Paradox [Boboiboy Fanfiction]

By blazingsuns

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Paradox /ˈperəˌdäks/ Noun : a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when inves... More

All About Lia
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N 1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Special Chapter 01
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Special Chapter 02
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Author's Note and Announcement
Special Chapter 03
Special Chapter 04

Chapter 68

255 10 21
By blazingsuns

Chapter 68

The Last Chapter.

[CW: swearing]

Upon hearing the news from Leizel, Lia felt a sudden change of mood from good to bad. The news is amusing to hear for others, but for her, it isn't. She remained silent, making Leizel worry for her, "Hey, are you okay? I shouldn't have said that huh?"

"No, it's okay... Uhm, thanks for telling me." Lia replied coldly, taking aback the energy heroine with her tone. She then proceeded in consuming her meal, leaving Leizel in shock and fear because of what could happen.

Later on, some of them are cleaning the living and dining room area. While some are washing the dishes, some are sweeping the floor and cleaning the table. As for Lia, she excused herself to go up to freshen up, promising that she will help out in a while.

While cleansing her face with the cleanser, she started to think about what Leizel said earlier. The thought of Boboiboy being away for months bothers her. But what bothers her, even more, is the contemplation of whether she should go on with TAPOPS or just stay here on Earth. After rinsing, she goes on in changing her outfit - a blue polo blouse paired with denim shorts. She won't go all out since she'll be just in the house, chilling with the guests.

She looked at herself in the mirror, spotting her scarlet irises once again. She just got reminded that she isn't just human, she is half human and half-alien. "Would things ever be the same again?" She thought then heaved a sigh.

A knock came from the door, interrupting her thoughts. "Coming," She went to get the door to see it is Boboiboy. His presence surprised her, making her flinch a bit, "Oh hey, you're here."

"Yes I am," Boboiboy replied with a smile then noticed her outfit, "I see you have freshened up. Good for you, Li. Hehe, you look so stunning." Even if his comment melted her heart, the thought about his training still remained in her mind, limiting her reaction.

"Ah, thank you," She replied, trying to sound gleeful. "You too, Bi, you look handsome, hehe." She chuckled.

Boboiboy noticed her hands are a bit shaky while the expression on her face seemed flat, "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" Lia shook her head, "Me? Ah, yes I'm okay, of course. What could possibly go wrong?"

"You lying about your feelings can go wrong," Boboiboy softly reminded her, not believing that she is fine. "It's okay, Li. We can talk about it. I'm here." Still, Lia shook her head, "There's nothing to talk about. I said I'm okay. I'm just... tired."

Boboiboy didn't buy her excuse, especially with the forced smile on her face. In the years of knowing Lia, he can now read her like a book and with that, he knows that she's definitely not fine. "Lia..."

Lia gave out a defeated sigh, realizing that she won't win against him, "Fine... I've heard from Leizel about Maskmana's offer to you." Her statement surprised Boboiboy to the point his eyes widened, which gave a message to Lia.

"And I just realized that's the reason why you and Fang have been talking a lot lately, am I right?" Lia asked, crossing her arms. "Look, you didn't have to hide it from me, you know? I feel stupid that I don't have an idea about it."

"I didn't tell you yet because I'm still not decided about it. Yes, his offer is pretty attractive as what it seems but... I have to leave Earth for a long while with no assurance of when will I go back. Surely, a span of six months is too short for that." Boboiboy explained, carefully not triggering Lia's emotions.

"But you want it, right? Like, being a higher-up in the station, I know you want it. It has been your dream to serve the station with the hopes of protecting the galaxy with your might." Lia said, her eyes softening all of a sudden.

At first, Boboiboy is hesitant to answer that question because of her possible reaction. But at the end of the day, she deserves to find out, "Yes, Li. Ever since I joined TAPOPS, I became invested with the idea of saving power spheres, defeating bad guys, protecting the galaxy..." He trailed off, losing the right words.

