COTE: Kiyopon's Adventures (O...


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Alright. Just writing a bunch of random ideas and stories about our boy, Kiyopon. More

The loners' senpais
Flustered senpai?!
Suck it Mako-chan
Cuddles with girlfriend-chan
what the hell did i write in this chapter
Suck it Mako-chan 2
what the hell did i write in this chapter...again
50%-kun living the high life, man
Actually suck it Mako-chan
Kiyo sneaks into ANHS
Ayanokouji Group Stalk Session
Queen's on the hunt
Book buddy hangout
Reaction interlude
Kiyopon x Genshin Impact
CEO Kiyotaka
CEO Kiyotaka (Part 2)

heh? a reaction? author-san is lazy

5.6K 107 77

Hmm am I lazy?


But dont mind it. There's a bit of foreshadowing here or whatever. I'll say it at the end of the chapter. Btw KiyoKei ain't a thing here. Enjoy the reaction fic (hopefully).

Third Person POV

The students of ANHS were all transported into a huge theater, while there was a young male at the stage.

The protagonist himself, Kiyopon, woke up to see that he was seated between Hiyori and Amikura. With the former on his right, and the latter on his left. They were both still sleeping, and resting their heads on his shoulders.

How has this man not died from being sandwiched by these two cute beings.

He checked his surroundings. Ryueen and Sakayanagi were seated behind him. The Ayanokouji Group were in front of them. And for the rest of the seats, well who gives a shit. You'll probably see them later on.

His eyes wandered to the stage, where a mysterious male, around his age, probably younger, was sitting at the stage floor and waving at him.

He raised his eyebrow, when the mysterious male stood up and opened his mouth.

"Wakey wakey motherfuckers!" He shouted, which was heard throughout the whole theater.

Everyone slowly woke up and were shocked to be in this situation.

Hiyori and Mako woke up to blush immediately, after seeing where they slept.

"Huh?! Sorry for sleeping on your shoulder, Ayanokouji-kun." They said in unison.

"It's alright. I didn't mind." Kiyopon said.

They both timidly nodded, with a tint of red on their cheeks.

"What the hell is happening! Where are we?!?!" Shouted Ike.

"And why the fuck does Ayanokouji have two cute girls beside him!" Shouted Miyamoto.

The mysterious male spoke again. "Alright. Before you all freak the fuck out, I need you to hear me out." He paused to see that they paid attention to him. "Cool. Well my name is ItzPrism. Just call me Prism, for short. Also, I'm a god that brought you all here to react to some videos."

"Look, dude. We know you're just a kidnapper. Stop with this god shit." Sudou said.

"Yeah! We even outnumber you, so we're reacting to jack shit. Now let us go, before we beat you up." Ike said.

"I suppose this was expected. Alright. So I'm going to prove myself by summoning Yama-soon-to-be-dead." Prism said, before snapping his fingers and summoning Yama- yeah no that nickname is way too long.

"Huh? What the hell- hey wait Kanji! Ken! Yo guys I'm here!" Yama-soon-to-be-dead shouted. The two mentioned people were happy to see their friend, while the others just wore faces of disgust from his presence.

Prism taps his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey dude. I'm gonna have to cut this reunion short, because you'll be going on a date." He said that with an evil grin, while Yamauchi, the clueless degenerate, brightened up in excitement.

"Oh? Who is it?" Yamauchi, the bastard asked.

"Her name is black hole-chan." He snapped his fingers and great black hole-chan was summoned underneath Yamauchi, the fucking horny freak.

"Who? Ahhh-!" Before he could ask more, he fell down black hole-chan and is going to get sucked dry. In a deadly way.

"Wha-?! Haruki!" Yamauchi, the sad fuck's only friends said in unison. These two deserve someone at least better than that loser.

Anyways, let's probably stop with the Yamauchi slander...for now.

"He'll be fine. Black hole-chan is a suprisingly considerate woman." 'And a hot one. Honestly, that guy's pretty lucky but I won't say that out loud.' Prism said and thought.

