COTE: Kiyopon's Adventures (O...


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Alright. Just writing a bunch of random ideas and stories about our boy, Kiyopon. More

The loners' senpais
Flustered senpai?!
Cuddles with girlfriend-chan
what the hell did i write in this chapter
Suck it Mako-chan 2
what the hell did i write in this chapter...again
50%-kun living the high life, man
heh? a reaction? author-san is lazy
Actually suck it Mako-chan
Kiyo sneaks into ANHS
Ayanokouji Group Stalk Session
Queen's on the hunt
Book buddy hangout
Reaction interlude
Kiyopon x Genshin Impact
CEO Kiyotaka
CEO Kiyotaka (Part 2)

Suck it Mako-chan

5.3K 107 49

(Rejoice people! For now you'll receive scripture about our great MAKO-CHAN)

Kiyopon POV

Ever since I helped Ichinose, or rather Honami, with her problem back then with Nagumo and her emotional problems, we have gotten closer as friends. We got to hangout more during this spring break. Most of the time, Amikura, or rather Mako, would also join us just to tease Honami. Mako and I also got closer as friends, and the three of us would have fun every now and then when we hangout.

One day, I got a message from the Ayanokouji Group Chat.

[Hey you guys wanna hangout at Pallet Café later at noon?] Haruka

[I'm down to hangout. How about you guys?] Akito

[I was planning on just studying today, but I could use some rest. Sure.] Keisei

[Oh uh sure I'm willing to join. How about you Kiyotaka-kun?] Airi

I was going to respond, when I got a message from Mako.

[Hey Kiyo. Honami and I are free today. Do you wanna hangout?] MAKO-CHAN ehem uh yeah

I was weighing my options here. Although I could definitely say that Mako, Honami, and I have hung out a few times this spring break, it'd definitely not as many as I have with the Ayanokouji Group. I'm not hating on them or anything, but I would like to have more friends. Perhaps, having many friends can help me rid of my inhumane mentality.

Wait, I'm overthinking this. They just wanna hangout, yet I'm making it sound like we all have ulterior motives with this. Yeah, I'll just hangout with Mako and Honami today.

I then went to send my respective messages.

[Sorry guys. I already had plans to hangout with someone else today.]

[Oh okay that's alright Kiyopon, but who are you hanging out with if you dont mind me asking.] Haruka

[Are they girls? Ooh Kiyopon you playboy.]

[Huh? girls?] Airi

Why do I feel like she's fainting? Probably just me.

[ I don't understand why hanging out with girls would make someone a playboy, Haruka.]

[You really are dense Kiyopon, but whatever. Who are they?]

[Yeah Kiyotaka. It's pretty unusual of you to have plans with friends already. No offense.] Keisei

[None taken. They're Honami and Mako.]

[Wow Ichinose-san and Amikura-san. Who knew you could pull in such S-tier girls. Nice.] Akito


[Hmm alright that's fine with us Kiyopon. We can't monopolize you for ourselves after all. Have fun in your hangout.] Haruka

[Yeah, we'll just hang out without you this time, but make up for it next time dude. Got it?] Akito

[Alright guys thanks.]

I then went to message Mako.

[Alright. I'm free as well today Mako. We can hang out.]

[Yay! Alright let's meet at Keyaki Mall, 1PM. Got it?]

[Okay. See you there Mako.]

With that out of the way, I decided to get ready for my hangout with Mako and Honami. It was already 11AM, so I decided to cook lunch.

After I ate lunch, I went to take a bath. 

I dried myself, then wore my casual clothes. Plain white shirt, with a blue jacket. I then wore my jeans and shoes.

It was already 45 minutes before our hangout. So I decided to head to Keyaki Mall already. It never hurts to be early.


It was the designated time for our hangout, when I noticed Mako walking towards me. She looked pretty, with a light blue dress and a white jacket. I also noticed that her hair wasn't in its usual ponytail. It was let down and flowed in the air beautifully.

She blushed and that's when I realized that I had been staring for too long. I stood up and approached her.

"Hey Mako. Sorry for staring. You just looked nice." I probably had to clear up some misunderstandings.

"Huh? Oh it's alright Kiyo. I don't mind." She also blushed a bit harder, probably from my compliment.

"Before we hangout, I wanted to ask where Honami is. Is she okay?" I noticed that Honami wasn't here. Normally, both of them would arrive together, so it was a bit unusual.

"Oh she told me earlier that she had to cancel last minute, because she wasn't feeling all too well." 'Actually I never planned to invite Honami-chan, and just made it a reason for Kiyo to hangout with just me.' Mako thought

"I see. Well I apologize in advance, if you get bored with my company."

"Well I disagree Kiyo. I don't think I'll get bored, as long as you're around." She realizes what she said and covers her mouth from embarrassment.

"Oh okay that's good to know. Alright. What are your plans for our hangout Mako?" I asked her, but she probably thought of this spontaneously and will just improvise.

"Right. Well how about we head to Pallet Café first, since it's the go-to spot for every hangout."

"Fine by me. Let's go."

She nods and we head to Pallet Café.

Come to think of it, I'm sure the Ayanokouji Group just arrived there around an hour ago. What are the chances that we'll meet there. I did tell them that I was hanging out with Mako and Honami. If they'll see it's just the two of us, they'll assume that I lied and think that I was having a secret date with Mako. That'd definitely be troublesome to deal with, but I can probably clear up some misunderstandings with them. I suppose it becomes more of a problem, if rumors started brewing from this. At the end, I got myself in quite a predicament with Mako. Let's just hope that it won't bother either of us too much.

