I Thought I Knew You

By DramaLoversDream513

1.6K 45 15

Boarding school AU. Elizabeth is the new girl at Liones Academy and she bumps into an old face: Meliodas. Exc... More

An Unexpected Face
How Long's It Been?
The Deity Society
Truth Or Dare
Midnight Flight
Why do you humor him?
The Boar's Hat
The Locker Room Fight (Extra Chapter)
Jumping Out of Windows
Those Watching Eyes
Saturday Mornings
Pool Parties
The System
Miss Merlin
The Heavy Weight She Bore (Extra Chapter)
First Kiss
Knocking Back
Saintly Solitude (Extra Chappie)
Is This Love?
Running Away
War Of Pride
Always Average (Extra Chappie)
You Mean The Best
Idiot, Idiot, Idiot
Clan Academy
The Library
Never Real
The Bird in its cage (Extra Chapter)

Last Hope

14 0 0
By DramaLoversDream513

Elaine's P.O.V

"Are you two sure about this?"

I can't help but feel nervous, my heart thudding powerfully against my ribs as we're waiting outside the music room. Its beat is erratic, constant. A quick, fast-paced pulse as I nervously knot my hands together, staring pleadingly at the unusual pair.

As always Ban and King had kept their plans separate from me, making it clear that they didn't want me knowing anything about it. They made it blatant that I wouldn't know. The looks they shared, the silent communication... all of it led towards them purposely leaving me out of their plan. It led to me being excluded. Both Ban and King made sure to leave me out of all the details, the usually bickering duo somehow becoming close confidants in a matter of minutes.

It didn't help that their plan was rather reckless. It was a very stupid yet noble plan and I was very vocal about it. Nevertheless, that meant I was left in an even deeper state of darkness, intense panic gradually beginning to control me more and more as the seconds ticked by.

It was no secret that King and Ban saw me as an obstacle that may change their minds. They knew that I would be able to sway their decision, so I was left hanging onto an edge about what reckless plan they may have against one of the Commandments. The same Commandments that were the type of students people like us shouldn't be messing with. The reasons for that were too numerous to count. Too dangerous to even utter.


"As sure as I'll ever be, I guess."

Both responses were so different, one belonging to my usually levelheaded brother and the other my regularly reckless boyfriend. King was much shorter than Ban, causing a very odd contrast between the pair. 

King's auburn hair shone brightly compared to the pale hue of Ban's spiky locks, while red eyes gleamed with a hidden intent that was only amplified by the graveness within golden amber. In fact the pair's stances and expressions seemed to foil the other's too, one looking deadly serious and intent, while the other gave a small yawn.

The yawn giver was my brother, King most likely feeling the effects of missing the nap he usually took during lunchtime. The reason for that I don't entirely know, but many say it's because of the lesson he had before lunch. However, I don't recall any lessons that are straining to a draining extent. Only PE was draining, but that was usually once or twice a week, not every single day.

But the mystery of why King's nap time was reserved for lunch could wait. Right now I had to make sure these two didn't kill themselves, or ruin their chances of getting a quality education, in order to help me. 

I already have assured good grades (due to me being an useful asset to the demon schools, whether I liked it or not) and my future was solidified in one of the companies that had a deal with the school. Everything was set in place for me long before Ban had ever met me and ages before King had even found me again.

Therefore doing all this was pointless. Useless.

Even if I thought that I could escape that set path when I came to Liones, I should've known it was futile to try. Part of me, my very soul, was owned by them and even if I wandered as far away as I could, the owners could still find me. All it took was bit of manipulation and torture and I would come running back, my mind stripped of its free will and thoughts. I would be a mindless drone to use and control, a puppet with finely tuned strings, and no-one could disrupt that.

As a result I was left to simply try and find freedom, already knowing that the chances of finding that were slim. Incredibly slim. My only assured way of freedom was getting that owned part of my soul back, and even then I'd have to find something as valuable as a soul to trade.

So in short I was stuck - and I wasn't going to let my brother or Ban risk themselves for such a useless effort. I should be the one to do this myself. 

I've burdened them enough with looking after me and protecting me from all the dangers out there. It was now my turn to do something drastic and it was my turn to plan without them knowing. This time I would step up to do the bad noble thing, not Ban or King. Not even the rest of the Sins. They've done it long enough and I'm tired of being shielded.

I'm tired of being a damsel in distress.