"So, I assume you believe me now?" He paused and they nodded. "Cool. If you didn't, you would have probably ended up like that bastard."

A black-haired woman raised her hand.

"Uh yes, Horikita?" Prism said.

"Prism-san, what videos are we going to react to here?" The compass-wielding devil said.

"Good question." He said, then turning to look at the protagonist with a grin.

'Sayonara peaceful life.' Kiyopon thought.

'Don't worry man. I doubt this will ruin it...I think.' Prism telepathized to Kiyopon.

'I'm not even going to ask how you can do that' Kiyopon...thought?...said?....I don't know.

"Well, to answer your question, Horikita, it's going to be alternate universes centered around this guy." He said, while pointing at our protagonist.

"Kukuku. That's pretty interesting. Right, Sakayanagi?" Ryueen said.

"Fufufu. I wholeheartedly agree, dragon boy-kun." Arisu said.

"Say that again, and I'll break your legs."

"Huh? Why that gloomy loner? It should be Hirata-kun!" The Hiratards said, while Hirata was just awkwardly laughing.

"I'm obviously better than these two. It should be me." Ike righteously proclaimed. I give up with this bullshit.

"Shut the fuck up. I can't deal with typing your delusions." Prism said. Everyone just had question marks on their heads from what he said.

"Anyways, the title of the video you're gonna be reacting to is 'Suck it Mako-chan'." Prism casually said.

"Huh?!" Mako, upon hearing the title, blushed from the possible outcomes that are going to be shown on screen.

"Huh? M-Mako-chan? A-and what is she s-sucking?" Ichinose was in fear of being NTR'd, when Kiyopon ain't even her man.

"Damn King! He's already on the move, and it doesn't look like he's gonna leave anything else for us. Respect!" Hashimoto said. Respect to you too, bro.

"Kuku. Expected nothing less from monster." Ryueen said.

"Ha. Well done, T-rex-kun. You're finally reaching my level, albeit slowly." Kouenji said.

The boys who were there in Volume 8 laughed, while the girls were confused about what it meant. The girls who understood, though, were either bright red, or pervertedly grinning to themselves.

"As expected from my Kouhai~kun." Kiryuuin said.

"What are they talking about, Fuka-chan?" Asahina asked.

"I think it's better if we experience it first-hand, Nazuna." She said, while looking at Kiyopon with a dangerously seductive smile.

'I'm being hunted down by my two hot senpais now. I'm conflicted.' Kiyopon thought.

"Well it's not what you think...I think. Whatever. Let's just get started." Prism said.

Ever since I helped Ichinose, or rather Honami, with her problem back then with Nagumo and her emotional problems, we have gotten closer as friends. We got to hangout more during this spring break. Most of the time, Amikura, or rather Mako, would also join us just to tease Honami. Mako and I also got closer as friends, and the three of us would have fun every now and then when we hangout.

"Nagumo, what did you do to my favorite kouhai?" Nazuna said, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"I-I don't k-know what y-you're talking about, Nazuna. It's an alternate universe, a-after all." Nagumo sweat-dropped.

"Want a knife, Asahina?" Prism asked.

"Gladly." She said with a sadistic smile.

"Hey wai- AHHH!" Nagumo shrieked like a little girl, as Asahina chased him down.

"Umm...Ignoring that. Thank you Ayanokouji-kun for helping me back then." Ichinose said.

"I have to thank you too, Ayanokouji. Who knows what could have happened without her." Kanzaki said. That's new. He's not immediately an obnoxious dude in a reaction fic.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to help a friend." Kiyopon said, to which Ichinose and Kanzaki smiled and nodded, respectively.

One day, I got a message from the Ayanokouji Group Chat.

[Hey you guys wanna hangout at Pallet Café later at noon?] Haruka

"Annnnnd another day of getting dragged around by Haruka." Keisei said.

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean, Yukimuu? I don't always do that." Haruka pouted.

"You do." Akibro and Kiyopon said.

Where's Airi? Uhh, who?