"So why are you still thinking about it? You want it so won't you give in easily?" Her tone surprised Boboiboy because it seemed like she is getting mad at him, yet he remained calm, "Because I'm thinking about you, Li. I don't know your plans yet..."

"What if I don't want to work at TAPOPS anymore? What if I want to be an ordinary person who'll just worry about paying the bills and taxes?" Lia suddenly asked him, her eyebrows furrowing at the elemental hero.

"Oh, so you will pursue your resignation in TAPOPS? You're needed in the team, Li. You can't just leave." Boboiboy sternly told Lia, much to her scoffing, "You won't support me in my wants but you will fulfill yours? That's not fair."

Boboiboy shook his head, getting annoyed with Lia, "You're not even supporting me. You're already getting mad with the idea of it even if I haven't confirmed it yet."

"Because you don't know how I feel with the whole idea of it!" Lia spat out, her voice rising due to the frustration and anxiousness piling up in her. Boboiboy realized where will the situation head off to once they continue this conversation, so he said, "Can we just talk about it when we're both calm? We'll end up screaming until our throat hurts!"

"Not that I haven't experienced it before." Lia replied, shoving him away from the door so she could pass by him, much to his sudden confusion. "Wait, where are you going?" His question made her stop in her tracks to look at him, "Away for a while, I need to think."

Boboiboy rushed to her, suddenly panicked at the idea, "Wait, wait... Gah, I'm so confused, Li. I really don't understand where you're coming from. You're raising your voice at me and-"

"If we end up in a long-distance relationship, we can end up like my mom and dad!" Lia interjected with her teeth gritted, giving a low growl. Tears are in her eyes, yet her eyebrows are furrowed giving out an angered expression. "Another fallout in our relationship can happen then what? We'll lose each other again!"

Boboiboy froze at Lia's reply, now realizing where the angst is coming from. Seeing the tears in her eyes alerted him, "Li, I-I... I didn't know you are worried about that." He softly replied all the frustration from earlier disappearing in him.

"Of course, you don't know. You say that you're thinking about me but honestly, do you expect me to believe in that?" She asked, her voice breaking a bit. "You know what, you're right. I-I have to calm down first..." She then left him, rushing down the stairs. He followed her down, hoping he could stop her from leaving.

Once Lia descended to the living area, some of their guests are seated on the couch while some are still cleaning. Her abrupt movements caught the attention of the others. "Lia, what's wrong?" Yaya asked in confusion.

Lia just ignored her, walking to the area where her shoes are at so she can wear them. She then spotted the car keys on a table nearby the area, "Kuya Tony, I'll borrow your car for a while." She didn't even wait for his response; she just got it and went out of the house.

While Tony is in confusion, the others are worried, especially when they saw Boboiboy arriving at the living area, "Where is she?!" By the looks on his face and the tone of his voice, they can sense how panicked he is.

"She went out, Boi. She took the car keys," Tony replied, noticing the expression on the elemental hero's face. "What's going on? Where is she going?" Boboiboy didn't have time to explain so he left them in the living room, much to their growing confusion.

"What in the world was that? He looks so panicked." Tok Aba remarked, worried for his grandson. However, Fang realized what just happened after seeing Boboiboy run after Lia. He let out a sigh, "I think he told her."

The others looked at him, curious to know what he is talking about. Fang glanced at Amato who immediately understood what he meant, before announcing to everyone, "Boboiboy got an offer to train under Maskmana."

Lucky for Boboiboy, Lia hasn't started the car once he arrived outside. He immediately went to the door of the driver's seat, slightly banging it for her to open it, which she did. "Please don't leave. Let's talk about this." He pleaded.

"Bi, we will talk about it, don't worry," Lia assured with a sad smile. "I just need some time to think about it. I really got carried away with my feelings about it."

"Still, you don't have to leave. I'm worried for you... What if you get hurt out there?" That's what he is also worried about. He doesn't mind giving her space since he understands that everyone, including him, needs space to think about something. It's the fact that her storming out of the house could lead her to an accident.

