The Lost One |Doctor Who Fanf...

Bởi TimelordQueen

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When I was three, I lost my first tooth. I looked up at my ceiling, slowly falling asleep, excited for what t... Xem Thêm

The Tooth Fairy-Introduction
Chapter 1- Psychiatrist
Chapter 2- Don't Forget Me
Chapter 3- Hello Again
Chapter 4- Cornucopia
Chapter 5- Fish Sticks & Custard
Chapter 6- Gallifrey Falls
Chapter 7- No More
~Authors Note~
Chapter 9- My Darling
Chapter 10- Why Would You Do This To Me?
Chapter 11- Wedding Crasher
Chapter 12- River Song
Chapter 13- Apologies
Chapter 14- Nightmare In Silver Part 1
Chapter 15- Nightmare In Silver Part 2
Chapter 16- Midnight Part 1
Chapter 17- Midnight Part 2
Chapter 18- Space Florida
Chapter 19- Hide
Chapter 20- The Pandorica Opens Part 1
Chapter 21- The Pandorica Opens Part 2
Chapter 22- The Big Bang
Chapter 23- Eden
Chapter 24- I Promise
Chapter 25- Closing time
Chapter 26- Vincent and The Doctor
Chapter 27- Somewhat Normal Life
Chapter 28- The Doctors Wife
Chapter 29- Invasion of The Small Black Cubes
Chapter 30- The Lost One

Chapter 8- Gallifrey Falls No More

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Bởi TimelordQueen

~Eternity's POV~

"Wait. The three of you in a cell, and you never thought to try the door?" I asked looking at them.

"I was fascinated to see what your means of escape would be. I understand that you all are rather fond of this world. Its time I think you saw whats going to happen to it." We watched as Elizabeth appeared behind me, and gestured for us to follow her.

"The Zygons lost their own world. It burned during the first days of the Time War. A new home is required." We examined everything as we walked along a narrow pathway, while my Doctor held me close.

"So they want this one?" I asked turning to Elizabeth.

"Not yet. Far to primitive. Zygons are used to a certain level of comfort." The Doctor looked at each other, and I could see he was reading my emotions.

"Commander.. Why are these creatures here?" We watched as Zygon walked up to us.

"Because I say they should be. It is time to you were translated. Observe this, I believe you will find it fascinating." We watched as the Zygon walked over to a blue ball, and placed its hand on it. We were surprised to see that he disappeared out of thin air, the realized he materialized into the painting.

"Zygons will pop inside the pictures, but what if the planet out here is more interesting, so out they come." I studied the painting closely, and took my Doctors hand in mine.

"Another world is worth conquering. So the Zygons are invading the future from the past." I made level with the Doctors ear.

"We have to help them Doctor. I can't bare to see another planet get invaded and destroyed. Just like ours." I whispered into his ear, feeling a tear roll down my face. He took his thumb and wiped it away, then kissed my forehead, as though it were a promise.

"And you know why I know you're a fake? You're such a bad copy. Not just the smell, or the unconvincing hair, or the atrocious teeth, or the eyes just the eyes. Bit to close together. Oh and the breath, that could stun a horse. And my Elizabeth, the real Elizabeth would never be stupid enough, to reveal her own plan. Honestly, why would you do that." They stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Because its not my plan. And I am the real Elizabeth." He looked her in the eyes to see if she was lying.

"Okay. So, backtracking a moment, so we could get more context." he looked at us and we all nodded our heads.

"My twin is dead in the forest. I am accustomed to taking precautions. These Zygon creatures never even considered that it was me who survived rather than their own commander. The arrogance the typifies their kind." I looked at her, studying her face, and looking closely for any imperfections.

"Zygons?" I asked confused at I stepped closer to her.

"Men" she said putting her dagger away.

"And you actually killed one of them?" I looked at The Doctor, then back at her.

"I may have the body of a weak and fabled woman, but at the time, so did the Zygon." I nodded my head, agreeing with her.

"The future of my kingdom is imperiled. Doctor, can I rely on your service?" 10th Doctor smiled.

"Well I'm going to need my TARDIS." She smiled back at him.

"It has been put here already." He smiled ear to ear.