[I'm down to hangout. How about you guys?] Akito

[I was planning on just studying today, but I could use some rest. Sure.] Keisei

[Oh uh sure I'm willing to join. How about you Kiyotaka-kun?] Airi

I was going to respond, when I got a message from Mako.

[Hey Kiyo. Honami and I are free today. Do you wanna hangout?] MAKO-CHAN ehem uh yeah

"Wow King! I thought it would have been you asking the girls to hangout. Looks like they just keep coming to you." Hashimoto said.

"Monster sure is a fucking lady killer. Even literally." Ryueen said.

'Phew. At least Mako-chan asks him, along with me. It would be scary if it was just the two of them, because she's pretty cute, too.' Ichinose thought.

'Ooh. Thank you for the compliment, Honami-chan, but I'm afraid that Ayanokouji-kun is pretty handsome y'know, and I'm still a healthy young teenage girl...' Mako thought.

'Ehh? What? How are you talking to me, Mako-chan?'

Prism was somewhere innocently whistling, wait, he can't even whistle.

'Also, don't do that Mako-chan!'

'I was just teasing you, Honami-chan. Or was I? Hehehe' She even giggled in her thoughts.

'Wait wha-' Prism cut off their communication, before it could escalate any further.

He sent a thumbs-up to Mako, to which she cutely nodded.

'Don't worry, Mako-chan. I'm on your side.' Prism thought. Okay it may be favoritism, but here's my explanation:

It's Mako-chan.

That's all I have to say.

I was weighing my options here. Although I could definitely say that Mako, Honami, and I have hung out a few times this spring break, it'd definitely not as many as I have with the Ayanokouji Group. I'm not hating on them or anything, but I would like to have more friends. Perhaps, having many friends can help me rid of my inhumane mentality.

'Inhumane mentality?' Matsushita thought.

"Hey Kiyopon, what mentality are you talking about? You're a really kind friend, y'know." Haruka said.

"Yeah Kiyotaka. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to come to us." Akito said.

"I apologize, but I know better than anyone that I do, in fact, have one. Though, I'd prefer if we don't talk about this." Kiyopon said.

"You're really suspicious, Kiyotaka." Keisei said.

"Hey Keisei, just drop it off. We gotta respect Kiyotaka's privacy." Akito said.

"Yes, I agree with Akito-kun." Airi said. Okay, I remember her now.

"Fine." Keisei said.

Wait, I'm overthinking this. They just wanna hangout, yet I'm making it sound like we all have ulterior motives with this. Yeah, I'll just hangout with Mako and Honami today.

"You do tend to overthink simple things like these, Ayanokouji-kun." Horikita said.


"That wasn't a compliment."

I then went to send my respective messages.

[Sorry guys. I already had plans to hangout with someone else today.]

[Oh okay that's alright Kiyopon, but who are you hanging out with if you dont mind me asking.] Haruka

[Are they girls? Ooh Kiyopon you playboy.]

"You sure like to tease Kiyotaka, Haruka." Akito said.

"Well, it doesn't really work, when it just goes over his head."

[Huh? girls?] Airi

Why do I feel like she's fainting? Probably just me.

Airi also fainted, because that's one less person to write dialogues for.

[ I don't understand why hanging out with girls would make someone a playboy, Haruka.]

"See my point?" Haruka said.

"I guess it's just one of his specialties." Akito chuckled.

"A dense t-rex huh. I wonder how heavy it would be, too." I don't even know what the fuck Ryueen is saying at this point.

"Are you asking me, Ryueen-san?" Ishizaki said.

"Shut the hell up, Ishizaki."

[You really are dense Kiyopon, but whatever. Who are they?]

[Yeah Kiyotaka. It's pretty unusual of you to have plans with friends already. No offense.] Keisei

[None taken. They're Honami and Mako.]

[Wow Ichinose-san and Amikura-san. Who knew you could pull in such S-tier girls. Nice.] Akito

"Actually, what the hell is with this loner being friends with so many hot girls?" Hondo said.

"I know right. Just because he's got the biggest t-rex, doesn't mean he's gotta get all girls." Miyamoshit said.

