Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

By Kakirihazuri

172K 3.7K 1.7K

Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... More

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial

Beef or Chicken?

1.6K 41 22
By Kakirihazuri

(A/n: Pork)

Y/n's Pov

After a moment of waiting, Hajime and Nagito came out of the lobby. Hajime looked extremely exasperated already. I walked over and spoke up "So, What did you think of Teruteru? quiet the character isn't he" Hajime groaned a bit in response "He's something...." I pat him on the back lightly "You'll learn how to deal with his kind eventually." Hajime stared at me a bit "Have you dealt with people like him before." I stared at him in return "I've dealt with all sorts of people, both good and irredeemable. Teruteru may be bad, but he isn't the worst. Just don't trust anything he gives you unless he tells you exactly what it is." Hajime was silent for a moment before speaking "I'll... keep that in mind." I nodded "alright, so where to next?" Nagito spoke up "I guess the 'Usami Coral' is the next place we can go to" 

We silently made our way to the small area that was called Usami Corral. As we arrived, a few things were noticeable. First was Akane and Hiyoko in the area. The second was the lack of variety in the animals. Last, was Usami standing at the fence staring in at the chickens. Hajime spoke up "is this... a farm?" Nagito responded, "at least you won't have to worry about food Hajime." Usami approached us "Welcome to the Usami Corral! Hang out with the animals, enjoy nature, and touch the grass. Though I guess there isn't much variety in the animals... hmm, I know!" Usami pulled her magic stick out and pointed it at one of the chickens. She did some cheesy twirling and chanting before the chicken went into a puff of smoke and a cow took its place. Hajime was freaking out while Nagito was trying to rationalize it. I knew this was a simulation, but it brought to question many things. A chicken asset was changed into a cow asset, would it still taste like chicken, or is it now 100% beef. I thought about it while Hajime and Nagito talked until Usami walked up and poked me. I looked down at her "yes?" she tapped her hands together "How did you like my magic trick Kamukura-sama?" I stared at her "I question whether it is beef or poultry, however the trick itself is an 8 out of 10. Also, why are you referring to me as if I'm your superior?" Usami giggled and spun around. "Kamukura-sama praised my magic!" "hey, answer my question." Usami looked at me and giggled more "Kamukura-sama is Kamukura-sama." "that's a nonanswer." Usami just continued giggling before disappearing 

I let out a sigh as Hajime and Nagito finished their conversation, then we headed over to one of the people that were there, Akane. Hajime introduced himself to her, then Nagito had to reintroduce himself. They had a short conversation before Akane looked at me and spoke "You seem strong. fight me!" I stared at her blankly "No, violence is against the rules" Akane scoffed and cracked her knuckles "Who cares about the rules, it's just a friendly little spar!" She swung her fist at me without another word. I knew that if I dodged or blocked it she would take that as permission, so I just watched as her fist connected with the side of my face. Surprisingly it didn't hurt much, so I guess pain perception is decreased here. I looked at her blankly as Hajime seemed to be freaking out "I will not fight or spar you Akane. I fight to protect, not for the sake of fighting." She growled and screamed out "You're strong, so why do you refuse to fight!" I sighed and pushed her fist away from my head "Without a reason to fight, I see it as pointless violence. I'd rather live a peaceful life with the people I care about than a lifetime fighting just to prove that I'm better than someone" 

Akane was about to say something, but Usami jumped out from the ground between us "Stop! Violence is against the trip rules!" I stared blankly at Usami "Your timing is terrible. If you can't prevent it then there is no point in having the rule. You won't do anything as punishment and you won't even give an empty threat to detour."Usami looked at me and let out a squeak "K-Kamukura-sama! your face is hurt!" "I know, I'm genuinely surprised my shoulder wasn't the thing getting hurt this time." Usami waved her arms frantically "This is no time for jokes!" I pat Usami's head "relax, I'm used to much worse, this is nothing." Usami pouts "that's not a good thing..." I shrug "oh well, you can go away now, the situation was resolved." She hung her head and disappeared again. I looked over at Hajime and Nagito "let's move on to the next introduction." Akane huffed and walked off while Nagito and Hajime nodded as we headed over to the other person that was there. 

