To Hold You | Max Mayfield X...

By tvrnner

75.3K 1.3K 1.1K

In which the awkward girl falls for the new girl. Max Mayfield X Reader. S2-Finished. S3-Finished. S4-Finishe... More

Season 2
1 MadMax
2 Trick or treat,freak
3 The Pollywog
4 Will the wise
5 Dig Dug
6 The Spy
7 The Lost Sister
8 The Mind Flayer
9 The Gate
Season 3
1 Suzie,Do You Copy?
2 The Mall Rats
3 The Case Of The Missing Lifeguard
4 The Sauna Test
5 The Flayed
6 E Pluribus Unum
7 The Bite
Season 4
1 The Hellfire Club
2 Vecna's Curse
3 The Monster And The Superhero
4 Dear Billy
5 The Nina Project
6 The Dive
7 The Massacre At Hawkins Lab
8 Papa
9 The Piggyback

8 The Battle Of Starcourt

2.2K 37 51
By tvrnner


Y/N's POV.

El screams as something moves around in her wound.

"There's something in there".Mike says as he looks over at the wound.

"Shit".I say looking away.

"Jesus christ".Dustin says.

"Keep her talking.Keep her awake,ok?".Johnathan runs off.

Mike grabs El's hand and squeezes it.I look over at Max and see tears in her eyes,she's obviously scared and so are all of us.I hug her and she wraps her arms around me.

"Hey,hey,hey.Stay awake.Stay awake".Mike says. "Let's get her on this side".

Mike,Dustin and Nancy turn El over.

"You know,it's not actually that bad.The goalie on my soccer team,Beth Wildfire,this other girl slid into her leg and the whole bone came out of her knee six inches or something,it was insane".Robin says.

"Robin".Steve says.

"Yeah?".Robin says.

"You're not helping".Steve says.

"I'm sorry".Robin says.

Johnathan runs back and he's holding a knife in his hand.Max looks at me,still hugging me.

"Ok.All right,El?This gonna hurt like hell,ok?".Johnathan says.

"Ok".El sobs out.

"I need you to stay really still.Here,you're gonna want to bite down on this ok?".Johnathan says as he hands Mike a wooden spoon.Mike puts it in El's mouth.

Johnathan puts the knife to El's leg before he looks at all of us.

"Do it".Mike says.

Johnathan presses the knife into El's leg and I squeeze my eyes shut,my stomach starting to hurt.Max's arms tighten around me and I hug her to my body.I hear El scream.I hear the sound of the knife being dropped and I open my eyes but I close them as soon as I see Johnathan sticking his hand into El's leg.El screams.

"Johnathan!".Nancy shouts.

"Stop talking!".Johnathan says and El screams again. "Goddamn it!".

"No!Stop!".I hear El shout. "Stop!Stop!".

I hug Max even tighter and I squeeze my eyes shut even tighter.

"Stop!".Nancy shouts.

I open my eyes and Johnathan stops.We all look at El.

"I can do it.I can do it".El says and she sits.

Max looks up at me and I take a deep breath.

El brings her hand up to her leg.She screams as the thing inside her leg moves.Max grabs my hand and squeezes it.El screams and the wound on her leg slightly opens.The glass window behind us breaks and Max clutches my shirt.The creature levatates out of El's leg and she throws it across the room.

We look over to where the creature is and we see Joyce,Hopper and some over man.Hopper stomps on the creature and they all look at us.

"The mind flayer,it built this monster in Hawkins,to stop El,to kill her and pave a way into our world".Mike says as we all sit around the fountain.

"And it almost did.That was just one tiny peice of it".Nancy says.

"How big is this thing?".Hopper asks.

"It's big.Thirty feet at least".Johnathan replies.

"Yeah.It sort of destroyed your cabin".Lucas says.

"Ok,so,just to be clear this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El,it's some kind of gigantic weapon?".Steve asks.

"Yes".Nancy replies.

"But instead of,like,screws and metal the mind flayer made it's weapon with melted people".Steve says.

