enough.

"Here you go, I'll contact you whenever I need a break from life." Chen says handing me the phone.

"Alright, I'll try to respond whenever I can... I'm surprisingly busy these days."

"Azrael Winters... A busy person?" She fake teases, "Time really can change a person."

I just smile and take another sip of the drink.


"Why are you drinking it? Do you want the waitress to think we're a couple?" She asks, seeing me indulging in the drink.

"I don't care whether she thinks we're a couple. A single waitress misunderstanding isn't going to change our friendship." I respond, "And it's free, so why not give it at least a try."

She pauses before sighing, "I guess your right, getting something for free is about the hardest thing to do in this city."

I hand her the drink as she takes a sip of it. I lean back into my chair, waiting to hear her criticism.


"It's surprisingly good." She eventually says, "I thought it would be some low-grade drink made to please high schoolers... But I guess the waitress is serious about supporting couples."

...Suddenly, I get a horribly fun idea.

"Hey Chen, given what you just said..." She looks to me, "If we were to come to this cafe together again posing as a couple, we might get another free drink."


"Thats a stupid idea." She immediately rejects, "We're not going to cosplay as a couple just in order to get free drinks."

"...And that's the Chen I know." I jokingly respond, giving myself a smile.

"And what do you mean by that?" She puts on an interrogation face.

"Well, back in the academy, you were always so cold and serious concerning everything." I explain, "So seeing that serious face of yours again after all this time just brings back good memories."


She eases back up into a smile.

"...And now I'm getting reminded of our good memories." She leans back into her chair, "You rarely ever show your joking side. If I always wore a cold face in the academy, you always wore a blank one. So seeing you tell a joke before smiling is bringing back some good memories of my own."

...I take a sip of the drink while allowing myself to catch up with the morning.

"Well, I enjoyed this more than I expected to." Chen says looking out the window, "I just wanted someone new to talk to, but I ended up with a reminder of my greatest friend."

"I'm both glad and surprised you consider me that."

"I was talking about my friendship with Bagpipe," She says with a smile, "You're about my 5th or 6th favorite I'd say."

"...Ouch" I said in the saddest tone I could fakely muster, "And here I thought we were inseparable."

"Maybe in a couple of years you'll move up a spot." She says with the smile on her face only growing bigger.

"Maybe... maybe..." I respond before looking out the window, Chen following.


We glance at the people, the skyscrapers, the perfect trees lining every sidewalk.

It's a moment of peace for both of us.

The wind picks up, and Chen checks the time.


"Thank you Az, really." She says, "Like I said earlier, I was really stressed and just needed someone to talk to, a couple days later I see that you're living in the city. It's the definition of perfect timing, and despite how much I want this conversation to last forever, I still have a job to do."

"No problem." I respond, "I should be available for a drink most nights, so we could continue the conversation there."

"I can't trust myself to drink until Reunion stops eyeing us down, so until then I'll just stick to this place."

"...That works for me too."

We both get one more look out towards the window.

"I'll see you again soon Az. Have a good day." She says getting up and walking out the Cafe.


"You scored a good one didn't you?" The waitress says walking up to me with the check.

"...I guess so." I respond handing her my card.



I'm heading towards The Ends of The Earth.

I got most of the information about reunion from my conversation with Chen, so while I most likely didn't need it, I still bought a newspaper anyways.

The news mentioned Reunion's attack on Chenorobog, which gave me everything I needed to know.

I tried to read the rest of the newspaper, but nothing other than an advertisement for the Obsidian Festival in Siesta interested me.

Though that ad really interested me... I even wrote down the date for whatever reason.

...But, now that that's done, I figured that it would be a good time to head over to the bar, if Croissant isn't there, then I can just wait for however long it takes. I brought a book along with me, so I should be sedated for a couple hours at least.


I step into the bar, the half-broken door clearly signifying my presence.

Yet... No one is here.


I head over to the nearest couch to settle in while waiting for Croissant, but what seems to be a note on the countertop catches my attention.

I head over and pick it up.

Me and Exusiai got ourselves a delivery to do, so we'll be gone for the next 2 or so days. Sorry for anyone with plans!



Well isn't that nice?


I pull the car up into the studio parking lot.

Two things can happen here.

Either Sora is here, so I could spend the day with her.

Or, if she isn't, I can make myself plans for what happens after Code of Brawl ends.


I walk into the studio, silence being the only thing to greet me.

I check around for a couple seconds before plopping myself onto the couch.

I grab my phone and put on some thinking music.

...Firstly, if there is another side event concerning Penguin Logistics I could just follow along with the event, making sure that I and other people don't die in the process.

...Secondly, if there is an entirely new event or something that hasn't played out in the game, I'll just have to follow along and make sure that nothing messes up the main storyline in the process.

...But, the most likely thing to happen would be Reunion invading Lungmen.

They have invaded Cheneobog at this point, so they have already started canon.

Next, they should be attacking Lungmen, and Rhodes Island will most likely contact Penguin Logistics for help.

In the main story, it's Texas and Exusiai who come to help Rhodes Island.

...But Emperor will most likely send me along with them.

I'm pretty sure Penguin Logistics helps out with the Misha situation, though it still ends up with her joining Reunion.

If I recall correctly, she joins Reunion after Skullshatterer dies to avenge him or something along those lines.

I don't think that I should bother with changing whether Misha stays with Rhodes Island or joins Reunion. Skullshatterer needs to die in order to not prove a problem later on, and I don't think Misha joining Reunion will cause as much damage as letting Skullshatterer go, so the choice there is easy.

The biggest issue would be W...

For one she's crazy and therefore hard to deal with.

And she is also very powerful with all of her explosives.

...Thinking about it, the best option would be to just avoid battling with her.

I don't have to fight her right now. What's the point of risking myself if she is going to end up leaving Lungmen anyways?

And Talulah shouldn't be an issue, I don't think she's even close to Lungmen during part of the story.


So the basic plan when I get sent over to help Rhodes Island would be to go along with the story as best as I can, and to avoid W.

If I don't get sent over to help, I can just relax until I'm forced into combat.

...Well, that was easier than expected.

Guess I'll teach myself the drums now.

(I teased Azrael's relationship with Chen in the first chapter, and now is the time I expand upon that. It felt nice giving Chen lighter dialogue than what is expected of her. The combination of it being the morning and the fact that she trusts Az allowed for her to really open up and enjoy herself for a bit, which was really fun to write. And speaking of fun to write, the next chapter will be where the Sauin festival begins, and where the action will be picked up. These past few chapters have been a bit laid back, so I'm excited to get back into the action. But putting all that aside, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Thanks for Reading :)

Uploaded on May 15, 2022. 3072 Words.

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