Squatting down over a trail of ants, pressing down on them and saying 'squish'. Hajime approached slowly and spoke up "umm, what are you doing?" Hiyoko looked over with an evil grin on her face "Isn't it obvious? I'm squishing Mr. ant" Hajime took a step back "Mr. ant?" Hiyoko looked back at the ants and continued squishing them "Mr. Ant makes a nice sound when you press down on them juuuust right" Hajime introduced himself and then Hiyoko gave a quick introduction before going back to squishing ants. Nagito gave an info dump to Hajime about Hiyoko's talent and the things surrounding it. Afterward, Hiyoko looked at Hajime "Do you wanna squish Mr. ant too?" Hajime stepped back again "n-no thanks" Hiyoko scoffed "wuss" She then looked over at me "what about you? Would you like to squish Mr. ant with me?" I sighed and squatted down "I prefer a magnifying glass to crushing with fingers, but I'll humor you for a moment" I reached down and poked an ant, causing it to make a popping sound. "yay! you know how to squish Mr. Ant properly. You'll be a good servant." 

I wiped my finger against the grass to clean the bug off it "I'd have to like you to even consider being your servant. Unfortunately for you, your current attitude is appalling" Immediately she started crying "Waaah! Why are you so mean!" I frowned and stood up Nagito spoke up "Bullying a girl? not cool" I shook my head and reached into my pocket, taking out the pack of gummies. "Well, I was going to give her some gummies to shut her up, but If I'm bullying her then I won't give them to her." Hiyoko stomped her feet, holding back her tears as she glares at Nagito "H-he's not bullying me." I chuckled and dropped the pack into her hand. "There you have it, not bullying" Hiyoko wiped her tears away and cheered "yay, thanks big bro" "That's weird, don't call me that" She trudged away. Hajime looked at me "how did you deal with that so easily?" "I've dealt with a lot of people. Saionji might be a little bratty, but it's easy to deal with her." Hajime nodded a bit before speaking "alright... that seems to be everyone here, so let's move on" 

After that, we started walking to the next area, the bridge to the central island. Hajime questioned if it was safe, but Nagito dismissed it and we continued onto the bridge. When we got to the other end, there was a path leading a circle around the area, with 4 other bridges, a small mountain, and a park at the center of the island connected to the path. We headed over to the park since the other bridges were blocked off. In the center of the park, there was a large bronze statue depicting a man standing above a bunch of animals. Hajime and Nagito talked about it while I looked over at Twogami. He was just standing there with his arms crossed and looking at the statue. I walked over to him and he glared at me "What do you want? Do you think you're worthy of standing so close to me?" I chuckled and stared at him "yup, you got the personality down perfectly. Though the real Togami would say 'you aren't worthy of breathing the same air as me' or something to insult others." He turned towards me and pushed his glasses up "Are you insinuating that I'm not Byakuya Togami?" I nodded "I know you're not him. You're far more tolerable than the real one. Also, you don't push your glasses up nearly as much as him."

 He stared at me "preposterous." I sighed a bit "Alright, listen Twogami, I know you never really had your own identity, but you shouldn't be using Togami as your cover, you're not nearly as snobby or annoying as him." He just stared at me "How could you know who I really am?" I shrugged "I read your file. As someone closely related to the founder of Hopes peak, I know a lot about everyone here." He turned away from me "hmm, so your family name wasn't just a coincidence. Would you happen to know about this school trip then?" "Unfortunately, Hopes peak didn't tell me anything about this" He frowned and closed his eyes "I see... I ask that you don't expose my identity to anyone else here, it's already uncomfortable knowing one person knows me." "Don't worry, I have no interest in exposing you." He nodded and a notification came from my Ehandbook for a new hope fragment. Soon, Hajime and Nagito approached and I stepped away. Hajime introduced himself and Twogami introduced himself as Togami still. After the conversation, the monitor in the area turned on and let out the sound of a school bell. 