"Yes,exactly".Nancy says.

"Are we sure this thing is still out there,still alive?".Joyce asks.

"El beat the shit out of it,but,yeah,it's still alive".Max replies.

"But if we close the gate again".Will says.

"We cut the brain from the body".Max says.

"And kill it.Theoretically".I look at her.

"Yoo-hoo".We hear a voice from behind us.We turn around and see Murray waving some papers around. "Yoo-hoo".

He walks over to us and smacks some papers down.

"Ok,this is what Alexei called the hub.Now,the hub takes us to the vault room".Murray says.

"Ok,where's the gate?".Hopper asks.

"Right here.I don't know the scale on this,but I think it's fairly close to the vault room,maybe 50 feet or so".Murray replies.

"More like 500.What,you're just gonna waltz in there like it's commie Disneyland or something?".Erica says.

"I'm sorry,who are you?".Murray says.

"Erica Sinclair.Who are you?".Erica says.

"Murray....Bauman".Murray says.

"Listen,Mr Bunman,I'm not trying to tell you how to do things,but I've been in that shithole for 24 hours.And with all due respect,you do what this man tells you,you're all gonna die".Erica says.

"I'm sorry,why is this 4 year old speaking to me?".Murray says.

"I'm 10 you bald bastard".Erica says.

"Erica!".Lucas says.

"Just the facts".Erica looks at him.

"She's right.You're all gonna die,but you don't have to".Dustin says and sits down and looks at the map.

Max looks up at me and sighs,putting her head on my shoulder.

"Ok,see this room here?This is a storage facility.There's a hatch in here that feeds into their underground ventilation system.That will lead you to the base of the weapon.It's a bit of a maze down there,but between me and Erica,we can show you the way".Dustin says.

"You can show us the way?".Hopper says.

"Don't worry,you can do all the fighting and the dangerous hero shit,and we'll just be your navigators".Dustin says.


Hopper walks over to where they have all the weapons.

I sit down on the counter next to Robin,looking at Max who's with El.

"You like her,don't you?".Robin says.

"What?".I ask as I look at her.

"You're dating Max".Robin replies.

"Yeah,I am".I say with a smile. "You're not against it,right?".

"No".Robin laughs. "I'm also a lesbian".

"Oh,that's cool".I say.

"Are you in love with her?".Robin asks.

I stay silent for a moment.

"Yeah".I reply as I look at Max. "Yeah,I am".

I walk over to my friends as we watch Hopper load up the guns.

"Well,that settles it.He's gonna die.They're gonna die".Erica says.

"Yep,most likely".Dustin says.

"You guys survived".I say.

"Barely".Dustin looks at us. "We could've really used you guys down there".

"Could've used you up here,too".Mike says.

"Yeah,man.We missed you,dude".Lucas says.

"Yeah.Big time".Will says.

Dustin walks over to us and we all huddle up.

"I missed you guys,too.Big time".Dustin says.

"Please don't cry nerds".Erica says and we all look at her.

"Erica".Lucas says.

"Keep saying my name,see what happens".Erica says.

"Hey,heads up.You can navigate,just from someplace safe".Hopper throws Dustin a radio.

"It's not that simple".Dustin says.

"The signal won't reach".Erica says.

"Not with this.You need something with a high enough frequency band to relay with the Russians' radio tower.But for that to work,you need someone who has both seen their comma room and has access to a super powered handcrafted radio tower,one preferably already situated at the highest point in Hawkins.Oh,wait.That's me".Dustin says. "If you want us to navigate,you got us.But we need a head start.And a car".

As the Robin,Dustin,Steve and Erica go outside to the car,the rest of us stay in the mall before we're gonna go aswell.

Max sits next to me,waiting for everyone else.

"I'm scared".She mutters looking down. "What if that thing finds us again?".

"If we hide,it won't".I say.

Max looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Hey,don't cry".I say as I wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes.I cup her face and look into her eyes. "I know this is scary,I'm freaked out too.But we have to stay strong".