He didn't want to lose her.

"I may not drive a spaceship but surely I can drive a car," Lia reassured him, trying to ease his worrisome feeling. "And I'll call if you ever something happens, which I'm sure nothing will happen." Even with this misunderstanding, she is happy that her boyfriend showed her every ounce of concern.

Sighing in defeat, he realized that he can't make her stay now, "Okay, Li. I trust you with that... You keep safe, okay?" Lia nodded, remaining a sad smile on her face, "Thank you, Bi. See you later."

With that, Boboiboy moved away so he could let her drive out of the area; he watched the car disperse in his sight with a heavy heart.

Lia didn't have any destination in mind to be exact, but she just kept ongoing. At first, she roamed around the village until she got tired of doing so, taking a route to exit the village. Suddenly, a thought came to her mind about the destination so she drove her way to the place.

She found parking nearby the area and once she parked the car, she went out, observing her surroundings. "It's been a while since I last went here." She thought, walking down the pavement.

"This is where Reverse attacked me." She muttered, upon arriving at the UP Sunken Garden. It is an open field where there are brick benches on its sides. She spotted an ice cream vendor, much to her heading to him and purchasing one cone of ice cream.

She sits down on the bench while eating her ice cream. A part of her questions herself why on Earth would she go here when it can bring back the bad memory, which was Reverse attacking her. But this place will also remain special to her because she used to go here as a kid and have picnics with her family.

When her family was still complete, at least on her end.

She recalled her conversation with Boboiboy earlier. He was right, she got mad on the spot without even listening to his side. She got carried away with her emotions which made her feel guilty. But should she blame herself?

A lot of thoughts came to her mind - what if they can't handle the long-distance? What if something bad happens to him while she's on Earth? What if he finds someone else there who's better than her and then replaces her?

Was it even right to think about him possibly cheating?

"No Lia, stop... Stop.." She groaned to herself then lowered her head, frustrated at her own thoughts. "Overthinking at its finest, great." She faces palmed herself. To avoid more thoughts coming in, she stood up from the bench so she could walk around the UP campus. There are a lot of people who are either walking or jogging since it's a weekend.

She spotted a family of three beside her; the fact that their child is a girl made her emotional even more since it reminds her of her parents when she was a child. She didn't want to cry so she just walked away from them. "Please, enough with the reminders..."

She does an abrupt stop when she sees someone familiar right ahead of her. And the fact that he is already looking at her means that he has been waiting for her arrival - it is Amato. He smiles at Lia, waving at her.

The next thing that happened was the both of them sitting down on a bench, facing the other open field of the campus. There was an awkward silence between them until Lia decided to break it, "How did you find me?"

"Your brother told me the list of places that you would possibly go to and this is first on the list. Luckily, you're right here," His reply made Lia sigh, "I guess this place is too obvious, huh?"

Amato nodded, then proceeded with the topic, "I suppose that you aren't happy with the news."

"It's not that I'm not happy, uncle," Lia defended herself, sighing heavily. "It's just that... I have mixed feelings about it. A mix of surprise, fear, and stress. I know Boboiboy's dream is to become a higher-up like them, like you, because they are crucial when it comes to protecting the galaxy."

"What are you worried about?" Amato asked, concerned for the sound heroine. Lia wanted to laugh at first, because she had just thought about it earlier and now, opening up about it could make her break down. But she realized that either way, she has to let it out.

"I'm not sure if I want to go on with TAPOPS, to be honest," She started, feeling a lump in her throat with the heaviness she's feeling. "After what happened, I feel so ashamed of myself with the fact of me being Andres' daughter. For sure he has harmed more humans or aliens whom we don't know, what if they haunt me instead? I'm scared of my safety too, uncle."