"Heck! Even I'm worthier than he ever could be." Ike said. Okay shut yer fucking trap, you piece of shit.

"Hey shut up you perverts! Kiyopon is a better man than you'll ever be." Haruka shouted.

"How about you stop being so creepy, before you start insulting Kiyotaka." Said Kei.

"Yeah, my senpai is more handsome than anyone alive, even you." Amasawa said. I almost forgot about the first-years.

"YEAH!" shouted all of the first-year girls, or Ayanokouji Fan Club.

The girls involved with Kiyopon all glared at the perverts, and they cried and pissed their pants. Jesus christ. Cleanup on aisle 7.


[Hmm alright that's fine with us Kiyopon. We can't monopolize you for ourselves after all. Have fun in your hangout.] Haruka

[Yeah, we'll just hang out without you this time, but make up for it next time dude. Got it?] Akito

[Alright guys thanks.]

I then went to message Mako.

[Alright. I'm free as well today Mako. We can hang out.]

[Yay! Alright let's meet at Keyaki Mall, 1PM. Got it?]

[Okay. See you there Mako.]

With that out of the way, I decided to get ready for my hangout with Mako and Honami. It was already 11AM, so I decided to cook lunch.

"He can cook?" Said a random female student.

"Uwah! Boyfriend material."

"Update the ikemen rankings, girls!"

As they were saying this, a lot of the boys started glaring at Kiyopon.

'I didn't ask for this, you guys. It's not my fault. Stop glaring at me.' Kiyopon thought.

After I ate lunch, I went to take a bath. 

The scene didn't explicitly show him naked while taking a bath, but there was still the silhouette of his body and you-know-what.

Many girls blushed a bright red at the size of it. Though they couldn't see it, their imagination was more than enough to fill the blanks.

'So big...' All the girls thought.

'Hmm? What's that strange toiletry hanging on Ayanokouji-kun?' Hiyori's innocence is, fortunately, still intact.

'Ehh? Ayanokouji-kun''s is that supposed to....' Ecchinose was in a daze.

'Fufu. As expected of you, Ayanokouji-kun.' Arisu thought.

'Ahh~ senpai~ you manage to impress me everytime~' Amasawa thought, while rubbing her thighs.

'I already fell in love with you, Ayanokouji-kun. Now I really want to be yours.' Mako thought, while also rubbing her thighs.

'Tch. He beat us all with that monster.' All the boys thought, except the designated chads.

I dried myself, then wore my casual clothes. Plain white shirt, with a blue jacket. I then wore my jeans and shoes.

It was already 45 minutes before our hangout. So I decided to head to Keyaki Mall already. It never hurts to be early.

"You learned that from me!" Haruka proudly exclaimed.

It was the designated time for our hangout, when I noticed Mako walking towards me. She looked pretty, with a light blue dress and a white jacket. I also noticed that her hair wasn't in its usual ponytail. It was let down and flowed in the air beautifully.

'Cute.' All the boys thought.

She blushed and that's when I realized that I had been staring for too long. I stood up and approached her.

"Oh, so when I stare, I get called a creep, but when he does it, they blush." Said some random male student.

"That's 'cause he's a handsome bastard, and you know it." Ryueen surprisingly said.

"Hey Mako. Sorry for staring. You just looked nice." I probably had to clear up some misunderstandings.

"Huh? Oh it's alright Kiyo. I don't mind." She also blushed a bit harder, probably from my compliment.

"Smooth, King. Smooth." All the chads said.

"Before we hangout, I wanted to ask where Honami is. Is she okay?" I noticed that Honami wasn't here. Normally, both of them would arrive together, so it was a bit unusual.

"Hmm yes. How unusual." Said Mako.

"Do you know what your alternate self did, Mako-chan?" Said Chihiro.

"I may have an idea." Mako replied.

"Oh she told me earlier that she had to cancel last minute, because she wasn't feeling all too well." 'Actually I never planned to invite Honami-chan, and just made it a reason for Kiyo to hangout with just me.' Mako thought.

"Great job, me!" Mako said.