"I know.I'm just worried about everyone.And Billy.What will happen to him?".Max says.

"After we close the gate,I'm sure he'll turn back to normal.For now we just have to keep El safe.The mind flayer is after her".I tell her.

Max gives me a sad smile before we lean in,our lips joining.

"Not to disturb you but we need to go".Mike says.

We pull away and I grab Max's hands,pulling her up.

We watch as El hugs Hopper and me,Max and Mike walk over to El to help her up.

"Mike".Hopper says and we turn around. "Be careful".

Me and Max help El and Mike walks back over.

We walk out of the mall,the neon lights still shining bright and the summer night breeze fills the air.El grunts in pain as we slowly help her towards the car.

"El,you're bleeding".Max says.

"Are you ok?".Mike asks.

"Yeah".El replies.

"Are you sure?".I look at her.

"Yes,I'm ok".El says.

I open the trunk door and El climbs in,laying down.Mike goes to sit in the back seat while me and Max sit with El.Nancy turns the keys and tries to start the car but it doesn't.She tries again and nothing.

"What's wrong?".Johnathan asks.

"I don't know".Nancy replies.

The engine sputters but nothing happens.Max looks at me.

"You can't be serious.Come on!".Nancy says.

"Didn't your mom just buy this car?".Lucas asks.

"Yes.I'm sure it's fine".Nancy replies.

"Did you leave the lights on?".Will asks.

"No".Nancy replies.

"Do we have gas?".Lucas says.

"Yes!".Nancy shouts.

Nancy turns the key again but noting happens.

"Come on!".She shouts.

"Whoa,whoa,whoa.Just,stop,stop.".Johnathan says. "Pop the hood".

Johnathan gets out of the car and so does Nancy.I look over at El who's looking down at her leg.

"Is everything ok?".I ask.

"Yes".She replies.

Suddenly,we hear a car engine roaring.We turn our heads and see a car.It's Billy.

"Shit".I say.

"Back in the mall".Nancy says opening the car door. "Back in the mall!Go!Go!Go!Go!".

Me and Max help El out the back of the car.

"Be careful".Mike says as El gets out.

We sit back inside the mall as Mike talks on his radio,trying to get the others.

Me,Max and Will watch as Nancy takes the gun off of one of the Russians.

"You're gonna kill him,aren't you?".Max asks.

"This is just a precaution,ok?".Nancy replies.

"And not just against Billy".Will says.

"If he knows we're here,so does the mind flayer".I look at Max.

"Scoops troop,I repeat,we are in need of emergency transportation.Do you copy?".We watch as Mike walks with the radio.

"No chance that thing will drive,right?".Nancy looks at the car El threw.

"We don't need it to drive.We just need the ignition cable".Johanthan says.

We all help out trying to flip the car over.My arms start to burn as nothing happens and we all drop the car.

"Shit!".I shout.

"Let me try".El says standing with Will.

"El".Mike says.

"I can do it".El says,

We all stand back as we watch El lift her hand up.The car creaks and the metal squeels but nothing happens.

My arms feel like they're going to fall of as we try and lift the car again.I push the car up with the stools from the bar and we manage to lift it onto it's side.

"All right,now,all the way.Ready?".Johnathan says. "Three,two,one....push".

We push the car and it flips over.

"Told you.Physics".Mike says.

I help Max back down from the bar table and Nancy and Johnathan try go towards the car.Me and Max watch as El looks into the bin.

"What is she doing?".Max says and both me,Max and Mike look at each other.

The three of us walk over to her as she looks at a can.

"El.You ok?".Mike says.

El looks at us at us before looking back at the can.

Suddenly,there's a sound of rumbling.The ground shakes and I look at Max who's looking up.I look up aswell and so does Mike.The glass starts cluttering.

"Nancy!".Mike shouts.

A creature snarls and we all turn around to run.The mind flayer is here.The glass shutters behind us as we run.