She heaved a sigh, lowering her head, "I'm unlike your son, I'm scared... I'm weak. Heck, I still don't get why did I get the position of Lance Corporal when Gopal is even better than me!" She grasps her hair in frustration, "Tangina. No matter how much I saved the galaxy, that is nothing compared to witnessing my mom die right in front of me!"

She had enough of the crying yet tears came back to her eyes again, so she lets out a cry of pain. "I'm so sorry for this, uncle. I didn't mean to ruin the mood... I'm sure Boboiboy is happy with the offer. If I was him, excluding all the past events, I would go for it too... He deserves it, uncle. He deserves that happiness."

After minutes of sulking, she felt his hand patting her shoulder which made her look at him. Amato softly smiled at the young girl who has red and puffy eyes, "You know, Lia, despite knowing you for a short amount of time, I can say that you are more than what you think."

She remained silent to give way for him to speak, which he does, "What happened to Nathalia is not your fault, it will never be. Sure, there are what-ifs but you know what they say, they will remain as a what-if especially since it's done now. I know how it feels to lose a mom, I lost mine too, you know?"

"Boboiboy's grandmother, Umi..." Lia trailed off, much to Amato nodding, ignoring the angst he feels upon hearing his mother's name. "Your mother is proud of you, Lia. What you did wasn't easy and could be fatal but look at you right now... Nathalia wouldn't want you to dwell on it forever, you know? For sure, she will like you to move forward because you have much more to do in this life."

Lia nodded in response, wiping her tears away with a sniffle. Amato continued, "And as for Boboiboy... He will understand your side, I'm sure of it. I know how much he has hurt you in the past, but that boy is a man of his words. He said he holds himself accountable and he really does."

"He loves you, Lia. He wasn't stable when you lost your voice, and the idea of you leaving broke him," Amato said, remembering his encounter with Boboiboy that day. "I suggest that the both of you should really talk it out. There is still something to fix, Lia. If you both love each other, you guys will affirm that... Do you love my son?"

"I do, uncle. I do love Boboiboy... The thought of losing him again breaks me. I-I don't want it to happen again." Lia affirmed, getting emotional again. Amato gave out a light chuckle, "And he does feel the same... My son loves you more than anything."

Lia nodded, a small smile forming on her face. She doesn't have anything else to say so she remained quiet, much to Amato speaking again, "I won't tell him that I found you here. I respect your need for time and space. But please, talk to him about this."

"I will, uncle. Don't worry. I just need more time to cool down a bit." Her assurance made him smile, "That's great. Thank you, Lia." When he stood up, Lia did it as well so she could give him a proper goodbye.

"Thank you as well, uncle. You helped me a lot there." Lia thanked him while slightly bowing to him as a sign of respect. Amato chuckled, "Well, I'm happy to help... Do you want to know what I told Boboiboy back then when he cried to me about you?"

Her look of curiosity made him reply, "When love is real, it will find a way."


"When love is real, it will find a way," Boboiboy recalled Amato's exact words to him when he broke down in front of him. It has been 6 hours since Lia left the house and even with the assurance of coming back, he still feels anxious. It was more about her safety since the Philippines is known to have a high crime rate, her going out there frightened him.

He is seated down on their couch, not realizing how much fidgety he is at the moment. "Boboiboy, you have to relax, you know? This is her hometown," He turned to the speaker, who is Yaya with a concerned look on her face, "I'm sure Lia won't risk herself to crime. She's the one who lived here more than half of her life."

Ying, who came by behind Yaya, chimed in the conversation, "She's right, Boi. Also, he brought her power watch with her. She can fend for herself which is why you have to trust her on that."

"I know, girls. I just can't help it, you know? I lost her once and I can't lose her again." Boboiboy emphasized while slightly raising both hands. "If I have to forego the offer just for her, I will do it."

"Aiya, don't be like that. We all know Maskmana's offer is once in a lifetime," Ying replied, crossing her arms. "I'm sure you and Lia can still talk it out. That girl is rational, no doubt. She just got carried away, that's all."