"I guess there's no stopping you then..." I let out a gentle sigh, my eyes glazing with tears as I take a look at them both.

My stubborn brother, whom I had just recently reconciled with, and my equally stubborn boyfriend, who removed the emptiness and loneliness from my life. They were both irreplaceable. They were both the most precious things I had. More valuable than a soul...

The tears can't be stopped when I embrace them in a tight hug, my slim arms easily wrapping around their necks as I try to preserve this final moment. This final time when I would meet them as myself and get to enjoy the affectionate gesture. It would be the final time I would ever feel the life and warmth they owned, my mind still intact and knowledgeable as to who they were.

The action was immediately reciprocated by both, one small arm contrasting with the more bulky one. But despite their differences, both seemed to provide the same familiarity and feeling. They had the same sentiment and hope; the same anxiety and determination that I knew I had to use to deceive them with in order to pull off my plan. To save them instead of them both saving me. 

I can't help but whisper the words, emotion choking my voice as the tears begin to dry, "Just come back to me alive, ok?"

"We will, I promise," Ban was the one to speak, his previously roughened tone turned soft. A hand resting over his heart, his red gaze catches my own and I can sense and read the pain and desperation swimming in them. I can feel the fear, the love and anger melding with it all. They were the reason why this was happening, the reason why Ban could no longer let things go on like this.

King seemed to be the same as he pulled away from the hug with a solemn smile and nod. He sniffed slightly as he scrubbed away at forming tears, his reddened face determined as I give them both a final nod.

The final nod I'll ever give.


Elizabeth's (normal) P.O.V

Somehow I found myself sitting in one of the many gardens on the school campus. I don't know why Liones had so many, in fact I was sure it was more than any other school I'd ever been to, but when considering the large fairy population of the school it began to make sense to me.

Flowers bloomed everywhere, their vibrant petals colouring the sea of endless viridescent green they stood in, while meandering vines of ivy wrapped around wooden arches and support beams. A few iron guards were placed around thin trees, the blackened metal curled into a stylized design. A few birds had also created nests within the trees, their chirping and fluttering wings filling the still air. Fairy lights hung from the arches and support beams, the way they were strung up suggesting that some students came out to the outdoor space after curfew. Luscious and bushy hedges also lined the garden, blocking the brick walls and instead creating the image of a magical retreat.

From the sight alone I could figure out that it was fairies who made the garden look so wonderful, so enchanted: they were gifted with a beautiful eye for nature. 

I have yet to meet a fairy who cannot make the most gorgeous gardens or even beautiful bouquets. Majority, if not all, fairies were masters at this and so I always admired their skill for botany. Plus they always knew how to find some kind of fun during the most boring of occasions.

Unfortunately though, not many of the fairies came out into the gardens anymore. Many of them have gone back home, stating that they'll come back to school when things have calmed down a little. 

Much like with the war that raged in their country many years ago, they have all gone into hiding. They have all ran away. Some would say that it is cowardice that caused this, others would claim that the fairies know they were useless. But for me, I feel like the fairies didn't want to see anymore violence. They had most likely had their fair share at the destruction of their country, and like me, were simply tired of pointless arguing and hostility.

After all, war never results in any winners.

"There you are, Elizabeth!"

I look towards my left and spot Diane bounding up to me, her brown pigtails bouncing as she races along the light grey paved path. She wears a relieved smile, her eyes shining with joy as she holds onto the straps of her leopard print bag. It bounces with every step, the contents of it looking heavy due to the slight bulge forming from the gap of the bag's zipper. However, despite that, Diane seems hopeful as always, her positivity never dipping even when all seemed lost.

"We were all getting worried since you hadn't turned up for a while," The brunette sighed as she plopped down beside me, easily swinging her bag from her back. She then brushed off her skirt. "We thought some sneaky bastard smuggled you off campus."

I giggle a little at Diane's words, a small smile forming despite the fog clouding my mind. In fact, I lock the darker thoughts away for another time, easily slipping into a more cheerful mood as I shake my head and instead focus on the object Diane is taking out of her bag. 

It was in what looked like a holder, a black strap being attached to the rectangular thing. The holder was white in colour, contrasting with the dark strap.

But, even with my limited knowledge, I knew what was within the holder - well, sheath. I'd seen it enough times having grown up as a princess and as a student of Celestial Prep to know what was within it. I was just confused as to why Diane had brought it to me, the weapon seeming alien and yet also familiar. 