Me,Max,El and Mike hide behind a counter as the ground shakes.Max squeezes my hand.The monster growls and roars.I listen to the sounds of the monster snarling which I assume means it's right next to us.The monsters footsteps then walk away.The lights flash around us.Mike looks ups and the monster growls.

"It's turned away.If we go up the stairs now,we'll make it".Mike says.

"No way,not with El's leg".Max says.

"We won't make it".I say.

"We have to try".Mike says.

"There's another way to get out.Through the Gap".El says.

Mike looks up again.


We run over to the shop and El falls over,causing things to make a sound.We quickly hide behind a shelf as the monster makes it way over to us.It screeches at something before it flings as mannequin and it lands next to us.We sit behind the shelf as the monster looks around.Then a balloon pops and the mind flayer screeches,walking away.

"Let's go".Mike says.

I grab Max's hand and pull her up.We run over to a backdoor and run up the hallway.The four of us run up the stairs and through some more halls before we get out.We open a gate and help El out of it but then we see Billy.

"Shit".I say.

"Go,go,go,go!".Mike shouts.

Max quickly hits the button and the gate starts to close.We run back inside the building.The lights flash as we make our way through the hall.

"In here.In here".Mike says.

"Billy".Max says and we all turn around. "Billy,you don't have to do this.Billy.Your name's Billy,Billy Hargrove.You live on 4819 Cherry Lane.Billy,please,I'm Max,I'm your-".Max gets cut off as Billy knocks her out.

"Max!".I shout as she falls to the floor.

I run up to Billy and try and push him but he pushes me back making me fall and hit my head.My eyes close and everything goes black.

Then,my eyes slowly open as the flashing lights blind me.I sit and clutch my head,looking over at Max.

"Max!".I shout.

I walk over to her,shaking her awake.She opens her eyes and looks up at me as I hug her tightly.

"Are you ok?".I cup her face and she nods grabbing my arms.

I look over at Mike who's also laying on the floor.Max and I run up to him.

"Mike.Mike.Mike,get up.Get the fuck up now!".I shout and I shake him.

Mike lifts his head up and he looks at me and Max.He looks around as the two of us help him up.

"Where's El?".He says.

The three of us run out into the mall and we see the mind flayer and Billy in a stand off against each other.There's fire everywhere and I can see El on thr floor.The monster roars and launches an arm at Billy who stops it.The monster launches an arm and it attaches to Billy.Then another.The another.And another.And another.The monster roars and Billy screams.It launches another arm that goes into his chest.

"Billy!".Max screams.

All the arms deattach from him and he falls onto the ground.

Suddenly,the monster screeches and it starts to wriggle around.It falls onto the floor,fire all around it.

Mike runs over to El and hugs her and Max slowly walks over to Billy.I stand still frozen.

"Billy.Billy,Billy,get up,please.Billy,get up,please,please".I hear Max say.

"I'm sorry".He says.

"Billy,Billy.Wake up".Max shakes him. "Billy,get up.Please".

I run over to her and pull her onto my lap as she sobs.Max hugs me tight and I feel tears start falling out of my eyes.

"It's ok.It's ok".I say.

Max wraps her arms around me tighter and sobs into me making me cry even harder.

I sit in an ambulance as I look down at my feet.I have a bandage on my head from my wound.Military men and firemen walk around me.The Starcour Mall neon sign still shines bright despite the fire going on behind it.

"Y/N!".I look up when I hear my name called.It's my mom.

I stand up as she runs over to me,hugging me.I can't help but sob into her shoulder.

"Y/N,honey,are you ok?".My mom asks me brushing the hair out of my face.

"Yeah,I'm ok".I reply.

She hugs me again,tighter this time and I let the tears fall.

That night,everything in our lives changed.

3 Months Later.

I walk out of my room.The afternoon sun shining in through the windows.A slight breeze filling my house.My mom is reading a book in the living room.

