Unexpected Love Stories

By TvdKolfan99

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Stefan is on his way to Whitmore college to help Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie with their history and he can't... More

Chapter 1: New Girl in Town
Chapter 2: ROOMATE?!
Chapter 3: What My Life is All About
Chapter 4: Hello Again
Chapter 5: Happy To See You
Chapter 6: Beautiful
Chapter 7: Prom!
Chapter 8: Deja Vu!
Chapter 10: Our Love Ones
Chapter 11: The Big L Word
Chapter 12: Jealousy and Protectiveness
Chapter 13: I Love You
Chapter 14: Are You Jealous?
Chapter 15: What's A Dinner Party Without A Little Drama?
Chapter 16: Talk About Awkward
Chapter 17: Getting Ready For Prom.
Chapter 18: All Ready To Go
Chapter 19: Secrets Out
Authors Note: Introducing The Character
Chapter 20: Impossible
Chapter 21: The Truth
Chapter 22: I Will Not Lose Her
Chapter 23: Reaction
Chapter 24: Give Me A Chance
Chapter 25: Help Me!
Chapter 26: I'll Never Give Up On You
Chapter 27: Surprising Discovery!
Chapter 28: Painful Truth
Chapter 29: We'll Get Her Back
Chapter 30: Confessions
Chapter 31: It All Ends Today
Chapter 32: It's All Over
Epilogue: Unexpected Surprise!

Chapter 9: What Are You Doing Here?!

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By TvdKolfan99

Gia's POV
Seeing Stefan looking at me like this, I start to feel worse. I knew I was going to lose him, just like I've lost many others. It broke my heart into a billion pieces. He walks over to me and crouches down, and I just continue crying uncontrollably.

I beg him "Stefan, you have to leave! You can't see me like this. I'm hideous! I'm pathetic!" I start to cry even more than before. God, I'm so pathetic! I hear Stefan say "No Gia! I am not and will not leave you. I told you I am going to help you with your bulimia problem and that is what I am going to do."

I widen my eyes and gape in shock. I gulp "But, I-" he interrupts me in a firm tone "No buts. I am here for you and I am going to help you. I will not leave you and let you hurt yourself like this. I will not, Gia!" I look into his eyes and I see he means everything he says. He cares about me. He really does care for me, like no other person has— besides my family.

I smile at him and he smiles back at me. Unexpectedly, he pulls me into a hug and immediately hug him back. I'm still crying a little as I say "Stefan, thank you. I am so sorry." Stefan kisses the side of my head "Shhh. You have nothing to be sorry about. I will help you through this. You are not going to be alone anymore." I look into his eyes and smile.

I sniff and wipe away my tears as I say, solemnly "Stefan, you are an amazing boyfriend and best friend!" He smiles at me "Right back atcha, beautiful!" I hug him again. I pull away and hold his hand "Okay, I'm gonna get cleaned up, then I will see you back in the gym."

He looks at me like I have two heads. I giggle and ask in confusion "What?" And he answers "I am not leaving you by yourself again." I look at him and smile a little "Okay. I will be a minute." He nods his head smiling, then we get up off the floor and walk out of the stall.

Stefan pulls me to him, wrapping his arm around me, and my head is under his chin. I rest against his chest for a minute, placing my arms behind my back so I won't get any of my blood on him; I'm just relaxing and listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. I have finally found myself a wonderful man I can rely on.

Stefan's POV
After we relax for a minute, I let her go so she can clean up. While she is cleaning herself up, I am cleaning up the stall. She tries to talk me out of it, saying how I don't need to, that she will do it. I ignore her and do it anyway, but of course the blood makes me show my vampire face. I send it away when I am finished cleaning up.

She informs me "I'm ready. Do I look at least a little better?" I turn around to her and see her back to her beautiful-sweet-smiling self. I nod my head "You look beautiful!" She smiles and walks over to me and kisses me. She wraps her arms around my waist and I wrap my arm around her neck and we walk out.

I stop us "Wait! Here! Take my jacket to cover up the scratches." She gasps in realization "Oh right, yeah!" I give her my jacket and she puts it on. She says "Thank you so much, Stefan; you know, for being here for me." I smile and say "Anytime Gia." She smiles and gives me a quick kiss, then we walk back to the gym.

Caroline's POV
I hope Giavanni is alright. Damn those two ignorant girls. Who do they think they are? I see Giavanni and Stefan walk in. All us girls, except Elena, run over to her and push Stefan out of the way and hug her and ask her if she's okay.

She giggles and answer "Don't worry girls, I am okay!" We smile and look at Stefan, who is pissed off at us for pushing him. He asks, rhetorically "Don't I at least get an apology for being knocked over?"