"But first my love, you have a promise to keep." she smiled widely at him, and he winked at her. We made our way outside to the lawn to celebrate the wedding, which I was not very thrilled about since The Doctor is my boyfriend and all. I Stood next to my Doctor with flower petals in my hand.

"I pronounce you husband and wife" As soon as the priest said that, Elizabeth was all over 10th Doctor.

"Is there a lot of this in the future?" Granddad asked looking at my Doctor.

"Its starts to happen." I crossed my arms, and I felt my Doctors arms pull me aside, and he too, started kissing me. It became passionate, and The Doctor put both of his hands on cheek. We heard a scoff as out lips parted and we turned to face everyone else.

"I will be right back." I heard 10 say and ran off to his TARDIS. We followed after him, entering his TARDIS.

"I remember this old place." I said smiling and brushing one of the Y-beams with my hand.

"You let this place go a bit." Granddad said as I giggled.

"Don't you listen to him" I watched as 10 pet the TARDIS console. Suddenly, we all fell back, and the TARDIS changed. It didn't look like either of the ones I have seen. It was very bright to say the least.

"Desktop is glitching!" 10 stated.

"Three of us from different time zones, its trying to compensate. I looked at him and scoffed.

"4 of us. Lets not forget I used to have my own TARDIS." I saw as my Doctors face lit up.

"Oh look! The round things!" He said pointing behind him. "I love the round things!" 10 said very annunciated.

"What are the round things?" my Doctor asked taking my hand.

"No idea." sand shoes said looking around.

"Oh dear! the frgim-confro-frigulater!" my Doctor said letting of my hand and running over to the other side of the console. Sparks flew off of the console, and the TARDIS changed again.

"Oh my. I haven't seen this place in awhile." I said smiling wide. The inside of my TARDIS has deep green walls, with gold flooring, and black Gallifreyan writing along the walls next to the tinted string lights. I smiled at The Doctor. "You know, I should really let you fly the TARDIS sometime." He walked up to me, and gave me a behind hug.

"Thats probably not a good idea." I said pulling levers and pressing buttons.

"whys that?" he said confused.

"I didn't pass my test. Spoilers" I said turning to him and winking. The TARDIS changed again, and this time it was my Doctors TARDIS.

"Stabilizers on!" he said running around the console. "Oh you've redecorated. I don't like it." my Doctor looked directly at him.

"Ohh yeah. Oh. You never do. Listen, we're going to the national gallery, because the Zygons are right underneath it.

"Wait. UNIT headquarters. They followed us into the black archive!" they all looked at me at once.

"Okay, so you've heard of that then." I listened as The Doctor talked into the radio, conversing with the Kates.

"I am talking to from a space time telegrapher. I gave to your father as a gift, and is wired strait to the TARDIS. I know about the black archive, and I know about the security protocol. Please tell me you are not about to do something unbelievably stupid!" I looked at the other Doctors who were studied on The Doctor. In both them, I could see little but and pieces of my Doctor in them. I took my attention away from them, and then gave it back to my Doctor. Kate was talking about how she was going to blow up where they were, and probably kill a lot of people with them.

"Don't do it Kate! This is a decision that you wont be able to live with!" I watched as 10 and 11 mad eye contact after him saying that.

"Kate! We're trying to bring the TARDIS in. Why can't we land?" I could tell 11 was getting frustrated with the TARDIS.

"Kate! Just please listen to me!" The Doctor yelled into the stereo. I flinched at him having such a harsh tone. He looked at me confused, as to why I did that. You could feel tension and pressure grow thicker by each moment in the console room.

"Tower of London. Totally TARDIS proof." 10 said rubbing his forehead with his hands.

"Why would they do that?" I asked as I stood next to him.

"Alien technology plus human stupidity. Trust me, its unbeatable." The doctor slammed his fist into the console, and I jumped back.

"Maybe we don't need to land." Granddad suggested.

"Yeah we do." 10 said with a weird look on his face.

"There is another way!" he walked over in-between the Doctor and I, and grabbed the 'cup of soup'. The Doctor and I smiled and each other. The doctor called one of the assistants explaining to bring the 'Gallifrey Falls to the back archive. We broke through the painting, and stopping a Dalek on the way, who also came through.

"Hello Im the Doctor." Granddad said.

"Sorry about the Dalek." I said leaning on my Doctor with my arm propped up on his shoulder.