I had never had to truly use a sword, only learning to use one in Celestial Prep and my guise as a student in Danafor. As a result my skill set was rather limited, although somewhat decent due to a certain someone's help while Danafor was still intact. But even so, Diane shouldn't know about my hidden swordsmanship. No-one should.

"Is that a weapon?" I try to ask the question as innocently as possible, ignoring the horrible sensation creeping into my gut. It feels cold and sticky, almost like a horrible jelly, building and climbing from the pit of my stomach up to my throat as I stare at the white sheath with unblinking eyes.

"Yeah, Merlin suggested that you had one," Diane frowned slightly, handing me the object.

"I appreciate it but I don't think I need this..." 

I immediately pull the sword out of its sheath, revealing a stunning silver blade. It was devoid of any nicks of scrapes, suggesting that it was relatively new. I could also sense a blessed aura coming from the metal, the energy similar to that of my mother's. Paired with the delicate wings detailing the hilt and the golden embellishments and I knew that it had been specially made for me.

It was specially made to kill Meliodas.

"You never said that you knew how to sword fight," As I grimaced at the sword, Diane's brightness seemed to dim a little, her usual smile replaced with pinched brows and pressed lips.

Her normally bouncy pigtails appeared limp, the chestnut tresses slipping past her shoulders. Amethyst eyes stare at a tree, a gentle sigh leaving her lips as Diane turns from her watching. She then looks at me a questioning look in her eye as she tilts her head in questioning.

"Well..." My hand falls still as I cringe at Diane's gaze, a shudder filling my form as I freeze against the sword's hilt. 

A thousand excuses run through my mind, all of them ranging between saying that I didn't know how to or that I was taught a few defensive maneuvers as I was royalty. Yet, before I can even conjure the words into my mouth, they fall short against the bitter feeling overwhelming my senses once again. The same bitter feeling that linked to Danafor and perhaps even the mess I've created now.

"It was something I learned ages ago..." The words leave quietly, tears burning my eyes as I push the weapon back into its sheath. I can't even face the thing without feeling bile rise into my throat, let alone raise it against a person in defense. "I really don't need this, Diane. Please tell Merlin to send it back."

"I'm afraid that's not possible," Pigtails swished as the giantess shook her head, her brows creasing with concern. "You see, it wasn't just Merlin who gave the go-ahead for the weapon. The King and even the Grandmasters have approved the idea."

"I see..." My lips press as I look at the white sheath, repulsion filling my body as I glare at the blessed weapon. The damned blessed weapon I must now wield.

I can remember seeing it in the past. My mother always told me that one day I would own that very sword, her own words being that it was made specially for me. Countless days had been spent training to gain the worthiness of such a pretty and powerful weapon. I had ran in the rain, punched until my knuckles grew taut and stained in red, only to quickly heal over once more. And even with those things I continued my studies. I continued to try and be just like my mother.

I could never quite place how I felt when looking at the sword. When I'd first seen it, I was amazed by the beauty of such a dangerous thing. The silver blade, intricate designs and even the golden embellishments enraptured my attention. 

But after the awe wore off, I grew anxious about gaining the sword. I didn't feel as if I were worthy, nor did I think it was right to give me a sword. I was a pretty good fighter, but even so I wasn't the best. Many were better than me.

The time after that, I felt nothing but pure revulsion when I looked at the blessed blade. I couldn't help but want to throw it away and destroy it completely. It was vile and evil and just plain unethical. It was tailor-made to kill and even if my mother claimed it was for protection, I couldn't even look at the sword.

But it's from looking at it the sword now that I recognise the feeling forming in my very soul. The feeling that had always sat there beneath the awe, insecurity and revulsion. 

I can tell that this weapon was the marking of a new era, a new timeline, where things would take an inevitable turning point. The giving of this weapon was not only a sign of the role I had to play, but was also a sign that I had to be a part of this resistance. It was a sign that I had to go against the opposition, even if it meant hurting a person that was irreplaceable to me.

But even so that didn't mean I would conform to it.

If this time, this giving of a weapon, was a turning point, then I was going to act on that. I was going to use this moment to do something that many, including the Sins, would disagree with. 

Even if everyone does not agree with my choice, I must do it. I have to. Otherwise I may make the same mistake I've made too many times before, leaving a wake of chaos where it could have been easily avoided.

