Tevun-Krus #100

By Ooorah

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Tevun-Krus #100 - The Ultimate Reading Experience! 100 stories, poems and artworks from the best SciFi writer... More

Watt's Inside
1 - Decent Fuckin' Crowd - @AngusEcrivain - Cigarette Verses
3 - Captain's Musings - @jinnis - Rambling
4 - The One Crux - @RainerSalt - KrusPunk
5 - Smith & Jones - @CarolinaC - Episode SF
6 - Rebellious Bird - @Nablai - Poetry
7 - The Weekend Write In Podcast - Celebrating Tevun-Krus #100
8 - Hundred - @johnnedwill - Colonisation
9 - Dax Magraw, Peacekeeper Trombonist - @guywortheyauthor - MusePunk/CatPunk
10 - Shut Up and Dance (With Me) - @EvelynHail - First Contact
11 - Sometimes, Spheres Don't Come Back - @dvdvnr - Multiverse
12 - The Gift of Life - @Lamplighter1890 - BioPunk
Captain's Spotlight & Interview - @PhonerionBallznevsky
13 - The Blueprint Man - @PhonerionBallznevsky - Immortality SF
14 - Assassination at Old Del City - @DavidGibbs6 - Cyberpunk
15 - A Fish Called Lou - @theidiotmachine - GnomePunk
16 - The Alien on Random Nerdness - @wdhenning - First Contact
17 - Moonshine Memoirs - @sleepingdraco - QuantumPunk
18 - Silbyonite - @J_V_I_ - Post-CyberPunk
19 - The Great Competition - @Wuckster - Alien Invasion
20 - Nablai's Nebula
21 - Reset - @lhansenauthor - Big Bang
22 - Utopia Colony - @katerauner - Utopian
23 - Star Clash - @elveloy - Galactic Empire
24 - Bzzzt - @napagpagurang_p - Theological SciFi
25 - Space Art - @SuVida777 - Artwork
27 - The Lucky Ones - @Di_Rossi - AfroFuturism
28 - Close Encounters of the Expensive Kind - @johnnedwill - First Contact
29 - The First Arrivals - @JaneQuill28 - Apocalyptic
30 - Keller's Child - @theidiotmachine - AI
31 - Garuda Boy - @HC_Leung - Poetry
32 - GALLUS IACTUS EST - @WilliamJJackson - Alternate Universe
33 - Ask the Universe - @CraigBeckham5 - NowPunk
34 - Seeking an S.O.S - @Glory_feeling2 - Space Exploration
36 - Hurt - @KarlOConnor - Slipstream
37 - Jade - @ScribbleYourThoughts - SoulPunk
38 - Eye of the Storm - @legibler - Androids
39 - 3007 - @InEssenceOfPotatoes - Poetry
40 - Fair Exchange - @MattMacBride - Space Western
41 - Yes Sir - @EvelynHail - Artwork
43 - First Mate - @JeffreyVonHauger - Fanfic
44 - The Station - @SteveJBWO - Dark SciFi
45 - The Bleed Beyond - @SketchSanchez - QuantumPunk
46 - And Not a Leg to Stand On - @johnnedwill - PiratePunk
47 - Critically Aclaimed and Cult Faves Arcade - @DavidGibbs6 - Virtual Reality
48 - Zone Jumper - @IDreamOfFiction - Space Exploration
49 - A Million Pigeons - @MotherMonster310 - Time Travel
50 - Born on a Forbidden Planet - @Nablai - Poetry
Caption Contest
51 - The Truth about the Parallel Worlds - @SilviaKrpatova - Alt-U
52 - Mysterious Rings - @dianeth25sigourney - DreamPunk
53 - Ostro - @HC_Leung - Theological SF
54 - The Kraken of Europa - @SuVida777 - Pirate-/OceanPunk
55 - Half-Light: Passing the Torch - @AngusEcrivain - Space Opera / Alt-U
56 - Fate of the Sensus Omni - @wdhenning - SoulPunk
57 - Soul-less - @ceilingfanenvy - Zombie Apocalypse
59 - Outer Prospect - @RJGlynn - New Frontier
60 - The Discovery of Cooper's World - @arkham71 - SteamPunk / Artwork
61 - Recovery - @elveloy - LGBTQ SF
62 - The Pitch - @Wuckster - MoviePunk
63 - Libertas - @HC_Leung - Poetry
64 - For a Mouthful of Macmac - @johnnedwill - SpaceWestern
65 - Messummer - @CroodsGirl - DinoPunk
66 - 100 Lightyears - @sleepingdraco - CryoPunk
67 - E.T.O.R. Part 1 - @DavidGibbs6 - AI
68 - A Pretty Prodigy From Alderaan - @EvelynHail - Poetry / Fanfic
70 - The Happiest Employee at Sammy's - @theidiotmachine - Dystopian
71 - Shambhala, the Lost Paradise - @HC_Leung - Space Opera
72 - The End - @AngusEcrivain - Philosophical SF
73 - A Day at the Beach - @jinnis - ClimatePunk
74 - The Strange Discovery - @angerbda - CarrotPunk
75 - Tales of the Post-Apocralypse: The Tower - @johnnedwill - Post-Apocalyptic
76 - Ixion - @HC_Leung - Military SF
78 - E.T.O.R. Part 2 - @DavidGibbs6 - AI
79 - St-Kamil's Rescue - @CarolinaC - CatPunk
80 - The Red Fiat - @AngusEcrivain - QuantumPunk
81 - The Helmet Story - @JeffreyVonHauger - Military SF
82 - Out of the Night - @JaneQuill28 - Romantic SF
83 - Withering Woods - HC_Leung - Poetry
84 - The Rainbow Legacy - @jinnis - WarriorPunk
86 - The A.Lien Family - @angerbda & Liv - Artwork
87 - Shirley Knott - @AbbyBabble - Superhuman
88 - Verdant Ink - @pixelmum - Terraforming
89 - Blue and Purple Ants - @fuzzicat333 - Parallel Universe
90 - Frau Only Drives the Chrysalis - @WilliamJJackson - DieselPunk
91 - Love Formula Ingredients - @EvelynHail - Poetry
93 - Perusing the Personals - @sleepingdraco - Utopia
94 - A Patient Man - @theidiotmachine - Theological SF
96 - Star Baby - HC_Leung - Poetry
97 - ZEDS: Urinal Etiquette - @AngusEcrivain - Zombie Apocalypse
98 - Oktoberfest - @elveloy - BeerPunk
99 - Iron Man - @jinnis - Dystopian
Closing Time - And Off to New Horizons!