All of a sudden, Boboiboy's phone rings which made him get it from his pocket. Upon seeing the caller ID, it took him no less than a second to answer it, "Hello? Li?" He heard a heavy sigh on the other end, "Bi..."

"Where are you? Are you okay?" He asked, trying not to sound frantic over her disappearance. He heard a hum as a response, "I'm okay, don't worry... I-I called because, well... I'm ready to talk about it, if you want."

"Of course, I do. I was just waiting for you, you know?" Boboiboy replied, relieved that they are finally going to talk about it after hours of agony. "Send me your location, I'll go to you. I can just use my powers to go."

"I-I have a-" Lia was about to protest since she has a car with her but Boboiboy immediately cut her off, "Babe, it's okay. Let me go to you; so, wherever you are, just stay there, please..." He hoped that she would settle for that.

He heard her clear her throat, "Okay, okay... I'm here at the campus, you know UP right?" Upon hearing that, he sighed, "Don't tell me you're at-"

"I'm not... I'm at the other open field," Lia reassured him, much to him sighing in relief. "I can send the coordinates if you like." Boboiboy shook his head, "No need. I think I know where you are exactly at... I'll be there in 5-10 minutes."

"See you." Then the call went off. Boboiboy looked at the two girls, who just watched him with a smile on their faces. He chuckled, "I guess I have to go. I won't be joining you for dinner, since we may take a while."

"It's fine. The others will understand for sure since they've been worried for her too." Yaya replied with a chuckle. "Now go out there, Boi! You got this!" Ying clapped her hands then cheered, "Let's go!"

With a smile, Boboiboy left Lia's house by using his elemental form Cyclone.

Meanwhile, Lia is just sitting down on the bench, eating a famous street food called squid balls. The sun has already set yet there are still people in the park which isn't new for her. She anxiously waits for him with all these thoughts rambling in her head. "It's okay, Li, for sure he'll come..."

She closed her eyes, trying to come up with an outline of what she's going to tell him. Although she knows that she might not be able to tackle all but at least she could avoid being messy when it comes to words.

"Li?" The familiar voice made her jolt. She turned her head in the direction of the voice - there goes Boboiboy who has a longing expression on his face. Seeing him made her rush to him, "Bi..."

He brought her in for a tight embrace, feeling her relax against his muscular frame, "Shh, shh... It's okay, I'm here..." He could feel her shaken by today's event, which made him slightly pull back his head to plant a soft kiss on her temple.

After the hug, they both settled down on the bench so they could start their talk. "How are you? How long have you been here?" He asked. Lia shrugged her shoulders, "I can't tell exactly how long but I went straight here from the house."

"So you didn't go that far... Thank goodness. I was so worried for you, Li. Please don't run off like that again." Boboiboy begged, his eyes softening at his girlfriend. Lia sighed, showing her downcasted eyes, "I'm sorry... Like, I'm really sorry for everything today. I didn't mean to ruin your joy."

"No, it's not like that... I-" Lia raised her hand to halt him, "Wait, let me explain first... Please, I have it all outlined... I want to be clear with you." Boboiboy immediately understood, so he gave way for her to speak.

Lia cleared her throat, "It was unfair for me to assume that we'll end up like my parents. We're different from them - my dad is a criminal while you aren't. Since we both witnessed what happened to their relationship, I know it can motivate us to become better for both of us."

She feels a sudden pang in her chest as she remembers the next thing she'll say, "I'm not willing to spend my whole life in TAPOPS... I want to be an ordinary human being who just... has a normal job without worrying about evil lurking around..." Tears are welling up in her eyes again, alarming Boboiboy.

"But I'm afraid that we both have different wants... H-How are we supposed to manage our relationship when you're on space while I'm here? What if something happens to one of us while apart? What if you find someone better than me there? Someone who has the same aspirations as you?"

