
By cvrvmvrie

1M 19.2K 7.2K

After aundreya has woken up as a vampire, there is a life of complications and suprises. More

Chapter 1 .
Chapter 2 .
Chapter 3 .
Chapter 4 .
Chapter 5 .
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 .
Chapter 8 .
Chapter 9.
Chappy 10.
Chapter 12.
chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Side note.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chappy 11.

28.8K 480 101
By cvrvmvrie

Woken chap 11

THANK YOU for commenting :)

chapter 11.

When me and Luke got back to our meeting place we were laughing. We raced the whole way back which was almost 50 miles.

When we were done laughing we inspected each other. I had a little blood on the sides of my lips and a little bit on my top. Luke had NOTHING on him. At all.

" Luke you have like nothing on you." i said. Luke smirked. " ive had lots of practice princess," he said.

I rolled my eyes. Then I realized something... Luke won the bet. I have to kiss him. SHIT! My eyes widened while Luke smirked knowingly. I bet he knew exactly what i was thinking about.

" okay. We can go back to the house now," i said smiling innocently trying to make him forget about the kiss. i failed.

" nice try princess. Its not gonna work on smart old Luke here," he said pointing at himself. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Afterwards i dont want to feel like i cheated on Damien.

Luke smiled and walked closer to me. If i was human my heart would be beating a million beats a second.

He walked closer and grabbed my hands looking into my eyes.

" relax princess. Its just a kiss. Damien doesnt have to know." Luke whispered.

I sighed and nodded. Luke smiled and leaned his face closer to mine. I hesitently did the same thing. He pulled my hands still tangled in his around his waist and gently pressed his lips to mine.

His lips were warm and soft. Totally different than kissing Damien. After that one soft kiss he pulled me closer eliminating any space between us. He kissed me rougher and brought his hands to cup my face.

I grabbed the shirt that was on his hips and made a fist with it and kissed him back.

Then i heard russling of the trees and a hiss. I pulled my face away from Luke his shirt still in my hands and looked toward where i heard the sound.

When i saw what was standing there i quickly pulled away from Luke putting as much space between us as possible as my eyes widened. He wasn't supposed to be here!

Damien was leaning against a tree a few metres from us watching as the wind blew his white hair in his face.His eyes were pure black. No signs of white. This was NOT good....

" D-Damien, " I stuttered. He flicked his eyes toward Luke then looked back at me. " what the fuck is going on?" Damien asked his voice dripping with venom.

" Damien I-I, we, Luke , um." I sighed in frustration. Why was this so hard for me to explain?

I took a step closer to Damien. Then another and another, until I was standing in front of him. His eyes were cold,hard, and furious.

" Damien it was just a bet. Okay? That's the only reason I kissed him. We made a bet about who could come back cleanest after 3 kills. He won and he wanted a kiss. Damien please!" I yelled grabbing for him as he started to walk away. He looked back at me with pain and anger in his eyes.

" aundreya, don't. You made the choice of kissing him. It was your choice now you have to face the consequences." he said glaring behind me at Luke, and walking into the trees.

" DAMIEN STOP ! I love you! I don't care anymore about what you did to my parents! Please don't be mad at me for this!" I yelled.

Damien looked me right in the eyes not saying a word. Then he walked into the trees and out of sight.

I screamed in frustration and stomped my foot. " I'm so sorry princess. I didn't mean to mess up your relationship with Damien." Luke said glumly his hands in the pockets and looking down. I sighed fighting tears.

" don't worry about it Luke. It's not your fault. It was mostly my fault for liking the kiss," I muttered. " and for being messy," I added on making Luke smile.

I smiled back but it wasn't a full happy smile. It was an ' I'm just putting this smile on so people think I'm okay,' smile. And Luke saw through it. His smile faded and he walked up to me and engulfed me in a tight embrace.

In Lukes warm arms I just broke down. I cried. I cried because of Damien,because of Cecilia,because of my parents,and because of my dead beat friend. Alex. I missed her so much, I really needed a girlfriend at times like these. But she's gone, and never coming back. Luke just held me and comforted me while I cried.

" Luke you really are an amazing person," I whispered pulling away when I stopped crying.

" oh, I know," Luke winked making me laugh. I rolled my eyes grabbing his hand and pulling him the way back to the house. I could hear Luke's heart rate speed up when I touched him. I smiled a little at this. I wonder if Damien was human , he would have the same reaction.

I know I had a way worse reaction when Damien was around me. When I was human.


When Luke and I got back to the house the guys were sitting, looking out the window. All of them except damien. When they saw me all their eyes were wide with sadness. I wonder why?

Maybe they heard about me and Damien.

I locked eyes with Luke and walked into the house. All the guys were in the living room watching tv like nothing happend.

I rolled my eyes. Luke went and sat beside Jake. I walked to the kitchen and jumped up on the counter with my arms wrapped around myself. I sat there for a few minutes just thinking. Then I heard it.

A giggle.

A high pitched giggle. Coming from upstairs. My eyes instently went black and I stiffened. I slowly jumped off the counter. " Jake. Mute the TV." I said. Everyone looked at me sympitheticly and did as I asked.

It was really quiet and I could hear everything. There, indeed, WAS high pitched giggling coming from upstairs. And voices. One of them being Damien. My breath came out as pants. Jayson came up to me and looked me in the eyes. " cupcake.." I didn't let him finish. " is he cheating on me?" I asked getting right to the point.

Nobody said a word. I pushed Jay away from me and walked up the stairs, ready to kill someone.

I got to the top of the stairs and stopped infront of Damien's door. I heard a low chuckle and smacking noises. Please let me be wrong. Please let Damien be practicing kissing with a talking doll not a girl. Please let Damien not cheat on me.

I tried to turn the door knob but it was locked. I didn't care.

I broke the knob. As I did so all the guys piled into the hallway. I glanced at them before bursting in the door. When I saw what I did I felt a dark energy go through me.

Damien was on his bed with some girl on his lap. They were making out. It was getting pretty serious too. Damien and the slut I was gonna kill both had their shirts off.


When they heard the door open they both turned. Damien looked smug. Fucking dick. And then I met the familiar eyes of the skank.

" Brianna." I sneered.


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