I looked over at the monitor to see a video of Usami sitting down in a pink chair in a small room "Yay! it looks like everyone has been gathering hope fragments already, it makes me so proud. Since everyone's being so cooperative, I've devised a little surprise for everyone. Please gather at the beach." I sighed a bit and started walking to the beach. The walk was short and silent but when I got there a few people had already gathered and were chatting. I noticed Chiaki standing in the shade, but didn't approach since she looked tired. Hiyoko was standing in the middle of the beach eating the gummies I gave her. Gundham was standing near the water with his hampsters standing on his shoulders. Twogami stood cross-armed near the palm tree with a monitor on it. Ibuki was staring out at the water, a hand over her eyes as if she was shading them from the sunlight that was coming from behind her.  Mikan was nervously glancing at the water. 

Soon everyone else arrived and Twogami started speaking "Now that everyone's here, we can talk without the stuffed animal interrupting. So, what have we noticed about this island so far?" Everyone began listing off things they saw, mostly confirming that there wouldn't be any problems with surviving on the island. After everyone spoke Twogami scoffs "so no one noticed the most important thing" I sighed and spoke "If you're refuring to the statue in the park, knowing the name or location of this island won't matter" He glared at me "It does matter. The statue indicates that this place is Jabbawock Island, but as far as I know this place... nevermind..." I sighed "jabbawock island was shut down due to a pandemic. The area was then bought by the Board of Executive Commitee from Hopes Peak. It was scheduled to become a new campus, however the project was abandoned." Hajime spoke "so, Hopes Peak actually owns the islands? Does this mean this actually is a school trip?" Nagito laughs a bit "See hajime, there was nothing to worry about" Hajime scratches the back of his head "I guess so.." 

Usami's voice rang out "It seems like everyone's here! Thank you all for waiting!" I looked over at where the voice came from and saw her standing there. I spoke up "so, what's the 'surprise' you have for everyone." Usami giggled "Right to the point huh. Alright. Tada!" She passed out a bunch of Usami keychain strap charms." Kazuichi stared down at it "umm.. what it this?" Usami laughs "It's a Usami charm! If you squeeze it's tummy it speaks." she sqeezes one of them to demonstrate it. After short discussion, most people dropped them into the sand. I stared down at the strap a bit and thought as I tuned out the conversations around me. Usami was a character that Miaya created, so it would be insulting if I threw away something like this. I shrugged and put the charm into my pocket. Immediately I felt Usami hugging onto my leg. I looked down at her as she started speaking "Kamakura-sama! You're keeping the charm, everyone else is bullying!" I sighed and pat her head "If it was a gift that was prepared for me than it would be rude to turn it down. Even if it's a glitter bomb or a punch box, someone put in the effort to give me something and I will respectfully recieve it. Thought, it's understandable that everyone would be upset when you called us all here only to give us a charm that we can't really use for anything." 

Usami looked down in sadness "I guess that's true, but I also prepared another surprise for everyone." I stared at her "Another surprise?" Shed nodded "I prepared a motive." Hajime let out a noise of shock "A motive?" Usami nodded "Yup! A motive to help all of you get along as friends." She set out a bunch of swimming bags. I sighed and flicked one of her ears "Don't use the word motive next time. It makes it sound like you have a plan to make us kill each other" Usami let out a noise of shock "I-I Would never! Violence is a big no!" Hajime spoke up "Who would even want to swim in this situation!" despite Hajime's refusal, everyone else seemed to be on board with the idea of hanging out on the beach. I sighed and grabbed a swimming bag, deciding to try to enjoy this environment. I quickly went to the cabin that was assigned to me, thankful that it was still a relatively normal room. I changed into the swimming trunks that were prepared and set my Kimono up on a kimono stand. After that I headed back to the beach to see that most people were already back.