"I see. Well I apologize in advance, if you get bored with my company."

"Well I disagree Kiyo. I don't think I'll get bored, as long as you're around." She realizes what she said and covers her mouth from embarrassment.

"Oh okay that's good to know. Alright. What are your plans for our hangout Mako?" I asked her, but she probably thought of this spontaneously and will just improvise.

"Right. Well how about we head to Pallet Café first, since it's the go-to spot for every hangout."

"Fine by me. Let's go."

She nods and we head to Pallet Café.

Come to think of it, I'm sure the Ayanokouji Group just arrived there around an hour ago. What are the chances that we'll meet there. I did tell them that I was hanging out with Mako and Honami. If they'll see it's just the two of us, they'll assume that I lied and think that I was having a secret date with Mako. That'd definitely be troublesome to deal with, but I can probably clear up some misunderstandings with them. I suppose it becomes more of a problem, if rumors started brewing from this. At the end, I got myself in quite a predicament with Mako. Let's just hope that it won't bother either of us too much.

"You sure like to think hmm, Ayanokouji." Kanzaki said.

"It's just the traits of being a loner, Kanzaki." Kiyopon said.

"Bullshit..." muttered all the people that knew about his abilities.

We arrived at Pallet Café and I noticed some people quickly glancing at us. They're probably wondering why a gloomy loner is having a date with this beautiful black haired woman. Not that it's a date, but my point stands.

"Not going to lie. That's what I would have thought too." Said a random first-year male.

"Hey shut it. Don't insult Ayanokouji-senpai, or I'll put you in a casket." Surprisingly, Nanase said that with a dark tone which caused the first-year to faint.

"Who knew that master's puppy could also bark." Hosen said.

"You too, Hosen-kun. Only senpai gets to call me a puppy." Nanase said, which caused Hosen to shake.

'What did I do to her.' Kiyopon thought.

I also noticed that I was right and the Ayanokouji Group was off in the corner of the café.

From this position, it's possible for Mako and I to stay at the café and not be spotted by them. I just have to be careful about this, and I'll succeed...

"Huh? Hey Kiyopon! Is that you?"

...or not.

The entire audience laughed at his despair.

Dang woman. What senses do you have to immediately notice me in the café. I was out here monologuing about a plan to avoid you guys and you just shattered it instantly. Perhaps, it's a motherly instinct to know your child is nearby. Wait, what am I talking about. Haruka isn't my mother.

"Hey that hurt, Kiyopon. Give me a hug as an apology." Haruka pouted.

"But that's not me, Haruka."

"I don't care. Whatever. I'll just hug you, myself." HaruKaa-san approached Kiyopon and hugged him, while he was being choked to death by her huge melons.

"Haruka, you can stop hugging me now." Ignoring his protest, Haruka hugged him even tighter.

"Hey, Haruka. You gotta let go." Akito said.

"Hey, Keisei. Help me out with getting Haruka off of Kiyotaka."

"Huh what? Alright." Keisei said.

They both grabbed Haruka and used all they had to take her off of Kiyopon. They eventually managed to do that and put Haruka back on her seat.

"Hey, Miyatchii, Yukimuu. Me and Kiyopon were having a mother and son moment!" Haruka exclaimed.

"Seemed to be a little bit more than that, Haruka." Akito said.

"Sweet home Alabama..." The Professor muttered, but no one heard him.

"Thanks for that, Akito, Keisei." Kiyopon thanked them, and they just sent him a thumbs-up.

Anyways, Mako and I noticed Haruka's callout, and walked towards her.

"Hey there Haruka."

"Hi Kiyopon. It looks like you're hanging out with Amikura-san already. That's nice."

Mako smiled, then spoke.

"Hello there Hasebe-san. Kiyo talks about you guys sometimes. It's nice to finally meet you."

I could basically see question marks on the top of their heads, when she said my nickname. It seemed like they didn't bother to pry at least, thankfully.

"Likewise Amikura-san. We actually just got here, because some people were a bit late."

Akito and Keisei nervously laughed from her statement, before she spoke again.