At this point, she is rambling which makes her tremble at her own words. With worry, Boboiboy immediately grabbed her hands so he could calm her down, "Wait, wait... Slow down, Li. You need to breathe."

She nodded in return, now taking deep breaths. While she does it, Boboiboy encourages her with his words, "That's it... You're doing great, Li... Keep ongoing." After a while of breathing, Lia has calmed down, much to her thanking him.

"You're always welcome... So, is that all?" Boboiboy asked, making sure that she's done before he gives his insights. Lia nodded then motioned to him to speak out which he did.

"I realized that I should have thought of you when I got the offer. I didn't really know that your parents' situation worries you a lot, and I'm sorry for that," Boboiboy first apologized then proceeded to his insights, "I understand where are you coming from, Li. I won't blame you for it; we all know that you have been through a lot. At this point, I feel that you're traumatized to the extent of not wanting to become a TAPOPS hero anymore."

"It's not that I don't like as in, giving up my power watch," She clarified, realizing that she should have worded it out better for an instant understanding. "I loved being a hero; saving power spheres, going on missions, getting pride because of a good job..."

"It's just... I want to lie low now," She lowered her head, breaking the eye contact with him. "I had dreams, Bi. Dreams that are now shattered, thanks to my dad. I wanted to study on this campus. Heck, I proclaimed that UP will become my future school but look at me now... I mean, UM is a great college, don't get me wrong... I just don't feel fulfilled right now."

She groaned in frustration, lightly smacking her own head, "Do you remember when Tony and Ron visited me back in Rintis when I lost my voice? They told me that my cousin is now in charge of the family business, which I have dreamt of being in charge of. But since he's in the Philippines, closer to my lolo, of course, he would get it. Crap!"

Boboiboy widened his eyes in shock as she released all the angst she felt. Still, he didn't say anything yet because she is not finished speaking yet.

"I may have saved the whole galaxy by destroying the generator," Lia continued, feeling a lump in her throat. "B-But... I didn't save my mom. It fucking sucks. I feel like an embarrassment at this point. Not just because of that but being Andres' daughter? Daddy's girl? Unica hija? You name it!"

She falls silent afterward, feeling tired from all the talking. She breathed heavily, looking back at Boboiboy, "Please believe me. It's great that you received such an offer from Maskmana... I'm just too scared for us... I-I don't know what will I do i-if..." She trailed off with the overwhelming feeling within her.

"You won't lose me, Lia... I will never get tired of reassuring you of that... There will never be someone better than you for me. You have been the best girlfriend and honestly, I'm the one who doesn't deserve it because of what I've done," Boboiboy felt guilt arising in him, yet he remained calm. "But as I've said, I will be better for you because you deserve the better. Heck, Li, you deserve the best. I'm willing to move the mountains for you, and I know that seems impossible but for you, I will try."

Lia slightly giggled at his remark; seeing him so determined melted her heart, "Well then, I'd like to see you try. Can you move Mount Everest?" Boboiboy laughed, "We can ask Boboiboy Ice, if you like."

Her laugh signified that she feels a bit better, much to Boboiboy smiling, "But seriously, Li, I want to make our relationship work. I know the long-distance is scary but I assure you that I will do my part in this. I don't want to lose you over this."

"Me too. And, I don't want you to lose the opportunity too. In my 5 years with you, I have seen so much of you want to become like your dad, captain Kaizo, and even Fang... This is your aspiration, Bi. I will support you on that."

Hearing those words from Lia eased him because he knows he doesn't need to hold back. He placed a hand on her cheek, caressing it, "And I support you with your decision too... Maybe you can build your own business? But hey, you can always go back to TAPOPS... Well knowing them, they won't let you go for sure. You're an asset, you know? We have to admit that you, along with the girls, are the commander's favorite."

"And does that make you jealous, mister leader?" Lia asked, now smirking at him so she could tease him on that. Boboiboy shook his head, playfully rolling his eyes, "Not really. But I'd be jealous if he prefers you only because I'm the only one who should do that."