We arrived at Pallet Café and I noticed some people quickly glancing at us. They're probably wondering why a gloomy loner is having a date with this beautiful black haired woman. Not that it's a date, but my point stands.

I also noticed that I was right and the Ayanokouji Group was off in the corner of the café.

From this position, it's possible for Mako and I to stay at the café and not be spotted by them. I just have to be careful about this, and I'll succeed...

"Huh? Hey Kiyopon! Is that you?"

...or not.

Dang woman. What senses do you have to immediately notice me in the café. I was out here monologuing about a plan to avoid you guys and you just shattered it instantly. Perhaps, it's a motherly instinct to know your child is nearby. Wait, what am I talking about. Haruka isn't my mother.

Anyways, Mako and I noticed Haruka's callout, and walked towards her.

"Hey there Haruka."

"Hi Kiyopon. It looks like you're hanging out with Amikura-san already. That's nice."

Mako smiled, then spoke.

"Hello there Hasebe-san. Kiyo talks about you guys sometimes. It's nice to finally meet you."

I could basically see question marks on the top of their heads, when she said my nickname. It seemed like they didn't bother to pry at least, thankfully.

"Likewise Amikura-san. We actually just got here, because some people were a bit late."

Akito and Keisei nervously laughed from her statement, before she spoke again.

"Anyways, do you two want to sit with us? Or are we interrupting your date?" Haruka asked with a teasing smirk on her face.

Mako quickly got flustered from the sudden question and was denying her claims. I, on the other hand, pretty much saw this coming. It's still troublesome though, I admit.

"Eh?! Uh wait no Hasebe-san! Kiyo and I are just hanging out! It's not a date!"

She realized she shouted that, admittedly, a bit too loud, and half of the people in the café turned to look at us. This amount of stares would normally be enough to embarrass someone to death, but I didn't care. All Mako did was hung her head down in embarrassment, while covering her face with her hands. This behavior seems all too familiar from a tomato-looking girl...

I decided to clear it up, before things could get out of hand.

"She's right, Haruka. We were just hanging out."

"Well Kiyopon, it's kind of weird that Ichinose-san isn't around. Especially, when you told us about it. Are you sure you weren't on a secret date and we caught you red-handed?" Sorry Haruka, but that's not enough to get me flustered. An A for effort though.

Mako was a bit confused about why Haruka knew about our hangout, so she looked at me but quickly understood why. Good thing she didn't really mind. 

Anyways, I had to explain Ichinose's absence.

"She cancelled last minute, so it was left with just the two of us."

"Not gonna lie, Kiyotaka. You might as well just call it a date then." Akito said.

"I'll leave it to your imagination."

I then looked at Mako, who managed to recover from the recent embarrassing incident.

"Mako, it's your decision if you want to sit with them or not. I don't mind."

She looked up at me before speaking.

"Huh? Oh sure I don't mind Kiyo. Would have been nicer if it was just us though." She muttered something at the end, but I couldn't hear it.

"What was that?"

"Huh?! Oh nothing!" She said that, while blushing. Afterwards, she went to take a seat at the group's table.


During our time in the café, I didn't really notice any discomfort with Mako and the Ayanokouji Group in our conversations. She seemed to also have the same fun I did, whenever I hangout with them. It was nice to see that she could fit in our group of loners.

Haruka asked us about how close we were as friends, and we answered it with the situation about Honami back then. They were a bit surprised that it went this far back, but they were glad to see that I could make friends. Ouch That hurt you know.

After around an hour, we all bid our farewells. They split up, while Mako and I were walking around in the mall, thinking of what to do next.

"Hey Kiyo. How about we go to arcade next?"

"Sure. I'd like to see what it's like in an arcade."

"You're saying that like it's your first time."

"It is."

"Huh? Were your parents that strict that you couldn't have fun in arcades."

"Unfortunately, that was the case."

"Well then I'll do whatever it takes to make your first time fun."

She giggled after saying that.

Honestly, I want to see what makes arcades fun, besides their attractive colors. Their games definitely seem to be fun from how most people act. Experiencing it with Mako will definitely make it more fun though.

We arrived at the arcade and Mako suggested that we play the basketball minigame first.

Mako played first, and managed to score a nice 26 points in 2 minutes.

"Hehe suck on that Kiyo. I'm pretty confident in my skills. I don't think you can reach it."

Mako has provoked the King. What a big mistake.

Alright. I'll put in 3% effort in this little game. It should be more than enough to beat Mako's 26 points.

It was my turn and I put some effort. Every single one of my actions were quick and smooth like butter. From picking up the ball, to aiming it, and shooting to the hoop. All of my shots went in the hoop, thanks to my pinpoint accuracy.

After the limited 2 minutes, I got myself a humble 53 points. Not bad. I definitely could have gotten more, if I wanted to but I think it was enough to send a message.

I looked at Mako, who had her eyes widened and mouth agape, from my performance.

I think I overdid it, but I still wanted to rub my victory in her face so...

"Suck it Mako." I said in the most monotone voice ever.

Wow another long one.

No longer proofreading. Don't wanna be reading the same thing I already wrote and have basically memorized in my imagination.

Nothing sus here. Just some slice of life with MAKO-CHAN! ehem. I just imagined what an ideal date with my non-existent girlfriend (bruh) would look like and wrote it.

Definitely gonna write a part 2 in a few hours or tomorrow. I really wanna finish off their date. If I don't, I'll regret for the rest of my life. But right now I'm tired asf.

Anyways thanks for reading this date with MAKO-CHAN.

Signing out.


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