We all say, sincerely "Sorry!" He shakes his head and gives in "It's okay, you're forgiven. So, don't we have some prom shopping to go do, ladies and gentlemen?" We all agree "Yes!" But, of course, I say it more excited.

We all turn our heads to the voice we hear near the entrance "Oh, I am so sorry, did I miss the prom committee?" That accent, attitude, cockiness, and not to mention seeing the smile, yet shock on Gabs face. We all knew who it was. KOL.

Gabriella's POV
Oh my God, Kol is here. Why is he here? Not that I am not glad he is but still, why? Just then, I see Stefan and Damon about to take a shot at him, but they are pulled back by Klaus and Elena.

Stefan asks "What the hell are you doing here, Kol?" While Gabby asks "What Are You Doing Here?!" And Kol answers "Well, I am here for the prom committee. I mean, I might as well help, since I will be attending."

He smiles at me and I shake my head at him, but still smiling back at him. I hear Damon snap "Like hell you are! It's invite only!" And Kol smirks "Well, I am the type of guy who likes to crash the party. So, anything I can do Miss Mystic Falls?" He asks looking at Caroline.

She answers "No, we just finished. Now, we are going prom shopping. Us girls are going shopping for dresses, the guys are going shopping for tuxedoes." Stefan and Damon give her a 'Why tell him that?' glare.

Kol smiles "Cool. Well guys, shall we get going?" He asks that while walking towards the door with me behind him and the others— who aren't looking too happy about it, and a poor Giavanni with a confused frown on her face.

I see Kol open up the door and say to me "A beautiful lady like you should go first." He opens the door for me to walk through then kisses my hand. I look down blushing a little. I stop when I hear growling and I look behind me to find Stefan and Damon growling and giving Kol a death glare.

Damon speed walks over to us and takes my hand out of Kol's and spats "Touch my baby sister again, and you're dead." Kol whispers a little because he notices a very confused Giavanni watching "But I can't be killed!" Damon whispers back "Then I will snap your neck, tie you up, and put you in a safe and dump you in a Quarry."

Kol lets out an unamused and pissed chuckle "Well, why don't you try right now? Let's go, you and me." Just when they are about to fight, I hear them growl loudly at each other. Luckily we are the only ones here, but of course there is still a very confused Giavanni.

I look at her and see she is worried. Stefan sees how worried she is too. So, he walks over to her to comfort her. Before these two fools could fight, I walk in between them and raise my voice "Enough! Both of you knock it off!"

Damon stops, but Kol still angry, lunges for him, but I put my hand on his chest, and cup his cheek with my other hand, pulling his face to mine, not caring everyone is looking at us in curiosity except Caroline.

I say, calmly "Kol, please stop!" He looks into my eyes, feeling sincerely sorry. I feel all eyes on us, everyone other than Caroline looking at us confused, while my brothers look confused and pissed at how cozy we look together. I let go of him when I notice him calming down, but we never broke eye contact.

The next thing I know, someone grabs me by my shoulders and pulls me out the door, pushing me by my shoulders. When I turn around, I see a very unpleased and angry Stefan and Damon pulling me out while giving Kol a death glare.

The others follow behind us seconds later. Kol follows us too, and Damon finally let's me go until I get to my car, still eyeing Kol, and waiting for him to get into his car.

When he gets in his car, I hear Caroline shout over to me "Gabriella! Meet us at Macy's!" I nod my head. I see her and the other girls kiss their boyfriends goodbye and the rest of them just say goodbye to the boys. Then the girls drive off and head to their location, except the boys including Kol, who are waiting for Damon and Stefan.

When I am trying to get in the car, I am stopped by Damon and Stefan. When I turn around, I see them giving me a serious look and are not pleased. Stefan asks "What the hell was that?" I pretend to be confused, but I know what they are talking about "What the hell are you talking about?"

Damon hisses "You sure as hell know what we are talking about." Stefan asks "What was that with you and Kol?" And I shrug "It was nothing. He was flirting with me and I just stopped him from ripping off Damon's head." Stefan frowns in disbelief and states "Well, you two were sure looking cozy together."

Damon demands "Well, just stay clear of him. He's not a good guy for you, and I don't like the way he looks at you or talks to you!" I got a little angry, but didn't show it, when he said Kol isn't good for me.

They both kiss my forehead and say together "Be careful." I nod my head and they speed to their car with Klaus in the back. I notice Kol looking at me from the car and I know he heard everything.

I mouth to him "I didn't mean what I said. I love you." He smiles and mouths back "I know. I love you too." I smile back at him. Everyone pulls out and goes to where they are going while I am standing there about to get into my car. When I do, I drive straight to Macy's and can't help but think about how my brothers will act when they find out about I and Kol.

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