"Getting territorial again, I see..." She gave him a smug smile, much to him chuckling, "Don't you like it? Especially when I-" He didn't manage to finish his sentence because Lia shushed him, a bit flustered because she knows what he was supposed to say.

He giggled at her flustered state while she scrunches up her face, crossing her arms, "Whatever, Bi... Whatever." He didn't mind her reaction; instead, he pulled her for a kiss. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. One hand of his when to her cheek, cupping it so he could kiss her deeper.

The sudden action surprised her yet she kissed back with the overwhelming love she has for him. She placed both of her hands on his shoulder to relax. It is a good thing the sun is down, not many people can see them kissing.

They both feel assured of one another. The moment their lips met; it was as if time stopped but the flutter only intensified. Lia's heart pounded in her chest, feeling herself go weak with how Boboiboy addictively invaded all her senses.

When Lia broke the kiss, she smiled at him, "I love you, Bi. You have me always." Boboiboy's eyes softened; he smiled at her as well, "I love you, Li. I love you even more... I won't miss any second showing that to you."

Lia brought him into a tight embrace; she rested her head against his shoulder, immediately relaxing under his touch. Boboiboy smiled in the hug; he is glad that they are both okay with the planned setup.

"Bi? I have a question," She pulled herself from the hug, intently looking at him. "It's a, well, weird question... But I want your thoughts on this." Boboiboy gave a glance evidently driven by curiosity, "What is it?"

"Do you think that we need to go away for a while?" Lia asked, a bit shy with her sudden question. "Like a break, you know? The both of us going away for a break?"

Boboiboy didn't know why he felt motivated by her question. He isn't a person who is spontaneous when it comes to events but with Lia, he suddenly feels that he's up to it. With that, an idea came to his mind - an idea that will be executed for sure.

Right away.


Dear everyone,

I will be direct to the point - I and Lia have decided to go away for a while. We're not sure on how long, maybe around 2-3 months? As you all know, things have been hard, especially with what happened. We needed a breather from everything, especially Lia, since she lost aunty. We also decided to do this since we both wanted to reignite the flame in our relationship. Lia means the whole world, well, galaxy rather, to me, and I wouldn't miss any second of professing my love for her.

I apologize for the sudden leave; this decision of ours was sudden too. As much as spontaneous decisions can cause a downfall, we took this risk because we both found worth in it.

To all higher-ups in TAPOPS, admiral Tarung, Maskmana, commander KokoCi, and Captain Kaizo, I will be back in time for the training. You won't lose your elemental hero.

To ayah and atok, please take care of each other. Don't worry, your little Boboiboy has grown into a well-defined man. I'll see you both soon when I come back.

To Ochobot and Sonobot, evil still lurks around. I expect you both to protect each other and the gang. Please guide them to the right path.

To our friends, who have been supportive of our relationship, please stay safe and do know that even with our temporary absence, we are always with you. With that, I ask Fang Zastrel to be Team Boboiboy's temporary leader.

I know technology is highly equipped nowadays and you may have found our destination. We will appreciate you guys giving us our time and space.

This is Boboiboy, temporarily signing off.

And Lia de Vera Zastrel, temporarily signing off as well.

We'll be back soon before you know it.


The rest of the gang, who is now back at Rintis, are all gathered in the kokotiam with Tok Aba and the two power spheres. They all received the message at the same time, which indeed surprised them. Gopal raised his eyebrow, "Wait, so they eloped?"

"I don't think elope is the right term, G. Maybe they just wanted a break for everything that happened which is why they did this," Yaya replied, lightly shrugging their shoulders. Ying sighed, "Regardless of what concept you guys think it is, let's respect their wants."

"For sure we are. I'm just concerned for them... Where will they stay? And did they even bring enough money for their basic necessities?" Leizel asked, still bewildered at the sudden leave of the two lovers.