After the meeting with Jenna and Zaneri, I felt a little hope return - no, I didn't feel just a little hope return, I felt it all return. All the doubt, all the anger, sadness and bitterness, seemed to evaporate from Zaneri's confession. From her words I knew that there was still a part of Meliodas that could be saved, that could be woken out of this state and brought back to the light of the situation. So from there on I formed a plan. A risky plan, but a plan nonetheless.

However I was uncertain of whether to act on it, especially when it placed a lot on the line. But with this weapon, with the hope that I've been given, I'm certain that I can succeed. So I'm going to do it.

I'm going to bring Meliodas back.


Elaine's P.O.V

"I'm going to strike a deal with you," The words leave firm and bold, the tone surprising even myself as I stand before the grinning Melascula. 

Like usual, she's in her uniform, the pink tie and black blazer feeling odd within the atmosphere of Liones. Long, lavender hair trailed to her hips, today's hairstyle being as lackadaisical as the day before. Her fringe falls into her dark and empty eyes, a cruel and wide grin sat on her spread lips as she watches me like a predator intent on their prey.

Behind Melascula stands her lackeys, each of the students forgettable with their generic features. But even so I memorize them, my golden eyes tracing over their features and only pausing to look at Ban and King.

Ban and King...

As I'd anticipated, none were a match for Melascula. King was being held up by one of the students, his pale face marked with a large, dark bruise and a terrible black eye. Blood spilled from what looked like a twisted nose, his own golden eyes burning with shame and fury as he looked between me and the Commandment. There was also a large handprint on his neck, red, purple and blue marking his pale skin in a terrible smear.

Ban wasn't in a much better state, Melascula having two of her minions hold him in place due to him immediately trying to break free when I'd walked into the room. He also had a black eye, his bottom lip split and stained with blood. A terrible gash ran from his shoulder to his elbow, the wound on his neck and chin seeming reopened. Crimson stained his shirt a light pink, the sight only making me feel all the worse. Even though he had the healing powers of the Fountain of Youth, Ban still looked roughed up. Therefore I knew I had to interfere.

From the looks of it, Ban and King had put up a fight, landing a few pretty good hits on Melascula's lackeys but ultimately failing at harming the Commandment herself. Instead she had used their blind rage and fury to lure them into a terrible trap, only quickening the plot she had been carrying out for the past while. 

Paired with the fact that Ban and King had sustained some pretty bad injuries, I knew that she had been waiting for this to happen. All Melascula had been doing was waiting for us to fall into her waiting claws. And it worked perfectly.

"A deal, you say?" The words leave in a thoughtful hiss, the owner smirking widely as she taps her cheek in thought with a pink nail. She had always loved a good deal. "What could you possibly offer me, Lady of the Fountain? You have nothing."

The laughter of her lackeys makes me grimace, my fists balling out of pure habit and indignation despite trying to remain calm. A firm blush also coats my face, my lips settling into a pout as I muster a glare at the conniving Commandment. It shoots sharp and icy, her smirk falling slightly from the very look of my face.

Melascula falls into an abrupt silence, signalling for her minions to stop their laughing and actually listen to my offer. Now, she is wary of my presence.

"You say I have nothing, Melascula, but you'll find yourself mistaken," The words leave triumphant even though I give a grieved glanced towards Ban and King. Two hands are planted on my hips, my voice and stance seeming confident but my tone ultimately failing. "I have something you've wanted for years."

The Commandment froze at my words, her lips sitting into a dangerous frown as I spot what looks a lot like fangs forming. A long, wet tongue slips out from her lips, pale skin turning scaly as Melascula glared her darkened eyes at me.

"For years, you say?" The words are more hiss than speech, the Commandment moving in a dangerously slinky way. Legs seem to melt as she walks along the music room, an arm grazing the empty stands. "And what could that possibly be fairy princess?"

"I can offer you my servitude," I give a confident smirk, ignoring the urge to glance back at my sibling and boyfriend. I can't stare at them now, not when the final sight I'd ever see of them would be of their desperate and broken expressions. Nor could I give them a final sight of my pained yet determined expression. 

So instead I stare directly into the Commandment's empty eyes, gold meeting eternal black as I maintain my smirk. 

"My complete and undying servitude. I would be yours to command."

Those words appeared to be exactly what Melascula was waiting for as she breaks into a wide grin, her form suddenly losing its fluidity as she spun.

"Your servitude!" The demon seemed to crumble with glee, her tongue and scales instantly disappearing. Instead she levitates from the ground, both hands clasped together as she sighs in complete bliss. "Oh that would be perfect!"