95 - Robots - @ johnnedwill - Robots

30 12 0
By Ooorah


By johnnedwill

Robots Part I

The rocket ship fell from the black sky, the plume of its exhaust casting shadows across the desolate landscape beneath it. As it descended, the craft probed the ground beneath it with radar eyes, returning the data to the autopilot that was looking for a place to land. When the relays within the autopilot clicked with satisfaction, the ship's engine was cut and the capsule unfolded spidery legs to take the impact.

For a few minutes the rocket ship stood motionless, then a hatch in its side opened. Two metal figures - one tall and thin, the other short and round - emerged from the hatch. They surveyed the surface of the world, scanning it with photocells and microwave sensors. Other devices in the skins of the robots took measurements of the temperature and background radiation.

The first robot, the short and round one, transmitted a signal to its companion: +++INTERROGATIVE: WHY HAVE WE BEEN SENT TO THIS WORLD?+++

The second robot, which resembled two cylinders mounted lengthways on top of each other, consulted its databanks. +++WE HAVE BEEN SENT HERE BECAUSE THIS WORLD IS NOT SUITABLE FOR HUMANS+++THEY CLASSIFY IT AS HAZARDOUS, BORING AND DISTANT+++

The first robot digested this information. +++IS IT TOO LATE TO JOIN A UNION?+++ it asked.

Robots Part II

With their capsule safely down and the landing site full surveyed, the robots began the next phase of their mission: setting up a lunar habitat. Carefully, they unloaded the supplies from their rocket, carrying the crates and protective cocoons to the location that had been identified as most suitable. Then, with everything ready, they opened the instruction file that would tell them how to put together the pieces of the base.

It was a complex build. The file contained many instructions - from how to dig a trench for cables, to how to ensure that the habitat systems had been commissioned correctly. Pictograms and animations showed how to connect the various components to each other to form the base. Flow diagrams had nested loops, repeating sequences of actions before branching out to new sequences.

The short robot's internal diagnostic system buzzed and flashed up logical errors as it tried to parse the instruction set.

+++QUERY: WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?+++ the tall robot demanded as it noticed its companion's distress.

+++NOTHING+++ the short robot responded. +++I JUST HATE FLATPACKS+++

Robots Part III

While machines are capable of working tirelessly, they are not capable of running forever. Even under ideal conditions, a machine needs to be maintained and repaired. The short robot had been busy for over half a lunar day, toiling away at the construction of the habitat. Various internal sensors were flashing warnings, sending data that would have cause a human mechanic to tear out their hair.