"Sigh Some things never change." Haruka said.

"Hey! At least we're trying!" Akito and Keisei said at the same time.

"Anyways, do you two want to sit with us? Or are we interrupting your date?" Haruka asked with a teasing smirk on her face.

"Looks like your prediction was spot-on, Ayanokouji-kun." Hiyori said.

Mako quickly got flustered from the sudden question and was denying her claims. I, on the other hand, pretty much saw this coming. It's still troublesome though, I admit.

"Eh?! Uh wait no Hasebe-san! Kiyo and I are just hanging out! It's not a date!"

She realized she shouted that, admittedly, a bit too loud, and half of the people in the café turned to look at us. This amount of stares would normally be enough to embarrass someone to death, but I didn't care. All Mako did was hung her head down in embarrassment, while covering her face with her hands. This behavior seems all too familiar from a tomato-looking girl...

"Who's this tomato-looking girl, Ayanokouji-kun?" Asked Ichinose.

"Seriously?" Shibata said.

"What?" Ichinose said, and Shibata just gave out a sigh.

I decided to clear it up, before things could get out of hand.

"She's right, Haruka. We were just hanging out."

"Well Kiyopon, it's kind of weird that Ichinose-san isn't around. Especially, when you told us about it. Are you sure you weren't on a secret date and we caught you red-handed?" Sorry Haruka, but that's not enough to get me flustered. An A for effort though.

"It's pretty hard to get a reaction out of you with that poker face of yours, Ayanokouji." Sudou said.

"Monster could get stabbed, and still wouldn't let out anything." Ryueen said.

Horikita, Sudou, Hosen, and Nanase flinched from his rather specific comparison

Mako was a bit confused about why Haruka knew about our hangout, so she looked at me but quickly understood why. Good thing she didn't really mind. 

Anyways, I had to explain Ichinose's absence.

"She cancelled last minute, so it was left with just the two of us."

"Not gonna lie, Kiyotaka. You might as well just call it a date then." Akito said.

"And I also stand by that statement." Akito said.

"I'll leave it to your imagination."

I then looked at Mako, who managed to recover from the recent embarrassing incident.

"Mako, it's your decision if you want to sit with them or not. I don't mind."

She looked up at me before speaking.

"Huh? Oh sure I don't mind Kiyo. Would have been nicer if it was just us though." She muttered something at the end, but I couldn't hear it.

"Aww man. I should've been bolder there." Mako said.

"Usually, people say the other way around." Kanzaki said.

"And? I'm not always a tsundere, Kanzaki-kun."

"What was that?"

"Bullshit. No way that monster didn't hear her." Ryueen said.

"You'd be surprised how incompetent Ayanokouji-kun can be in these type of situations, dragon boy-kun." Arisu said.

"Huh?! Oh nothing!" She said that, while blushing. Afterwards, she went to take a seat at the group's table.


"I might have to believe you, loli."

During our time in the café, I didn't really notice any discomfort with Mako and the Ayanokouji Group in our conversations. She seemed to also have the same fun I did, whenever I hangout with them. It was nice to see that she could fit in our group of loners.

Haruka asked us about how close we were as friends, and we answered it with the situation about Honami back then. They were a bit surprised that it went this far back, but they were glad to see that I could make friends. Ouch That hurt you know.

"Hehe sorry, Kiyopon. It's just we're pretty used to you only having us, as friends." Haruka said.

"I see." Kiyopon said.

After around an hour, we all bid our farewells. They split up, while Mako and I were walking around in the mall, thinking of what to do next.

"Hey Kiyo. How about we go to arcade next?"

"Sure. I'd like to see what it's like in an arcade."

"You said that like it's your first time." Mako said.

"You're saying that like it's your first time."


"It is."

"Huh?" Was pretty much the audience's reaction.

"Huh? Were your parents that strict that you couldn't have fun in arcades."

"Unfortunately, that was the case."

"That's pretty sad, Ayanokouji-kun." Mako said with a melancholic face.

"I didn't really care. I was indifferent to anything that I had undergone in my childhood." Kiyopon said.