However, with the Commandment's glee came the outrage of King and Ban. Of course I knew that they would protest this, that they would both fight against the students restraining them just to make sure I wouldn't do this. But I've trained myself to ignore it, to accept this cruel fate, in order to save two lives instead of them both saving one.

"Fuck no!"

"Don't do it, Elaine!"

I turn to see I was right, both individuals now trying to fight against the students gathered in the room. They both struggle and squirm, using all they could to try and escape the firm grasp of Melascula's lackeys; it is all futile. 

There was no way Melascula would let them go and now that I've offered her something so exquisite, this was the only chance to get them out safely before she didn't even consider my deal. After all, Melascula hated when her prey escaped her grasp.

'I'm sorry, Ban, King...' I send them both a saddened gaze, tears bubbling in my eyes as I try my best to give a smile. 

I attempt to will my lips to curl into a happy expression as it will be the last I'll ever give as myself; however the smile can't form at all, instead it looks stricken and forced, the tears streaming down my cheeks ruining the attempt to be cheerful. 

So I turn away, not wanting to torture them any further and also not wanting to upset myself even more. All I can do is watch as my future master approaches me, a dangerous smirk decorating her lips. 

With a wave of the demon's hand, Ban and King were taken out of the room. I could hear their roars and pleas, both filled with outrage and despair, but even so still hopeful that I'd retract this choice. However I can't do that when I know that they're still in danger, my own needs not surmounting theirs when my life was just a number now. A meaningless figure.

"Let's get it started, then!" Melascula easily flopped down into a seat, gesturing for me to take one as well. "I'm sure it's easier to think now that those two... distractions are gone."

I give a slight nod in response, delicately taking a seat across from the Commandment. She gives me a softer smile, although it doesn't feel real from the glint in her dull eyes. It seems cold and calculating, her kindness only being visible due to me offering her something she's been wanting for a while. No, she's wanted this for years. Therefore, I knew the cards were in my favor, but I had to play them carefully if I wanted a chance to get what I wanted.

A heavy silence settles between us, my golden eyes studying onyx as we both maintained professional and formal fronts. 

Melascula sat bolt upright in her chair, darkness snaking around her form and occasionally snaking around the legs of my chair. It felt cold as it pressed against my ankles, somehow chilling me through my socks. The Commandment's lips were also pressed slightly, the smile gone as she awaited my end of the deal. 

I myself sat in a tight and stiff position, trying to calm myself but failing terribly from the sound of my racing heart. It doesn't help that I bite the inside of my cheek as my eyes searched the room, desperately trying to prolong my freedom. My short and fickle freedom.

"I want you to let them go," I cut to the chase, breaking the silence. "Let Ban and King go and I will return to the Demon Schools with you."

A thoughtful hum and another silence fills the air, this time laced with anxiety and pleasure. I can see it from the way a grin grows on Melascula's features, her hair being flipped over her shoulder as once again a long tongue is revealed. 

The smile stretches across her cheeks, the curves of it highly unnatural and yet not unnerving as I maintain my steel front. All I do is sit and look at her expectantly, hiding the sheer fear and anxiety causing my lungs to tighten and heart to race.

The demon seems unaware to all the sirens going off in my brain, their blaring sounds ringing in my ears and causing pure panic. She seems unaware to the sweat caking my palms and the way I'm chewing away at my cheek, close to drawing blood from the tender skin. The way my hands twist under the table seems to go unnoticed too, Melascula simply chuckling with glee as she extended a hand over the table and gave me a great, big smile.

"Consider it done!" Her hand stops right in front of my form, the large and dangerous smile lighting her eyes being one large red flag. "All you have to do is shake on it."

I can feel the sweat pooling on my hands now, the liquid feeling warm and sticky on my skin. Uncomfortable. In fact, I can feel how my bold front was dissolving, what was once a firm gaze becoming wavering and darting as I stare at the demon's hand.

Well-manicured nails decorate her fingertips, a deep pinkish-purple shade painted upon them. Paired with long, slender fingers and a smooth looking palm and I knew the enemy didn't like to get their hands dirty. Instead she relied on her traps and intelligence. She relied on others working for her. That also solidified that this was my only chance to free Ban and King.

So, swallowing a large gulp, I nod and take the smirking Melascula's hand. Upon instant contact, my body loses feeling and the world begins to blacken.

I am no longer myself.

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