Fang, who's sitting on the chair, read the message all over again on his phone. To be frank, he doesn't mind that they pulled this act. He's just concerned for their safety - everyone is concerned for their safety.

"You know, I suggest that you guys shouldn't worry much about them," They all turned to see Amato, who just arrived at the shop. "Those two are adults now and I'm sure they know what they are doing... After all, this is for them."

"Do you know about this, Amato?" Tok Aba asked, much to the younger male nodding in return. "I do, aba. They personally asked me for permission and of course, I allowed it. Let's give those two their time and space."

"Guess that makes me the leader for now," Fang declared, recalling Boboiboy's message. He stood with a grin, "Which is why I expect you all to follow my orders. Hehehe." The rest of the gang groaned in annoyance.


Siargao island has been one of Lia's dream destinations so both of them went here for temporary residence. They didn't really have any problem when it came to the basic needs - food, water, and a place to stay. The island has quality resorts and with the hospitality of Filipinos, they have never starved, not even once.

The two are currently on one of their beaches; just enjoying the fine sand and serenity of the area. Lia, who's holding a video camera, is recording Boboiboy who is trying to build a sandcastle. "No, wait... Try to put a little water on the base so it could hold up." Lia suggested.

"Does that even work?" Boboiboy asked, a bit clueless on what to do to establish the sandcastle. Lia chuckled, "Of course it does! Hello, I tried that already! Don't you believe in me?"

Instead of a reply, Boboiboy looked at her; a smirk suddenly forming on his face, much to her confusion, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She got a sudden splash of water, much to her flinching.

"What the heck?! The camera!" Lia exclaimed, closing her eyes since she felt a sting from the saltwater. Before even opening them, she heard him run away, "Hey! You come back!" She opened her eyes to see him running away so she chased him.

The two just chased each other on the beach, not worrying about how silly they looked. After all, there are just a few people on the beach right now. Boboiboy is indeed a fast runner; Lia couldn't keep up with him, much to her stopping behind, "Hey... Wait... Oh goodness!"

She felt shortness of breath with the running so she did breathing exercises to ease her. While at it, a butterfly flew by Lia which startled her. She looked in the direction of the butterfly, it is flying around her. She observed it carefully and then tried to think about it.

Could it be? It is a saying in the Philippines that when a butterfly comes to you after a death of a loved one, that's their soul. She extended her hand and flexed out her pointer, allowing the butterfly to land on it.

The moment it landed she felt comforted and relieved. As she gazed at the butterfly, she felt a presence behind her that made her turn around - from afar, she sees Nathalia, all dressed in white clothing. She didn't know if she was hallucinating or maybe she is looking at a different person who resembles her.

A sudden realization came to her - it is the 40th day.

Lia didn't move an inch, she just stared at her. She's not going to lie; a lot of thoughts came to her mind. She turned back at the butterfly, a sad smile forming on her face, "Goodbye, mom." She lets go of the butterfly and then followed Boboiboy, who is seen watching her from a distance.

"Are you okay?" He immediately asked since her abrupt stop concerned him. "What happened back there?" Deciding not to tell him to avoid being emotional, she just sighed, "I'm just happy, Bi. I've never felt this happy."

Boboiboy pecked her lips, then smiled afterward, "I'm glad to hear that. You deserve this happiness, Li." With that, they both embraced each other tightly, as if no one else is on the beach except for them. Their stay on Siargao island hasn't been that long but being here is already enough to destress Lia.

She glanced to the side to see that there is no one at the same spot where Nathalia was. For the first time in a long while, she didn't feel any angst at her presence - it is more of a relief. She realized that this is a start on a new journey without her.

From this moment on, she will be able to move forward.



A/N: And that's it, folks! This is the finale of the story :> It took me a while on this since I had to polish some scenes and dialogue. I also have good news for you... I'm going to post an epilogue! Although it may take a while since it would be long plus I'm still working on my requirements. Enjoy this one! Hehehe, see you at the next one!

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