 A few people were still on the beach, while a lot were out playing in or by the water. When I showed up hajime looked at me and spoke "Kamukura... you've got a lot of scars." His comment caused a few other people to look over at me Teruteru spoke up with a sleazy expression "Damn, you could grill some serious cuisine on that hot bod" I sighed "I cant' believe i have to say this, but my eyes are up here." Next voice was pretty loud "Woah! Ibuki likies what she is seeing, do they each play different notes?" "That's a weird question. No" Surprisingly Fuyuhiko spoke up "Those bullet holes?" I looked at him "A few of them. Most are from stabbing weapons like spears, knives, swords, and broken bottles" He smirked "I underestimated you, bastard." I just shrugged as Mikan approached me and started poking at the scars "s-so many injuries. were they properly treaded?" "Most of them, some scars are worse looking than the injury since I've had to perform surgery on myself some times" Mikan frowned and looked at me "You should always seek medical help if your injuries require surgery" "sometimes you dont have a choice. it's better to risk infection and suffer through some pain than to risk death." Mikan nodded slowly before backing off "S-sorry for being so forceful. y-you can punish me however you'd like" I pat her head "Alright, then your punishment is to go sit down and write 5 good things about yourself. without being self depricative or pessimistic." She nodded and walked away. 

After everyone had left me alone I noticed Hiyoko stomping around on the beach. I walked over and noticed that she was stepping on crabs. I let out a sigh and spoke up "You can't swim so you decided to kill crabs on the shore?" She squeaked and spoke "I can swim! I just don't want to!" I stared at her "sounds like an excuse" She turned to glare at me "It not... an...... excuse" She stared at me in silence for a moment before her face turned a bit red. "I'm guessing you can't tie your kimono sash" She stomped her feet and closed her eyes "What gave you that idea, stupid pervert! you probaly just want to see me in a bathing suit weirdo!" "Your sash tie is off to the side, in the back, which means someone else tied it for you. Unless you were getting ready to perfom a dance in your current outfit, there would be no reason to have someone else tie it." she had tears in her eyes as she glared "Sh-shut up!" I shrugged a bit "i'd offer to teach you a few knots that could help you tie your sash easily, but you'd probably say that I'm just a pervert." I went to walk away but she grabbed onto my wrist "W-wait!" I looked back at her "What?" she looked down, tears in her eyes still "p-please teach me a few ways to tie my kimono sash..." I smiled a bit at her "Alright, I'll teach you a few ways later. Just stop by my cabin whenever you'd like and make sure you're wearing something you can put your kimono on over, just in case." She sniffled and nodded, letting go of my arm "o-okay... But you better not do anything weird or I'll make you eat glass shards!" 

After leaving Hiyoko, I went into the water to try to swim around a bit. Instead of being cold, the water was warm. While some tropical areas had semi warm water, this water was way too comfortably warm to be realistic. There were many things in this simulation that were way too unrealistic, anyone coming out of the simulation would have a scewed veiw on reality when they returned to normal life. If the neo world program got used for anything else this would need to be changed. i shook my head to get out of my thoughts as I looked at my classmates. Everyone else seemed to having a good time, and Hajime looked like he was getting ready to relax. I watched as Hajime called out to Usami to get one of the swimming bags, but suddenly the atmosphere immediately shifted. lighting struck in the distance as dark clouds appeared out of nowhere. The water turned a darker color as the monitor on the beach turned on and a voice rang out "hello? hey? Can you hear me? Ahem... All students make your way over to Jabberwok park for an important announcement." It was the voice of Monokuma. Which should be impossible since I left Junko under Muko's supervision... actually, this is intirely possible, but something tells me this wasn't junko's doing. I got out of the water and looked over as I saw Usami panicking before disappearing. I sighed and walked to my cabin to get changed while the others discused what they should do. 



Apologies readers. I recently got my hands on a copy of Dangaronpa decadence and have been spending my time playing danganronpa and a few other games on my switch. This probaly would have come out sooner if I wasn't such a natural procrastinator. Anyways, I'll be getting back to my procrastination, hope you all enjoyed this chapter

as always, until next chapter. 

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