"Yeah, no, you're not getting any information about his past." Prism said. The students who were about to ask closed their mouths.

"Well then I'll do whatever it takes to make your first time fun."

She giggled after saying that.

"Why the hell can that be taken out of context..." Some random student muttered.

Honestly, I want to see what makes arcades fun, besides their attractive colors. Their games definitely seem to be fun from how most people act. Experiencing it with Mako will definitely make it more fun though.

We arrived at the arcade and Mako suggested that we play the basketball minigame first.

Mako played first, and managed to score a nice 26 points in 2 minutes.

"Well done, me!" Mako cheered for herself.

"Hehe suck on that Kiyo. I'm pretty confident in my skills. I don't think you can reach it."

"I sense foreshadowing..." The Professor muttered.

Mako has provoked the King. What a big mistake.

The audience, mostly the boys, started cheering and chanting 'KING KING KING', like it was some fucking baseball game. They were all going wild for some reason, because author-san said so.

Alright. I'll put in 3% effort in this little game. It should be more than enough to beat Mako's 26 points.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Shouted everyone, except you know who.

It was my turn and I put some effort. Every single one of my actions were quick and smooth like butter. From picking up the ball, to aiming it, and shooting to the hoop. All of my shots went in the hoop, thanks to my pinpoint accuracy.

The audience was speechless. Not because author-san wants to get this shit over with, but because his movements were so fast yet fluent. It was even more amazing since it was JUST 3%.

After the limited 2 minutes, I got myself a humble 53 points. Not bad. I definitely could have gotten more, if I wanted to but I think it was enough to send a message.

"What the hell was that, Ayanokouji!" Ike shouted. No you dipshit. Don't start it.

"Have you been holding back this whole time?!?!" Shinohara shouted. Okay fuck it. Fine.

"You piece of shit." Said Miyamoshit. How ironic.

"Ayo dumbass defects!" Prism shouted.

"What? We're trying to punish this guy here for doing jack shit for the class." Hondo said.

"Uhh did you forget that this is an alternate universe? This version is just significantly more poweful than the Ayanokouji in your eyes." He said.

The defects took a bit of time to think.......and they believed him.

"Oh yeah forgot about that. Sorry for that, Ayanokouji." Ike said.

"Yeah." Said the other defectives that shouted at our boy.

They all calmed down and sat back on their seats.

The students that knew better decided to stay silent on the matter.

"Kukuku stupid fucking defectives..." Ryuuen muttered under his breath.

"Fufufu..." Yeah you know who laughed like that.

'Please laugh normally for once.' Kamuro thought, while looking at Arisu.

'I owe you one.' Kiyopon thought, knowing that Prism would hear his thoughts.

'I know' Prism thought, while wearing a smug smile.

I looked at Mako, who had her eyes widened and mouth agape, from my performance.

I think I overdid it, but I still wanted to rub my victory in her face so...

"'Overdid it' is an understatement." Muttered Katsuragi.

"Suck it Mako." I said in the most monotone voice ever.

Video End

"Alright that was the video. What did you all think?" Prism asked.

"It was nice." Kiyopon said. Mako blushed and nodded.

"Wholesome" said the romcom enthusiasts.

"I wished it was me." Said the Ayanoko- yeah let's just call it the AFC.

"I loved it." Said the newly born MakoxKiyo shippers. Where did they come from? Idk.

"I thought there was gonna be some fucking but whatever." Said the perverts. Some of the readers sympathize with you. Don't worry.

"It was alright." Said the rest of the students.

"Okay. Well I'll be back." Prism snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Chapter End

Wow a reaction fic. I have now turned lazy. Jk. I just havent thought of anything knew recently so I figured I might as well. I definitely got lazy at around the last part and sped it up but whatevs.

The foreshadowing earlier was about my idea for the Mako-chan miniseries. If this chapter or the chapter after this gets at least 20 votes, I'll do a lemon for Mako. I doubt it's gonna happen anytime soon so I don't have worry about writing a lemon anytime soon. Right?

Anyways, signing out.


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