"Kate. Lethbridge. Stewart. What in the name of sanity are you doing?" 11 said getting in her face.

"The countdown can only be halted at my personal command. Theres nothing you can do." Kate said shaking her head.

"Accept make you both agree to halt it." I said walking over to my Doctor and standing next to him.

"You're about to murder millions." I said starting to get in her face, just like The Doctor did.

"To save billions." she spat in my face.

"How many times have you made that calculation?" Kate questioned.

"Once" my Doctor quickly answered.

"Turned me into the man I am now, along with the woman my girlfriend is to." he said turning to me quickly and then back to Kate.

"We're not even sure who that is anymore." I said taking The Doctors hand.

"You tell yourself its justified, but its a lie. Because what I did that day was wrong. Just wrong." Granddad gave me a look of compassion. "And, because I got it wrong we're going to make you, get it right." I watched as the pair pulled up to chairs side by side, and sat down in them, then put there feet up on the table.


"Any second now, you're going to stop that count down. Both of you. Together." I said standing behind 10 and 11, holding onto the back of their chairs.

"And then you're going to negotiate the most perfect treaty of all time." my Doctor gave me a smile and then looked back at them. They rambled a bit to each other, then pushed themselves away form the table with their feet and stood up.

"Now. For the next few hours, until we decide to let you out." 10 explained.

"No one is going to remember whether or not they are human or Zygon." Both Doctors stood up on the table, and the 4 of us pointed our screwdrivers at the perception filter. Both Kates realized what wa happening, then realized what had to be done.

"CANCEL THE DETONATION!" Both of them yelled in unison. My doctor got off the table and came over to me pulling me close to him kissing my passionately.

"honestly, I thought we were going to die." I said half smiling as our foreheads touched.

"You know I would never let that happen." He kissed me again quickly and smiled at me. We watched as everyone conversed, and made a treaty. The Doctor and I explored the archives studying all of the different pictures and objects. I pecked my doctor on the cheek, and walked over to the War Doctor.

"Hello" I said smiling at him as I sat down next to him.

"Hello" he said as his eyes lit up.

"Eternity.. Why did you leave me." he said as I looked him in the eyes, and I decided I was going to tell him the truth. I sighed and then I began to feel tears begin to prick their way to the corner of my eye.

"Where to begin.... Okay, well it was my 300th birthday, and you know how we went to that new pub?" He looked at me smiling.

"I remember that" he smiled back at him.

"Well The Master and I may or not have gotten a little to typsy. And things happened that night that I regret, and I got pregnant." He looked at me as I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"Well what happened to it?" I looked down again.

"I miscarried because it was born a month too early." I said looking back at him a couple of tears found their way out, and slipped down my face.

"Is that the only reason you left me?" he looked at me, wiping away my tears.

"No. I had feelings for you, but I knew you didn't feel the same for me." I said as I held his hand on my cheek.

"What makes you think that?" he said his brought blues looking into mine.

"Im sorry. I should really go see my Doctor." I said getting up and walking away, walking over to 11.

"Hey. Whats wrong?" Doctor said as he wiped away the strewn tears. As soon as he pulled me into his chest, I just let them all go.

"I-I told him why I l-left." I said in between sobs.

"Hey Its okay. Im here. Im here." pulled me out of his chest, and kissed me suddenly.

"I love you" I said into the kiss.

"I love you too" he said pulling away looking me in the eyes.

"Im ready" Granddad said looking in our general direction.

"Ready for what?" 10 asked confused.

"Ready to change my future." he said as he got up and walk out of the door. We all quickly followed behind him and out the doors and to the TARDIS

~11th Doctors POV~

We followed him in his TARDIS, to the shed we had been once before. When we came out of our TARDIS', he stood there in front of The Moment, The Galaxy Eater. I Took Eternity's hand in mine and we walked over to him.

"I told you he hasn't done it yet" Eternity whispered in my ear giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I told you all go away now." The War version of me said, and I could tell that he was facing difficulties doing what was meant to happen.

"This is for me." He said turning around and facing the big red button.

"Go back. Go back to your lives. Go and be The Doctor that I could never be. Make it worth while." We watched as he rested his hand on The Moment.