My dad moved out after what happened at Starcourt that night and my parents are getting a divorce.I still feel angry at my dad,there was a time in these 3 months were I wouldn't get out of my room.The reason being I was quite traumatiesed after what happened,hearing everyone talking about Hopper,Starcourt,Billy.But also because of my dad.

"Hey,mom.Are you ready to go?".I say as I pull on my shoes.

"Yeah,hold on.I just have to get your sister ready".She says.

We drive over to the Byers house.They're moving today and my hear slightly drops when I see the car outside with a U Haul.

I walk into the house,saying hi to Joyce and Will.My mom walks over to Joyce and she hugs her.I take my sisters hand and lead her over to where Max,Dustin and Lucas are.They're singing and Daisy laughs as she watches them,bringing a smile to my face.

"What are you guys doing?".I ask.

"They're bullying me".Dustin replies.

Max's face lights up when she sees me and then she looks down at my little sister.

"Oh my god,it's Daisy".She says as she walks over.

Daisy wraps her arms around Max and hugs her,giggling.

"Max,when are you going to come over again?".Daisy asks.

"Hmm....I don't know".Max replies.She looks up at me and smirks. "Call me when Y/N is out of the house,then I'll come over at we can watch Snow White"

"Excuse me but I also want to watch movies with you".I say pretending to be offended.

"You always fall asleep".Max says.

"I do not".

"Yeah,you do".Daisy says.

"You're suppose to be on my team".I look at her.

After hugging Max some more,Daisy walks back to my mom.Dustin and Lucas hand me some boxes and make me take them out to the U Haul.I put the boxes in the U Haul before going back into the kitchen.I walk to the back of the house and pick up some more boxes.

"Hey".I turn around and see Max.

"Hi".I say putting the boxes down. "How are you holding up?".

"I'm....managing".Max says.

I walk over to her and take her hands into mine.

"Well,you could come home with us and watch movies with me to cheer you up".I say.

"I don't think Daisy would let me".Max smiles.

"I'd hide you in my room".I tell her. "She'd never find you".

Max and I laugh and look into each others eyes.

"Everything is going to change,isn't it?".Max asks.

"It already has".I reply. "I'm going to miss them so much".

"I know,so will I".Max says. "Just when me and El started to get along,everything has to be ruined".

"We'll still see them,you know.During the holidays".I tell her.

Max nods and we go silent.She looks down before looking up at me.

"I heard you and Mike talking.That day at the cabin".She says.

"Oh,you did?".I say.

I panic,Max knows what me and Mike were talking about.What if she thinks I don't love her because I didn't say anything?What if she doesn't love me?

"Yeah,and I heard you talking to Robin aswell".Max says.

"Oh".I say.

" me?".Max looks up at me.

"Of course I love you".I tell her. "I love you,Maxine Mayfield".

"Well,that's good because I love you too,Y/N Y/L/N".Max says as she steps closer to me.

Max wraps her arm around my neck and I place my hands on her waist.We lean in and our lips touch.It feels like as if a million butterflies are flying around my stomach and I feel Max smile into the kiss.We pull away and our foreheads stay touching.Out of breath,me and Max giggle.

We stand outside as Joyce closes the U Haul.She looks back at us and I start to feel tears welling up in my eyes.I hug Will tightly.

"I'm going to miss you".I say.

"Me too".Will says.

I hug Johnathan and then Joyce,tears running down my cheeks.

"Take care of yourself,Y/N".Joyce says.

"You too".I smile sadly.

I hug El tightly and I feel her sob into my shoulder.

"I'll see you soon,El".I say.

"See you soon".El says.

"I'm going to miss you".I say.

"I'm going to miss you too".El says.

Max wraps her arms around mine,placing her head on my shoulder as we watch as the two cars drive away before disappearing down the driveway.

When we get home,Max lays down on my bed and so do I,tears still rolling down our cheeks.

"I can't believe they're gone".Max says. "I can't believe Billy's gone".

"Me too".I say.

Max wraps her arms around me and places her head on my chest.wrap my arms around her.

Everything has changed.

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