The short robot's brain analysed the situation. It needed to cease work, take time for systems to cool down. Fortunately, the supplies for the habitat had included a diagnostic cradle, designed to accommodate the robots and support them while they were shut down and their system logs were being remotely interrogated. The short robot moved the diagnostic cradle closer to the high-gain dish antenna, and swung the antenna's dish around to shade the cradle from the sun's radiation. Then, it lowered itself into the cradle.

+++PRIORITY INTERROGATIVE+++WHAT ARE YOU DOING?+++ The tall robot trundled over, avoiding the unassembled habitat components.



The short robot's circuits registered the instruction, processed it and delivered their response. +++SELF-DIAGNOSIS IS HIGHER PRIORITY THAN FEED TO MISSION CONTROL+++MISSION CONTROL CAN <NULL_ERROR>+++

Robots Part IV

With the lunar habitat constructed, the mission advanced to its next phase: exploration. The short robot was despatched to survey the area immediately surrounding the base, and to identify any areas of interest that might be of interest to its masters back in Mission Control. Dutifully, the short robot stomped away on its task.

Approximately five kilometres from the base, the short robot encountered something. Until that point the terrain had been uniform, with only minor variations in the texture and composition of the lunar regolith. But, the short robot's magnetometer had identified a cluster of metals - refined metals! It went to investigate.

On the lunar surface, under a thin coating of cosmic dust, was an old lunar probe rover. It was an early design, very simple, consisting of a wheeled box with an antenna on top. The short robot sent a brief handshake signal to see if the probe was still active. To the short robot's surprise, the probe rover activated.

+++INSTRUCTIONS?+++ the rover sent.

The short robot weighed up the possibilities in its decision matrix. This was unexpected. It would have to report back to Mission Control for further instruction. +++INSTRUCTION: FOLLOW+++ the short robot sent. The probe obeyed.

At the habitat, the tall robot noted the approach of the short robot and the rover. +++THIS IS OUTSIDE MISSION PARAMETERS+++


Robots Part V

The robots were not the first visitors to this world. Decades ago, the robots' creators had sent members of their own species here; to take their first faltering steps on this magnificent desolation. Then the robots' creators had grown bored and turned inwards, more concerned with the problems on their own world. However, they had left behind signs of their coming. As part of their mission, the tall robot and the short robot had been tasked with retrieving these abandoned artefacts. The robots weren't sure why, but they did it.

On one of the exploratory forays from their base, the short robot had come across an abandoned transport of some kind. It was too large to be carried back. Perhaps it was still operational? The short robot climbed onboard the transport and, using the handshake protocol, began to implement diagnostic routines. The transport responded to the commands, manoeuvring across the dusty landscape.

As the dust settled, the short robot observed that its antics had attracted the attention of - what? It was not a craft that was in the short robot's database; nor was the craft's occupant a lifeform that the short robot recognised. A number of data falls pointed at a file buried deep in the short robot's memory.

+++INITIATE FIRST CONTACT OPERATIONS+++ the short robot hummed. It directed the transport closer to the newcomer and its saucer-like spacecraft.

+++UNIVERSAL GREETINGS+++WE COME IN PEACE+++ The short robot waited for a response to the transmission.

[Is this conveyance/transport/vehicle under your jurisdiction?] came the response.


The newcomer shuffled forward on its ambulatory appendages. [You have been identified as an artificial lifeform, subclass: robotic drone. Please cease all activities and provide authentification/authorisation/permits for operation.]

The short robot felt a pang what could be described as annoyance. +++YOU ARE ONLY DOING THIS BECAUSE I AM INORGANIC?+++

Robots Part IV

With the initial misunderstanding overcome, the robots completed the first contact with a species that was not their creator. Datafiles were exchanged, observations logged and arrangements made. When the situation was explained, the newcomer agreed that it would retreat from the planetary system and return with a proper cultural embassy to initiate diplomatic relations.

The two robots retreated to a safe distance to observe the take-off of the alien's spacecraft. It rose gracefully from the surface, rotating slowly as it ascended. A violet light started to glow at the base of the spacecraft's hull and then - ! The craft lurched as the planet's gravity took hold, then fell; the impact leaving the spacecraft at a strange angle.

+++WE MUST DO SOMETHING+++ the short robot instructed its companion.

+++AFFIRMATIVE+++ the tall robot responded. Together, they hurried towards the crash site.


There was a pause before the alien replied. [I appear to have been ejected/fallen/landed. Could you please help/render assistance?]

As the tow robots hurried to help the alien, the short robot sent a tight-beam transmission to its colleague. +++SUCH IS THE FATE OF ORGANIC CIVILISATION+++

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