"You were The Doctor the day it wasn't possible to get it right." I said walking up next to him.

"But this time." 10 said also putting his hand on the button as the same time as me.

"You dont have to do it alone." I said looking at the both of them, and then the big friendly button that lay ahead of me.

"Thank you." he said looking down, and a tear rolling down his cheek.

"What we do today, is not out of fear or hatred. It is done because there is do other way." I turned to see Eternity crying silently, watching us. I turned away from her and back to the other two versions if me.

"And it is done in the name of the many lives we are failing to save." I watched as The War Doctor closed his eyes. I turned back to Eternity.

"What. What is it?" I studied her disappointed facial expression.

"Nothing, its just... You wiped out our people. I never pictured you doing it. Thats all." suddenly a visual projection spread before us, as we watched the children run and scream. We watched as people ran in terror from the Daleks that chase them. Eternity turned to me quickly.

"These are the people you're going to burn?" there was no other noise than the projection.

"There isn't anything we can do." 10 said with a blank expression.

"He's right.There isn't another way, there never was. By destroying our people, or letting the universe burn." I agreed.

"Look at you. The three of you. The warrior, The hero, and you." She stopped as she came to me. I walked over to her.

"And what am I?" I looked at her tear stained face.

"Have you already forgotten?" she said furrowing her eye brows.

"Yes. Maybe yes." said as I stood over her.

"Any one can be a hero." she stated boldly.

"Then what do I do."

"What yours always done." My face softened as she looked up at me.

"Be a Doctor. You told me that the name you chose was a promise, what was that promise?" 10 looked at her, tears welling in his eyes.

"Never cruel or cowardly." The war Doctor also then looked at her.

"never give up, never give in" She watched as a tear ran down his cheek. I gave the men a face.

"You're not actually suggesting that we change our own personal history." 10 said with a shocked yet confused look on his face.

"We change history all the time. Im suggesting something far worse" I said somewhat whispering.

"Gentleman, I have had 400 years to think about this." I pulled out my sonic and deactivated The Galaxy Eater.

"I change my mind." I said smiling. "Theres still a billion, billion Daleks up there attacking." Eternity's gaze followed me.

"Yes there is." I walked over to my TARDIS and leaning on it.

"But theres something those billion, billion Daleks don't know." I ran over to the pair.

"Because if they did, they would probably have sent for reinforcements." I turned to Eternity.

"Oh Doctor! You're a bloody genius!" She said hugging me and I spun her around.

"This time, theres three of us. Actually 4, of the most dangerous Timelords out there!" I exclaimed. The other two started screaming and shouting in joy.

"She didn't tell me the future I needed, she showed the exact future I needed!" we all looked at the War Doctor weirdly, but still smiling.

"Oh Badwolf girl, I could kiss you!" He said kissing the air.

"Sorry, did you say Badwolf?" 10 asked, but didn't get an answer.

"So whats the plan?" Eternity said rushing up to us.

"The Dalek fleets are surrounding Gallifrey, firing on it constantly." Eternity's got wide.

"But what if the whole planet just disappeared!" she said excitedly.

"Yes! then they will destroy each other in their own crossfire!" 10 explained with his hands.

"And Gallifrey would be frozen. Frozen in an instant of time!" Eternity said almost yelling. I looked at them all, and then we all ran into our different TARDIS'. As soon as we took off, I found out that Eternity accidentally knocked her self out on the railing, due to the jolt.

~Eternity's POV~

I woke up to be greeted with and biscuts.

"Hi love. You took quite a spill in the TARDIS just lay down and relax." my Doctor soothed as he pet my hair.

"D-did it work Doctor?" I questioned fluttering my eyes and stretching. he smiled ear to ear.

"It worked better than ever!" he said as I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

"What about the others?" I said as I turned around and saw them studying the painting.

"So what is it actually called?" 10 asked turning to 11 as he put on his reading glasses and went up to the picture.

"Either No More, or Gallifrey Falls." He said contemplating what it meant.

"Its Gallifrey falls no more. The curator said as he walked up the stairs. I turned to see him and he gasped at the sight of my face.

"Eternity." he said walking over to me. The day ended with us all worn out, knowing we weren't going to remember any of this, well accept me. Theres a secret I will take to the grave, and only one person in my future knows it.

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